Think You Remember The Wedding Singer? Then Ace This Quiz!

"Before the internet, before cell phones, before roller-blades, there was the 1980s.  Don't pretend you don't remember."

Okay, yes.  That is the tagline from the movie poster.  But, what better way to grab your attention.  Obviously, you already saw the title, "The Wedding Singer," and you just knew that this was the quiz for you.  Who wouldn't?  It's a great movie that takes you right back to a great decade, and ... you don't even need a time machine to get there.  Yes, that pun was totally intended.  And, no, it's not any kind of indicator that there's going to be "Back to the Future" questions mixed in here, too.  But, that would make for a good quiz.  Alright we're getting just a little bit off topic here.  The real issue is just how well do you remember a movie that was made twenty years ago, about a decade that was just over thirty years ago?!  That's a lot of numbers and a lot of math before you've even gotten to the first question.  But, that's okay.  You wouldn't be here if you weren't already a pro at this kind of thing.  So, let's stop talking time-travel and start the test taking!

Question 1

Name the song at the beginning of the movie.

The '80s were known for a lot of things; that's kind of a given seeing as how you've already watched the movie. But, the baby boomers would probably say that it's most well-known for the music. So many different artists, so many different groups were on their way to becoming music legends. Singers like Michael Jackson, Madonna, and Whitney Houston; not to mention groups like Duran Duran, REO Speedwagon, and Wham!.It was a new decade and it was full of new sounds!

Question 2

In what year does "The Wedding Singer" take place?

It's a great movie, with a great soundtrack and it OBVIOUSLY takes place in the '80s. That much is true. And, granted, it may be a bit more difficult to pin down a specific year from that decade; but, the answer is right there at the beginning of the movie. Okay, it's even on the poster, too. Although it should be noted that no one could blame you for being distracted by that catchy tune at the start of the movie.

Question 3

What does Robbie's best friend, Sammy, do for a job?

Growing up in a small town like Ridgefield is great. Just ask Robbie Hart, " ... why do you need to leave Ridgefield? We grew up here. All our friends are here. It's the perfect place to raise a family." Especially when some of those friends are part of the wedding business, too. Just because Robbie's the biggest wedding singer in town, doesn't mean others can't get in on the business end of the nuptials, too. It was the '80s!

Question 4

Julia is whose cousin?

When you're looking for a job, it's always a lot easier when you know someone who already has an "in." There's a lot less guess work and (if you're lucky) probably less paper work to fill out as well. Most applications ask for references, don't they? So what better reference to give your potential employer than someone who already works for them. And, face it, no one knows you better than family. So, hopefully they'll give a great recommendation. Hopefully.

Question 5

Who is Sammy aspiring to be like?

We all have idols, role models, etc. Especially back then, when we all watched a lot more T.V. Virtually everybody had somebody to look up to. There's sports heroes, movie stars, famous singers, and even television personalities. Maybe it was a big business mogul. But, for our intents and purposes, we're talking about Sammy. And he had his eye on one idol in particular. Sammy wanted the women. Didn't matter how; whether it was with big money, smooth lines or a romantic serenade. Sammy was in it for the chicks!

Question 6

Who is Holly always dressing like?

People loved to jump on the bandwagon back then. Actually, it's really not all that different today, either. Especially when we're young. What can you say? At a certain age, you're searching for your identity and there are plenty of pop culture influences out there to help you along. Or, maybe it's not all that complicated. Maybe you're just so impressed with someone else's talent [musical, theatrical, or otherwise] that you just want to emulate it any way that you can.

Question 7

What does the wedding chef's shirt say?

As stated before, the '80s were about a lot of the things, including the trends. Some of the best of those were when one or more of them would blend together. For instance, most times it wasn't enough just to listen to the bands and their music; after while the influence seep over into the wardrobe aspect of it all as well. Just look at Holly. It could be out fits that matched exactly, and sometimes it was just some of the song lyrics printed onto a shirt. Simple.

