This Simple Big Bang Theory Quiz Will Reveal Which Girl Everyone Is

The first episode of The Big Bang Theory first aired on 24 September 2007. Although the show isn't over yet, we know that the end is near and we can't help but feel a little bit sad. After all, we've spent over a decade with everyone and we have formed an emotional bond with them. Most of us can't relate to every experience they have had, but we have certainly experienced the emotional excitement or strain they have felt.

We loved our gang from the very first moment we saw them. We saw their growth and how they managed to mature and overcome some of their fears. Even the addition of the female leads was successful (one of the very few successful main character additions in TV history).

Each one of them with their quirks and their own charm has brought laughter and love into this show and we couldn't be more grateful! Amy's incredible wit and her adorable love for Sheldon, Bernadette's sweet voice and her impact on Howard, Penny's humor and her relationship with Leonard; Each moment, a moment we all felt and want to feel time and again.

So, let's answer the following questions and based on these answers, we will reveal who's an Amy, a Bernadette and a Penny!

Let's get started!

Question 1

Opinions on science?

According to Oxford dictionaries, science is "the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment." The study of science, no matter which field one is focusing on, helps us understand the way our world works, whether that is our own bodies, our planet, (and others!) and our universe, (and others!). So is science cool or perhaps there are other fields that are more interesting after all?

Question 2

Are comic books cool?

Comic books come in many forms and with different themes. According to Wikipedia, comic books originate from Japan, but they weren’t exactly the same as the ones we have now! Modernized versions of "comic books were popularized around the 1930s in the US and the UK." Comic books are commonly themed with super heroes (male and female) who try to save the world for some reason that is either universal or personal. Except from superhero comic books, there is also the choice to read manga which have a different approach to the world and can teach us many things! So, are comic books cool, or maybe not?

Question 3

Opinions on acting?

Acting is one of the oldest jobs out there! First of all, according to Wikipedia, acting is "an activity in which a story is told by means of its enactment by an actor or actress who adopts a character." We’re not sure when this profession was first recognized as a way to earn one’s living, but we can definitely say without a doubt that the acting method and what it means to be an actor or an actress has changed a lot over the years (and will keep changing!). So, thoughts on acting?

Question 4

Are monkeys awesome?

There are many types of monkeys. Small ones and big ones. According to Wikipedia, monkeys either "live on trees or on savannas" and they eat mostly "fruits, leaves, seeds and nuts!" We know them to be naughty and this is why according to the Wordreference dictionary the meaning of the phrase cheeky monkey is to be a mischievous child! We’ve all gone to the zoo after all, and we’ve had something taken from us when we weren’t paying attention (whether that is our glasses, for instance, or our hats!). So, opinions on monkeys?

Question 5

Is cheesecake tasty?

Now we’ve all had a piece of cheesecake (or two!). While some find it very tasty, others don’t think that its calories are worth it! A very tricky dessert to prepare on one’s own, perhaps the best choice would be to try it out of a Cheesecake Factory close by! Although "the first one opened in 1978 in Beverly Hills, California," according to Wikipedia, there are many of them spread out at the moment. Regardless, there are many flavors of cheesecake, so if the plain one doesn’t sound that appealing there are other paths! So, opinions on cheesecake?

Question 6

Is yoga nice?

Exercise is good for our bodies and our minds (we can’t deny that!). Some like going for walks, others like going to the gym. From swimming to dancing, there are a lot of ways one might choose to exercise. Another option is Yoga! "Originating in ancient India," according to Wikipedia, yoga is a very spiritual experience that allows us to become truly whole (body and mind!). But perhaps this isn’t our type of cookie! Opinions on yoga? Is it cool or not?

Question 7

Are trains fun?

Travelling to new destinations is one of life's best experiences! After all, we don't have roots, so we don't have to stay put to one place all the time (even if we don't have wings!). We did create mechanical wings for exactly this reason! Nevertheless, perhaps airplanes aren't our thing. Then another choice is travelling by train! According to Wikipedia, trains were first used as a means of transportation during the 16th century. Even if it's not as fast in most cases, trains have a different appeal! We have our feet in the ground and we get to see different sceneries as we change locations! So opinions on trains?

Question 8

Are children fun?

A child is an extension of his or her parents. He or she is the future. The identity of a child. and therefore the way it should be treated, changes over the years. According to Wikipedia, while during the 18th century, for instance, children were treated as adults, in the 21st they have their own rights and their own needs that differ completely from their parents etc. In this way, children can express themselves freely. Some people find children to be precious, while others cannot say they agree. So, are children fun or maybe not?

