How Well Do You Know Fallout?


Fallout has captured the imagination of so many people since its first release. It's perhaps one of the deepest RPGs ever made, and it seems like every aspect of its world has been thought out completely. The franchise started out as a turn-based RPG, much like other games of that era, but has since evolved into a first-person-shooter with RPG elements. But the more primitive games from the 90's are still being downloaded and played to this day, because of their rich story and engrossing gameplay. Today, many people are simply obsessed with this series, and whenever a new game is announced, it's a major event in the video game community.

It's actually pretty hard to keep track of all the lore in this video game. In order to learn everything there is to know about the Fallout universe, you would have to explore every area in every game, talk to every single person, and find all of the information written down or stored on an in-game computer. That's no easy feat, but people have in fact done it. So, are you up to the test? Think you're a true Fallout fan? There's only one way to find out... Take the test and see how closely you were paying attention to post-nuclear America...

Question 1

What Is The Most Common Form Of Currency In Post-Nuclear America?

Of all the video game settings in existence, Fallout is perhaps one of the most thought out. You really get the feeling that whoever imagined this world sat down for hours thinking about what exactly it would be like to live in a post-nuclear America. Every facet of life is addressed. Food, society and even money. Because for society to function, some form of trade must exist, and trade is made easier with some form of currency. But what's the most common form of currency in post-nuclear America?

Question 2

What Does S.P.E.C.I.A.L Stand For?

The S.P.E.C.I.A.L system has been vital to the game's system since the very beginning. It's the key to its RPG and character building element, and in each game the player must go through this process to create their own unique character. Each letter represents a separate facet to the character's skill set and personality, and the way in which you establish these attributes has very real consequences later on in your adventure. But do you remember what each of these letters stand for?

Question 3

What Was The Purpose Of The Vaults?

The vaults are a central part of the Fallour video games. In the first ever Fallout game, your character starts out in a vault, where he has lived all of his life. The vaults are widespread across America, and many people survived in these vaults many centuries after the bombs fell. But the purpose of the vaults is something that most fans of the series know, and it's somewhat of a laughing matter depending on how you look at it. But what's the purpose of the vaults?

Question 4

What Is The "Perk" That Causes Enemies To Die In A Much More Gruesome Manner?

Since the very beginning of the Fallout series, the game has featured the "perk" system. These are little additions to your character that can help you in the game. Some allow you to absorb less radiation when you drink water. Others can even allow you to talk your way out of basically any situation. But since the first Fallout game, there was one very special perk that caused anyone who died to explode in a cloud of blood, guts, bone, and brain. What is the name of this perk?

Question 5

What Is The Most Robust Type Of Armor In The Wastelands?

As any seasoned Fallout player will tell you, one of the most important things about succeeding in this game is scavenging for loot. The wasteland might be a ravaged, desolate warzone, but there is amazing technology and arms hidden within the scrap heaps of this destroyed world. And one of the most important things to consider is protection. With so many enemies, a good set of armor is vital. There are many types to choose from, but one offers the most protection an robustness. What is this armor called?

Question 6

What Becomes A Major Power Source In Fallout?

It's easy to see that the pre-war Fallout world is very different to our own today. The wasteland is littered with remnants of "Old World technology," such as battered cars, old computers, and malfunctioning robots. But one of the major differences between our world and the alternate timeline of Fallout is their use of energy. In his world, they used a type of power that is somewhat frowned upon today. This source of energy was present in virtually all of their devices and technology. But what was this power source?

Question 7

In The First Game, Why Was The Vault Dweller Sent Out Into The Wasteland?

The first ever Fallout game began with a simple enough problem. The Vault was facing a dilemma, and someone needed to be sent out into the wasteland to look for a solution. This simple tasked evolved into a long adventure that took the Vault Dweller on a very difficult journey indeed. The vault had previously been shut for 200 years, which was strange among the vaults. It was later revealed that this was an experiment to see how people would deal with isolation. But why was the Vault Dweller sent out into the wasteland?