Question 8

Finish this line of dialogue, " ... ooh, I don't think anybody could puke more than that kid. I think I saw- "

Ugh. Alcohol and hangovers. And this is not specifically limited to the 1980s. Whatever the decade is and however old you are, alcohol can be fun-- until the vomiting begins in earnest. There are times when you wouldn't be surprised to see your own stomach up out of you! Then it's no fun for anyone; especially the people holding your head or your hair back. Maybe Robbie did say it best, " ... remember: alcohol equals puke, equals smelly mess, equals nobody likes you."

Question 9

Who does Robbie compare Julia to when she says she's " ... doomed to wander the planet alone forever."

Aww ... no one really wants to spend the rest of their life alone. Even if they say they do, they really don't. We're all human and we're all pretty much wired to need companionship on some kind of level. Of course, as you read this, you'll see that there are exceptions to the rule for you to choose from. But even those four choices below are not alone because they want to be. They're alone because the have to be. At least for the time being.

Question 10

Why is Rosie taking singing lessons?

Rosie is just a pretty, little, innocent granny who's about to be married to her husband for 50 years. And what better way to tell him just how hard you're willing to work to show him how much you truly love him. Of course, it doen't hurt that you just happen to know a handsome young man who's in the business of singing and singing lessons. So why not pick a romantic little ditty like, "Till There Was You," from "The Music Man?"

Question 11

How does Rosie pay Robbie for her singing lessons?

When your old and retired and pretty much loved by everyone in the neighborhood, they all know that your living mostly off your pension, or social security, or you retirement. So people try to help out when they can. That's why it's so nice that the young man who lives in town is willing to negotiate with you on your method of payment. Because you just never know who you can trust anymore ... "especially with all the nipple twisting that goes on out there."

Question 12

What is Robbie's fiancée's name?

Robbie's fiancée definitely qualifies as one of the antagonists of the story. Her motives are selfish, her consideration is seriously lacking, and her social skills are nearly non-existent. And we learn all that within the first twenty minutes of the movie. She sure does a good job of making herself the character we all love to hate. Why shouldn't we?! She left our hero at the alter, with basically no explanation. Then it takes her the rest of the day to finally show her face.

Question 13

What does Robbie do when he finds out his fiancée is not coming to the wedding?

No, no, it's not a violent movie. It's a comedy; and a really funny comedy at that. All we're talking about is how someone (Robbie Hart, for example) might react when the bride doesn't show up for her own wedding. How messed up is that? Now, imagine that you're around weddings all the time and are really looking forward to your own someday. Then it finally happens. It's your girl, it's your wedding, and it's your turn. But, she changes her mind and doesn't bother to show up?

Question 14

Where does Glenn want to get married?

" ... it's the romance capital of the world. I just don't want a big wedding-- with hundreds of people we don't know, that are just there for the free drinks, and the all-you-can-eat buffet." Those are his words. Not hers. Glenn may have his reasons, he may have to whole thing already planned out in his head, but that doesn't mean that Julia has to agree with him. Does it? After all, she's the bride; it's her big day. Right?

Question 15

What is Glenn's favorite T.V. show?

By this point, it's pretty obvious to everyone who's reading this, that Glenn is pretty much a jerk who doesn't care about anything but himself. Wait- scratch that. Alcohol seems pretty important to him. It's especially obvious when he tried to suggest a location for the wedding, based on what was easiest for HIM. If you're the groom, aren't you just supposed to kinda keep your mouth shut, nod your head, and NOT schedule the date of your wedding based around the schedule of your favorite T.V. show?

Question 16

Which Madonna song does Robbie sing on his first day back on the job?

Being a grown-up really can suck at times. Now it does have it's privileges. Getting married, for example-- wait. Never mind. But, our poor hero, Robbie just got stood up at his own wedding; after that, his fiancée finally shows up and says she doesn't want to marry him after all. So, sure, everyone is entitled to some time to grieve, to lick their wounds and do what they can to mend their broken heart. But, if you're an adult, eventually you gotta get out of bed and go back to work.

Question 17

Robbie Hart is Jewish. True or False?

