We Bet Even The Biggest Twihards Can't Pass This Quiz On The First Movie

Very few book series' end up defining an entire generation, but Twilight is one of them. Like Harry Potter and Lord Of The Rings before it, both the books and the movies became massively popular, with people choosing their favorite characters and couples, dressing up as characters, and theorizing endlessly about how it would all end. People chose teams, imagined what their special vampire powers would be, and debated the benefits of becoming a vampire rather than a werewolf.

Nowadays, it's been years since the last installment of either the books or the movies, but true fans can still remember every detail. This quiz delves into all the little moments that only a serious fan would catch, moments that fly by so quickly that someone would need a vampire's super speed to remember them all! Don't worry though, this quiz makes sure to only focus on the first installment of the series, and only on things that happen within the first film.

If ordinary Twilight quizzes are a breeze, and knowing Jasper from James is just too easy, then click onward! Every fan to complete this test to the best of their ability will be rewarded with their Twihard status at the end, so go ahead!

Question 1

Why do the Cullens have golden eyes?

From the moment Bella first set eyes on the Cullen family, she's aware that they are all extraordinarily beautiful. Their skin is completely clear, their movements are graceful, even their hair is always amazing. With that said, the thing that sets them apart the most is their eye color, which everyone in the family shares. Even though they are an adoptive family, Bella notices that they all have the same eyes, which are the colour of pure gold. As she learns more about them, she is told that there is a reason for this unique shade, but what is it?

Question 2

What sport do they play during the storm?

In the Twilight universe, vampires have super strength and speed, which makes them better at sports than the average human. However, their extra skill means that playing sports can have some unintended consequences. The main problem is, the Cullens play with such force that any collision would make a deafening noise, and they move so fast that it causes the wind to pick up around them. In order to hide this, they can only play sports during a storm, where the thunder and wind help to disguise the noises that they're making. So, what sport do they play during Twilight?

Question 3

Where does Twilight take place?

Before the Twilight series gained popularity, the town where it was set was just an ordinary place. However, following the series, the first thing anyone thinks of when hearing the name is "vampires". As for clues: the Cullens can't go out in the sun, so the location where they live has to be a fairly rainy and overcast place. Not only that, but they are surrounded by plenty of woods and mountains, since they need to hunt large animals to maintain their "vegetarian" vampire diet. With all that in mind: in what place is the Twilight series set?

Question 4

What is Alice’s power?

All vampires have superhuman abilities: they can move faster than humans for example, and they are much stronger. They are also quieter, they can move completely silently and stay impossibly still. However, some vampires have powers that are unique to them, or least uncommon. Alice is one of these vampires, and her power helps to keep Bella and the other Cullens safe throughout the Twilight series. Her power also means that the Volturi are very interested in her in later books and films. Here's a fun hint: her power means that no other Cullen can beat her in a fight. What is her special ability?

Question 5

Who is standing next to Mike?

Throughout the Twilight series, we spend most of our time with Bella, and Bella spends most of her time with the Cullen clan. In fact, when she's not hanging out with the vampires, then she's usually hanging out with Jacob Black and his friends and family. However, even though she's kind of a quiet person, it doesn't take her long to make some ordinary human school friends. One of them is Mike, a well-meaning guy who's one of the first people to be kind to her. Who is the person standing next to Mike, who also made an effort to be friends with Bella?

Question 6

In what class did Edward and Bella first meet?

Throughout the Twilight movies, Bella and Edward prove again and again that they are dedicated to one another, and will do anything to keep each other safe. With that said, they weren't always so deeply connected. When they first met, the whole thing was actually pretty awkward, and Bella was convinced that Edward disliked her. It's not hard to see why, since Edward spent much of their first class together looking super uncomfortable and barely talking to her. It's one of the most famous scenes in the movie series as a whole, but the question is this: in what class did this all take place?

Question 7

Which Cullen likes Bella the least?

At the beginning of the film, Bella's friends make it clear that the Cullens keep to themselves. They're always polite, but they mostly only hang out with each other, which leads some people at school to assume that they are arrogant or elitist. As Bella and Edward spend more time together, she soon learns that isn't true, but that doesn't mean everyone in the family loves her immediately. Though some family members are genuinely excited to have her around, and others are just happy to see Edward happy, there is one Cullen in particular who is resentful of Bella. Which is it?

