Which Downton Abbey Character Are You?

The period drama Downton Abbey was a TV sensation. It was created by Julian Fellowes (English actor, novelist and member of the House of Lords) and is staged against a backdrop of a fictional Yorkshire country estate in England. The “double plot” of the production follows two polar-opposite social orders (namely, the nobles and their servants) and their interaction with each other between the years of 1912 and 1926.

There were six seasons in all and within them were written notable real-life historic events, such as the sinking of the Titanic (1912), the installation of the house telephone (1912) and the First World War (1914-1918). We learn how other culturally significant developments, such as the wiring of the house with electricity (1920), affected the lives of the characters and altered the direction of the narrative.

It was a hit from the start and by its third season “Downton” had become one of the most popular television dramas in the world. Crucially, the sixth and final series spotlights the rising up of the working class which took place between the First and Second World Wars. Its plotline hints at how a parallel decline in the popularity of domestic servitude may have impacted the future of the House.

The program essentially depicts the story of two “families” that on various occasions come into contact with each other. The conflicts and alliances between those upstairs and those downstairs are part of what led to Downton Abbey to be recognized by Guinness World Records as the most critically acclaimed English-language TV series of 2011.

Calling all fans of Downton Abbey: this quiz is dedicated to you…

Question 1

What would you say your best feature is?

Despite what we may think of our appearance (love it or hate it) there is usually one thing we like about our looks; it’s this that we would consider our “finest” feature. Perhaps it is something we inherited from dad, or mom, or both, but whatever it may be we’re proud of it. So, let’s get the more personal question out of the way first, shall we? What’s your best feature?

Question 2

How important is one’s appearance?

It was uber-important for the downstairs servants of Downton Abbey to be dressed smartly. But it was as important for the nobles above them to be properly attired too. These days most Lords, Ladies and even Royals we might see on television look no different to us by what they wear (and will think nothing of wearing a dressing gown to breakfast). So, how much do you think the way we dress matters?

Question 3

Who would you say is your biggest influence?

It is no secret that all of us at some stage have looked up to or admired someone. Sometimes it is our parents from whom we take our lead but it could as easily be a celebrity, a teacher or even a friend. How they behave or treat us triggers our natural tendency to copy them in some way, even subconsciously. So, who might you say has influenced you?

Question 4

What is your favorite type of music?

We all have very different tastes in things, but when it comes to music most of us will choose to listen to regular pop music (err, hence the term “popular” music). But there are also a large number of us who would choose some other genre of music in keeping with how we feel. So, going by how you feel at this very moment, tell us, what is your favorite music?

Question 5

What do you think people say about you behind your back?

None of us like to have rumors spread about us, especially when they aren’t true. Those of us that have been on the receiving end of tittle-tattle have found it hurtful and, frankly, pointless. If there is something to be said, why not come out and say it?! At other times people may talk about you out of earshot because they don’t want to hurt your feelings; even so, it would be nice to know what is being said, right?

Question 6

Can you keep a secret?

Hand-in-hand with those tittle-tattle moments are the ones when you find yourself being chosen as a confidante for someone with a secret. Suddenly, they rely on you for support or answers, but you are also sworn to secrecy making you complicit to the cipher. If you don’t feel comfortable being so it is important that you are honest with the person. Our question is can you keep a secret?

Question 7

How often do you lie?

Sometimes a lie is unavoidable. You may one day find yourself telling a white lie about spilling some soda, and the next lying to a law court under oath. Is there any difference morally? Some say there’s not and that honesty is and always will be the best policy. Besides, at least if you’re honest all the time you don’t have to remember what you have or haven’t told someone.

Question 8

What is your favorite TV sitcom?

Although the television was invented one year after Downton Abbey ended, many still wonder how its presence in the house would have changed the dynamic of the place, both upstairs and downstairs. One thing is certain - there would certainly have been less talking, which may have made the show a bit less compelling.

Question 9

Where do you keep your clothes?

If you find yourself rushing around because of last minute plans you may be tempted to dump your clothes anywhere you can and then clear them away once things have calmed down. On the other hand some of us get anxious even with the thought of a stray sock lying on the floor. After all, if there’s one thing that makes a room look messy it is piles of clothes.

Question 10

Where do you normally eat?

These days most families don’t eat in grand dining rooms surrounded by servants, not unless you’re a member of the aristocracy or the president of a nation. Dinner time tends to be a far more straightforward occasion and, to the chagrin of traditionalists, more often than not ends up being served in front of the TV. What happens in your household?

Question 11

What is your favorite food?

You find yourself on an island in the middle of the Pacific, and it’s the only one where no tropical fruit grows. You’re alone, you’re thirsty, you’re hungry and you start to consider the possibility of eating whatever you can find, even raw fish. Not nice, eh? But if you had known you were going to end up here, what would you have chosen to bring?

