It’ll Take A True Disney Fan To Score Over 70% On This Cinderella Quiz

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Calling all DISNEY fanatics! This quiz was especially made for those who call themselves true Disney fans! Of course there are so many popular Disney features to choose from and so many great Classic animations out there. So let's take one of Walt Disney's more famous Full-length feature films that has become a long-loved classic all around the world! Cinderella!

This quiz presents 45 questions related to the very enchanting story of Disney's classic animation, Cinderella. Getting all of the answers correct will definitely prove one is a true fan of Disney! So let's roll out the stakes here! Those who amazingly score over 70% prove what a true Disney fan is! But those who score below 70% might have to do a lot of consideration and memory digging to take the quiz again and really prove one has what it takes to be a real Disney fan! Multiple choice should give a little boost and help with some memory jolting and with only two answer options for each question, everyone is sure to score high on this true fan quiz! So no more diddle-daddling! Get into the Disney mind zone and answer these Cinderella questions!

Question 1

Where Is Cinderella's Bedroom?

Originally she must have had the best room in the house! She was after all the only child. Once her father remarried and later lost his life, Cinderella had to relocate. Her Stepmother makes a very interesting and bizarre suggestion. People who know this story and have seen it along with all of it's remakes, have seen this room many times. She happens to share it with her birds and mice friends as well. Which room in the house does Cinderella eventually have to move into?

Question 2

When Does Cinderella Have To Return From The Ball?

With all of the amazing experiences of having a dress and carriage made for her magically by her fairy godmother and then dancing all night with the prince, there has to be a catch right? Well, there is one catch! It's quite harmless but it must be followed or else everything will turn back into rags and things. So for Cinderella there is one rule alone that she must follow and that is her magic "curfew". What time must Cinderella leave the ball?

Question 3

What Color Is Gus' Shirt?

As every Disney fanatic out there knows. Gus Gus is a crucial member of the Cinderella critter friends club. Gus is introduced into the film by being caught in a mouse trap. At first he is terrified and then tries to fight for his life. Cinderella must have the other mice explain things to Gus. After which she dresses him up in his own little pair of shoes and a snug shirt. What color shirt does Cinderella dress Gus in?

Question 4

What Is Lady Tremaine's Cat's Name?

Here is a sly cat with not so good intentions, ever! His name is a perfect reflection of his character and behavior. For many fans, this cat is a fun and complex addition to this Disney tale. He adds a fun element and his schemes make the audience love him and highly dislike him at the same time. After all... He is only doing what cats naturally do. Throughout the film, his name is mentioned many times. What is his name?

Question 5

What Color is Cinderella's Dress That She Wears To The Ball?

Well for those who answered question 7 correctly, this answer should come easily. The last thing that the fairy godmother does for Cinderella is make her a stunningly beautiful ball gown. She is transformed from rags to elegance in a single twirl of a wand and some magic words. As most Disney fans know, every Disney princess has a dedicated princess dress color. So What is Cinderella's ball gown color?

Question 6

What Are The Fairy Godmother's Magical Words?

there are the famous words spoken by the fairy godmother. Every Disney fan should know these words even if they happen to not exactly be a Cinderella fan. The magic words have their own song dedicated especially for the chant that goes along so catchy. It's actually refereed to as "The magic song". Another interesting fact, this song was nominated for an academy award for best original song! So fan out there better not get this one wrong! What are those famous magic words?

Question 7

What Are Cinderella's Step-Sister's Names?

These two very clumsy girls are a cause of Cinderella's daily headaches! Not only are they unkind and selfish but they are completely useless and require some serious discipline and "proper lady-like etiquette" especially during the times that the film was meant to take place. Apart from their mocking and constant banter and work requests towards Cinderella, these step sisters tag along right behind their mother in hopes of getting everything their way. A complete pain in the bottom! What are these infamous sisters names?

Question 8

What Song Does Cinderella Sing First Thing In The Morning?

Music and song is a great part of Disney film productions. From the moment she wakes up, Cinderella is already in her cheerful spirits and having having chats with her small animal friends. Of course she can't start her day off with out a lovely songs about the wonderful things that go on in her mind. At the beginning of the film, Cinderella sings this lovely song and has all of her small creature friends sing along with her. What is the song that she sings?

