Score At Least 60% On This Quiz To Call Yourself A True Bro!


Any how How I Met Your Mother fans know what the Bro Code is and remember it being used throughout the show. The suit loving Barney Stinson follows this guide religiously and tries to enforce the rules among his guy friends, Marshall and Ted. It's not just a set of rules that tell bros what to do and not to do—it's a way of life. It teaches a bro how to become a bro and how to act like a good bro. Any bro can achieve bro-dom if you follow this guide and hold it to the sacred level it should be held.

This set of rules has been passed down from generation to generation with new amendments and articles being added by bros along the way. Barnabas Stinson was the first bro to attempt to record the Bro Code and his original words are now the preamble to this marvelous book. You too can read each rule and amendments since it is an actual book written by Barney Stinson that can be bought, but you already know that right?

You may remember it throughout the show, but how well do you know the Bro Code? Suit up and take this quiz Bro!

Question 1

The first mention of the bro code was in reference to keeping what secret?

The bro code was first mentioned very early on in the show and was referenced by none other than Barney Stinson. He was talking to Robin about keeping a certain thing a secret from everyone else in the group and brings up the bro code. Barney states that keeping this secret from everyone is "the bro code" and one bro doesn't tell another bro a secret like this. What was the secret that Barney was keeping for Robin in honor of the bro code?

Question 2

True or False: Article 69 only says "duh"

Barney Stinson is not one to shy away from dirty jokes and innuendos, especially in The Bro Code. Remember the peanut butter and jam joke that they wouldn't say the punchline to around Lily because it was too dirty? Stinson obviously likes puns but he has never said no to hearing a dirty joke. It is also a known fact that Barney likes sex since that is one of his goals on the show. Is it true or false that article 69 only says "duh" underneath it and there is not a typical rule listed?

Question 3

What movie series does Barney feel passionate about in the amendments?

Any one who is a true fan of How I Met Your Mother knows what movie series Barney is passionate about. You can spot memorabilia from these movies around his apartment. Ted and Marshall feel the same way about this series and Marshall tries to get Ted to break up with Stella because she hates the series. In the second amendment of The Bro Code, Barney rants about if a Bro created a series as popular as this series, he is forbidden to tarnish its legacy with future movies. What movie series is he referencing?

Question 4

What is the first article in The Bro Code book?

In the episode "The Broken Code," Barney consults The Bro Code to help figure out an argument between him and Ted about Ted holding hands with Robin. He wants to prove that Ted broke the code and Ted angrily responds saying that The Bro Code is just a stupid book he made up. Barney defends his book and explains to Ted that The Bro Code has been around for centuries, actually "whatever is more than centuries," and Broses himself wrote an article on a stone tablet that would later be added to The Bro Code book. as article 1. What is the first article in The Bro Code book?

Question 5

Why was The Bro Code written?

Marshall tells Barney that The Bro Code is just a book he made up and not an actual legal document. This causes Barney to dive into the history of how The Bro Code was written and explains that it was started in 1776 in Philadelphia. Ben Franklin and George Washington were having a drink together and started arguing about something. They both agreed that they think there should be a list of rules that explained how bros acted around other bros. What was their argument about that caused The Bro Code to be written?

Question 6

What scale is explained in article 86, in reference to Ted's girlfriend, Blahblah?

In the episode "How I Met Everyone Else," Ted introduces the group of friends to his new girlfriend Blah Blah. She actually has a name but when Ted is telling his story to his children he can't remember her name. The group gets a sense of her odd personality and Barney explains the scale he made up to Ted. This chart is explained further in The Bro Code's article eighty-six and states that a bro has to figure out where a woman fits on the scale before he pursues her. What is this scale?

Question 7

What was the first article created?

Even though Broses wrote an article on a stone tablet, it wasn't actually the first article created for The Bro Code book. When Barnabas Stinson wrote The Bro Code on the back of the Declaration of Independence, he declared what the first article would be while Washington and Franklin agree. In the current book, it has become article 34 and is one of the first articles we learn about in "The Goat." What was the first article created for The Bro Code by Barnabas Stinson?

Question 8

Who were Barney, Robin, Lily and Marshall telling Ted not to date when explaining article 83?

