This Quiz Will Separate The Street Smart From The Book Smart

Just as lots of people fall into the overarching categories of introverts and extroverts, most people can also be divided into the groups of book smart and street smart. Those with book smarts don’t just learn better from books, they also appreciate the guidance of an expert or a teacher. They might not be the best in every type of social situation, but they can grasp complex concept off of nothing but the page and put them to use in the real world. That’s not to say that those with street smarts aren’t intelligent, just that their type of knowledge can be a lot more practical. These individuals know how people work, and they’re much more comfortable gathering information from their peers than they would be from a classroom setting. 

Someone’s intellectual quotient would probably not be determined by whether or not someone was book smart or street smart. Instead, these terms simply apply to the way someone prefers to absorb information. We can all read a challenging book or force ourselves to interact with new people, but how helpful either of those experiences would be to the individual differs greatly. So let’s run through some everyday scenarios to separate the book smart from the street smart!

Question 1

A week-long road trip with friends sounds…

For many people, the thing they look forward to most in life is those few weeks of vacation they get to enjoy every year. This is precious time, and figuring out how you’re going to spend it is no small feat. So how does spending that time in a car with your best friends sound to you?

Question 2

Pick a board game to play.

Every board game requires a certain amount of strategy — some a lot more than others. While games like Scrabble may come down to nothing but a large vocabulary and a good sense of spelling, other games require you to interact and try and read your fellow players if you ever want to win.

Question 3

Best way to tell if someone is interested in the conversation.

It can be a bit disheartening to be talking to someone only to find that they seem to be tuning out of the conversation. But if you’re able to recognize this, then you always have the chance to change the subject or let them speak. Or maybe they’re someone who’s just not very polite no matter how engaging the conversation is.

Question 4

Pick an open mic night talent:

It takes a certain amount of bravery to get up in front of any group of people and perform. But certain talents may require more bravery than others, especially depending on the person. For instance, someone who is very competent at performing with a musical instrument may still shudder at the idea of singing in front of others.

Question 5

Rules are…

Are you the type of person who always respects authority and is looking to get on the right side of your elders? Or would you rather question authority and the set of rules that are currently in place? After all, if no one questioned said rules, they would most likely never be changed.

Question 6

Pick an item to carry at all times.

Most people these days are never more than a few feet away from their cell phones. But there are still plenty of things a cell phone can’t do, especially if the battery runs out. Meanwhile, something like a multi-tool could be put to good use in a number of occasions no matter where you may find yourself.

Question 7

What’s the best indication that a first date has gone well?

With both people trying to impress one another during a first date, it can be hard to know if someone is truly interested or if someone is just trying to put their best foot forward. But there are certain unspoken signs that someone can send out if they’re feeling an actual connection.

Question 8

Ideal way to deal with an awkward conversation?

Even if you’re the most street smart and charismatic person in the world, there’s going to come a time when you end up in a conversation that’s a bit on the awkward side. The key here is to know the best way to remedy the situation, whether that means simply changing the topic or getting out of the conversation altogether.

Question 9

The phrase “group project”…

On its surface, a group project might seem like it’s going to mean less work for all the parties involved. But if there are a number of people who don’t want to contribute, it could actually end up meaning the exact opposite. So how do you feel when a teacher or boss utters the phrase?

Question 10

A cashier asks for an email address. Pick a response.

These days, stores love to gather as much personal information as they can so they can send out coupons and promotional offers to keep you coming back for more. The problem is, many of us already receive so many unsolicited phone calls and emails that we can feel like we’re drowning in them.

Question 11

When is the best time to speed?

Though it's called a speed limit, few people actually take the word “limit” in that phrase literally. Instead, many people see it as a ballpark number for the speed that they should be driving, and if they end up going five over, it’s no big deal. Or maybe you think it is?

