We Doubt Anyone Can Get Over 50% On This Pregnancy Trivia Quiz. Wanna Try?

Most women will probably agree that being pregnant is both exciting and exhausting. It is exciting in that one gets to carry a tiny human being inside one's body. On the other hand, pregnancy lasts quite a while and as such most women are completely fed up with it by the time that it is over. After all, pregnancy results in countless changes, both short term and long term.

Long term changes are of course the changes that occur after the baby is born - there is a tiny human being that needs to be taken care of for at least the next eighteen years. This tiny human being changes the lives of his or her parents completely. Short term changes on the other hand are more immediate and include physical and mental changes such as a changing body (think the swelling of the belly to accommodate the baby and the swelling of other body parts that come with that), serious mood swings, bizarre cravings, morning sickness, and the like.

Still, regardless of all this most women are overjoyed when they realize that they are pregnant. But pregnancy is no easy feat and in addition to all of the above mentioned things one also has to make sure that plenty of research has been done so as to make the pregnancy period and the labor that is to come after that more relaxing and enjoyable.

Question 1

Can pregnant women drink coffee?

Coffee is a delicious brewed drink that is made from coffee beans that have been roasted. As a drink, it has a slightly unusual taste - it is bitter and slightly acidic. However, despite its unique taste it is one of the most popular drinks in the world and can be prepared in a number of ways. It also has a stimulating effect and as such most of us drink it on a regular basis and particularly in the morning.

Question 2

What is the most common early sign of pregnancy?

A woman's body has a way of telling her that she is pregnant. Indeed, there are countless of early pregnancy symptoms which include fatigue and tiredness, spotting, nausea (with vomiting or without vomiting), strange food cravings or strange food aversions, constipation, mood swings, headaches, dizziness, faintness, a missed period, heartburn or seemingly excessive visits to the bathroom. As is probably quite obvious, it is pretty much impossible to not realize that you are pregnant especially seeing how quite a few women can feel that they are pregnant without even experiencing any giveaway symptoms.

Question 3

True or False - A woman can get pregnant while already pregnant?

Who knows whether the above statement - you can get pregnant while you're already pregnant - is true or false? Most of us are aware that when a woman gets pregnant her body sends a signal to her ovaries. This signal stops the eggs from being released which prevents the woman from getting pregnant while she is already pregnant. Of course, the human body is strange and unpredictable and there have been instances where seemingly impossible things have occurred. But is getting pregnant while already pregnant really possible?

Question 4

How long does a typical pregnancy last?

Most women love and hate being pregnant at the same time. On the one hand, you are carrying a tiny human being inside you which is a truly unique experience. On the other hand, you are extremely uncomfortable for the majority of your pregnancy - your body swells up, you start craving ridiculous foods, you need to use the bathroom constantly and you go through morning sickness that for some reason happens any time during the day, not just in the morning. But how long does all of this last for?

Question 5

How much weight gain is expected for a pregnant woman?

Most pregnant women will have more of an appetite than they did when they were not pregnant. Indeed, it is common for women to consume more food during their pregnancy, depending on which trimester they are in. Listening to one's body and eating healthily is incredibly important since experts now agree that the environment in which babies live in can greatly impact their future health. In fact, some say that obesity and high blood pressure later down the line for example could absolutely be caused by a pregnant woman's poor diet.

Question 6

A pregnant woman's feet can grow up to...

When a woman is pregnant her body grows so as to accommodate the baby. However, while most people will notice the woman's belly, not many people will notice her swollen feet. But why do women's feet swell during pregnancy in the first place? According to experts, the reason behind it is the fact that during pregnancy a woman's body retains more fluid as well as the fact that more pressure is put on a woman's veins by the growing uterus which affects the return of blood to a pregnant woman's heart.

Question 7

What is the "linea nigra"?

Most pregnant women spend a lot of their free time doing baby related research so as to prepare for the time when their baby comes. After all, babies require quite a lot of care and it is necessary to know as much as possible about the various parenting techniques and the various baby terms out there so as not to feel completely clueless later down the line. Still, it is also a good idea to do some research about pregnancy too so as you don't feel too much pressure by what is happening to your body.

