Take The 2 Minutes Quiz To Find Out How Long Your Marriage Will Last

Marriages can go one of two ways, and couples are becoming more and more aware of the risks in this modern day and age. Divorce rates are higher than ever, and yet many couples are taking the plunge and tying the knot. In many ways, it's a very brave thing to do, and in order to succeed these couples are going to need all the help they can get. It's very easy to drift apart, and it's even easier to fall into some destructive habits that can end your marriage way too early.

But there are also some couples who make it through, and these marriages generally exhibit a lot of the same kinds of traits. There are certain signs that a marriage is sure to succeed. But the real question is whether your marriage exhibits all or any of these signs. If not, then you've probably got something to worry about. This quiz might not be the same as going to marriage counselling, but it will give you a basic idea of whether or not your marriage has any chance in hell of succeeding. If you really want to know the truth about your chances, then go ahead and take this marriage quiz...

Question 1

Are You Able To Speak Your Mind?

Being able to speak your mind is a huge part of any healthy relationship. Communication is always key, and this really helps keep everyone happy. Both partners need to be honest and open about their feelings. But can you do this in your marriage?

Question 2

Do You Feel Like You Have Your Own Space?

Being in a relationship is all about being close to one another, but having solitary alone time is important as well. When couples don't feel like they have their own space, the relationship can suffer. But do you feel like you have your own space?

Question 3

What Are Your Conversations Like?

Conversations are also very important in each and every marriage, and this is what you're going to be doing a lot of on a day to day basis. Some couples have very interesting conversations on a regular basis, while others struggle to find things to talk about.

Question 4

Do You Fight?

Fighting is something that is pretty much inevitable when it comes to marriages and relationships. If you're not fighting at least sometimes, there' something very wrong with your relationship. But do you fight in your marriage?

Question 5

When You're Together In A Room, What Are You Doing?

If you get married, you're going to be spending a lot of time together in the same room. If the marriage continues until you're both old, you'll both be sitting in that living room and talking together for quite some time. But how do you act in this situation?

Question 6

Do You Have Self-Confidence?

Sometimes, the biggest factor when it comes to the success of a relationship is not how you feel about the other person, but how you feel about yourself. Sometimes being confident in yourself, and valuing yourself is the number one ingredient to a healthy marriage.

Question 7

What Are Your Gut Instincts Telling You?

Sometimes, our most valuable ally is our gut instinct when it comes to relationships and marriage. Deep in the back of our mind, we often know whether a relationship will succeed or fail. But what is your gut instinct telling you, and more importantly, are you listening?

Question 8

How Do You Make Decisions?

Decision-making is another huge part of being married, and you will undoubtedly be faced with more than a few decisions over the course of your marriage together. But it's the way in which you make these decisions that really matters. How do you make decisions?

Question 9

Are You Putting Your Partner's Needs Above Your Own?

Being able to communicate is one thing, but are you able to actually value your own needs and wants? Women are especially guilty of putting others in front of themselves, and they can lose their own identity this way. But what about you?

Question 10

Are Their Moments Of Joy Throughout The Day?

Successful marriages never lose that sense of joy in a relationship. Even if it's little things like laughing while making dinner, or sharing a smile, there's always something in each day that reminds you how much you care about each other.

Question 11

How Do You Address Serious Problems With Your Relationship?

Serious problems in the relationship might never happen, but most marriages face at least one major crisis in their many years. It's almost inevitable. But what matters is the manner in which you solve the problem. How would you go about it?

Question 12

Can You Balance Each Other's Tasks?

This might seem like a complex question, but what it really comes down to is whether or not you can work well as a team. For example, can you do the dishes while the other one cooks, and so on? How well do you balance each other's tasks?

Question 13

Do You Fantasize About A Life Without Your Spouse?

Here's a big question when it comes to marriage: Do you fantasize about being with someone else? There are lots of reasons someone might do this. Maybe they want a more attractive partner, or someone who is richer. But do you?

Question 14

How Do You Treat Your Spouse?

How do you treat your spouse? That's probably one of the biggest predictors of whether or not your marriage will succeed or not. If you're not treating your spouse well, your marriage is pretty much doomed to fail, and they'll probably break up with you.

Question 15

Have You Reached A Point Where You've Stopped Fighting?

Fighting a lot can be a sign of a bad marriage, but what about no fighting whatsoever? Couples might stop fighting for a variety of reasons. And it might not be the reason you expect. If a couple isn't fighting, that sometimes means they've given up.

Question 16

How Much Do You Trust Each Other?

Trust is perhaps one of the most important things about marriage, and it's right up there with communication. Trust means that you have faith that your partner will do the right thing, and always be there for you. Without it, you're nothing.

