We Highly Doubt Anybody But A Mom Can Get 100% On This Parenting Quiz

While we are growing up, we tend to just assume that our moms know everything. After all, when we go to them with a question they normally have a pretty good answer. But, as we get older, some of us start to wonder... Where the heck did they get all of this information!? Most would tell us that they were winging it the entire time, but they should give themselves more credit than that! They have lived through the same experiences we are going though, so naturally, they have collected some helpful information. This quiz is to test who has this knowledge, and who has a little bit more to learn about be a super-mom!

This quiz will ask 40 important questions all revolving around pregnancy, and raising babies into toddlers. Some may seem easy, but we are willing to bet some of them will be tricky for even the most experienced mommies out there. Not to worry if we don't have all the answers though, because the correct ones will be indicated! The best part about this quiz some may be asking? Well, that one's easy... Each question will come along with an adorable baby pic. Need we say more?

Question 1

When can we expect to see a first tooth?

Seeing a baby's first tooth appear can be a really special time. Not only does it mean that the baby is healthy and their body is working properly, but it also means that the whole teething process is almost over. Soon, once all of the teeth have come in, the baby won't be in as much discomfort. This obviously means less crying for mom to endure. When can we start to expect to see that first little tooth show up?

Question 2

When should we start brushing our little one's teeth?

O.k, so we have figured out when we can expect to see the first teeth popping up in our child's mouth, but how do we properly care for the little chompers? Should we be waiting until the full set has arrived, or should we just wait until we bring them to the dentist for the first time? Should we start to care for them right away, or is toothpaste not recommended for children under the age of 2? Select your answer below!

Question 3

Which organ grows in the mother while she is pregnant?

There is just no denying that big changes are going to take place once a woman gets pregnant. Most of these changes are quite apparent like the swollen feet, the larger belly, or even some potential stretch marks. But, what about everything that is happening inside of us that we can't see? We are asking about one change specifically in this question. There is an internal organ inside the mother which will grow during pregnancy. Who knows what it is?

Question 4

When do babies typically say their first words?

A baby's first word is something most parents will never forget. Obviously it is a huge milestone in the child's life, but there is one other reason why these words stay stuck in the parents head forever... Once the baby has learned their first word and is able to vocalize it, good luck ever getting them to stop. Of course, speech is super important and all babies should be encouraged to use words. However, it is only natural for the repetition to become tiresome at a point.

Question 5

About how accurate is a doctor's gender prediction?

Will it be a boy or a girl? That is the question... Many parents decide to not find out until the baby has been born, while others want the information as soon as it becomes available. These days reveal parties have also become extremely popular. They are a fun way for not only the parents to find out, but they offer the chance for friends and family to be involved in the event as well. How accurate is the doctor's reading on this nugget of info though? Can we count on it 100%?

Question 6

At what age can we start to think about potty training?

Potty training is one milestone a lot of parents look forward to. While it is not easy work getting babies to understand the concept of the potty, it is an excellent opportunity for bonding between the baby and their parents. For another thing, once the baby has successfully mastered the potty, there is no more need for diaper changes. Yay! While every baby is different, does anyone know around what age we can start to explore the idea of potty training?

Question 7

What does swaddling mean?

There are ton of things we need to learn about before we have a baby. Of course, understanding pregnancy is an important first step, but even after that we need to continuously be learning to ensure we are properly caring for our little ones. One thing we need to make sure we understand before cracking open all the baby books? Verbiage! If we do not understand the words that are used, we cannot hope to understand the books themselves. What does the word swaddle mean?

Question 8

How often should we be feeding our newborn?

We all know we are supposed to be having 3 well balanced meals a day. However, does this regiment work for newborns as well? Clearly not much goes into the balancing of their meals, since they are only having breast milk or formula at this stage, but what about the amount we should be giving them? Does three times a day still work, or is that too much or too little? Maybe we should wait for the baby to communicate that they are hungry?