" ... I really gotta concentrate on getting some more gigs. I mean, there's only four other Jewish families in this town." So, he knows all the words to the songs for the Bar Mitzvah. And not only does he know the words, but he can pronounce them all correctly, too. But, does that automatically mean that he's Jewish? Come on. Okay, maybe he is. Maybe that is his own yarmulke on his head. Whose to say? It's not a terribly important detail; but this is a quiz, after all.

Question 18

Who is Sammy dressed like at Julia's engagement party?

"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." Yes, that quote has already been used in another question, but we're talking about the '80s and everyone was imitating everyone else. If you liked the music, you probably loved the artist. And, if you loved the artist that much ... then (more often than not) you wanted to be just like them. And the first, easiest step to all that was to dress like them, too. So, don't blame Sammy. He's just going along with the times. Pretty much.

Question 19

Who does Robbie get to dance with the lonely kid at the Bar Mitzvah?

Oh, man ... being a wallflower is the worst. Admittedly, for some of us, it is by choice. There are those out there who just don't posses the nerve or intestinal fortitude it takes to just walk up to some, random stranger and ask them to dance with us. What if she says, no? What if she doesn't like? What if I'm sweating too much?! Then there are some wallflowers that are just sitting there because we've already been through said scenario, and just don't feel like trying again.

Question 20

Who plays the "other" wedding singer?

Okay, so Robbie's heart has been broken and he doesn't really want to perform at weddings anymore. Who can blame him? Especially after the spectacle he made of himself at Scott and Cindy's wedding. Yikes. But, unfortunately, that means that someone has gotta pick up the slack. Some other wedding singer has got to fill the empty slots. But, that doesn't mean it's a GOOD wedding singer. It just there's another wedding singer out there to " ... reap all the benefits!"

Question 21

What does Robbie really want to do for a living?

We all do what we have to in order to pay the bills. That's just the way the world works, whether we like it or not. Just because you're a cashier at the grocery store doesn't mean that's what you want to be doing for the rest of your life. It's a great job, sure. But, maybe while you're ringing up those groceries, you're dreaming of flying a jet, or shooting a 3-point shot for a professional NBA sports team in Madison Square Garden!

Question 22

What kind of kiss does Holly say is appropriate for a wedding?

" ... I just would not want to do that in a church in front of God and all our relatives. I mean, it would gross them out." That's Julia's opinion anyway. Probably a good point. No one wants to be grossed out at a wedding, especially by the bride or groom. There are so many decisions that have to be made for a wedding, anyway ... who would have ever thought that the way you kiss your new spouse would ever come into play?!

Question 23

What kind of music player does Glenn buy for Julia?

Time goes by in a flash. It really does. Before you know it, you've gone from transistor radios to car stereos, to 8-track players to record albums to cassettes to CDs to MP3 players! Sheesh! Technology often has a way of speeding up and rushing right past us before we even know what's happened! But we are talking about the '80s, here; so, right away some of the these answers should be easily eliminated. That the great thing about a quiz like this ... multiple choice!

Question 24

What is Glenn's last name?

His last name? Yes, it is a bit of an odd question. But it is pertinent to one of the best jokes in the movie and to a couple different scenes, believe it or not. And that's certainly not saying anything against odd last names or against Glenn for that matter. Wait. We did decide (a few questions back) that Glenn is kind of the bad guy in this movie. So if you feel the need to make fun of him or his last name ... go right ahead.

Question 25

What kind of car does Glenn drive?

The car makes the man. Or, wait-- is it clothes that make the man? Either way ... the '80s weren't just about the great music, the hair bands, and the flashy clothes. There were flashy cars, too. Cool cars. Ferrari's (just ask Ferris), Camaros, and Lamborghinis! A lot of them were used in popular movies, as well. So, okay. Maybe what you drove did kind of make a statement about you. Perhaps some more than others. Guess it all depended on how you wanted to show up to "the scene."

Question 26

What present does Julia make for Robbie?

By this point in the movie it's gotten to be more than just a little bit apparent that Robbie has feelings for Julia and that Julia's feelings are beginning to shift from Glenn to the wedding singer. Surprisingly enough, not many of the other people around them have taken notice of it, but it's palpable. The question then becomes, what do you do to maybe give the other person that little nudge to show them that you might be interested?

