This Quiz Will Reveal Your Perfect Job In 3 Minutes Or Less

It’s no easy feat trying to figure out what you want to do with the rest of your life, and if you’re like most people, you probably have a fleeting interest in a hundred different things — which makes it a terrifying thought to think that you’ll be stuck doing one thing for the rest of your life.

The way the system is set up now really doesn’t encourage people to try and figure out what they actually want to do, where at the age of 17 or 18 you’re already expected to commit to a college and zero in on a major with little to no experience out in the real world. That leaves many people pigeon-holed and buried in debt by the time they graduate, with little choice than to continue on with what they studied for better or worse.

So if you're on the cusp of going to college -- or if you're in the midst of a quarter-life crisis -- it might be a good time to take a step back and figure out what you actually like doing, and the best way to do so is to evaluate your personality along with your current interests.

So let's find out what your perfect job would be!

Question 1

Pick a movie.

Think about your ten favorite movies: What do they have in common? Even if they don’t make your dream job suddenly snap into focus, there’s a good chance that they’ll tell you something about your personality that you never realized.

Question 2

What’s your ideal vacation?

Even if you get the job of your dreams, you still need at least a few weeks out of the year where you can kick back and think about anything besides work. So do you like to spend this time going on an adventure? Or doing little to nothing?

Question 3

Do you prefer to help others, or yourself?

While we’d all like to think we’re extremely compassionate people, the fact of the matter is that some of you feel much better about improving your own life than the lives of others. And there’s nothing wrong with being a little selfish when it comes to your career.

Question 4

Are you afraid of public speaking?

As you’ve probably heard, most people consider public speaking more terrifying than death itself. But if you’re one of the few people that actually enjoys speaking in front of strangers, then you’ve already opened yourself up to far more career opportunities than most.

Question 5

How important is money to you?

For better or worse, money is ultimately the thing that makes the world go round. Without it, you’d be homeless or have to fall back on your parents. But that doesn’t mean that you have to put income in front of your happiness.

Question 6

What was your favorite subject in school?

What did you actually enjoy learning about? This should be the first thing you think about when considering a career. While learning and doing are certainly two different things, identifying your favorite subjects can at least act as a branching-off point.

Question 7

Do you prefer to learn on your own or in the classroom?

Maybe you hated school altogether. Classroom learning certainly isn’t for everyone, and some people really need to get their hands dirty and figure something out for themselves if they ever want to retain the knowledge. Could this possibly be you?

Question 8

Which best describes your personality?

Even if the pay is good, you probably don’t want to be stuck in a cubical crunching numbers if you get your energy from other people. Same for introverts — don’t take a job where you have to converse with strangers all day or you’ll return home feeling completely drained.

Question 9

Are you more left-brained or right-brained?

While most people are a bit of a mix, they say that right-brained people are more creative, emotional and subjective. Meanwhile, left-brained people are more analytical and objective — relying on logical reasoning above all else. So which way do you skew?

Question 10

Are you a morning person?

You spent your entire elementary, middle, and high school education having to get up early. But now that you’re an adult, you finally have a choice when it comes to sleeping in. While most jobs are 9 to 5, there’s still plenty of other options.

Question 11

Are you afraid of flying?

Despite flying being thousands of times safer than driving in a car, the idea of cruising at 500 miles per hour in the air is still too much to bear for some people. So if you’re one of them, you’ll want to avoid any job that requires long-distance traveling.

Question 12

Pick a show.

What you enjoy watching on TV is just another extension of your interests. If you simply can’t get enough of cop shows, then you at least have a passing interest in the criminal justice system — even if you have no desire to actually track down mass-murderers.

Question 13

Pick an adjective that describes you.

Sometimes people get too inside their own head when they’re trying to figure out what they should do. But sometimes simpler is better. Try boiling your personality down to a few adjectives, then think about what job they more closely correspond with.

Question 14

Are you a night owl?

Mornings certainly aren’t for everybody, so maybe you’re one of the people that prefers to forgo the headache of rush hour traffic so you can sleep in and stay up to the wee hours of the night when most of the world has gone to sleep.

Question 15

Do you prefer to work inside or outside?

While some people dream of one day having their own corner office in a high-rise, others would feel totally suffocated by the idea of spending 8 hours surrounded by four walls and chained to a desk. So where would you rather be getting work done?

Question 16

Do you wear your heart on your sleeve?

