What Kind Of Witch Are You? Take The Quiz!

Throughout the ages, we have always been obsessed with witches. These figures pop up constantly in our stories and fairy tales, but they've also appeared in real life. Countless women were burned at the stake under suspicion of practicing witchcraft, and most of them were completely innocent. The famous witches of Salem were real historical figures that have inspired a whole wealth of fictional stories. But some of our most memorable witches have appeared in movies and television shows. These are the witches we know and love, and many have made a huge impact on our childhoods and lives.

But have you ever wondered which witch you would be if magic was real? Which of your favorite witches best symbolizes your personality? It's a difficult question to answer. Although we might like to think that our favorite witch sums up our personality the most, this might not be true. Sometimes, the people who we share the most in common with are the people we least expect. There's only one way to really find out which witch you are, and that's by taking this simple and fun personality test. Are you ready to give it a shot? Well, what are you waiting for?

Question 1

What Is Your Favorite Color?

The classic witch might seem like they are pretty obsessed with the color black, but that just isn't true. The fact is that there are many types of witches, and each one has a different personality. They also have their own favorite colors... But what's yours?

Question 2

How Do You Manifest Your Magic?

Various witches use different methods to actually create their magic. Some use a wand, but others create spells and other types of magic by employing unique and interesting methods. But which of these methods would you choose to use?

Question 3

How Would You Get From Point A To Point B?

Many witches have a lot more options when it comes to transport. Certainly more than us humans. Witches can choose a variety of different methods to teleport, but they can also use broomsticks if they desire. Which would you choose?

Question 4

What's Your Favorite Hairstyle?

Even witches have to take care of their appearances, and they often put a lot of time and effort into their hair. While witches have a reputation as being ugly, that's just not the case a lot of the time. But which is your favorite hairstyle?

Question 5

What's Your Sense Of Humor Like?

Just because you're a witch, doesn't mean you can't have a sense of humor. And just like personalities, everyone has a sense of humor. They're just not all the same. But what about you? Which of these best describes your sense of humor?

Question 6

How Would You Escape Capture?

Although witches are masters of magic, sometimes they let their guard down. We've seen many witches get captured by villains, but it's how they escape that truly defines them. But what about you? How would you escape capture?

Question 7

What's Your Favorite Magical Artifact?

Witches might be pretty capable of creating magic themselves, but sometimes they need a magical artifact to really boost their power and get stuff done. There are tons of different magical artifacts and items out there. Which is your favorite?

Question 8

What's Your Ideal Destination?

Sometimes, every witch just needs to get away from it all and go on vacation. It's only natural. But each witch has a different point of view when it comes to their dream destination. What about you? What would be your ideal holiday destination?

Question 9

What Would Be Your Ideal Adventure?

Being a witch is all about going on adventures, and that's clear to see in pretty much every story that ever involved a witch. These people are constantly getting themselves into all kinds of crazy situations. But what would be your ideal adventure?

Question 10

Who Would Be Your Ideal Romantic Partner?

Witches are no strangers to romance, and most of our favorite witches have had romantic partners in the past. Which one they choose says a lot about each witch's personality. But what about you? Which romantic partner would you choose?

Question 11

What's Your Most Attractive Feature?

Who says witches have to be ugly?Most witches are actually quite beautiful. Interestingly, most real life "witches" burned at the stake were beautiful, as they had been accused of "casting spells" on men to create lustful thoughts. But what's your most attractive feature?

Question 12

If You Were Stranded On A Desert Island, What ONE Thing Would You Want To Have?

We've all heard this question before. What would you want at your side if you stranded on a desert island. There are many different answers, and each one says something different about your personality. But what would you bring with you?

Question 13

Which Character Do You Hate The Most?

Some witches might be friendly, but nobody is friendly to everyone. Even the most good-natured witches have their enemies, and the type of people they hate says a lot about their personality. But what's your most hated character?

Question 14

What's Your Greatest Weakness?

Some witches might be very powerful indeed, but nobody's perfect. Some witches have weaknesses that we can totally relate to, while others seem to be part of the magical world they live in. But what about you? What's your greatest weakness?

Question 15

What Is Your Greatest Strength?

While every witch might have her own unique weakness, they also have their own strengths. There's usually one thing in particular that they do better than anyone else. We can relate to a lot of those things. But what is your greatest strength?

Question 16

What Type Of Animal Symbolizes You?