Article eighty-three describes Barney's platinum rule and how you should never date a co-worker. The platinum rule is more important than the golden rule, which Barney believes is "love thy neighbor" instead of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." His platinum rule takes his golden rule and turns it into "never ever love thy neighbor." Barney explains this proven rule to Ted because he is interested in someone that he sees often. Who is this person that Barney is telling Ted not to date?

Question 9

When was The Bro Code published in real life?

The Bro Code was published so every bro could truly become a bro and learn all of the rules. It became a New York Times bestseller and inspired spin-off books including Bro Code for Parents: What to Expect When You're Awesome and The Bro on the Go. Barney also has his Playbook published which is a book that gives you all of his ways to get women that he humorously uses throughout the show. When was The Bro Code published?

Question 10

What Bro Code rule did Barney break in "The Goat," causing a rift between him and Ted?

In "The Goat," Barney seeks help from Marshall to help him find a loophole because he knows that he broke one of the biggest rules of the code. Marshall looks through the entire book but is unable to find a way around the rules. Barney decides he has to tell Ted what he did and brings him to Las Vegas in a limo to soften the blow of the news. What Bro Code rule did Barney break in "The Goat?"

Question 11

How does Robin challenge the lemon law?

In "The Duel" Barney declares he created a new law for dating which he calls the "lemon law." Similar to the lemon-law for cars, the date can be ended if there is a problem that happens within the first five minutes of a date. Anyone can call off a date within this time or can decide if there will be a second date. Robin argues with Barney since she believes it takes longer than five minutes to get to know someone. What does she do to challenge the lemon law?

Question 12

Who did Barney explain article 45, never wear jeans to a strip club, to?

In "The Best Prom Ever," the gang plans on sneaking into a high school prom so Lily and Marshall can hear a band they might want for their wedding. At first just Lily, Robin, and Barney go to the prom but they aren't allowed in. Lily and Robin become the dates to two not so popular boys while Barney tries to find another way in and steals the school's mascot costume. Marshall and Ted sneak in through the back to bring the band the sheet music to their song. Barney gets kicked out for stealing the costume and is seen explaining why you shouldn't wear jeans to a strip club. Who is he explaining it to?

Question 13

True or False: Barney is credited as creating the term "Bro Code"

It's crazy to think that How I Met Your Mother aired over a decade ago back in 2005. Since the show lasted for nine seasons it has created countless catch phrases and jokes that we all have quoted. We have all caught ourselves saying one of Barney's legendary catchphrases or have ended a story with "true story." How I Met Your Mother has even coined some words and terms that have stuck around including "lawyered" and "woo girls." Is it true that Google accredits Barney as creating the Bro Code?

Question 14

What is the best way to make a CD mix according to Barney and the Bro Code?

In season one, Ted decides to rent a limo for the gang so they can have a great New Year's Eve. Robin doesn't stay because she goes on a date with her then boyfriend, but the other four friends try to go to a list of parties before the new year came. To get everyone excited, Barney breaks out his own CD mix that he has perfectly crafted. Ranjit is their driver which adds to the pumped up atmosphere that Barney created by playing "You Give Love a Bad Name." The list of classic songs you can choose from to make your own CD is article 122 of The Bro Code. What is the name of Barney's CD mix?

Question 15

How do Marshall and Barney try to teach Ted the three day rule?

In article 39 of The Bro Code it states that a Bro has to wait at least 96 hours after getting a girl's number to call her. In the show, Barney tells Ted that he has to wait for three days, which is one day less than the Bro Code states. It could be that Barney thinks Ted couldn't even make it to three days, so he changed it for him. Marshall and Barney knew that Ted was going to try to call or text the girl, so what do they do to teach him the three day rule?

Question 16

What is Barney's brofession?

Article 75 of The Bro Code states that a Bro must talk up another bro's job description when he introduces him to a woman. This article also states that it is normal and actually smart for a Bro to lie about his brofession to impress a woman since women lie about their age by using makeup. Throughout the show we know that Barney works in a professional setting since he wears suits everyday, but it was an ongoing joke that we never knew his real job. What was really Barney's job?

Question 17

How does Barney reorganize the chain of screaming in The Bro Code?