Question 8

In What Year Did The Bombs Fall?

The creators of the Fallout video games built up this amazing 50's era vision of the future, only to smash it to pieces with one of the biggest wars ever conceived. A lot of people don't even like to think about what a full-blown nuclear holocaust would be like, but the developers of Fallout imagined and depicted it in stunning and horrifying detail. The "Great War" was the end of all organized human civilization. But in what year did the bombs fall?

Question 9

What Strange Ingredient Was Put In Nuka Cola Quantum Prior To The Great War?

Nuka Cola was undoubtedly the most popular soft drink in the entire world prior to the nuclear holocaust and the collapse of all human civilization. There were so widely produced that there are still countless bottles of Nuka Cola scattered around the wasteland that the surviving population still drinks hundreds of years later. It was a well-known fact, prior to and following the bombs falling, that the popular soft drink contained a very strange ingredient. What was this bizarre addition?

Question 10

Which Variant Of Nuka Cola Causes One's Urine To Glow For A Week Afterwards?

With such a popular brand of soft drink, it should come as no surprise that Nuka Cola has released many variants of its drink to the public. But perhaps one of the most popular was a certain variety that was "completely safe," but caused the person's urine to glow for one week after consumption. It was also revealed that during the testing phase, all 10 subjects tragically died when given a prototype recipe of this Nuka Cola variant. What type of Nuka Cola am I talking about?

Question 11

How Long Did The Great War Last?

The name "Great War" might be a little misleading. Sure, it was great, as there was more energy unleashed during this conflict than all prior wars combined. But it certainly didn't last long. It was over before it really started. In one of the shortest wars in recorded history, the most damage was done to the planet and to human civilization. It makes total sense though, given the nature of mutually assured destruction. But how long did the Great War actually last?

Question 12

What Triggered The Great War?

In the end, does it really matter what caused the great war? In the world of Fallout, most people are more concerned with surviving till the next day rather than digging into the details of the past. After all, knowing what caused the war isn't going to change the fact that it happened, and the human race is essentially on its knees. But the developers do make it clear what caused the Great War, and it's something that might be familiar today. But what was the cause?

Question 13

What Evil Group Is Comprised Of Remnants Of The Pre-War United States Government?

But not all was destroyed when the bombs fell. As expected, the elites from the United States government were able to flee to safety, leaving the common folk to die in fiery baptism of radioactive blasts. And honestly, that's probably what would happen in real life. This remnant of the government continues to survive well into the future, and is first introduced in the second game in the series, Fallout 2. They hold onto their power, and try once again to claim a stranglehold on America. But what is the name of this group?

Question 14

What Causes People To Turn Into Super Mutants?

As you wander across the wasteland of America, you're probably more than likely to come across a Super Mutant at some point. These hulking creatures are viewed as abominations by many. While they are mostly violent, some are peaceful and even intelligent. It is possible to join forces with a few of these creatures. For a while, one of the great mysteries of Fallout was how these creatures were created in the first place. But by the end of the first game, that question is answered. How did the Super Mutants come to be?

Question 15

Who Is Responsible For Creating The Synths In Fallout 4?

With the release of Fallout 4, the players were introduced to an all-knew type of being - the synths. Synths had previously made a few appearances in earlier games, but this was the first time players were able to see how they were created and what their backstory was. The people who create the synths are a mysterious organizations and one of the most powerful factions in post-war America. Many people look at them with disdain. Who are these people?

Question 16

Which Faction Is Modeled After An Ancient Society?

There are so many factions in the Fallout video games. With so many groups, it would be easy to just write lame backstories for each of them with barely a few sentences. But that's just not the case with the Fallout series. Each faction has a rich, deep and nuanced backstory that really captures the player's attention. One of these factions is based on a very ancient society, and it seems like they have gone back in time. Which faction is this?