Question 9

Who Fixes Up Cinderella's Mom's Dress For The Ball?

This dress plays a big role is Cinderella's life and in the story line for this great Disney film. To be frank, if it weren't for this dress and the events surrounding it, Cinderella might have never met the prince. This was her mother's dress. It was definitely old fashioned but it gets fixed up with a very cute style and modern design so that she could wear it to the ball! That day, Cinderella had a load of work to do. Her step mother and step sisters made sure to have her running around in circles. So who fixes the dress up in time?

Question 10

The Fairy Godmother Turns What Into A Carriage?

Fairy godmothers have a knack for getting things done and making dreams come true. Well in Cinderella's case, she is lucky to have such a dynamic and creative fairy godmother. She takes living materials from around her to create all of the necessary preparations for Cinderella to attend the ball in glamour and style. For everyone who is a fan of this film, it is well know that the fairy godmother's efforts certainly pay off in the end! So think back to the very first things she takes and transforms into a lovely carriage. What is it?

Question 11

What Color Dress Does Anastasia Wear?

This should be super easy!! Come on now. Let's test some quiz taker's great memories here! There are these famous color-coordinated step sisters. Some people have seen the film Cinderella so many times that the names and outfits comes to mind so naturally. Others just literally saw the attire of this sister just a second ago on the previous question. Pretty simple stuff here. So what's it gonna be? What color dress does Anastasia wear in this Classic Disney film?

Question 12

The King Wants The Prince To Find A What?

As it turns out, there are two heavy day dreamers in this story. Of course everyone knows that Cinderella's main thing is dreaming and wishing and waiting for her wonderful fate to come to her. Well there is another character who dreams of his wishes coming true as well. Yes, it's the king! And he has extremely high resolution to make his dreams come true! He'll stop at nothing. Even threatening dukes and all! What does the king really want the prince to find?

Question 13

What Does Cinderella Serve The Chickens And The Mice For Breakfast?

There is a very classic scene from this much loved Disney film. This scene is when Cinderella is out in the back feeding the chickens. In a very cute and comedic twist, the mice also come out for some of that food. Of course this sparks a very memorable cat and mouse chase, as well as a mouse-chicken tug-a-war. For those fans out there who have seen this scene numerous times, this is an easy one. What did Cinderella feed the chickens and mice?

Question 14

What Happened To Cinderella's Mother's Dress?

After Cinderella has her mother's lovely dress touched up and is ever so eager and excited to wear it to the ball, something happens. It's actually a very tragic thing but, had it not happened, well there would not have been the introduction to the fairy godmother. Not to mention, she would never have shown up to the ball in her famous and wonderful ballgown and glass slippers. So what eventually happens to Cinderella's mother's dress before she even has a chance to wear it our?

Question 15

Do The Prince And Cinderella Kiss At The Ball?

We all know the basic timeline of the Cinderella story. But many people often forget the fine details of things. Especially the scenes where emotions are high and the only thing one remembers is the emotion and the general idea of what happened. Well here is such scenario. Everyone knows that Cinderella attends the ball and meets the prince. Now, let's think, do Cinderella and the prince actually share a kiss at the ball on the night that they meet?

Question 16

What is Cinderella's Dog's Name?

Pets are very important for any person. In the Disney films, pets often play a very crucial role in the series of events that take place. And in some cases, the pets actions even dictate or change the fate of the story. In this case, Cinderella has a lazy dog pet. There seems to be no special role for this pet, but as the story progresses, it becomes obvious that this loyal pet must save the day and help make Cinderella's dreams come true! What is this pet's name?

Question 17

What Does The Step-Mother Do After She Realizes It Was Cinderella At The Ball That Night?

Well as one can imagine, Cinderella's step mother was not happy to discover that Cinderella, her servant step daughter had won the heart of the prince. Much less, with the knowledge of knowing that her own two very clumsy daughters were not exactly princess material nor a sight of beauty or grace. So like most jealous female antagonists in Disney films, she did something heartless. Luckily her plan didn't exactly turn out how she had planned. What does she do that moment when she finds out Cinderella was the mystery princess at the ball?

