Which Vampire Is Your Eternal Soulmate?

Although the Winchester brothers on Supernatural look really good when they're hunting down all sorts of paranormal creatures like werewolves, mermaids, and ghouls, we have to admit that there are some supernatural creatures that we would rather spend an eternity with. Sorry, Sam and Dean! The only vampire hunting we want to do is the kind that ends in us marrying one of the blood-sucking heartthrobs of our dreams.

For centuries, vampires have been a pretty hot topic in pop culture. From books like Dracula'Salem's Lot, and Twilight to TV shows like The Vampire Diaries and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it's hard to avoid vampires. And who would even want to try? There's just something that's so cool and so attractive about them, no matter how creepy and dangerous they may be.

If you're as obsessed with vampires as we are, take this quick quiz to see which vampire is your eternal soulmate. When we say that you two are meant to be together forever, we mean it since you'll get to be an immortal vampire with them. That's an infinite number of romantic dates and special holiday getaways together. Talk about romantic!

Be warned, you might want to go binge all the Twilight movies after you get your result.

Question 1

What's your ideal first date?

After you find your perfect vampire match, you're obviously going to be going out on a date. And you want to make it a perfect one! After all, if it works out, you two will be together until the end of time. You don't want to go on a bad first date with someone that you're going to be with forever, do you? Which of these sounds like the most ideal first date to you?

Question 2

Pick a vampiric location.

When it comes to vampire movies and shows, there are a ton of different places that they can be set. Whether it's the old classic of Transylvania or a city among a bunch of mortals, vampires could live just about anywhere. Sometimes, it's a place that you would never expect to see them. Of all these places that vampire movies and shows are set, where would you prefer to visit or live?

Question 3

What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

The worst part of being a vampire has got to be the fact that their entire diet is blood. Hello, no more ice cream?! No more pizza nights? Ugh, living forever and having perfect skin doesn't really sound worth it. Luckily for us mere mortals, we get to snack on all the sweet, delicious ice cream we want. Which of these flavors is your favorite?

Question 4

Pick a song.

Being a vampire and being alive forever means that you're going to live through a lot of phases. You'll see certain types of music and movies become trendy and popular and then fade away and make room for a new trend. Luckily, you'll probably have the best music, book, and movie libraries around. Which of these popular songs is your favorite?

Question 5

Other than vampires, what are your favorite supernatural creature?

Everyone loves vampires, right? Whether they're from a book, a movie, or a TV show, it's hard not to love the undead, blood sucking creatures. But, there are a ton of other supernatural and paranormal creatures in the world that there are stories and movies about. If you had to pick one of these non-vampire creatures, which one would you call your favorite?

Question 6

Pick a movie snack.

What's the best part of having a movie night? That's right, the snacks! It's just not worth watching a movie if you're not going to have all kinds of delicious snacks to munch on while you have your eyes glued to the screen. Although it's hard to choose one of these, if you had to have one food at your next movie night, which one would you pick?

Question 7

Team Edward or Team Jacob?

If you managed to survive the mid-to-late 2000s without knowing all about Twilight, we'd really like to know how. The Twilight Saga was literally everywhere. There were books, movies, parodies, fan fiction... The list goes on and on. Anyone who knows anything about Twilight knows that the fandom was split into two segments: Team Edward or Team Jacob.

Question 8

Do you shower in the morning or at night?

For some people, taking a shower is the best part of the day. It's the day that you get to get clean, unwind, and live out your fantasy of being a pop star by singing into the shampoo bottle. The only decision you really need to make is if you want to do it in the morning or in the nighttime. When do you choose to get clean?

Question 9

What's your favorite color?

Becoming a vampire or another immortal creature means you're going to have to spend a lot of time with your favorite things. You're going to have an eternity of wearing your favorite jeans, buying things in your favorite color, and smelling your favorite perfume. We sure hope blood is your new favorite food! Which of these colors is going to be your forever favorite?

Question 10

Pick an iconic 90s toy.

Sorry, fidget spinners and hoverboards, but toys were just cooler in the 90s. We had the Furby, a cute little mystery pet that would scare us every time it woke up in the middle of the night for no reason, Tamagotchis that we would forget to feed for days on end, Beanie Babies that we expected to be worth millions one day, and Sky Dancers that were totally a hazard to our eyes as they flew around, among others. Which was your favorite?

Question 11

How do you spend your free time?