Question 8

Which parent determines the baby's gender?

Most parents spend countless of hours preparing for the arrival of the new baby. They decorate the nursery, purchase various baby items and pick out a name. However, to do most of these things one needs to know the gender of the baby. And while some parents decide to wait until the baby is born to find out his or her gender, most parents are not as patient and as such ask their doctor to reveal the baby's gender as soon as that becomes possible. But which parent determines the baby's gender in the first place - the mother or the father?

Question 9

True or False - Labor only begins when one's water breaks

If one is to believe movies then a woman only goes into labor when her water breaks. We've all seen those scenes: a woman appears to be perfectly calm when suddenly her water breaks, she freaks out and is whisked away to the hospital where she proceeds to give birth and five minutes later is seen holding a baby. But is that really what happens in real life? In other words, is the statement above - labor only begins when one's water breaks - is true or false?

Question 10

On average, it takes a woman how long to deliver her first baby?

Most pregnant women - or women that have been pregnant at some point in their lives - will tell you that pregnancy is no joke. Sure, it feels great to be carrying a tiny human being inside you but it is also extremely uncomfortable. However, most will also agree that pregnancy is preferable to the thing that comes after - labor. More often than not, labor lasts for hours and leaves the mother feeling completely exhausted. Luckily, those who are pregnant with their second or their third baby have it slightly easier (they give birth faster).

Question 11

What are false labor pains known as?

One of the most obvious physical changes that indicate the beginning of labor is without doubt labor contractions. The way that labor contractions feel differ from woman to woman and indeed even from pregnancy to pregnancy but more often than not a woman feels serious discomfort and even pain in her back and her lower abdomen. Some women have compared labor contractions to the pain that one might feel during menstruation. However, sometimes these labor contractions are actually false. What are these false labor pains known as?

Question 12

How can one tell if labor contractions are real or not?

Labor contractions are a good indication that a woman is ready to go into labor. However, sometimes these labor contractions are actually false labor pains. These false labor pains can occur as early as the second trimester although more often than not they occur during the third trimester. Unlike real labor contractions, false labor pains do not indicate that a woman is ready to give birth. Rather, false labor pains occur so as to prepare the pregnant woman for the real thing that is yet to come.

Question 13

What is a premature birth?

As is probably quite obvious, a premature birth is a birth that occurs before the estimated due date. While most mothers can't wait to give birth to their baby, no one wants to give birth to a premature baby. Unfortunately, premature babies are at risk of various medical conditions (short term conditions such as breathing problems and heart problems and long term condition such as impaired learning and vision problems for example) and need extra help when they are born.

Question 14

How much fish that is low in mercury can a pregnant woman eat per week?

Pregnancy is quite exhausting not only because of the physical changes that a woman experiences (things such as swollen belly, swollen feet, morning sickness and the constant need to go to the bathroom for example) or the mental changes that a woman has to put up with (such as inexplicable mood swings) but also the dietary changes that need to be made. For example, certain things that a woman could eat whenever she felt like it before pregnancy need to suddenly be severely limited or are off-limits completely.

Question 15

Which one of the below exercises should a pregnant woman avoid?

Just because a woman is pregnant that doesn't mean that she needs to give up exercise. Indeed, according to experts, women who exercise during pregnancy not only look but also feel much better than those who do not. Women who exercise during pregnancy feel better about their bodies, have more energy, feel less back pain and after giving birth return to their pre-pregnancy body shape much quicker than those women who skip exercise. However, it is important to know the types of exercise that are good and the types of exercise that should be avoided.

Question 16

When should a pregnant woman schedule a prenatal care checkup?

A prenatal care checkup is a checkup that is given to pregnant women to make sure that both they and their babies are healthy and happy during their pregnancy. Regular prenatal care checkups are extremely important for they help monitor a baby's activity and health. As such, if there are any issues - or if the mother has any questions regarding anything about her pregnancy - they can be dealt with immediately. But when exactly should a pregnant woman schedule a prenatal care checkup?