Question 18

Who Takes The Key Up The Stairs To The Attic To Free Cinderella?

As unkind as she is, Lady Tremaine holds Cinderella against her will in her own room. Why does she do it? Well she can't have Cinderella taking away her own daughter's chances of fitting the glass slipper and marrying the prince! So locking her up and placing the key tightly in her pocket was the plan to ensure that Cinderella was not seen while the kinsmen visited her home. Kind and generous Cinderella was able to be set free and try on the slipper that would have her walking down the royal isle.

Question 19

What Is Cinderella's Hairstyle When She Wakes Up In The Morning?

If one remembers this very early morning scene, they will remember the birds and the song and the getting ready for the day scene. Well Cinderella does have a very cute and unique hair style that is not seen again throughout the rest of the Disney classic. This is the only time one can see Cinderella being a sleepy or lazy girl. After this scene she is constantly on the move! Well here's is the time to look back and remember what Cinderella looks like when she wakes up in the early morning. What is her hairstyle?

Question 20

How Many Young Maidens Did The Prince Dance With At The Ball?

The prince is a very popular guy at any venue. So it comes as no surprise that all of the eligible ladies and princesses can't wait to get their hands on him. The kings intention was to throw a wonderful royal ball where all of the ladies in the kingdom could join and dance with the prince in high hopes that the prince would fall madly in love with one of them. Well the king certainly got his wish... How many ladies danced with the prince at the ball?

Question 21

What Does The Horse Get Turned Into?

This horse has been in Cinderella's family for years. If one remembers the beginning scenes of the film, there can be seen a young Cinderella standing next to her father as she caresses her much-loved horse. Well of course this noble steed gets to be in on some of the actions. As the fairy godmother makes her magic moves of some of the other house and barn animals, this horse also get's to join in by being turned into something very important. What is it?

Question 22

How Did The Glass Slipper Break?

Yes, it's certainly not easy to forget that little incident of a glass slipper breaking. If it had been the end of it all, then there would have been a completely different turnout to the whole enchanting story! And who knows! Perhaps the lovely Cinderella would still be a servant girl in her own home. So let's think back to that moment when the audience thought that all hope was lost for poor Cinderella. How did the glass slipper break?

Question 23

What Is Cinderella Doing When The Fairy Godmother Appears?

When it comes to timeliness, there is non other who is more organized about it. The fairy godmother seems to arrive just in the nick of time for Cinderella. She knows Cinderella has a good heart and that she is in distress and needs help quick if she is to make it to the ball in time to enjoy it and truly experience it! So before all of the magic wand waving and magic word throwing, what was Cinderella doing before the Fairy godmother appears?

Question 24

Fill In The Missing Part: In the lovely dress we'll make for Cinderelly....

The mice and invaluable companions for Cinderella while she's under the thumb of her stepmother. They help her with everything from her chores to even helping to create a dress for her so that she can attend the ball at the palace. It's not a one-sided friendship though, as she makes them clothing and helps them to get food and scraps. She also protects them from Lucifer the cat, who would be more than happy to have a mouse snack.

Question 25

What Color Are Lady Tremaine's Eyes?

Throughout this wonderful Disney film the viewer gets to experience looking at those dark and cold eyes numerous times. The step mother has many facial expressions that really show her character and depict the kind of person that she truly is. It could even be said that the color of her eyes also depict the kind of person that Lady Tremaine really is. Those eyes strongly do pierce with intent. Think closely or look closely. What color are her eyes?

Question 26

What Do The Mice Call Lucifer The Cat?

The mice friends in the Cinderella story, such as Jaq and Gus, might be adorable and fun but they are extremely difficult to understand at times. They often repeat words and names and speak in incorrect English grammar and high gerbil tones. So thinking back into the film, they often talk about their biggest enemy, Lucifer, the cat. Unfortunately they have a hard time pronouncing his name and end up calling him by another name throughout the Disney story. What do the mice call Lucifer?

Question 27

In The Morning, How Many Birds Come To Wake Cinderella?