Question 17

Who Shoots The Player Character In The Head At The Beginning Of Fallout: New Vegas?

The beginning of Fallout: New Vegas is definitely a unique one. For starters, you start the game off being shot in the head and buried in a shallow grave. Not the best way to start an adventure. You later get nursed back to health by a nearby doctor, and set off on your journey to find out why this strange man tried to kill you. Eventually you find out who he is, and that reveals another piece of the puzzle. But who was this man who shot you in the head?

Question 18

What Creatures Can Live Much Longer Than A Human Due To Radioactive Exposure?

When the bombs fell, countless people died. The majority of the human population was wiped out in a couple of hours. But a few survived, out of sheer luck or their ability to take shelter before the blasts hit. And out of these survivors suffered perhaps a worst fat than death. For they would have to face the horrors of a post-nuclear wasteland and all the insane creatures that would spring out of it. But one of these creatures has a longer lifespan than humans. What are these creatures called?

Question 19

Generally Speaking, Who Are The Brotherhood Of Steel Sworn To Destroy?

The Brotherhood of Steel has been described as a "quasi-religious" knighthood, and so they uphold their ideals with a near zealous obsession. These ideals usually involve hurting and killing other people. There are certain members of the post-war population that the Brotherhood of Steel has zero tolerance for, and will shoot on site if they come across them. More than that, they often actively seek them out in order to eradicate them. But what are these people who the Brotherhood have sworn to destroy?

Question 20

Which Raider Group Is Known For Their Love Of Dynamite?

Immediately after you leave the vault in Fallout: New Vegas, you are faced with a very tough group that loves to blow things up. Every faction has their own unique characteristics, and usually this has to do with their choice of weaponry. There are some raider groups that love fire. Others rely heavily on energy weapons. Others still rely on primitive melee weapons and simple spears. But one group loves one weapon above all others - dynamite. What group is this?

Question 21

What Is The Name Of The Portable Nuclear Warhead Launcher Seen In The Game?

One of the most powerful weapons in the Fallout universe is the portable nuke launcher. It was one of the most bizarre creations from the pre-war Fallout world, and it's a sign of just how insane people were getting about the escalating conflict between the US and China, and to some degree Russia. It is designed to fire a miniaturized nuclear warhead using a catapult mechanism. This weapon is still in existence after the war, and although rare, finds its way into the player's hands. But what's the name of this weapon?

Question 22

What Is The Name Of Aerial Transport Vehicles Used By The Brotherhood And The Enclave?

The most common type of transport in the post-nuclear world is an advanced form of helicopter commonly used by the Enclave and the Brotherhood of Steel. This vehicle was used heavily by the United States military during the war-torn years leading up the nuclear devastation. Interestingly, it's one of the few vehicles ever seen in the game, as Fallout is famously devoid of any automobiles or other types of transport. But what is the name of this aerial transport vehicle?

Question 23

Which Faction Is Centered Around Elvis Impersonation?

A huge part of Fallout: New Vegas is reaching the strip. While it's possible to make a mad dash across Deathclaw infested areas to reach the strip as soon as you start the game, most people take the slow and tedious route. Once you get there, you're met with all kinds of strange people. There are a number of factions competing for power in the strip, one of which seems to be a cult centered around Elvis impersonation. What is the name of this group?

Question 24

In Fallout: New Vegas, Which Group Broke Out Of Prison?

Fallout: New Vegas was fan favorite among the Fallout games. Gamers adored the huge open Arizona desert, and all of the various factions that were battling with each other constantly. As soon as you wake up after being shot in the head, you find yourself in a conflict between a small town and a group of bandits that have recently escaped from prison. Some found themselves drawn to this group, and became allies with them. But what is the name of this faction?

Question 25

What Is One Of The Primary Goals Of The Brotherhood Of Steel?