Question 8

Why did Bella move?

I think it's fair to say that if Bella hadn't moved away at the start of the Twilight series, none of the events that we see in the books or movies would have happened. That makes Bella's decision a significant turning point in her life, and her reason for doing so pretty important. It's made clear that Bella never really felt like she fit in at her old school, and that her old home was full of people who were nothing like her. That gave her several reasons to want to move somewhere else, but what was the most significant reason why she chose to do it?

Question 9

What does Carlisle do for a living?

The Cullen's are all much older than they look, and several of them are even over 100 years old. That means that they have all graduated high school many times over, and have become experts at many different things. Though they are not short of money, this means that they choose to work if they want to, and the best example of this is Carlisle. Over the years, he has found a profession that he is passionate about, and one that he continues doing even though he can afford not to. Here's the question: what does he do for a living?

Question 10

Who is this on the left?

Bella's school friends are not a huge part of Twilight, and we see less and less of them as the series progresses, both in the books and the movies. However, in the first film we get to know a couple of Bella's friends in particular, including the ones in this picture. One is very chatty and kind of a gossip, and she's the reason that Bella learns so much about Edward and the Cullens. The other is quieter and even kind of shy, but she's also the smartest and most level headed one in the friend group. What is the name of the one on the left?

Question 11

What is Jasper’s power?

Though special abilities are pretty rare amongst vampires, they are still common enough that most vampire clans are aware of them. This means that a lot of other vampires are interested in the Cullen family, as they have an uncommon amount of vampires with powers in their group. One of these vampires is Jasper, who came into the clan later and who Alice chose as her partner. His ability is unique, and also helps Bella several times throughout the series, especially during stressful situations. The question is: what is his unique ability that no other vampire in the series has?

Question 12

What does Edward first save Bella from?

Throughout the series, Edward saves Bellas life numerous times, and many other times she is saved by other members of the Cullen family. In fact, it's kind of become a joke among Twilight fans, that Bella is super clumsy and needs to be watched at all times. With that said, this first dangerous situation wasn't actually her fault, so we can go ahead and give her a pass. This first life-threatening event was what made Bella first question what Edward was, and also sparked her feelings for him. The question is: what was this first dangerous event that Edward saved her from?

Question 13

Where did Bella move from?

Anyone who has seen the Twilight movies, or read the books, will know that Bella didn't always live in the Cullens' town. Before the events of the first movie, she actually lived in a different place altogether, although over time she grows to love her new town way more than her old one. When her new friends ask her about it, she makes it clear that she never really fit in in her old place, and her friends say she doesn't even look like she could have lived there. The question is: what place are they talking about?

Question 14

What is Bella’s mother called?

Though Bella moves away from her mother at the start of the first book and movie, we never get the feeling that they dislike each other. In fact, Bella's mother calls often, and is constantly checking up to make sure she is safe and happy. In fact, we even get to see her a couple more times later in the series, such as when she comes to Bella's new home to attend the wedding. With all that said, only a true Twilight fan would remember what Bella's mother was called, so the question is, what is she called?

Question 15

What happens to Edward in the sunlight?

In most vampire books and films, there are some rules in place about what vampires can and can't do. In some stories, vampires can't have garlic or enter a building without permission. In others, they can't cross running water, or ever step into a place of worship like a church. Some books even say that vampires have no reflection, and that they must sleep all day every day. Twilight has some different rules about what vampires can do, but it does mention that they avoid sunlight. The question is, why must they do this? What happens to them if sunlight touches them?

Question 16

Why does Edward not have a bed?

There's a famous scene in Twilight where Bella wakes up, and Edward is stood at the foot of her bed, watching her. He explains that it's because he likes watching her sleep, and fans tend to think this is either sweet or kind of creepy. The thing is, when Bella goes to visit Edward at his house, she discovers that she can't return the favour. Why? Because Edward doesn't have a bed. She is so surprised by this that she asks him about it, and he tells her why without missing a beat. The question is: why doesn't he have a bed?

Question 17

What is Edward’s power?