In the episode "The Chain of Screaming," Marshall admits that he cried because he was so upset at his boss screaming at him. Each friend tells him what they would do in his situation including Robin showing the boss her gun, Ted giving a speech, and Lily teaching him about being nice like she does with her students. Barney tells him that people above you will always scream at you and it's the chain of screaming. The person above you yells at you, then you yell at the person below you, so on and so on. What did he change it to in The Bro Code?

Question 18

Who created calling "dibs" according to Barney?

In the episode "Big Days," Ted and Barney both see a girl at MacLaren's and argue about who gets to hit on her. Ted claims he had implied dibs even though Barney called dibs first. This argument leads to Barney telling Ted he can have her, but at their wedding he's going to spill the beans that he had dibs and everyone will start to panic. Barney launches into a history lesson and explains how "dibs" started. Who does Barney tell Ted invented calling "dibs"?

Question 19

True or False: Women can't be Bros

According to article 22, women have their own code and Barney found a copy of it when sneaking out a girl's apartment. He claims it had a pink and bedazzled cover with frilly pages, but he was able to get past this to read a few entries. A few he saw state that girls don't pay for anything, a girl can get a dog if it fits in her mailbox, and that girls have a free pass to dress slutty on Halloween. This article also states if a girl can be a Bro or not. True or False: women can't be Bros.

Question 20

How is the punishment chosen if a Bro violates the code?

The Bro Code is equipped with a list of approved punishments for any instances of a Bro breaking and violating the code. Barney lists his email if any other Bros need help resolving a dispute and encourages sending pictures of the hot women the fight may be about which is classic Barney. The violation section also states that the worst thing a Bro can do is willingly break a code because he is voluntarily hurting himself and his Bro. How is the punishment chosen if a Bro violates the code?

Question 21

What secret did Ted take a broath to keep?

"The Broath" is an episode full of Bro puns and references beginning with Ted taking a broath with Barney. Barney gives Ted a brobe to wear while a bro chant plays in the background. Both swear on top of The Bro Code and Barney tells Ted, after reminding us that Ted's middle name is Evelyn, that the ritual binds him to the secret forever and he is not allowed to tell anyone. What secret did Ted take a broath to keep?

Question 22

Why did Barney and Ted's sister pretend to have sex?

Ted has been trying to keep Barney from meeting his sister Heather, but because Lily blabbed Barney is waiting for them in the apartment in a swivel chair he brought himself. Ted didn't want them to meet because he assumes Barney would try for her, despite the bro code. Eventually he agrees to let Barney go to lunch with them which results in Barney getting Heather a job interview. At the interview they pretend to have sex knowing Lily would walk in. Why did they pretend to have sex?

Question 23

What does "rack jack" mean in The Bro Code?

In "The Brunch," the group goes out to eat with Ted's parents even though everyone is fighting. They all try to be happy so no one else figures out what is going on. Lily and Marshall are still not back together after she went to San Francisco for a few months, Ted's parents aren't getting along, and Robin wants his mom to like her. The night before, Ted's father was being Barney's wing man but something odd happens. The next day, Barney tells Ted about his father rack jacking him. What does this mean according to article 78 of The Bro Code?

Question 24

Who called dibs on Pocahontas according to Barney?

In "The Broken Code," Barney tries to defend the book to Ted by referencing calling dibs on a woman. Unlike previous times, Barney states that it is article 62 in The Bro Code that states "a Bro who calls dibs first has dibs." He tells Ted who brought The Bro Code to America. He also tells Ted a story about how the person who brought the book also used article 62 to call dibs on Pocahontas. According to Barney, who called dibs on Pocahontas?

Question 25

What Bro Code article helps Barney rope Ted into crazy adventures?

One night at MacLaren's, the gang is hanging out with Robin's new boyfriend Gael. She met him when she took a vacation after she and Ted broke up and she needed to find herself. Ted and Barney make their way to the bar and notice something happening at the booth. Gael has a group of women around him listening to his stories and Barney thinks it is just because he is from out of town. The two agree to pose as tourists outside the bar to pick up girls. What Bro Code article discusses dressing up as tourists to get women?

Question 26

What promise did the gang make during the broath?