The Brotherhood of Steel is another major faction in the Fallout series. They are one of the most widespread and organized groups in post-war America, and they take their role very seriously. But what is this role? Whatever it is, they are extremely well-equipped to handle it. They wear advanced power armor into battle, and carry superior weaponry like plasma and laser weaponry, or even guass cannons. In every Fallout game, the player comes across this group in some way. But what is one of their primary goals?

Question 26

Why Did House Want The Platinum Chip So Badly?

When the player is shot in the head at the start of Fallout: New Vegas, a lot of questions are raised. But soon enough it's made clear that it's all due to something called the Platinum Chip. The player was originally a courier sent to deliver this chip to House, but things went wrong. The acquisition of the Platinum Chip becomes a major theme throughout the rest of the game. But why does House want this seemingly innocuous piece of metal anyway?

Question 27

Who Is The Voice Actor For The Character Of Benny In Fallout: New Vegas?

Video games are becoming more and more mainstream. They're also starting to make a lot more money than they once did. Because of this, game developers have a larger budget at their disposal, and can hire big name actors to voice some of their more important characters. More and more Hollywood actors are lending their voices to various video games, and it's a wonderful thing. In Fallout: New Vegas, a very famous actor was chosen to voice Benny, after he revealed that he had spent over 250 hours playing Fallout 3. Who was this actor?

Question 28

What Is The Name Of The Giant, Communist-Hating Robot Under Control Of The Brotherhood Of Steel?

Because the Brotherhood are obsessed with retrieving, collecting, and protecting lost tech, they are able to amass a frightening arsenal of advanced technological weapons. In fact, it's often commented that the Brotherhood is only concerned about weaponized technology, and holds no real interest for anything else. Combine this with their hatred for other groups, and you have a recipe for large-scale destruction. One of their most powerful weapons ever was a giant, 40-foot-tall, communism-hating robot. What was this robot's name?

Question 29

Who Started Infecting People With The FEV Virus?

One of the major conflicts in Fallout's story is to do with the FEV virus. As previously mentioned, the FEV virus, or Forced Evolutionary Virus, is the thing that turns normal humans into Super Mutants. One man stumbled upon an abandoned military installation, where scientists were toying with the forced evolutionary virus prior to the war. This man carried on the research that had already done, and began to infect people with the FEV virus in the same way that the scientists had. But what he known as?

Question 30

Which Country Was Annexed By The US In The Fallout Universe?

The Resource Wars took place prior to the Great War, and were the catalyst to the launching of the nuclear warheads that destroyed human civilization as we know it. This was a time when superpowers were fighting over the last remaining resources left, most notably fossil fuels. With so many superpowers at each other's throats, smaller countries were bullied to get in line or suffer the consequences. One such country was at the mercy of the United States during the Resource Wars, and was eventually annexed. Which country was this?

Question 31

What Saved Las Vegas From Destruction?

Fallout: New Vegas starts off in the Mojave Desert, but the player soon finds his or her way to Las Vegas - or at least what's left of it. But as it turns out, the Las Vegas strip, known simply as "New Vegas" by this point, is in remarkably good condition. It seems to have been spared from the nuclear fires that reduced so many other cities to ash. But how? This mystery is answered later in the game. But do yo know the answer?

Question 32

Where Was The One Place Boston Was Hit By A Nuclear Warhead?

Las Vegas wasn't the only city that got off relatively easy when it came to the nuclear holocaust. Boston was another city that was remarkably unscathed when the dust cleared. although many people were killed, the city was in good enough shape to rebuilt into something that resembled a functioning society, particularly in places like Diamond City. However, one incredibly high-yield nuclear warhead did strike the area. Although it was just one, it was a huge explosion that certainly left its mark. Where did this warhead hit?

Question 33

What Was The Initial Plan Of The Enclave When It Came To Post-Nuclear Survival?

The Enclave, as previously mentioned, where the remnants of pre-war US government and elites. And because they came from such an organized part of society, it comes as no surprise that they had a very specific plan when it came to post-war survival, and their plan about what to do next. And really, the sky was the limit for them. Although they were few in number, they had access to advanced technology that no one else could even imagine. So, what was their plan following the nuclear war?