From the moment that Bella meets Edward, she knows that he's special. At first, she thinks it's because of his extraordinary beauty, and then she thinks it's because of his strange but compelling personality and habits. Later, when she learns the truth about him, she assumes it's his vampire abilities (like his super strength and speed) that really set him apart. However, Edward has a skill that even sets him apart from other vampires. It turns out, that he is one of the vampires in the Cullen clan with special powers, which he uses to protect Bella. The question is: what is his power?

Question 18

What is Bella’s father called?

When we first meet Bella in Twilight, she is getting ready to move house and school, and to go live with her father. We get the feeling that the two of them are on okay terms, but that they don't see each other all that often. When we meet her dad, it's true that they are kind of awkward around each other, especially since neither of them are very good at jokes or small talk. Despite that, we do get the impression that he really cares about his daughter. All that said: what is the name of Bella's father?

Question 19

Who invites Bella to the baseball game?

The baseball game is one of the most memorable scenes in the whole Twilight series. Most people who haven't even seen the movie at least know that scene, and even the soundtrack that plays during it has become iconic. The scene is also one of the first times we get to see the Cullens have fun, even if it's also the first time that the true villains of the movie are revealed. However, we never would have gotten to see any of this if Bella hadn't been invited to go along and watch their game, so who invited her?

Question 20

Who is this?

The Cullens might be the clan that we spend the most time with throughout the Twilight series, but they are not the only ones we meet. In fact, they're not even the only vampires that live in the area. During Twilight, we meet a clan of vampires that don't adhere to the Cullens' "vegetarian" ways, and they see Bella as more of a snack than a person. The person in this image is a member of this clan, and a very dangerous member at that. With that said, he does also have some fans, who I'm sure will be able to tell me his name.

Question 21

How old is Bella in Twilight?

When it comes to guessing Bella's age, there are a couple of factors that narrow it down and make it easier to get. First of all, Twilight is a teen book and movie, so we can assume that the main character is a teenager as well. Not only that, but we know that she's in high school and that she hasn't graduated yet, which narrows things down even further. With all that said, there are still a few different ages she could be, and it's up to you to guess which she actually is. So: how old is Bella in the first Twilight movie?

Question 22

Which vampire bites Bella first?

Across the Twilight series, Bella is bitten by a few different vampires. In some cases, she is bitten by a villain, but usually it's way more complicated than that. For example, sometimes when she is bitten it is to stop her from becoming a vampire, whereas other times it's to turn her into one. Not just that, but many times when she is bitten, the vampire responsible doesn't actually want to do it, and is only trying to save her. With that said, she was bitten for the first time in the first Twilight movie, so which vampire was responsible?

Question 23

What kind of creature is Jacob?

Much of the Twilight series centres around vampires: the main heroes are vampires, the main villains are vampires, the main love interest is a vampire. In fact, even the majority of side characters, both frenemies and besties, are vampires. With that said, vampires are not the only fantastical creatures that exist in the Twilight universe, and they're not even the only ones who live in the city Bella does. The biggest coincidence is that her friend from childhood Jacob Black, is a member of one of these mythical species and she doesn't even know! The question is: what kind of creature is he?

Question 24

What year was Edward born?

To everyone else at school and in town, the Cullen's look like normal people. Edward, Alice and the others look like normal teenagers, and Carlisle and Esme look like normal, if kind of young, parents. However, them being vampires means that they are much older than they look. Carlisle is the oldest, as he is the one who turned most of the others, but aside from that the age of all the Cullen's varies. Some are under a hundred, while some are way over a century old. The question is: how old is Edward Cullen?

Question 25

What does Bella’s father do for a living?

Bella's father is a man of few words, and throughout the Twilight series we don't get to hear him say a whole lot. That means that he doesn't talk a bunch about his job, even if he does mention it very occasionally. What we do know is that it involves him wearing a uniform, and it's also a job he's pretty proud of. It's also a job that involves serving the community, which means he's a pretty generous and kind person. I've been careful to make sure that the hints here apply to all the answer options here, so the question is: what does Bella's father do?

Question 26

Where does Edward reveal what he is?

Even though the Twilight series on the whole is a supernatural romance, both the first book and movie are more like mysteries. At first, Bella just knows something is different about Edward, but she has no idea why he acts the way he does. Over time, she has her suspicions, and even researches vampires on the internet to see if that's what he could be. With that said, she doesn't really know for sure until she confronts him about it, and he finally reveals the truth. The question is: where are they when this happens?