Question 9

Are harps cool?

Since we’re talking about children some of them have a musical ear and they have a talent they exercise by playing a musical instrument. Whether that musical instrument is a piano, a guitar, drums or even a harp, each one of them has a special way of understanding and feeling the world! Out of the four instruments mentioned, the harp is definitely the most rare to play at a young age. That doesn’t mean, however, that the harp is a recent invention. Significantly, according to Wikipedia, harps can be dated back thousands of years in Africa, Asia and Europe! So, opinions on harps?

Question 10

Is Geology interesting?

According to Wikipedia, Geology is "an earth science concerned with the solid Earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the processes by which they change over time." For this reason, it helps us understand how the Earth changes over the years! It can also help us foresee what might come next! Connected to the environment, some scientists find Geology to be boring because it doesn’t connect to space or the human brain etc. So opinions on Geology? Is it cool or not?

Question 11

Are birthdays important?

Birthdays. We all have one otherwise we wouldn’t exist! Some people like their birthdays others don’t. For some it is a celebration of yet another year they got to live, and for others it is a constant reminder that people get older over the years. We’ve seen a lot of birthdays during Big Bang Theory’s screen time and we’ve seen both reactions. Amy Farrah Fowler, (Mayim Bialik) as we see in the 11th episode of the 9th season according to Wikipedia, loves her birthdays! Are we on the same page with her or not?

Question 12

How does a glass of wine after work sound?

According to Wikipedia, wine is "an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grapes!" It can be used for cooking (either pouring it as the recipe describes or drinking it while cooking!). It can be served with dinner or lunch and it can even be our choice of drink when we go out for fun! A glass of wine can be very refreshing especially if we’ve had a bad day. So does a glass of wine after work sound appealing, or maybe not?

Question 13

Is dating fun?

Dating is part of our adult lives. We all do it even if some dates don’t go that well (or they go the exact opposite of well!) The fact that we do it doesn’t necessarily mean that we enjoy it every time. Even though dating is something that we take for granted nowadays it wasn't always like that since, according to Wikipedia, "dating as an institution is a relatively recent phenomenon which has mainly emerged in the last few centuries."Throughout the years, Big Bang Theory has showed us many dates that have either gone wrong or right. Some were between main characters and others were with outsiders. With that in mind, we can say that Penny (Kaley Cuoco according to IMDB) has had both experiences on TV. So, opinion on dating?

Question 14

Is writing fanfiction fun?

Writing fanfiction, namely "fiction about characters or settings from an original work of fiction, created by fans of that work rather than by its creator" according to Wikipedia, is a hobby that many people enjoy! Some fanfiction writing has also turned out to be a new book or story by itself! Writing fanfiction can be about a specific fictional universe and its characters, but it can also be about celebrities or even our close friends (we’ve just placed them in a fictional universe!). This is what Amy has done, for instance, as we find out when Penny and Bernadette (Melissa Rauch) read her stories our loud! So, is writing fanfiction fun?

Question 15

Is Raj cute?

Rajesh Ramayan Koothrappali (Kunal Nayyar according) is one of the main characters on The Big Bang Theory. As an astrophysicist, Raj is working with "the branch of astronomy that employs the principles of physics and chemistry" (Wikipedia). When we first met him, he couldn’t speak to women unless he had a drink, but later on in the series he overcomes his shyness! Although he is friends with the guys for many years, Raj also spends a lot of time with Penny, Bernadette and Amy because he likes their company too! So, is Raj cute or maybe not?

Question 16

Are tiaras cool?

According to Wikipedia, a tiara is "a jeweled, ornamental crown traditionally worn by women." It is safe to say, therefore, that tiaras are not worn in our everyday life events because it is a very formal accessory. Mostly worn by members of a royal family (whether real or fictionally portrayed in a film or a TV series) tiaras make us feel like princesses. But perhaps being a princess isn’t our thing! So, opinion on tiaras?

Question 17

Is cooking fun?

Cooking can relate to many things! It can relate to survival, (we have to eat in order to survive) aesthetics, (a chef tries to serve food in a way that is aesthetically pleasing) and it can even be about showing someone we care about them (they are sick and we made chicken soup!). Now cooking used to be a task that only women did before, according to Wikipedia, but we can’t say the same about it today. So, is cooking fun?

Question 18

Opinions on Sheldon?