Question 12

Having a college degree means that a person…

In America, the vast majority of students who graduate high school will end up going on to attend college. But do you think it’s a vital part of life? In other words, does not going to college mean you’re going to be less successful? Or maybe you think it means the exact opposite.

Question 13

It’s Friday and work just ended. Plans?

Many people spend their entire weeks waiting for Friday evening — when work is finally over and they can enjoy some much needed down time to themselves. So how do you like to break in the weekend? Do you need some time to decompress alone? Or do you want to be surrounded by friends?

Question 14

Sneaking a peek on a test is…

Even the most scrupulous student will find themselves up against a test they’re not 100% prepared for at some point in their life. But is it ever okay to take a peek at someone smart when taking a test? After all, plenty of what we learn in high school and college will never apply in the real world, right?

Question 15

Best way to search for a new job?

Though it can be hard to know what you want to do for your life, there is no shortage of ways to track down a job. Two of the most popular would be looking online for who’s currently hiring. But if you already have a place in mind, you could always just enter the establishment and ask.

Question 16

The car won’t start on a cold day. Pick a response.

If it’s an exceptionally cold morning and your car normally runs fine, chances are that the battery is totally drained if the vehicle is unable to start. Another great indication of this is if the lights won’t even turn on. So what would be your first line of action if this ended up happening to you?

Question 17

Chess or checkers?

We don’t think anyone would deny that chess is the far harder of these two games. It requires a lot of mental brain power, but there’s still certainly an angle of the game that involves anticipating what your competitor is going to do next. Then again, the same could be said with checkers.

Question 18

Pick a new movie to go see.

With the holidays approaching, it’s that time of year again when the theaters will be filled with family-friendly movies. Many of them, like the latest Fantastic Beasts and the Grinch movies, have already started to hit screens. But if those aren’t your cup of tea, maybe you’d much rather see something like Overlord.

Question 19

Ideal age to get a first job?

Many people would agree that it’s important to develop a strong work ethic at a young age. Yet there are many people who don’t end up getting their first job until they’ve already graduated from high school. So do you think it’s important for a teenager to get a part-time or summer job when they’re still living at home?

Question 20

Best part of the book store?

Even if you’re not someone who enjoys reading, a cozy bookstore can still be a fun place to hang out with friends. Many of them have magazine sections and cafes, which are ideal for hanging around in. Or maybe you’re the type of person who is always on the hunt for the next great book to read.

Question 21

Pick a vacation spot.

Depending upon what type of person you are or what type of mood you’re currently in, vacations can be great for either exploring or relaxing. Of course, you can always do a bit of both. But even something like traveling to a tropical resort will require a lot more energy and planning than vegging out on your couch.

Question 22

Best place to put wallet/keys when swimming at the beach?

It can be hard to know what to do with your personal belongings during a day at the beach. You probably won’t want to stay by your towel or beach chair the entire time. But do you trust the other beachgoers to leave your thing unattended while you go into the water or take a walk along the shoreline?

Question 23

Which movie character would make the coolest best friend?

We’re sure we’re not the only ones who wish we could go on an adventure with our favorite movie characters. But whether or not we’d have the bravery to stand up alongside someone like Iron Man or Wonder Woman is a quiz for another day. So which one of these characters would you simply want pal around with?

Question 24

Ideal number of hours to work in a week?

Of course, people consider 40 hours to be a full work week. But is that number really ideal? Is that simply too much time to be slaving away for someone else? Or maybe if you really love your job or work for yourself, you wouldn’t mind putting even more hours on the clock each week.

Question 25

A total stranger fires up a conversation on the street. Pick a response.

By and large, younger generations seems a lot less talkative than older generations. A lot of life happens on the Internet these days, which means that when a perfect stranger decides to fire up a conversation, it might be a bit on the jarring side. So do you embrace or avoid the experience?

Question 26

Rather work out at home or at the gym?

Working out at the gym can be great simply because they have a ton of equipment to get the job done. But then you also have to deal with the distractions of other people. So would you rather work out at home alone? Or do you need these other people watching to help you get motivated?