Question 9

Name this baby brand

Any mom out there is likely to know the baby brand logos pretty well. During a child's first year, there is a lot of shopping that has to get done. Naturally, this means a lot of exposure to the brand logos. So, has anyone here ever spent hours in a baby store before? How about just walking up the baby food isle in the grocery store? If so, than one may be able to guess this logo's brand. Pick out the right answer below!

Question 10

Which of these activities should be avoided while pregnant?

Pregnancy is a beautiful gift. Of course, this beautiful gift comes along with some pretty fierce restrictions. We all know the basics, like no smoking or drinking, and staying away from too much caffeine. These things are fairly general knowledge. However, there are a few other activities that pregnant woman are also told to stay away from until after they have given birth. Looking at the four given options below, can anyone pick out which activity expecting mothers should be avoiding until after childbirth?

Question 11

How long is the average pregnancy?

For women who are in their third trimester, the answer to this question may seem like forever. Who here remembers the episode of Friends where Rachel went past her due date and was beyond frustrated that she was still carrying a large baby in her belly? Of course, this feeling of frustration is only natural, but we are here to assure everyone that there is an end in sight! While every pregnancy is slightly different, there is an average amount of weeks a pregnancy should last. Who knows what it is?

Question 12

What position should babies sleep in?

As grown ups, we are free to sleep in any bizarre position we like. Everyone has their own preferences, and for the most part the only thing we are risking by choosing a strange position is a sore neck the following day. However, things are a little different when it comes to babies. There is one general position that is recommended for babies to sleep in. Looking at the given options below, can anyone here figure out what the correct answer is?

Question 13

Can breastmilk be stored in the freezer?

Anyone who has either worked long hours in the past or has cared for a household, knows how amazing sticking things in the freezer can be. We can prepare a bucket load of food one afternoon, and have our meals prepped for the next 2 weeks. However, not everything stores as well as others in the freezer. We know lasagna is fine in the freezer, but what about a few bottles of breastmilk? Would it remain okay for the baby to ingest?

Question 14

What is an epidural?

Here we go with that tricky mommy lingo again. We are thinking that anyone who has watched enough medical drama's will be able to answer this one just as quickly as any mom out there. Pregnancy and childbirth are very intense things, and with them comes a lot of intense medical terms we must learn and really understand. An Epidural is certainly one of these important terms. Can anyone here figure out what an Epidural is referring to? Only one answer is correct!

Question 15

Name this popular kids movie

To be a mom who enjoys animated films is a huge bonus. Regardless of our movie preferences, when the child is in the room, there is a good chance we are sitting down and watching their favorite film for the hundredth time. So, if we already have a liking for sing-a-long animated hits, this will seem like less of a chore. This image represents a classic kids movie. Does anyone here know which film these characters were a part of?

Question 16

After how many weeks of pregnancy can doctors tell the gender?

So, we have already looked at how accurate the actual reading is, but when exactly would this even be a possibility? Even if we choose not to know if the baby is a boy or a girl, the doctors will likely inform us once they have figured it out themselves. Is this something we can know fairly quickly, or is it something we need to wait a while for? Four options are given below, but only one of them is correct! Who knows which one it is?

Question 17

Name this popular kids show

This classic kids TV show is both animated and live-action. In every episode a man named Steve finds himself on an adventure taking place in his very own home. He is always trying to solve some sort of mystery, and he usually needs the help of a few of his friends to get to the bottom of it. Steve will even ask the kids at home to help him out if he is having difficulty. Does anyone know the name of this interactive television show?

Question 18

Why are pregnant women told to stay away from sushi?

Just like coffee, Sushi is something a lot of doctors will tell pregnant women to avoid if possible. As if there wasn't already a lot of awesome stuff we have to give up, but this one is actually a fairly important rule to listen to. But why? Is it something in the seaweed, or is the rice the real issue? Are there traces of caffeine in sushi, or are the doctors more concerned about the potential mercury content? Pick out the correct answer!

Question 19

What is an OB-GYN?

Thought you were done with the medical terms did you? Well, not quite! Here is an acronym used to describe a person who plays a role in the pregnancy to childbirth process. Is an OB-GYN there to help us learn how to properly breastfeed our baby, or is it the doctor we will bring our child in to see for their first check up? Is it a person who coaches the mother through childbirth, or a doctor who cares for the expecting mother during pregnancy all the way through till childbirth?