Sheldon Cooper (Jim Parsons) is one of the main characters of The Big Bang Theory. Sheldon is either someone we love or someone we can’t stand. He is very specific about the things he wants and he is very particular about how those things are supposed to be done. Urban Dictionary defines Obsessive-compulsive disorder as, "(OCD) a mental disorder where people feel the need to check things repeatedly, perform certain routines repeatedly, or have certain thoughts repeatedly." With Sheldon's eccentricities, this may be a perfect example. He can be arrogant, but he can also be sweet. This is because he is very smart, (smarter than almost everyone in his opinion) but he is also very innocent (since his reactions are child-like at times). So opinions on Sheldon?

Question 19

How about Leonard?

Leonard Hofstadter (Johnny Galecki) is another main character of The Big Bang Theory. He is, in fact, Sheldon's roommate. Being Sheldon's roommate, Leonard has to go through all of Sheldon's quirks everyday from a very close proximity. Even if Sheldon is tiring, Leonard keeps doing him every favor either because that's the easy way or out of love (we're never sure which one is the actual reason because sometimes it's both!) Either option says a lot about his personality. One could argue that Leonard is a pushover, namely "someone who is easily controlled, offers very little resistance to what someone else wants to do, and backs down easily" (Urban Dictionary). So, opinions on Leonard?

Question 20

Which Disney princess is the best?

According to IMDB, in the 18th episode of the 6th season, Amy, Bernadette and Penny somehow end up in Disneyland and they dress up as Disney princesses! All of them want to be one in particular, but eventually Bernadette wins the power play and she gets to be that specific Disney Princess (who can say no to Bernadette, right?). Now, every Disney princess has to go through her own journey even if some parts of that journey are similar. Regardless, each princess has her own uniqueness. So which Disney princess is the best?

Question 21

Opinions on Howard?

Howard Wolowitz (Simon Helberg) is yet another main character from The Big Bang Theory! He is the only one from the guys that is not a physicist but an engineer, namely who "invents, designs, analyze, build, and test machines, systems, structures and materials to fulfill objectives and requirements while considering the limitations imposed by practicality, regulation, safety, and cost" (Wikipedia). According to Sheldon, as an engineer Howard isn’t as smart as the other guys because his profession is more practical rather than theoretical. This brings a strain into their relationship, but they do manage to work it out at times. Finally, before he married Bernadette, Howard was a ladies’ man in his opinion (even if others didn’t always think the same!). So, opinions on Howard?

Question 22

Which Halloween costume is the best?

Isn’t Halloween one of the best holidays? We get to eat candy, and we get to dress up! According to Wikipedia, Halloween is celebrated on October 31st in most countries that celebrate Halloween in the first place! October 31st, therefore, is day that is dedicated to having fun. The type of fun we have changes over the years, but it changes so that we can keep having fun every year. So which costume choice is the best? Some like going as superheroes, while others prefer a different path! Which Halloween costume is the best?

Question 23

Is Alex Jensen cool?

According to Wikipedia, Alex Jensen (Margo Harshman) "a Caltech Physics doctoral student and Sheldon Cooper's assistant." She is introduced to us in season 6 when she briefly becomes Sheldon’s assistant. When Sheldon first chooses Alex to be his assistant, Amy sees how beautiful she is and she is afraid that Alex and Sheldon will fall in love and she is going to end up on her own. Eventually, we see that Alex isn’t interested in Sheldon, but Leonard! Overall, she doesn’t stay for long because she couldn’t handle Sheldon. So, opinions on Alex?

Question 24

Is Ramona Nowitzki cool?

According to Wikipedia. Ramona Nowitzki (Riki Lindhome) is "a postdoctoral researcher and former graduate student of Caltech who is a huge fan of Sheldon's work." She is firstly introduced to us in season 2 and then she returns in season 10 when Amy is at Princeton. Ramona’s reappearance in Sheldon’s life while Amy is away makes everyone else concerned. After all, Ramona was interested in Sheldon in the past. Sheldon thinks that their concern is stupid until Ramona actually kisses him! So, opinions on Ramona?

Question 25

Does a night of Dungeons and Dragons sound fun?

According to Wikipedia, Dungeons and Dragons (also known as D&D) is "a fantasy tabletop role playing game during which was designed by Dave Arneson and Gary Gygax." This game is very well known for many years especially amongst fans of fantasy and science fiction media (think of Lord of the Rings and Star Trek for instance). During a game, the players have to complete the mission given by the Dungeon Mater (the one who controls the narrative and doesn’t participate as a character). So does D&D sound cool or not?