Cinderella is well known for having many friends. These friends consist of small critters that live around the house as well as other barn animals. From the moment she opens her eyes to the moment she closes them at the end of the day, she is surrounded by so many of her creature friends. In a very memorable scene the introduction to Cinderella's character, she is awoken by some of these very friends of hers. they are morning blue birds, to be exact. How many of them come to get her up in the early morning?

Question 28

What Is The Last Chore Lady Tremaine Gives Cinderella In The Morning?

Punishments go towards Cinderella on an almost daily basis. Most of the time they are rigorous and time-consuming house and barn chores. In this particular scene, Cinderella is being punished for something she didn't exactly have any knowledge about. Gus and the other mice sometimes have a knack for getting into mischief. Well here is a good example of that. Gus ends up in one of Cinderella's morning tea cups for her step sister. Of course there is shirking and screaming and hysteria. What is the last chore given to Cinderella by her Step mother as punishment?

Question 29

What Animal Did Cinderella'a Fairy Godmother NOT Use To Send Cinderella Off To The Ball?

As all fans of this classic Disney animation know full well, Cinderella's fairy godmother improvises a whole lot to make dreams come true. To help fulfill Cinderella great dream of going to the royal ball, she uses a lot of Cinderellas animal friends to turn them into people with tasks for this special night. Try to remember all of the animals involved. What animal did the fairy godmother not use to send Cinderella off to the ball in major style?

Question 30

How Did Lady Tremaine Realize That Cinderella Was In Love?

It must take a lot to believe that a servant girl whom she left in rags and tears could have possibly attended a ball in marvelous princess attire and danced all night with the prince, then returned home and dressed back in the same rags all before she and her daughters returned home form the same ball. Well, there's no pulling one over on this clever step mother. After giving some focus on the situation, she figured out this great deception and retaliated with a wicked force! How did Lady Tremaine realize that Cinderella had fallen in love?

Question 31

Fill In The Missing Part: Oh, sing sweet nightingale Sing sweet nightingale ______________

Cinderella wasn't the first Disney Princess, but she certainly was one of the most iconic original princesses when it came to singing. The whole movie is full of memorable and iconic songs. Here is a song that starts off in the film with the step sisters music lessons. The sisters don't give the song much justice. Luckily the song transitions to Cinderella singing in beautiful melody to the simple yet enchanting song. Fill in the missing line of this short song.

Question 32

What Song Do Cinderella And The Prince Sing Together At The Ball?

there is a very romantic moment that puts a smile on every Disney fans face. The scene is the moment that everyone realizes that the prince and Cinderella have just fallen in love. And it is made more evident by the song that they sing together as they serenade and woo each other into a dream-like romance. This song has become one of Walt Disney's most famous songs to date! What is the song that has been stealing audiences hearts for so long?

Question 33

Why Was Cinderella Forced To Become A Servant In Her Own Home?

As all Cinderella fans know very well, her father was actually the Barron of a chateau at the farthest reach of the kingdom. Which made Cinderella a young baroness of the house. As soon as her father was married again, he didn't stay around long to enjoy his second marriage. Cinderella was left parent-less and in the care of her step family. She never left her home until the moment she married the prince. So why was she forced to become a servant in her own home?

Question 34

Gus Has A Real Name, What Is It?

Gus is the chubby mouse of the group! And for many fans, a very loved character for his strong will, feisty personality and his affection for Cinderella's love life. And of course his cute voice and round tummy make him even more lovable. He is also the only character who is introduced into the story at the same time that the audience comes in to learn the story. In the film he is called Gus or Gus Gus. Yet this is only a nick name. Originally, Cinderella gave him a a real name. What is sit?

Question 35

In What Year Was The Feature Film Cinderella Released By Disney?

Well here is something that even hardcore fans might not be aware of. It's also a big hint to the year of this films release. As it turns out, Disney was actually on the verge of loosing it's company after World War 2 and in order to save the company, Walt took a huge risk and decided to create another full-length feature film that had to be a huge box office hit! So $3 million and all bets in, Cinderella saved the day! In what year was Cinderella released by Disney?

Question 36

What Was Cinderella Doing When The Prince Saw Her For The First Time?