Question 27

Who is this?

There are more male vampires than female ones in Twilight, at least until the later books and movies. With that said, there are a variety of vampire women in the first film, and some of them are nicer than others. While some dislike Bella, some admire her and while some would like to take her life, others would like to be her best friend. The woman in this picture is one of the vampire women from the first movie, and she also makes an appearance in later films as well. So the question is: who is she?

Question 28

Who does Edward’s power NOT work on?

No matter what book or movie is describing, vampires always tend to be portrayed as pretty powerful. Twilight is no different, the vampires in the movie are super fast and strong, very intelligent, and also beautiful to boot. With that said, they're not completely unstoppable, even when they have more abilities than the average vampire. I say this because Edward is a very powerful vampire, with a special ability that even most humans would like to have. That makes him a dangerous enemy and a powerful hero, but his power doesn't work on everyone. Who doesn't his special ability work on?

Question 29

How does James convince Bella to meet him?

Though the Twilight movie on the whole is a teen romance, the film definitely has some nail-biting moments. Towards the end of the film, things just get more and more dangerous for Bella, as she has to escape a powerful vampire who definitely doesn't want to be friends. Bella is helped to escape by the Cullens, and they do a good job of keeping her safe, but in the end she goes to meet James willingly. This is obviously a pretty dangerous decision, but it's something James convinces her to do. The question is: how does he persuade her to meet him?

Question 30

What instrument does Edward play?

Vampires in the Twilight universe are good at a lot of things. They have super strength, incredible speed, and can move completely silently. With that said, their best ability is probably their super intelligence, as it allows them to pick up skill after skill with hardly any effort. Edward has a lot of skills, but he also has one that you don't need to be a vampire to master. Not only that, but it's one of the reasons Bella finds him so attractive. Basically, Edward can play an instrument, but the question is what instrument can he play?

Question 31

Who is this?

The Cullens are the first vampire clan that we meet in the Twilight movie, and they're also the largest group we see. With that said, we do meet other vampire clans, and they also have very strong bonds between their members. Though this clan member appears to be the leader when we first meet him, we learn later that he's not really the one making the decisions. In fact, he actually disagrees with some of the decisions that the leader makes. With that said, he's still a powerful and dangerous vampire who doesn't believe in the Cullens "vegetarian" diet, but who is he?

Question 32

Who pitches when the Cullens play baseball?

With their super strength, speed, and ability to move silently, it's no wonder that the Cullens are good at sports. Also, their hyper-intelligence gives them another advantage, since they know everything about tactics and can easily learn to play any position. With that said, just because they could learn to take on any role in a team, that doesn't mean they don't have their favourites. In particular, when the Cullens play baseball, one vampire in particular prefers to pitch the ball, and they're great at it. The question is: which Cullen is it?

Question 33

Why did Edward cover his mouth when he was in class with Bella?

The scene in biology class is an iconic Twilight moment, since it's the first time Bella and Edward really talk or interact. In short, it's the start of their love story, but they don't seem to get off on the right foot. For a start, when Bella first walks into the room, Edward looks straight at her and covers his mouth and nose. In fact, it kind of seems like he's gagging, which obviously makes Bella quite uncomfortable. Later she figures out why and forgives him, but why did Edward cover his mouth when Bella entered class in the first place?

Question 34

Where did James lure Bella?

Near the end of the first Twilight movie, Bella makes the decision to meet James, even though she knows he is dangerous. She does this without telling Edward, or any of the other Cullens tasked with protecting her from the other vampires. Now she has her reasons, she believes someone she loves may be in danger, but she still has to hide her plan from Alice and Jasper. Part of this is agreeing to meet James somewhere Alice doesn't recognise, so she can't immediately find her with her power. The question is: where does she agree to meet James?

Question 35

What movie did Edward and Bella watch in English class?

Twilight is full of literary references, both in the book and the movie. Even the cover of the book shows a bright red apple, which is a symbol of temptation and danger that dates all the way back to the story of Adam and Eve. In the movie, we see some of Bella's favourite books, which include Wuthering Heights - another movie with a mysterious but handsome hero. With that said, maybe the most obvious symbolism is in the movie the two watch together during their high school English class. The question is: what movie is it?

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