Ted broke his broath with Barney almost immediately and ran to tell the others what the secret was. This causes the group to plan an intervention for Barney because they don't approve of his relationship with Quinn. While they are having the intervention, or "Quinntervention," Quinn walks in and breaks up with Barney by slapping him across the face. His friends feel bad that they are the reason this happened so they agree to take a broath. Barney also makes the girls kiss and makes Marshall and Ted kiss which they seemed to be content with. In the end, everything was planned by Barney and Quinn to prank their friends. What promise did they make during the broath?

Question 27

How does Robin prove her bro-worthiness to Barney?

Barney spends an awful lot of time trying to get the gang to do things they simply don't want to do even though none of them really need help with their shenanigans. Still, Barney has a particular activity that everybody refuses to do with him no matter how much he begs and pleads. At Ted's lowest, he will sometimes join in on the fun, but it's Robin who finally steps up to the plate. Some say Barney's heart grew two sizes that day. Oh wait, his heart's not in his pants...

Question 28

Who breaks article 104 (a mom is always off limits) with Ted's mom?

Article 104 states that the mom of any Bro is always off-limits, but a Bro could go after another Bro's step mother. This rule explains the circumstances that makes going after a step mother allowed such as her wearing at least one thing that is leopard print but only if she looks good in it. If she smokes menthol cigarettes, forget about it. One of the Bros breaks this rule and kisses Ted's mom when dropping her off at the airport. Who breaks article 104?

Question 29

In what episode do we learn about The Bro Code book?

The bro code was first referenced in season one but it took a couple of years before the actual Bro Code book was mentioned and explained. In this episode, Ted narrates that Barney constantly quotes the book and explains the articles of it to his friends while keeping the book hidden. In this episode, we finally get to see the book and learn about where it came from. In what episode do we learn about The Bro Code book for the first time?

Question 30

What word starting with "bro" are Bros to stay away from?

We know in real life that Neil Patrick Harris is no stranger from this subject that Bros are advised to stay away from. Article 139 states that Bros are never allowed to admit their knowledge and familiarity with this subject even if it starts with the word bro. If this wasn't off limits for Bros, an episode based off of this word would have been pretty amazing for fans. What word that starts with "bro" are Bros to stay away from?

Question 31

Who were the world's first Bros?

According to the origins section of The Bro Code, the world's first Bros were not very lucky because there wasn't a Bro Code to help them along with life's decisions. Some bad things happened between these two bros because of having no agree-upon set of social principles. Their story was history's first Broicide causing one of them to be wandering around, forever alone because they had no one to be a wing man for them. Who were the world's first Bros?

Question 32

What is not an acceptable way to greet a Bro?

In the introduction of The Bro Code, Barney explains what exactly the book is and why we need the book. One of the things that Barney says the book clears up is if it is okay for two Bros to hug. Article 42 expands on this question by listing three correct ways to greet a Bro and fully diagramming a step-by-step guide on how to perform one of these greetings. Which one of the following is not an acceptable way to greet a Bro?

Question 33

Under what circumstance could Ted leave Barney in jail?

When the gang is talking about being able to get out of tickets, Barney does not believe them and takes it on as a challenge. He wants to see if he is also able to charm his way out of getting tickets so he starts driving poorly to get pulled over. He eventually gets arrested for having fifteen traffic violations in the last three days so he calls Ted to bail him out and get him away from his "scary" inmates. According to The Bro Code, under what circumstance could Ted not bail Barney out of jail?

Question 34

Which classic wing man is not an example in the book?

From early on in the show, Barney has always been Ted's wing man. How many times have you heard the classic line, "Have you met Ted?" He is constantly trying new plays to see how many women he can get and enlists new wing men to help him including Robin. Article 13 states that all Bros must dub one of their Bros as his wing man and a list of wing man pairs is under this article for the reader to match together. Which classic wing man is not an example in the book?

Question 35

When does Barney introduce the self five?

Article 107 of The Bro Code states that a Bro can never leave another Bro hanging which references high fives. A few different high fives are listed and even drawn out so every Bro can learn how to perform them. Some examples of the high fives that are listed are the classic five, the fist bump, around the world, the relapse five, the self five, and the exploding fist bump. The self five is one of Barney's favorites, especially after he tells an amazing joke that he loves. When did he introduce the self five?

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