Question 34

Why Did The Master Start Infecting People With The FEV Virus?

One of the most horrific developments in the Fallout series was the revelation that The Master was purposely infecting people with the FEV virus, and he was going to continue as part of his plan. Obviously this was a sinister plan, but in his mind, it was totally justifiable. If it weren't for the actions of the Vault Dweller, he probably would have succeeded in infecting the entire surviving human race. But do you remember why The Master decided to infect people with the FEV?

Question 35

What Animal Did The Deathclaw Evolve From?

The Deathclaw is by far the most dangerous creature you will ever meet in the wasteland. It's a product of an incredible transformation that triggered by the radiation of the nuclear bombs that fell all those years ago. Like all creatures of the wasteland, the Deathclaw is markedly different from the animal it once was. Players who are just starting the game will know to avoid these creatures at all costs - unless you're insane, that is. But what animal was the Deathclaw originally, before it mutated?

Question 36

What Creature Is The Result Of Mixing Rattlesnake And Coyote DNA?

In the Fallout: New Vegas DLC, Old World Blues, the character is transported to a completely new world. This is an experimental area where new technology was tested to devastating effect. The player learns many new secrets during his time there, such as one interesting tidbit about the origin of one of the wasteland's most interesting and deadly creatures. It is revealed that this creature was actually created by mixing Rattlesnake and Coyote DNA together at this facility. But what is the name of this creature?

Question 37

What Is The Flag Of The New California Republic?

One of the key factions in the Fallout series is the New California Republic. This group makes an appearance in many of the Fallout games, and is one of the most powerful forces in post-war America. The player has many dealings with them, and in Fallout: New Vegas, he or she even has the option to join them if they wish. This group is characterized by their iconic flag, which can be seen flying in many locations throughout the wasteland. But what is the symbol on that flag?

Question 38

Who Were The First Members Of The Brotherhood Of Steel?

The Brotherhood of Steel is not only one of the most powerful organizations in post-war America, it's also one of the oldest. In fact, the organization has its roots in pre-war America, just like the Enclave, a group which they frequently come into conflict with. Since those days, the group has evolved and changed, but mostly sticks to very strict principles and a code of ethics, just like the knights of the middle ages. But who were the first members of this group?

Question 39

Most Of The High Elders Of The Brotherhood Of Steel Are Descended From Which Man?

The Brotherhood of Steel follows a strict hierarchical structure, something which has been carried down from its roots as a military group in the US Army. But the big difference here is that the high elders, the ultimate leaders of the Brotherhood, all seem to be descended from the man who founded the Brotherhood in the first place. This is less like a military force and more like a monarchy, where the ruler inherits the throne. But which man are all the High Elders descended from?

Question 40

Which Raider Group Is Best Known For Chem Production And Trading?

One of the key characteristics of all the Fallout games is the existence of raiders. These bloodthirsty bandits are what makes the wasteland dangerous, perhaps more than any other factor. They might be relatively weak when compared to the Enclave or the BoS, but they make up for it in sheer numbers. Throughout the Fallout series, there was one raider group that always had a strong reputation, maybe even the strongest. They were known primarily for being well-organized in comparison to other raider groups and their production and sale of chems. Which raider group am I talking about here?

Question 41

What Is The Name Of The Cheap, Coin-Operated Fallout Shelters Seen In Fallout 4?

When the bombs fell, there was a huge rush of people trying to make it to safety. A few of them were fortunate enough to be admitted into the Vaults. Other tried to take refuge in their own bunkers that they had constructed. Some simply died in their homes or on the street. Others still took the questionable route of holing themselves up inside coin-operated Fallout shelters dotted throughout what is now known as the Commonwealth. But what is the name of these shelters?

Question 42

When Was The First Fallout Video Game Released?