Question 26

Are contracts cool?

According to the Oxford English Dictionaries, a contract is "a written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment, sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by law." Fans of The Big Bang Theory know Sheldon’s fascination with contracts and his need to have one if he is about to enter a serious relationship (whether that is a friendship or a romantic relationship). Although Amy is not a huge fan of the relationship agreement, she has learned over the years how to use it in her advantage! So, opinions on contracts? Can they be fun or maybe not?

Question 27

Opinions on the androgynous look?

The androgynous look is a fashion trend that emerged around the beginning of the 20th century, according to Wikipedia. Women who wanted to go against stereotypical views of how a woman should be dressed started cutting their hair and wore pants etc. Although during the 21st century this isn’t such a controversial look, back then things were different. When in the 19th century, for instance, most women weren’t working at all, now women can wear pants suits to work. So, opinions on the androgynous look?

Question 28

Describe a dream house

We all have a dream house in mind even if that dream house may differ from person to person. We may want an apartment in a big city, or a comfortable home on the suburbs. Most of times, this relates to where and when we grew up. The when refers to people’s needs at a certain period of time. According to Wikipedia, a comfortable home was very different in the 19th century than it is right now (not only in terms of aesthetics, but also in terms of what that house signifies for its owners). So, opinions on the characteristics of a dream house?

Question 29

Singing in the shower?

Even if most people out there have sung a verse or two out there, it doesn’t mean that they are talented singers. After all, who said that in order to sing, we should have the perfect voice? Singing in the shower, for instance, is a habit that most people have even if they don’t do it every time they take a shower! There is even a song about it (Becky G Shower) which, according to Wikipedia, was released in 2014! So is singing in the shower fun or not?

Question 30

Is Vegas a cool destination for vacation?

According to Wikipedia Las Vegas is “an internationally renowned major resort city, known primarily for its gambling, shopping, fine dining, entertainment, and nightlife.” It is safe to say, therefore, that Las Vegas is a city for a wild night (or more!). We’ve heard the saying what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas and we can’t say that this isn’t true! So, opinions on Vegas as a destination for vacation? Does it sound like something fun or perhaps this isn’t our type of cookie?

Question 31

Is game night with the guys cool?

According to Wikipedia, in the 23rd episode of the 6th season the girls join the guys’ Dungeons and Dragons game night. Although we’ve seen Bernadette joining the guys before in the 19th episode of the 5th season and Penny doing the same on the 7th episode of the 1st season, we’ve never seen them joining the guys all together before. Although they don’t get the guys’ love for all these games, they seem to have fun as well at least some times! Opinions on game night with the guys?

Question 32

Are silk sheets nice?

According to Wikipedia, silk sheets are basically a “rectangular piece of cloth used as bedding” that is made of silk. Silk sheets are generally known not only for being very slippery, but also for being extremely smooth (that’s why they’re slippery after all!). Further, they come in very intense colors that are definitely beautiful to pretty much everyone (at least in our eyes!). Opinions on silk sheets? Are they worth a fall or two or perhaps they’re way too inconvenient.

Question 33

Describe a perfect wedding

A wedding is a celebration of the love two people share. Although weddings are performed throughout every country on Earth (at least we hope so) according to Wikipedia “Wedding traditions and customs vary greatly between cultures, ethnic groups, religions, countries, and social classes.” These cultural differences can be shown on a wedding ceremony, from the dress the bride is wearing to the dance music at the feast! Some people want something simple, while others are looking forward to a greater celebration. Describe a perfect wedding!

Question 34

Are sports fun?

According to Wikipedia, the term “Sports includes all forms of competitive physical activity or games which, through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while providing enjoyment to participants, and in some cases, entertainment for spectators.” That being said, any type of sport entails a form of exercise. For this reason, some people enjoy it, while others refrain from any type of participation! So, opinions on sports? Are sports fun?

Question 35

Opinions on Priya?

Priya Koothrappali (Aarti Mann) is the sister of Raj who has recurring appearances throughout several seasons in The Big Bang Theory. According to Wikipedia, she is a lawyer and from what we understand from her brief visit in season 4, Priya has a casual relationship with Leonard any time she's in California. Eventually she comes to California for a long term project and she starts a more serious relationship with Leonard (much to Raj and Penny’s dislike). In the end, Priya returns to India. Opinions on Priya? Is she cool or not?

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