Question 17

True or False - Morning sickness is a sign that a woman will have a girl

While some parents don't care about the gender of their baby and don't even want to know what it is even when the doctor is able to tell them, most parents are eager to find out the gender of their baby. After all, once the parents know the gender they can start planning the newborn's nursery and the name. However, some parents believe that it is possible to know the baby's gender from things such as whether a pregnant woman has morning sickness or not.

Question 18

How close should contractions be before a pregnant woman calls her doctor?

The surest way to know that a pregnant woman is about to give birth is by the frequency of her labor contractions. We've already mentioned that labor pains are a way for the body to communicate to the mother-to-be that she is about to go into labor. But just because a woman is experiencing contractions that does not necessarily mean that she is ready to give birth. So, how close should the labor contractions be before a pregnant woman calls her doctor or makes her way to the hospital?

Question 19

During labor, it is to time push when the cervix has dilated to...?

Before a pregnant woman is ready to give birth it is necessary that her cervix dilates to the appropriate amount. Once the pregnancy starts nearing the end the cervix sometimes opens up by a centimeter or two by itself. Once a woman goes into labor, contractions lead to the further widening of the cervix and eventually the cervix dilates to the appropriate amount as specified by doctors. Who knows what this appropriate amount is? While often the cervix dilated naturally, it is not uncommon for it to have to be dilated via medical means.

Question 20

A baby might be smaller than average if the mother does what during pregnancy?

Premature births often result in babies that are smaller than average which can seriously impact their health. However, in some cases, babies that are born on time can also be smaller than average which also can result in health issues such as breathing problems, the inability to stay warm, low blood glucose and an excessive amount of red blood cells. Of course, just because a baby is smaller than average that doesn't mean that he or she will necessarily have health problems but it is a good idea to keep an eye on the baby and to consult your doctor.

Question 21

What is a baby's first stool called?

A baby's first poop is nothing like you've ever seen before and even has a special name. Who knows what that name is? In most cases, babies pass their first stool 24 hours or so after birth. However, it is not uncommon for babies to pass their first stool 48 hours after birth or even 72 hours after birth. This first stool is rather unusual in that it has no smell and is completely black and tar-like. It is mostly made up of bile salts and acids as well as other debris.

Question 22

What is the greasy substance that covers a newborn baby called?

Only in movies are babies born perfectly clean. In real life, when babies are born they are covered head to toe in a weird, waxy, cheesy substance that is mostly made from water. This substance forms when a woman is about 20 weeks into her pregnancy and is basically an amazing protective covering that safeguards the baby from germs and also ensures that his or her skin does not get too waterlogged. It also reduces birth trauma and keeps the baby warm.

Question 23

What is a breech baby?

Pregnant women may be preoccupied with their changing bodies and their constant mood swings as well as with their research into all things babies but it is also important to read up about pregnancy and labor too. After all, if a pregnant woman knows what exactly happens during the process of giving birth then she will more than likely be calmer. In addition, she will be aware of the various terms that might be used in reference to the baby.

Question 24

How far into pregnancy can women fly?

Just because a woman is pregnant that doesn't mean that she can't travel on the plane. Indeed, many women choose to go to foreign countries on holidays during their pregnancy and more often than not, everything works out fine. It is generally agreed that if one's pregnancy is uncomplicated then flying should not be an issue. Still, it is a good idea to check with your doctor before you book your flight. And of course, you can't be expected to be allowed onto the plane when you are in the later stages of your pregnancy.

Question 25

What does the term "quickening" refer to?

As is probably quite obvious by now, there are plenty of seemingly obscure and strange terms that are used to describe various things that occur during one's pregnancy. As such, it is a good idea to do plenty of research into all things related to pregnancy so as to understand what the doctors are talking about or else risk feeling clueless. So, who knows what the above term - "quickening" - means? Go ahead and choose one of the four answers below.

Question 26

How many calories should an average pregnant woman consume during the first trimester?