Even though being busy can be good sometimes, it's important to take time off of doing things and spend time by yourself and just unwind. Whether you spend it curled up with a good book or movie, playing games with your friends, or doing something like having a spa day is your own choice. How do you prefer to spend your free time when you have it?

Question 12

Which of these social media apps is your favorite?

Social media is a wonderful thing. It's a good way to keep up with your friends and family who don't live near you, you can follow all your favorite celebrities, and even use it to stalk your exes and people that you met recently and want to see what they've been up to. Unfortunately, it's also a huge distraction and stops us from being too productive. Whoops!

Question 13

Pick a teen TV show.

No matter how old you are, teen dramas like The Vampire Diaries and Riverdale are seriously addicting. Whether you're the same age as the characters or a little older, the shows can be a lot of fun to watch and there's no surprise that they're popular. Although they don't all involve vampires, some do and even the ones that don't are pretty great.

Question 14

Where's your dream vacation spot?

Everyone could use a vacation somtimes, not just vampires. Although being undead and having to hide your true self from all the mere mortals that surround you is probably exhausting, us humans need to take a break sometimes as well! If you could go anywhere for vacation, where would you go? Or would you rather stay at home and relax instead of leaving?

Question 15

Pick a scent.

Of the five senses, scent is the one that people say is most highly tied to memories. So, when you smell a certain perfume or another scent and it reminds you of a person or time in your life, that's why! Whether or not it's because it's tied to a memory, just about everyone has a favorite scent. Which of these is yours?

Question 16

Do you believe in ghosts?

Unfortunately for all of us who love them, vampires are probably not real. Hey, we did say probably! That doesn't mean that we can't read books and watch movies and TV shows about them. Another supernatural creature that has a highly debated existence is the ghost. Do you believe in ghosts? If you do, have you ever seen one?

Question 17

What's your favorite nail polish color?

Everyone has their own preferred ways of taking care of themselves and pampering themselves. Some people like to just relax and watch Netflix while other people do things like get a manicure or paint their own nails. If you had to pick one of these nail polish colors to get your nails painted with, which one would you pick? Or do you prefer to keep them plain?

Question 18

Pick a Netflix show to bingewatch.

Netflix has been a pretty great place to go for movies and TV shows for years but in recent years, they've really been stepping their game up as far as original shows go. Viewers are no longer limited to just watching old seasons of their favorite shows before they catch up with the current season that's airing on TV. Which of these Netflix originals is your favorite?

Question 19

Pick a 90s movie.

Although current movies are great, movies in the 90s were pretty awesome too. There were Disney and Pixar movies, some pretty awesome horror movies, and hilarious comedies that came out during that decade. Some of them were so good that they've been remade in more recent years, whether the remakes were good or not. Pick one of these 90s movies to have a throwback movie night.

Question 20

Pick a store to go on a shopping spree.

If you like shopping, it can be pretty great to go into a store and pick up all the things you need and some things that you really had no business even looking at. Whoops! Our apologies to our budgets, but we just can't be controlled sometimes. If you had all the money in the world, which of these stores would you hit up for a shopping spree?

Question 21

What's your drink of choice?

Although we all know that we should probably drink a little more water than we already do, sometimes that's not easy. Luckily for vampires, they don't have to worry about that! All they need to think about is drinking blood. Ugh, talk about lucky! Unfortunately, the rest of us have more complicated diets. Of these, which drink would you rather have?

Question 22

Pick a creepy book.

As much fun as it is to sign into Netflix and curl up with some snacks and a movie or a good TV show, reading a book can be a lot of fun too! And if you're a big fan of vampires, you probably also like all things creepy. Luckily for people who like scary things, there's a plethora of scary books out there for you to read. Pick one of these creepy books.

Question 23

What's your dream job?

Being alive for the rest of eternity as a vampire means you're going to have a long, long time to think about your career. It can even be a good time to try out several different ones - why be stuck in one job for the rest of time? If you could have any job you wanted, which of these do you think you would pick?

Question 24

How much makeup do you wear each day?

Like most other personal care things, makeup is a super personal choice. While some people can't stand it and wouldn't even put on lip balm and foundation on a day to day basis, other people love to go all out with a full face of makeup every day. No matter how much you choose to wear, it's totally your choice. How much makeup do you wear on most days?

Question 25

What's your favorite holiday?

Like everything else, being a vampire means you're going to see quite a few holidays come and go. Each year, you'll get to celebrate your favorite holiday with your loved ones, whether it's your family or friends or a combination of the two. That means you'll have plenty of time to perfect your gift-wrapping technique! Which of these is your ultimate favorite holiday?

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