Which Gilmore Girls Character Are You?

It's difficult to believe that when creator Amy Sherman-Palladino pitched Gilmore Girls to the WB close to twenty years ago, all she had was the seed of an idea. It was a last ditch attempt to get the attention of studio execs who she had failed to elicit any type of reaction from with her other proposals. The pitch was this: "a show about a mother and daughter, but they're more like best friends". From that lone fragment of a statement, Lorelai and Rory Gilmore were willed into existence.

No other series has managed to capture family dynamics with quite as much heart or humor as Gilmore Girls. The show is anchored by the relationship between a thirty-something mother and her teenage daughter, but there is so much more to it than that premise. With it's brilliant dialogue, ubiquitous pop culture references, and awesome soundtrack, Gilmore Girls gave us a flawed family we wished was our own and an eccentric, but delightful town that we could only dream of living in.

The series also boasts an incredible cast of characters brought to life by amazing actors. It's time to figure out which one you bear the most resemblance to. There are no wrong answers here, as the show didn't really have any characters that were less than lovable. Sorry, we can't all be Lorelai, no matter how much we may want to be! Which Gilmore Girls Character Are You?

Question 1

Pick a beverage.

Your drinking habits certainly say a lot about you. Are you a fan of booze? If so, what's your posion? Perhaps you drink alcohol, but coffee is your true life's blood. Maybe when all is said and done, you're not too picky about it and any type of soda will do.

Question 2

Describe your high school experience.

Most people don't have fond memories of high school. Adolescence can be a tumultuous time that few would revisit, given the chance. Perhaps you love learning so much that it made the place bearable. Maybe you crumbled under the pressure. Did you even go to class?

Question 3

Do you eat healthy?

Food is vital to different people for different reasons. Sure you need to eat to live, but do you also live to eat? If so, do you take care of yourself or just indulge yourself? This is a judgement free zone, so be honest. Are you a healthy eater or not?

Question 4

Pick a record.

Music is an important part of Gilmore Girls. The series has featured plenty of awesome bands, both on the soundtrack and in person. Each of these groups has either been listened to or mentioned by a particular character. If forced to choose between these four undeniably excellent records, which one do you pick?

Question 5

Do you consider yourself a feminist?

At its core, feminism is an equal rights movement. How do you feel about it? Does it make your blood boil over with rage at the inequality between men and women? Do you consider yourself a feminist, but don't feel the need to broadcast it? Perhaps you feel that everyone is equal already. Which is it?

Question 6

Who should Rory have wound up with?

Rory's "happily ever after" is a point of contention among fans. Are you Rory and Dean for life? Do you feel that Jess was her soulmate? Is Logan the one for her? Perhaps you think that none of them deserve Rory and that she could do better. Which is it?

Question 7

Are you a good cook?

For some people, cooking is simple, for others, it's nearly impossible. Yet, there are others, who manage to make it an art form. Are you a true artist, a decent one, a finger painter or the kid who can't get the lid off the paint? Don't feel bad, we weren't all born with a soup spoon in our hands.

Question 8

Which of these people would you rather date?

There are plenty of Gilmore Girls characters who are obviously worth dating. These are four very different options to choose from. Richard is the classy choice, but Jackson is also a great guy. Doyle has many fine qualities as well, or you could just rock out with Zack. Who would you go out with?

Question 9

What do you want to do with your life?

It's not easy to figure out what you want to be when you grow up. Sometimes, you spend most of your life believing it will turn out a certain way, only to realize that you want to spend it doing something else entirely. Would you prefer more creative pursuits? Perhaps, it doesn't matter so much to you, as long as you get to be your own boss.

Question 10

Pick a movie.

One of the most well known aspects of Gilmore Girls are its ubiquitous pop culture references. Each of these four films has either been name dropped or enjoyed onscreen by a character on the show. They are very different movies to be sure, but if you had to watch just one of them, which would it be?

Question 11

How do you feel about music?

Music means something different to everyone. People can be very particular about genres, but plenty of them enjoy a large range of tunes. Some need a soundtrack to their daily lives, but others could take it or leave it. Which kind of person are you? Does your life move in time with a beat?