Question 27

Is it better to have a weekly or monthly budget?

A lot of people find themselves having a lack of money simply because they fail to make themselves a budget. But having a set amount of money you can spend every week might seem like a huge hassle. Instead, it might just be easier to have a monthly budget — as some weeks will inevitably be more expensive than others.

Question 28

Pick an author to read.

Even if you lean more to the street smarts side, that doesn’t mean you don’t like to read at all. But it may certainly change the type of books that you enjoy. Stephen King and J. K. Rowling are two of the most popular authors working today, but does that mean they're better than the all-time classics?

Question 29

Ideal place to live?

Most people have no control over where they grow up. They simply live wherever their parents live. But as you get older, you can decide if you want to experience something new. For instance, being stuck in a small town your whole life may leave you itching to feel what the big city is like.

Question 30

Rather lock the house door or the bedroom door before bed?

For many people, locking the bedroom door before bed may seem like an unnecessary step so long as the rest of their house is already secured. But there are some people who live with roommates, meaning they may have people they don’t really know entering the rest of the house on a regular basis.

Question 31

Ideal time to make the bed?

They say that one of the first steps toward having a productive day is to get up and immediately make the bed. Even if the bed has nothing to do with the rest of the day, it gets you in the state of mind of always focusing on the task at hand. Or maybe you still think its a waste of time.

Question 32

Cats or dogs?

If you’re the type of person who likes to keep a busy schedule, you may not have time to raise a dog. They require constant walking and, often, being let out of the house so they can go to the bathroom. Meanwhile, many cats are perfectly fine so long as they have food, water, and a litter box.

Question 33

Rather be the friend who makes plans or the friend who goes along for the ride?

Most friend groups have that one individual who is the ringleader. This is the person who often comes up with what to do, schedules the hangouts, and rounds up all the friends. Is that friend you? Or are you happy to go along with whatever the rest of the group is up for?

Question 34

An unknown number calls. Answer or don't answer?

Getting unsolicited phone calls used to be something that only occurred on landlines. But now, many of these telemarketing companies end up getting people’s cell phone numbers as well. So do you always assume this is who’s calling when you see an unknown number, or do you pick up just in case?

Question 35

The roommate has left the sink overflowing with used dishes. Pick a response.

Many people will find themselves working harder and vying for that promotion not necessarily because they want to be more successful, but because they can’t wait to have a place to themselves. While having a roommate certainly has its fair share of advantages, there are also countless drawbacks — like a full sink of messy dishes.

Question 36

Is it better to always believe what someone says, or always be questioning their motives?

The fact of the matter is that you can never know what someone is actually thinking. So do you try to not overthink things and always take what someone says at face value. Or are you constantly analyzing their body language and facial expressions to determine if they’re not exactly saying what they mean?

Question 37

An ex texts late at night. Respond or don't respond?

Even after two people decide to end their relationship, that doesn’t mean that they’ll never talk again or continue to be a part of each other’s lives. So are you the kind of person who would be okay with responding to the text of an ex? Or would you rather have a clean break and move on?

Question 38

The keys have gone missing before work. Now what?

Are you the type of person who always loses their keys. If so, you’ve probably heard a dozen times before that you should just pick one place to always set your keys. But that doesn’t always end up working out the way others would have hoped. So what’s your plan of action when they go missing?

Question 39

Best way to make it through a slow day at work?

You might consider it lucky to have a well-paying job that isn’t all that demanding. But that also means the day can end up dragging by if there’s no pressing work that needs to be attended to. So in this instance, would you have any trouble passing the time alone? Or would you need to look to others for a distraction?

Question 40

Best subject in school?

For many people, school is really the place where people will begin to lean more towards being book smart or street smart. This will largely depend on whether they prefer the classes or the socializing more. Of course, people still continue to change long after they’ve graduated from high school.

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