At the time that Cinderella comes into the prince's view, he is bowing down in customary greeting to none other than Cinderella's step sisters. He stops at mid bow and almost seems to sense something as he looks up. Of course everyone now know that what he felt was fate right in front of him. But the question here is, what was Cinderella doing? So thinking back to the moment when they were about to first lock eyes, what was Cinderella doing exactly?

Question 37

What Can Be Seen From Cinderella's Attic Window?

Cinderella is a dreamer. A night dreamer and a day dreamer. True fans know all of her songs and ideas about her hopes and dreams and wishes. So it comes as no surprise that she would be the type of girl to stare out of her window and dream on and on for hours and hours. Cinderella happens to have an inspiration just outside her window. It'a a magnificent view of something very important in that kingdom. Remember what it is?

Question 38

What Does The Fairy Godmother Use As Inspiration To Create The Dress For Cinderella?

The fairy godmother could not have appeared out of thin air at a better time! After all of her hopes and dreams were lost, Cinderella breaks down in tears. Her fairy godmother gives her an amazing gift which was one of Cinderella's big wishes. Setting her off to the ball was only part of it. On of the most memorable scenes of this Disney film and one of Walt Disney's greatest prides, was the making of the magical ballgown. So what did the fairy godmother use for inspiration?

Question 39

What Is The Real Name Of This Character?

He has been mentioned one too many times in both the actual film and throughout this Cinderella quiz. So for those who have great memory, this should be a simple pick and go. This tiny character plays a huge role in the story's success. He is in the beginning helping Cinderella, ridding her to the ball, helping her escape imprisonment, and waving her goodbye and good luck as she rides away in her happily ever after carriage with the prince. What is his real name?

Question 40

What Does Cinderella Say As An Excuse To Leave The Ball?

It is very well known that Cinderella had a magic spell curfew set by her fairy godmother. Meeting that curfew time was very detrimental to the whole experience and so Cinderella had to make sure to leave before that clock finished it's last stroke of midnight. So, did the daydreaming hopeless romantic listen? Yes, and no. She lost track of time but managed to run out of there and save herself the embarrassment of a very confusing glamour to rags transformation. What does she tell the prince as an excuse to leave?

Question 41

What Is The King Dreaming About While He Sleeps During The Ball?

As one can tell from the image, it was obviously a very pleasant and enjoyable dream that had the king smiling so hard as he slept. The king had only one focus throughout the entire Disney film, in every one of his scenes. That makes is very easy to know what he was dreaming about! If everyone remembers correctly he is awaken from this jolly dream a loud thumping knock at the door. What was he dreaming about while he slept?

Question 42

How Many Times In The Movie does Cinderella Lose A Shoe?

Many people are thinking, "Is this a trick questions?" The answer is, yeah kind of. The number of times that she looses a shoe is a factual number. So there is no trick there. Of course there is the concept of the entire story with the glass slipper that creates some skepticism about the meaning of this question. Well, let's take is factually. No tricks and no over thinking. Just remember every part of the story from beginning to the very end. How many times does Cinderella lose a shoe?

Question 43

Which Slipper Does Cinderella Lose At The Ball?

Cinderella looses her gorgeous glass slipper as she runs down the palace steps and out to her golden carriage. She runs back up a few steps but realizing that she is being chased down, she has no choice but to abandon the slipper and make her way home as quickly as possible. After all of this she is in the clear but at he cost of a glass slipper being left behind. Thinking closely of the whole ordeal, which slipper does Cinderella lose at the ball?

Question 44

What Is The Name Of This Character?

This is a very important secondary character. He adds a bit of comedy relief to all of the dram in this Disney film. He is also kinda persecuted by the king as his royalty takes out all of his aggression and concerns out on this humble servant. In the end he is a very loyal character who takes on his duties and help unite the two love birds in the story. What is the name of this crucial Disney character?

Question 45

Who Played The Flute?

One of these four women pictured here actually play an instrument. Of course no one is saying that they play it well, but they seem to "think" that they can play the flute, while the other sings. These ear-aching sounds are not exactly the graceful, gentle, angelic sounds of what anyone in their right mind would aim to have. But that doesn't stop them from believing they have some skills. So take a look at your four options. Who played the flute?

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