Question 20

What is the most common eye color in newborn babies?

While eyes can develop into any number of awesome colors, there is one color that remains to most popular one when it comes to newborn babies. This eye color can stay the same until adulthood, or it can change over the course of the baby's first year. If anyone has spent a lot of time around various newborns, this question should be a piece of cake! Looking at the given options, can anyone here select the correct answer for this question?

Question 21

How long should nursing mothers wait before introducing solid foods?

Not every mother chooses to nurse their child. Sometimes it is just their preference and sometimes the decision is simply out of their hands. Should a mother not produce enough milk, breastfeeding will naturally not be an option. However, if we are choosing to breastfeed our children, we must be aware of when we can start introducing them to solid foods. We are not talking about steaks here, but at what point can some mushy peas be given to the baby?

Question 22

Which of these things are babies born without?

While every mother looks upon their baby thinking they are the most perfect thing to ever exist, babies actually do have a long way to go before they are complete tiny humans. Every baby is born looking a bit different obviously, but there is one thing no baby is born with. The body part we are referring to is something that gradually grows over the course of the baby's first few years (news.doccheck.com). Does anyone here know what the correct answer is to this question is?

Question 23

Which of these items must we have before leaving the hospital with a new baby?

The first year of a baby's life is mighty expensive for the parents. Of course, these costs do not typically slow down as the baby grows, but the initial cost is up there if the parents are starting from scratch. If we are on our second or third child, hand-me-downs are awesome, but what about everything we need to buy when it is our first child? There is one item that is specifically important to have before we leave the hospital with our newborn, what is it?

Question 24

What is the name of a doctor who works exclusively with children?

This one is an important one to figure out. The worst thing would be booking our baby's first doctors appointment, to only get there and realize we have taken out baby to see a doctor who typically treats elderly patients. There are hundreds of different types of doctors out there, but one of them is specially trained to care of our little ones. Looking at the options given below, can anyone here figure out the correct name of such a doctor?

Question 25

Name this popular kids movie

This colorful kids movie is all about emotions. All of the main characters in this film are the different emotions of one girl. The film teaches children how to recognize different emotions, and how to properly cope with the new ones that are continuously arising when we are at that young age. While this movie is rather informative, it is also super fun for kids and parents alike. Does anyone here recognize these characters? Better yet, does anyone know which movie they are from?

Question 26

About how many bones are babies born with?

While babies do a ton of developing while in mommy's tummy, that does not mean their job is done once they've come into the world. In fact, they still have quite a ways to go once they are born. Obviously, their brains need time to grow and to learn, but what about their bodies? Are the bones they are born with the only ones they will need as the grow, or will new ones appear as they age? Pick out the right answer below!

Question 27

Should pregnant women avoid all forms of exercise?

We have already touched upon certain things that are best to avoid while we are pregnant, but surely being pregnant does not mean 9 months of permanent bed rest, does it? While many women continue to work and live their lives the same way once they get pregnant, does regular exercise pose any kind of threat to a pregnant woman? Can we still get some moderate workouts in, or should we be giving up the practice all together? What does everyone think?

Question 28

Name this popular kids show

This show tells the story of a little boy who lives with his parents and his baby sister. The show touches on many topics revolving around a growing toddler, but there is one topic that is particularly good for families who are expecting their second child. This show demonstrates the relationship between the young boy and his baby sister. Getting kids ready for a new sibling is something that can never be started too early! Who knows the name of this show?

Question 29

At what age do babies usually take their first steps?

Before the steps are a possibility for the baby, they will learn how to crawl around and how to properly lift themselves up. Once a baby starts to crawl, it is a good idea to have the home baby proofed, as it won't be long before they are walking and getting into all sorts of things. Instead of walking around with a video camera permanently zoomed in on our children for the entire first year of their lives, does anyone know when we can actually start to expect the first steps?

Question 30

What can baby powder help prevent?