If you’re an inherently emotional person, you probably don’t want to pick a job that’s easily upsetting or overly strict. That being said, finding a career that allows you to freely express yourself in productive ways would ultimately be the dream.

Question 17

Do you mind the sight of blood?

While some people have absolutely no problem with blood — whether it be there’s or someone else’s — other people faint at the slightest drop. So if you find yourself in the latter category, you can pretty much rule out anything in the medical profession.

Question 18

What do you prefer to read?

Reading is still by far the fastest way to expand your knowledge base — so we hope you didn’t decide to put down books for good once you were done with school. Especially since you can now read whatever your heart desires.

Question 19

Did you go to college?

Even if you don’t end up using your college degree, most jobs like to see that you can at least handle the tons of classwork/ studying that comes with a college education. That being said, there’s still plenty of great jobs that don’t require a degree.

Question 20

Where would you rather live?

Even if it’s not very exciting to think about what you’d want to do with the rest of your life, it is enthralling to think about all the places you’d like to live. So which one of these settings are you best suited for?

Question 21

Do you prefer to have a set work schedule?

If you’re not very passionate about anything, a 9 to 5 job may be just what you’re looking for. It’s the same every week and the easiest to maneuver your life around. But for others, this type of work schedule may be the equivalence to a life-long jail sentence.

Question 22

Would you ever go skydiving?

If you already have a fear of flying, then skydiving is definitely not on your bucket list. However, skydiving is still far safer than driving a car, with only a 0.0007% chance of dying. So would you take the jump?

Question 23

Would you say you are book smart or street smart?

Do you try to figure things out yourself, or do you always heed the advice of an expert? Are you good at navigating people’s intentions, or are you clueless in most social interactions? These are just a few of the ways to tell if you’re book smart or street smart.

Question 24

Have you ever stood up to a bully?

Bullies aren’t just in the school year, they’re in the workplace and probably in your family as well. While it’s often easier to try and avoid them altogether, sometimes you can make things easier in the long run by standing your ground.

Question 25

Do you want to have kids?

Birth rates are down, and it’s becoming clearer and clearer that more people are comfortable with not starting a family. This was largely considered being selfish or abnormal decades ago, but now, there’s nothing wrong with not wanting to take on a second job of being a parent.

Question 26

Do you pay attention to politics?

Now more than ever, following politics can seem like a full-time job unto itself. Maybe you’re intrigued by all the heated debates and the way people form their political opinions. Or maybe it gives you a headache and you’d rather just focus on something more straightforward.

Question 27

Are you a fast typer?

With more people becoming reliant on phones, there’s a good chance that you’ve become faster at typing with your thumbs than with your fingers. But being a fast typer on the computer is a skill that will still come in handy with plenty of jobs.

Question 28

What’s your biggest fear?

While spiders and snakes are no doubt terrifying, the older you get, the more you begin to fear things that are actually a little more practical. While it’s never good to dwell on these things, acknowledging them every once in a while may make you a more proactive person.

Question 29

Pick your poison.

What you like to drink is another one of those things that might reveal more about your personality than you may think. While taste certainly plays a big part in it, there’s certainly a different image that comes to mind between someone who prefers wine over beer.

Question 30

Do you get along with your parents?

Having a tumultuous relationship with your parents while growing up can no doubt lead you down a different career path. You might not have a solid foundation to go on to college, and getting out of the house and foraging your own path might be the only option.

Question 31

Do you get embarrassed easily?

If your cheeks get red and you begin to sweat heavily at the slightest bit of awkwardness, then any job that involves really putting yourself out there is probably out of the cards. Unless your some kind of sadist who enjoys discomfort.

Question 32

Are you good with your money?

When’s the last time you took a hard look at your finances? Did it make you cringe? Or maybe you’re one of those people that already has a solid savings in place? It’s never too early to start thinking about retirement.

Question 33

How many close friends do you have?

With the advent of social media, the term friend has gone on to take many forms. But the fact of the matter is, that you will probably have only a handful of real friends throughout your entire life. So how many do you have right now?

Question 34

Are you ok with being alone?

Or you ok with traveling alone? Or staying in a hotel alone? Or do you constantly need to be surrounded by people? While some people can entertain themselves endlessly without ever feeling lonely, others will be totally lost without an entourage.

Question 35

If you had to give a wedding speech, would you rehearse or improvise?

Being asked to be a best man or a maid of honor can be, well, an honor. But it also comes with the burden of giving a speech. So are you comfortable with going off the cuff? Or do you need to write something up beforehand to feel secure?

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