In addition to experiencing bizarre food cravings, most pregnant women also eat more than they normally would if they were not pregnant. This is totally normal and as such the woman should simply listen to her body. However, an increased appetite does not necessarily mean that it is a good idea to indulge in various food cravings. Rather, a pregnant woman should strive to eat a healthy and balanced diet which includes things such as fruit, vegetables, dairy and nuts.

Question 27

And how many calories should an average pregnant woman consume during the second trimester?

As a woman passes from the first trimester to the second trimester, chances are that her appetite will increase. Once again, this is totally normal and happens to almost every single pregnant woman. The key is to listen to one's body and eat a healthy diet full of fruit, vegetables, dairy and lean meats. Neither fasting nor overindulging in food is a good idea. Rather, a balance needs to be found. So, who knows how many calories an average pregnant woman should consume during the second trimester?

Question 28

True or False - Some women crave inedible items such as soap or dirt

During pregnancy most women find that they crave the oddest of foods. In fact, sometimes it is this craving for bizarre food items that alerts the woman that she is pregnant. The most common pregnancy food cravings include chocolate, pickles, eggs, bacon, lemons and ice cream. However, some women also crave things such as sardines on Ritz crackers and blueberries, pulled pork on vanilla ice cream and Doritos dipped in clam chowder soup. But is it true or false that some women also crave inedible items?

Question 29

When do most women feel the baby's first movements?

It is always exciting when a pregnant woman feels her baby moving around in her belly for the very first time. It is then that pregnant women truly feel that they are carrying a tiny human being inside them. However, those who are carrying their very first baby might not initially even realize that the faint fluttering feeling which they are feeling in their stomach is that of their baby moving around. Women who are carrying their second or third child on the other hand will feel these movements sooner for they will know what to look out for.

Question 30

During the third stage of labor the woman...?

Most pregnant women will without doubt agree that pregnancy seems to last forever. This makes sense - pregnancy does actually last quite a long time which feels even longer to the pregnant woman who feels very uncomfortable for the majority of the pregnancy. And while in contrast labor lasts only a very short amount of time, it can feel even longer, especially seeing how it is divided into various different stages. Who knows what happens during the third stage of labor?

Question 31

How long does early labor last?

Early labor occurs during the first stage of labor. More often than not early labor begins when a woman starts to feel labor contractions. It ends when the woman's cervix dilates to three centimeters at which point the woman moves onto the active labor phase. Who knows how long exactly does the early labor phase last for? Experts recommend that a woman try and relax during the early labor phase. In fact, it is not even necessary to rush to the hospital at this stage yet.

Question 32

What does the term "crowning" refer to?

Here we have another seemingly strange pregnancy term that will seem totally obscure to anyone who has not done any pregnancy research. Indeed, that is why it is so important to read up on all things related to pregnancy - so that you have a good idea of what is going on around you and so that you know exactly how your pregnancy is going. So, think you know what the term "crowning" means? Then go ahead and choose the correct answer below.

Question 33

How long does the pushing stage last?

The pushing phase occurs during the second stage of labor. It takes place after a pregnant woman's cervix is completely dilated which means that the baby can now be safely pushed out through the uterus. More often than not most women feel energized during this stage but in some cases women might feel tired and exhausted, especially if labor was rather difficult. The amount of time that the pushing stage lasts depends on how tolerant both the mother and the baby are.

Question 34

When do the contractions stop?

Most pregnant women start feeling labor contractions during the later stages of their pregnancy. In some cases, these contractions are false and are simply preparing the mother-to-be for the real thing which is yet to come. Sometimes women know this beforehand, other times they rush to the hospital where the doctor explains the situation. When real labor contractions begin however it is a signal that the pregnant woman will soon go into labor. But who knows when exactly do these labor contractions stop?

Question 35

Which of the below does NOT get larger during pregnancy?

Most people are aware that when a woman is pregnant her body changes significantly so as to accommodate the baby that is growing inside her. One of the most obvious changes is the woman's belly which grows rather large during pregnancy. However, the belly is not the only thing that increases in size. Out of the four body parts and organs below - heart, finger, uterus and brain - which one, in your opinion, does NOT grow larger during pregnancy?

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