Shopping in the baby aisles can be pretty intense. Especially since every book, every television special, and even every doctor may suggest different brands and products to use on our babies. While every baby has different skin and will likely need their own special products, baby powder is known to work well on most babies. Does anyone know what we are using it for though? Only one of the four listed options is correct. Can anyone here pick out which one it is?

Question 31

When can we expect to start feeling little kicks?

Feeling our baby kick for the first time is a very exciting event. Not only does it give us confirmation that they are in there and that they are healthy, but it also allows us some communication with the child. It may feel strange a first, but eventually it is something most mothers get used to. Some mothers may start to worry if they have reached a certain point and have not felt a kick, so to ease everyone's mind... When can we expect to start feeling the little soccer players?

Question 32

Which of these toys would be best for children under 1?

One thing we can expect to see a lot of once we get pregnant, is baby gifts. Friends and family generally love the idea of getting to help out during this special time. However, it is important for the parents to know which gifts are for the newborn, and which ones should be tucked away until the baby is old enough for them. Toys are something most parents receive a lot of. Who knows which of these would be best to give to a child under the age of 1?

Question 33

What is the best way to avoid stretch marks?

Like we have already discussed, pregnancy is a big undergoing for our bodies. The most noticeable change is our appearance will no doubt be the giant protruding belly. There is no saying how large one's belly will get, but there is always a good chance that stretch marks will start to appear on it. These stretch marks are not harmful at all, but some women do not care for the look of them. Is there any sure fire way to avoid these all together?

Question 34

What is a midwife?

There are many different approaches one can take when it comes to pregnancy, and when deciding how to raise our children. There is not one right answer that exists. This is something the parents must decide for themselves once they have consulted with their doctor. A midwife is an optional factor in childbirth, and women are free to have one or to not. But what is it exactly? Does anyone here know which of these answers is correct for this question?

Question 35

When do babies typically start to understand basic words?

This is an important one for parents to be aware of, especially if we tend to have potty mouth's ourselves. Children are like sponges, and you better believe that they pick up on more than just our habits. Once babies start to understand words, there is a good chance we are embedding the ones we use most frequently into their brains. So, does anyone here know at which point in a child's life they can start to understand basic words?

Question 36

Why do babies spit up so much?

Spit up is just one of the unpleasant parts to raising a baby. As if the pile of used diapers was not already enough, but due to the amount babies typically spit up, laundry is a constant project for most households as well. For one reason or another, most babies wait until they have fresh clothes on to spit up. Does anyone know why babies are constantly getting sick like this? Try picking out the correct answer from the options given below!

Question 37

How long should nursing mothers wait before giving their baby a pacifier?

Pacifiers are a great tool used to help soothe a baby. It is very common to see young babies with a pacifier, but how young is too young? When mothers are nursing, doctors will typically give them a time frame as to when it is appropriate to give their baby a pacifier. This is due to several different reasons, but all we want to know is the time frame itself. Does anyone here know the correct answer to this question?

Question 38

Which of these foods should be avoided during a babies first year?

Just like mom during pregnancy, there are certain foods that are no-no's for small babies. Obviously anything the requires strong teeth is out, but some foods that may seem easy enough for a child to eat are still on the banned list. Of course, depending on a child's allergies, there may be more things to avoid than just the basics, but there a a handful of items that all babies under 1 should be avoiding. Which of these fall into that category?

Question 39

Name this popular kids show

This fun show is all about animals! The show features families of different species. Their family name represents the kind of animal that they are. This makes learning the names of animals fun and easy to understand. While these animal families are very human-like for most of the show, they each still have little personality quirks which go along with their species (Wikipedia). Is this ringing any bells for anyone? Looking at the options listed, can anyone pick out the right title of this show?

Question 40

Can we give a newborn regular milk if we forget to pick up formula?

We have all done it. Gone to the store for one item, and left with everything but that specific item. Normally, when this happens it is not the end of the world, but what if our baby was depending on us getting some formula while we were out? Would we be able to give them a bottle of regular milk just for the evening, while we pick up some formula the following day? Or, is this not something that is recommended at all?

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