Witches have long been linked to animals. Witches are sometimes more in touch with animals than normal people, and they often have "familiars" with them to help them with their magic. But what kind of animal best symbolizes you?

Question 17

How Would You Interrogate An Enemy To Get Information?

Sometimes, a witch must resort to desperate measures in order to obtain information from their enemies. Sometimes, vital information is obtainable through... alternate means. But how would you get the information out of your enemies?

Question 18

What Would You Be Doing If You Weren't A Witch?

Ever wonder what some of your favorite witches would be doing if they weren't casting spells all day? Well, as it turns out, most of them have tons of hobbies outside of magic. Most are very involved in these hobbies. But what would you be doing?

Question 19

Who Would You Want As Your Sidekick?

Every good witch needs a cool sidekick. Some of our favorite witches are actually technically sidekicks themselves, but sometimes it's tough to tell who's leading who. Choosing the right sidekick is a difficult choice. But which would you pick?

Question 20

What Inspires You Most?

Witches are usually very driven individuals with very clear goals and aspirations. But there is always something deeper within that is motivating them to achieve great things. It's different for every person. But what about you?

Question 21

Why Would You Join An Organization?

Witches join and form organizations just like the rest of us. But obviously, these organizations are a lot more secretive and obscure than the ones we're familiar with. Witches must take care when joining new groups. But what would make you join?

Question 22

Where Would You Put Your Base?

Every witch needs a base of operations - somewhere where they can just chill out and plan for the future. Some witches create elaborate and well fortified bases. Others create more subtle locations. Others still are fine with simple bases.

Question 23

Why Would You Become A Witch?

Probably the most important question when it comes to being a witch: Why did you become one in the first place? Many witches abuse their power, and you know what they say: with great power come great responsibility. Why would you become a witch?

Question 24

If You Gained Control Of The World, How Would You Rule?

What if the world was ruled by witches? That would either be a really good thing, or a really bad thing, depending on which witch would take this theoretical throne. Some witches would abuse their power, while others would do the right thing...

Question 25

What Makes You A Good Leader?

There's no rule saying witches can't be leaders and practice magic at the same time. In fact, most of our favorite witches have great leadership qualities. These are often things that we're born with, but what makes you a good leader?

Question 26

What Was Your Childhood Like?

Our childhoods often have a pretty big impact on the kinds of people we grow up to be. This is definitely still the case when it comes to witches, and it's interesting to think about. But what about you? What kind of childhood did you have growing up?

Question 27

What's Your Favorite Movie?

Witches can enjoy movies just like the rest of us, and many of us do. Our taste in movies says a lot about our personalities, and you might be surprised about what your favorite movies say about you. But what's your favorite movie out of these?

Question 28

What's Your Favorite Comic Book Character?

While some of you might not be that into comic books, you're probably familiar with some of the big names. And the fact that superhero movies are so popular these days means that almost everyone has a favorite superhero. What's yours?

Question 29

What Do You Do When You Win At Life?

Every witch has one of those moments where they just feel like they've won at life. We all know what that feels like (at least we hope you know what that feels like). But each of us show our joy at being victorious in different ways. What do you do?

Question 30

What Movie Genre Do You Like The Best?

We all like different movies, and sometimes this can make it really hard to agree on a movie to watch. Trust us, witches know this just as much as anybody else. Our preference for a particular genre says a lot about our personalities. What's your favorite?

Question 31

Who's Your Favorite User Of Magic?

Witches have people they look up to as well, and they typically look up to other users of magic. Some of them prefer the big names, the powerful witches and wizards. Others prefer people who share their values. But who is your favorite user of magic?

Question 32

What's Your Favorite Type Of Music?

Witches can enjoy music just like the rest of us. But a lot can be said about someone's taste in music. It shows a lot about that person's personality. There are some witches out there who love specific types of music. But what do you prefer?

Question 33

What's Your Best Subject In School?

Most witches go to school and learn just like the rest of us. After all, magic will only get you so far. You also have to back that knowledge up with "boring" subjects like Math and grammar. But what about you? What's your best subject in school?

Question 34

If Someone Had Something You Wanted, How Would You Get It?

This is an interesting question that almost always gets a different answer depending on who you ask. It really helps understand the personality of the person, depending on which option they choose. What about you? How would you get it?

Question 35

What Is Your Most Admired Historical Figure?

Choosing a favorite historical figure can reveal a lot about what kind of person you are. We look for traits we can relate to in our favorite historical figures, and some of these people can prove to be a real inspiration. But which one will you choose?

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