Which Buffy Vamp Do You Have The Most In Common With?

When Joss Whedon created a little show called Buffy the Vampire Slayer back in 1997, first impressions probably suggested that the bloodsuckers were the bad guys. Indeed, the one girl destined to fight the vampires, demons, and forces of darkness needed to live up to her name on many, many occasions over 7 years, then a few more times on the spin-off Angel.

Despite this, a select few vampires were so extremely charismatic, unique, or just delightfully evil that they became just as popular as the Slayer or any of her friends in the Scooby Gang. Nine times out of ten, when a vampire on Buffy started getting extremely popular, something happened to their characters slowly bringing them over to the side of all things good. This didn’t always happen, though, and to fans of the truly evil vampires, this is what made them so wildly entertaining.

Granted, the simply fact a character is fun to watch doesn’t necessarily mean the qualities that make them popular are necessarily universal. Only a select few dark souls can truly claim to share personality traits with crypt dwellers and demons, but that won’t stop Buffy fans from looking for similarities wherever they may lie. If you want us to do the work for you, keep reading to take our quiz and find out which vampire from the Buffyverse you have the most in common with.

Question 1

Are you a hero or a villain?

Despite what Buffy’s sworn duty would imply, not all vampires in her realm are necessarily monsters. Sure, most of them lack souls, but that alone doesn’t make them evil. Some of Buffy’s fanged friends are actually just as heroic as she and her friends. What side do you fall on?

Question 2

How would your friends describe you?

By and large, vampires don’t exactly have friends. They may have a friendly acquaintance here or there, but they’ll just as soon sell one another out when danger is afoot. You aren’t really a vampire, though, so hopefully you have a few friends with positive opinions about you.

Question 3

How do you feel about the dark arts?

Generally speaking, when Buffy and her Scooby Gang need to rely on magic, it’s because they need an extra boost fighting the forces of true evil. When vampires use the dark arts, it’s just for fun, and to make things harder for them. Would you use spells to achieve your goals?

Question 4

How’s your love life?

If poets are to be believed, love is the language of the soul, meaning the demonic vampires of the Buffyverse don’t much care for the concept. On the other hand, this is a show written by Joss Whedon we’re talking about, so of course some vamps have romantic lives. Do you?

Question 5

Do you consider yourself a risk taker?

Believe it or not, in the Buffyverse, becoming a vampire is almost always an actual choice formerly living people made, in that it requires a little bloodsucking action on their part to turn evil. Obviously, doing this opens them up to some serious risks. Could you take the plunge?

Question 6

Where do you live?

Because they can’t go outside during the day time, not to mention living a life of secrecy in general, vampires need to think long and hard about where to hang their weary heads. Making matters even worse is that they don’t have many options when looking for a home. Where would you pick?

Question 7

Which of Buffy’s friends do you like the most?

For all their difference, the sheer amount of time Buffy and the Scooby Gang spend with vampires means they were bound to find some common ground. Inevitably, these similarities lead some of the vamps to switching sides, helping the fight for good. Could any of them inspire you to do that?

Question 8

Do you have or want any kids?

When a human becomes a vampire, all living parts of their bodies die, which means they can’t exactly have children. Angel was never one to follow prophecies, though, so he eventually managed to have a kid despite this limitation. Do you want any children, or are you happy you can’t have them?

Question 9

Are you socially active?

Traditionally speaking, dying can seriously put a damper on a person’s social life. Even if part of them lives on as an evil soulless vampire, chances are there won’t be many parties in their future. Of course, they can always hit up The Bronze for new prey. Would you?

Question 10

Do you like animals?

Once Angel regained his soul, the whole vampires preying on humans thing became a serious problem for him. To continue his unlife without harming anyone, he took to drinking animal’s blood purchased from butchers and hospitals. Could you go down this path, or do you love animals too much?

Question 11

What sort of clothes do you wear?

On the surface, the sort of clothing worn by a soulless bloodsucker isn’t all that important. Dig a little deeper, though, and you may realize nothing can lure in a potential victim quite like a sharp dressed man or incredibly stylish lady leading them to their unknowing doom.

Question 12

What’s your favorite movie genre?

Vampires can’t spend their entire lives preying on helpless victims, and when it comes time to unwind, many of them choose the same popular pastime of the living in watching movies. Well, Spike might prefer the soap opera Passions, but most of them would prefer a feature film.

Question 13

Do you like playing video games?

At this point, there are multiple video games about the Buffyverse of varying quality. Quite frankly, it’s hard to imagine any of the characters players can play as actually wanting to play the games based on their unlives. They like playing some good ones, though. Do you?

Question 14

Who is your favorite vampire from outside of the Buffyverse?

Buffy the Vampire Slayer may have been the greatest contribution to the vampire genre in recent history, but it was hardly the only piece of entertainment that put bloodsuckers in the spotlight. Before and after Buffy, plenty of other vamps found great fame for their nefarious deeds. Who was your favorite?

Question 15

Are you athletic?

Part of being a vampire that often gets overlooked is that making the switch from human to the undead greatly increases one’s physical abilities. They become better, stronger, faster, and they don’t even need to pay $6,000,000 to get there. That said, you aren’t a vampire, so are you physically fit?

Question 16

How often do you drink alcohol?

Vampires don’t have to worry about little things like cirrhosis of the liver or other terrible side effects of alcoholism, so they can pretty much drink to their hearts content. Then again, they do have to deal with hangovers for some reason, so maybe you shouldn’t go wild every night. Would you?