When Fallout was first released, it changed video games forever. No one had ever created an RPG of this caliber before, and it sent video games in a new direction. Many video games today were no doubt influenced by the title. Despite the game being pretty outdated, people are still downloading this game and playing it on their laptops to this day. It's still interesting, mostly because of its engrossing story and deep RPG elements. But when was this game first released?

Question 43

How Did Robert House Survive For Hundreds Of Years After The Great War?

Robert House is another extremely interesting character from Fallout: New Vegas. We've already touched on the fact that he managed to save Las Vegas from destruction with the use of an advanced missile defense system. But that was only one small part of his plan. The other part involved him artificially extending his lifespan so he would be around hundreds of years later to help rebuild the human race. But how did he accomplish such a feat? What method did he use?

Question 44

Which Country Was Not Dissolved In 1991 In The Fallout Universe?

Another major difference between our timeline and that of the Fallout 4 Universe is the global atmosphere of nations. One country in particular continued to play a major role in world events, long after this same country had been dissolved in our timeline. Part of what makes Fallout so interesting this imagining of what things would have been like if certain details had been changed. And this is one big detail that would have made things very different. So, what is the name of this country?

Question 45

Who Fought At The Battle Of Anchorage?

The Battle Of Anchorage was one of the most brutal conflicts in the years leading up to the Great War. This was a time when the superpowers were fighting over the last remaining deposits of oil, and Alaska was one of those. It naturally became a target for one particular super power who was completely out of oil reserves. This began the Battle For Anchorage, and this battle is actually playable in one of the Fallout 3 DLCs. But who fought at this battle?

Question 46

To Avoid Controversy, What Was The Fat Man Renamed In The Japanese Versions Of The Fallout Games?

The Fallout video games have become a worldwide hit, with every video game lover in each country of the world wanting to be part of the action. This includes Japan, which has long been one of the most supportive of video games. But there was one major problem when it came to Fallout 3's release in Japan. You see, the Fat Man nuclear weapon is actually named after one of the nuclear bombs that was dropped on Japan during World War 2. So to avoid controversy, the named was changed to what?

Question 47

In 1969, The 50 States Were Split Into How Many Commonwealths?

Another major difference between the Fallout divergent timeline and that of our own is the political structure of America prior to the bombs falling in 2077. There was a lot of political unrest, so much so that the 50 states were disbanded, splitting themselves into groups that would better handle the interests of each population. It was thought that this would lead to greater autonomy and freedom, rather than the federal government controlling everything. But how many commonwealths were the 50 states split into?

Question 48

What Did Scientists Fail To Develop In Regards To Computers, Before The Bombs Fell?

One of the things that make the Fallout universe so wonderful is the fact that its a divergent timeline to our own. What that means is that their world branched off from our own after World War 2, and because a few minute differences, they ended up in a markedly different situation. These small differences had huge consequences, notably in the area of computerization. As many of you know, post war computers were as big as rooms and used tape to make their calculations. In the Fallout world, computers progressed forward from this, but lacked one crucial component when compared to our own. What was that?

Question 49

Given 100 Years, What Does House Think He Can Accomplish?

House is a very ambitious man, even in his incredibly old age. His plan is to make the area around the Las Vegas strip completely functional. But he doesn't end it just there. His plans involve not only bringing humanity back to where they were before the war, but continuing their progress where they left off, before they destroyed themselves in a blaze of nuclear fire. At one point, house reveals what he thinks he can accomplish in the next 100 years. What is this?

Question 50

What Happens To Super Mutants As They Age?

Super Mutants are definitely some of the toughest opponents in the Wasteland. They tower above humans, and they possess much more strength. Usually, when a player stumbles upon a Super Mutant encampment, the area is decorated with the entrails and gore of past slain victims. Super Mutants also eat their foes on occasion. But a Super Mutant goes through changes as he or she gets older. This is a result of its genetically altered structure. What happens to them as they age?

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