Question 17

How Often Do You Criticize Your Spouse?

Everyone needs to be ready to face some criticism in their life. Sometimes it can be helpful. But what about in marriage? What about when you're constantly criticizing your spouse for things they've done? Is this healthy? Do you do this?

Question 18

How Good Are You At "Letting Things Go?"

Letting go is a very powerful thing to do, especially in a relationship. But it's easier said than done. Sometimes, things that happen in a relationship are really hard to get over. But being able to move on is almost always a good thing.

Question 19

How Often Do You Find Yourself Getting Defensive?

Getting defensive is something that almost everyone does, especially when we're getting attacked, and ESPECIALLY when we know we've done something wrong. It's a defense mechanism that tries to turn the tables on the attacker...

Question 20

When You Make Love, Is It Intimate?

While making love is important to any relationship, there is something that is even more important - intimacy. The physical connection is nothing compared to the emotional connection shared between two people. But what about you?

Question 21

How Often Do You Get Busy?

Intimacy is a big part of a relationship, and it's clear that without this ingredient, the passion we feel in a relationship will fail. Being intimate regularly helps cement that bond we feel with one another. But how often do you make love in your relationship?

Question 22

Do You Make Sarcastic Remarks To Your Partner That Are Intended To Hurt Them?

Sometimes, you can find yourself slipping into some pretty worrying patterns when it comes to marriage. It can be all to easy to become resentful towards your partner, and start making comments intended to hurt and degrade them.

Question 23

Is Your Spouse Someone You Look Forward To Coming Home To?

At the end of a long day at work, everybody just wants to relax. For those of us who are lucky enough, relaxing means coming home to your spouse and having a great time together. But for others, coming home can be just another stressful part of the day.

Question 24

Do You Ever Find Yourself Stonewalling And Shutting Down Emotionally?

Stonewalling is something some of us do when we have some serious emotional problems but refuse to communicate with our partners. It's something that introverts do a lot, and they basically shut down emotionally and refuse to let anyone in.

Question 25

Do You Feel Like You're Being Heard?

Speaking to someone and feeling like they're actually listening are two very different things. You might be saying something important to your spouse, only to see them nod their head without actually hearing you. Do you feel like you're being heard?

Question 26

Who Is The First Person You Go To When You Have Problems?

When you're having issues, it's always a good option to talk it out and get things off your chest. But who do you talk to? People in strong relationships always go to their partners first and foremost. But is that you? Who do you go to?

Question 27

Do You Find Yourself Getting More Emotionally Connected To Other People?

An "emotional affair" is what happens when spouses start flirting with other people without actually taking it too far. It's what happens when people make others the priority of their lives, over the people that they're married to. Do you do this?

Question 28

What Are The Three Magic Words/Phrases?

There are three magic words that every relationship needs to know and use if they want to succeed. They're very simple, and it shouldn't be too hard to guess. But the real question is, do you use them? Because if not, your marriage is doomed to fail.

Question 29

When You Hear Good News, Who Is The First Person You Tell?

Research shows that people in healthy relationships celebrate each other's success. The first person they want to tell when they get great news is their spouse. But for some, this just isn't the case. Who is the first person you'd contact?

Question 30

When You Both Go To Parties, What Happens?

Going to parties as a couple is something most people experience in a relationship, and it can be a pretty interesting experience. During a party, you can discover some telling things about your relationship. But how do you two behave at parties?

Question 31

Do You Still Go On Dates?

Going on dates is an important part of a relationship, and too many times this crucial activity becomes a thing of the past after being together for many years. Some couples, however, manage to find a way to keep going on romantic dates.

Question 32

Do You Feel Like You're Being Controlled?

Many psychologists have admitted that many failed relationships and marriages begin with one partner feeling as though they're being controlled by they other. Not only that, but the person also feels like their attempts to communicate these feelings are being ignored.

Question 33

Is Your Partner In Denial That There's An Issue?

Denial is one thing that can really break relationships. Sometimes, people are in La La Land, unwilling to accept the reality that their relationship is in absolute shambles. But that dream world will one day come crashing down.

Question 34

Are You A Good Listener?

Being a good listener is just as important as feeling heard. One cannot exist without the other. You can't really complain about your partner not listening to you if you're not doing the same thing in return. So what about you? Are you a good listener?

Question 35

Do You Give Each Other Ultimatums?

Another worrying sign is that you're giving each other ultimatums. These are basically veiled threats. For example, you might say, "I'm going to divorce you if you don't start treating me well." People who love each other never give each other ultimatums.

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