Question 12

Pick a Gilmore.

Let's be honest, all of the Gilmores are lovable in their own special way. There is no denying that we'd all fight for some quality time with any of these four people. Still, if you had to pick just one of them to hang out with, who would it be?

Question 13

How do you feel about reading?

There is no denying that reading is fundamental. How do you actually feel about it though? Are you a bookworm or do you aspire to be one? Perhaps it depends on your mood or maybe, you're just not that into books. No judgement, but what are your opinions about reading?

Question 14

Are you Luke and Lorelai for life?

Although there has been much debate about Rory's love life, Lorelai's has always been much more straightforward. Sure, there were some Max fans, some Christopher supporters, probably even some who held out hope for Alex - remember him? Still, for most viewers Luke was the obvious choice from the start.

Question 15

Which of these quotes speaks to you the most?

Gilmore Girls is particularly quotable and although many of the show's signature lines can be traced back to Lorelai, she is hardly the only one who has uttered some unforgettable phrases. Every character has had their brilliant moments, which is part of why we love them all so much. Which of these four memorable quotes really speaks to you?

Question 16

Pick something to read.

Although Rory Gilmore is, by far, the biggest reader on Gilmore Girls, she isn't the only one who can enjoy a good book. Each of these selections has been referenced by a particular character, Rory included, of course. Which of the following four choices would you rather spend an afternoon with?

Question 17

How do you feel about kids?

Having kids certainly isn't for everyone. It's an incredibly personal decision. Some people spend their whole lives preparing for parenthood, but for others, the thought is absolutely terrifying. In certain cases, people think they aren't cut out for it, but then realize they couldn't imagine their lives any other way. How about you? Do you have patience for jam hands?

Question 18

Choose a college course.

These days, there is a college course for just about everything, from tree climbing to Game of Thrones. With so many fascinating courses to choose from, what do you pick? These are four very different options, so choose wisely. Would you prefer to learn about music, feminism, fame or etiquette?

Question 19

What was your favorite subject in high school?

We've already established how you felt about high school. Now let's discuss your favorite subject. Did you love analyzing literature and writing? Perhaps crunching numbers is more your thing. What about learning about the way things work? Perhaps you were the kid who lived for creating art or music. Which is it?

Question 20

Which of these people would you most like to meet?

Famous people are name dropped all the time on Gilmore Girls. Each of these stars means something to a different character on the series. Whether they were stalked, idolized, vehemently defended or simply starred in a beloved TV show, these are all celebrities that our favorite characters would like to hang out with. What about you?

Question 21

How do you treat employees?

The way that we treat the people who work for us says a lot about who we are. Are you the boss who can't even remember your employees names or are you the one that is so hard on them that they all quit almost immediately? Perhaps you're too nice to them or maybe you're only as tough as you have to be. Which of these best describes you?

Question 22

Describe your relationship with your mother.

Obviously, mother/daughter relationships are at the heart of Gilmore Girls. Sure, Rory and Lorelai are at the center, but it's Lorelai and Emily who really bring the conflict the series needed. We love our family, but that doesn't mean that we would choose them if we didn't have to. How do you and your mom get along?

Question 23

Pick a secondary character.

There are no throwaway characters on Gilmore Girls. They are all lovable in their own way. Do you prefer the town eccentric, the mother of all mothers, a salty Frenchman or a couple of semi mean girls? They are obviously all very different options, but which one do you choose?

Question 24

Which of these would you rather join?

Are you much of a joiner? Even if you aren't, chances are you'd prefer one of these to the other. Are you trying to spend your nights singing, or your days in a women's organization? Perhaps you're a sports fan. Maybe you love to write. Which would you rather sign up for?

Question 25

Pick a Stars Hollow location.

There are plenty of awesome Stars Hollow locations and the one that you'd most like to spend time in says a lot about which character you most resemble. So, given the choice, are you trying to hang out at the local bookstore, the best diner in town, the only inn worth staying at or the beloved antique shop?

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