Question 17

Were you a good student in school?

Quite frankly, with how old some vampires get to be, what they did or didn’t learn in primary school ultimately feels kinda irrelevant. For most of them, it was so long ago they very well could have forgotten everything they once knew. Regardless, did you get good grades?

Question 18

What’s your sense of humor?

The world may never know if Dracula could hold his own in a comedy club, but considering Spike and Angel are written by Joss Whedon, they could probably do just fine. Whether good, evil, or in between, they both have unique senses of humor, as does almost everyone in the Buffyverse. What’s yours?

Question 19

Which of Buffy’s friends do you hate the most?

Obviously, public enemy number one to all vampires everywhere would be the Slayer, Buffy Summers herself. However, the more they do battle with her, certain vamps came to realize her friends were even more annoying than she was. Which of the Scoobies would bother you the most?

Question 20

What’s your best quality?

The mere fact someone is an undead, soulless demon trying to suck the blood out of hapless human victims doesn’t mean they’re entirely bad. Okay, so there’s not a lot of wiggle room, but even the most vicious vamps out there have a couple plus sides. What’s yours?

Question 21

What’s your worst quality?

Okay, so what this quiz just implied about vamps having positive qualities may have been a bit of wishful thinking. Dedicating their lives to torment and destruction, it’s hard to look the other way and focus on the positives. The negatives, though, are naturally rampant, so what’s the worst thing about you?

Question 22

Where would you prefer to go on vacation?

Not needing to work or necessarily spend all that much time in one place, vampires don’t necessarily “go on vacation” so much as they decide it’s time for a change of pace. Either way, much thought is put into the decision of where to go next. Which location would you visit?

Question 23

How often do you exercise?

Being naturally buff due to their condition, vampires don’t necessarily need to exercise in order to be strong fighters. Of course, some people just hit the gym for fun and to receive the endorphins a good work out can release. Do you exercise enough you’d keep it going even if you didn’t have to?

Question 24

What type of diet do you keep?

By and large, the diet of an average vampire is extremely simple: human blood, human blood, and more human blood. Maybe throw in a few spices for flavor when appropriate. They could eat other things, but it wouldn’t have taste or offer them any nutrients. Before that becomes your fate, though, what are you eating?

Question 25

Could you hold your own in a fight?

Once again we’re reminded that vampires are mystically powerful and strong, yet that isn’t always the case before they turn. In fact, some potential vamps see power as the main allure of the gig, feeling weak and uncoordinated in their human lives. Is that you, or are you already tough?

Question 26

Do you consider yourself smart?

Being on this earth for 200+ years should theoretically give anyone enough time to become a genius. Then again, the vampires in Sunnydale are usually a little too busy to spend their days in a library. Not that it would stop them from pretending they did, or bragging about their intelligence in general.

Question 27

What do you do to unwind?

Chasing hapless victims throughout the cemeteries of Sunnydale might be better than the average day job, but it still takes a lot out of you. For this reason, even an all-powerful vampire needs to kick back and relax after catching their prey. How would you accomplish this?

Question 28

What’s your least favorite myth about vampires?

For the most part, Buffy the Vampire Slayer respected the long and storied history of its titular monster, but let’s face it—certain elements of vampire myths are pretty ridiculous. Thankfully, Joss Whedon undid some of the more bizarre qualities they possess for his series. Which issue are you glad was resolved?

Question 29

What’s your weapon of choice?

Believe it or not, for as powerful and destructive as they can be, most vampires eschew the idea of firearms, finding them too easy. They still like their swords, sticks, bats, and makeshift armaments, though, using whatever they can to take down the Slayer. What weapon would you use against her?

Question 30

What are you most afraid of?

Nine times out of ten, vampires are the ones causing fear, never to experience it themselves. Unless, of course, Buffy happens to be around, in which case they’ll go running for the hills. Remnants of their past humanity might also leave deep-seeded fears in select vamps. Could this happen to you?

Question 31

What’s your favorite sport?

While few vampires could ever participate in professional sports, what with most of them taking place in broad daylight, this alone is no reason for them to avoid the subject entirely. It’s still totally possible to pass around the pigskin or perform any other sport at nighttime, so what would you play?

Question 32

What profession are you best suited for?

One of the quieter perks of being a vampire is that they don’t really have to worry about money anymore. The idea of a bloodsucker with a job is almost entirely out of question, as there’s no real reason for them not to steal whatever they want. Even so, what job would you prefer?

Question 33

Would you feel bad about drinking people’s blood?

When a person becomes a vampire, they lose their soul, so minor moral quibbles like whether or not it’s “wrong” to drink blood doesn’t really matter. Before that times comes, though, any potential vamps can form strong feelings about the subject. What are yours?

Question 34

How do you feel about your family?

Immediately after becoming vampires, the first thing both Spike and Angel did was kill their parents. Granted, Spike’s logic was altruistic, as his mother was already dying, but still, it’s not exactly the background that behooves itself to family reunions. Hopefully, your relationship with your family is a little better.

Question 35

What kind of music do you like?

Music is the soundtrack to our lives, and insofar as vampires are concerned, it can play a pretty big role in brightening up the afterlife, as well. Although it may be hard to imagine most vamps sitting around a listening to records, they nonetheless have incidental favorites. What’s yours?

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