Question 27

Glenn knows that Robbie has a crush on Julia. True or False?

It's not really all that clear exactly when or how it happened, but maybe Glenn's just not as clueless as we first thought. The assumption is just kind of that he's too busy with work, Alabama Slammers, and Miami Vice to really notice anything else that might be going on around him. Certainly not when it comes to Julia, anyway. Then again, perhaps he doesn't know. Maybe he's just trying to make Robbie feel bad and make a fool out of him? The answer is up to you.

Question 28

Who answers the door when Julia shows up to finally tell Robbie how she really feels?

Alright. Things are really getting down to the wire now. Robbie has gone back and fourth about telling Julia the truth now so many times now, it's beginning to get a little redundant. Julia has certainly made her fair share of subtle moves as well, but no one really seems to want to just pick up the ball and run with it. Possibly it might be time to finally leave safe and sane in the rear-view and try a little more dumb and dangerous!

Question 29

Name the band on Robbie's t-shirt that Linda is wearing.

" ... hey, psycho. I'm not gonna feel better about this. It's over. Now please get out of my __________ t-shirt before you jinx the band and they break up." Well, of course you can't just HAVE the answer! That was just a little clue to try and help jog your memory. It is one of the better jokes in the movie (with a little bit of inside trivia, as well). But, in all honesty, it's really not that hard of question. Yay, multiple choice!

Question 30

What does Julia decide to do when she thinks that Robbie and Linda are back together?

Sigh. Maybe Glenn was right all along. That is a lot of people to have at a wedding. And, like it or not, some are just going to be there for the food and for the music. Maybe there really isn't any reason for a big, expensive venue. Maybe all you need is just some gaudy, little chapel. Or, perhaps getting married is just the wrong idea altogether. There is some appeal to just leaving town and putting the whole big mess behind you, too.

Question 31

Who plays Billy Idol in the movie?

If you're gonna make a movie about the '80s, why not throw in a celebrity or two. But here's the conundrum. The story takes place in the '80s, but the movie itself was filmed in 1998. So how do you find someone to play, not only a decent Billy Idol, but an age appropriate Billy Idol as well. This was the '90s, so make-up and effects were pretty much in full swing by this point. But let's face it, casting is a big part of it, too.

Question 32

What does Glenn call the stewardess on the plane?

Sheesh. Sleazy nicknames and lousy come-on lines, yeah ... they were around back then, too. Probably longer, even. But, you know that degrading ideas and shortcuts are nowhere beneath of our antagonist, Glenn. He made that pretty clear to all of us back in that scene at the bar when they were all on a double-date. Remember? Even the fact that he's getting married hasn't slowed down his libido or shortened his list of dirty deeds. Somebody needs to teach him a lesson. Let's just hope it happens before it's too late.

Question 33

What's the name of the song that Robbie sings to Julia on the plane?

They're on the SAME PLANE!! What are the odds?! It's time to throw caution to the wind and just play the cards as they lay. Luckily, on the way to the airport, Robbie had an idea for a great, new song! If only there were an instrument and a microphone on board the plane, he could sing it to her! But, Robbie's gonna need a little back-up and a little bit of support to get it all done. Who'd have guessed that Billy Idol would be on the same flight!

Question 34

Robbie and Julia end up getting married in the end. True or False?

Yes. This last question is absolutely a "gimmie." But why, not? You made through all thirty-five questions! And even if you don't get a high score, well ... good for you for trying! Sure, it was all multiple-choice, but there's still a whole lot of thought process involved. Everybody who's anybody has seen a lot of movies in their lifetime; and to stop and go all the way back to 1998, and remember all of these trivial details ... that's a lot of work. No matter what anybody says.

Question 35

What '80s band actually sang, "Do You Really Want To Hurt Me?"

The 1980s music scene was all about the new bands, with their "tubular" new sounds, and their "radical" new instruments. Of course, there was the hair, too. Obviously that's where the term "hair bands" came from. But, as silly as it may all sound, it was still all the rage. And everyone wanted to be a part of it. How does the old saying go? "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." If that's true, then there must have been A LOT of bands out there that were REALLY flattered!

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