Question 12

How many friends do you have?

We all think about the subject of friends differently. Some of us feel we can’t live without company while others don’t really want to live with company. Neither way is especially wrong but it is generally thought that human interaction provides us with a more rounded view of life, makes us more aware of ourselves and gives us a little extra wisdom.

Question 13

How do you greet someone you haven’t met before?

In the days of Downton Abbey there was a strict protocol to stick to when you met someone. And it didn’t just govern the upstairs folks. In the Victorian era, there were many unspoken rules surrounding the practice of saying hello to someone. Even today, it would feel natural to bow or curtsy to the Queen or shake the hand of a statesman. But what would you do if you met someone for the first time?

Question 14

From which side should you serve dinner to someone?

Dining etiquette was everything to the nobility. The way the food was served to tables (called silver service) had to be correct. In the Edwardian era at houses such as Downton the table service was an art in itself. Foodie events have always been a social identifier; it used to be telling of your lowly social class if you lacked table manners. Tell us from what side you think the main course of a high-class banquet should be traditionally served?

Question 15

What is your favorite sport?

Ah, this an easy one for all you sports enthusiasts. Just imagine you turn on your favorite sports channel only to find a tennis match being broadcast. Do you watch it, or do you hope that something better will follow it? Come on! Even those of us that don’t particularly like sport have a favorite sport. Or perhaps you’re a secret fan of ping pong and don’t want to admit it...

Question 16

When did you last cook something?

Mrs. Patmore was the Downton Abbey cook. To help her with the constant work she had a useful group of servants, both male and female. But before anyone says, “who needs helpers?” let’s bear in mind that the kitchen she worked in was about as big as a swimming pool. If she was peeling potatoes at one end who was going to stir the soup at the other?

Question 17

Who would you most like to befriend?

We sometimes see people on TV who we admire and would like to know better. How do we go about that? There’s the option of joining a fan club but even then we rarely get to speak directly to the person. But let’s get hypothetical for a moment. With a choice of anyone on the planet (parents, friends, celebrities, politicians, astronauts, etc.) who would you most want as your friend?

Question 18

What footwear did you last wear?

For some people, footwear is ultra-important; for others it is nothing more than a practical way to stop their feet from hurting when they tread on glass. Peasants even in the days of Downton would not have worn shoes; it was only after leather and synthetic materials started to be mass-produced that shoes became more affordable and worn by almost everyone.

Question 19

What is your favorite weather?

Weather is all around us. You only have to look up to see it. Have you ever wondered what the weather was like when John Hancock and the others signed the US Declaration of Independence? Was it raining when Anne Boleyn had her head chopped off? The weather often leaves us with enduring memories of a moment.

Question 20

What would you do if you were told something incriminating?

If you were told news that incriminated someone, meaning you were given information about a person which could land them in jail, be socially excluded or expelled from college, how would you deal with it? Remember, being party to a secret can sometimes make you as liable as the person entrusting the matter with you.

Question 21

How often do you brush your teeth?

Dental hygiene is vital. If you don’t look after your teeth they’ll fall out, simple as that. It might be that you eat too many sugary things, or that you smoke but either way a good clean three times a day will help to keep your pearly whites firmly in your mouth where they belong. The tooth fairy doesn’t tend to visit once you pass the age of 20.

Question 22

What is your favorite color?

Color plays an important part in our lives and has done for millennia. In the medieval period, those who could afford expensive dyes for their cloaks, hats and breeches were the envy of others less fortunate. In Downton Abbey one noticeable difference between the two ranks is color. Look closely and you will notice that the servants are dressed in either black and white suits or off-white overalls but the nobility wears clothes of every color.

Question 23

What would you say your worst feature is?

Remember that terribly personal question at the start? Well here’s another of the same ilk. In order for us to delve into the deepest recesses of your psyche we need to know what you don’t particularly like about your appearance. Taking into account everything you were born with, what do you consider is your worst feature?

Question 24

What is your biggest wish?

We all wish for something more than we have; to do such a thing is perfectly human. And it doesn’t matter if you are wealthy or healthy or surrounded by food; sure enough there will be a little voice inside your head that wishes for just a little bit more. So why don’t you chase your dreams? But before you go, answer this penultimate question please.

Question 25

When was the last time you cleaned your room?

Do you remember when we talked about how a dirty room is made to look even worse when there are piles of clothes lying around? Do you? Well, some people say that having a tidy room or office is a sign of a logical and well-ordered mind. The thing is, we’ve known plenty of people whose offices have been as clean as a whistle and they’ve turned out to be proper idiots! This last question is going to seal the deal.

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