This Quiz Will Reveal How Ready You Are To Be A Mom

Deciding to become a mother is a huge choice, something that many women in this world will have to go through at some point in their lives, and also something that nobody can truly claim they know how to do. For some, it's just a feeling, something inside them that says they're ready now that they've got to a certain point in their lives. For others, it's much more of a measured affair, weighing up the pros and the cons in their lives and how a baby would come to effect that. We think that a lot more trivia questions should be involved!

Sure, you can spend days taking a look at what you can bring to a child's life and whether or not you're ready as a stable person to take on the burden of that huge responsibility, but does that mean you're truly ready. We wanted to put together a quiz that will show you exactly how much you know about the smaller things that going into looking after a child, namely the little bits of trivia that we imagine most people forget about. What we're saying is, if you haven't done enough research to be able to answer these questions properly, can you really say that you're ready to bring another life into this world?!

So, are you ready to see how much you know about babies? Think you're ready to be a mother? Let's find out!

Question 1

How Long Does It Take A Baby To Recognize Their Mother's Voice?

Seeing as we can't remember anything from that time, it's always crazy to us to think of what we didn't know when we were a baby, that the basic knowledge of understanding voices and faces wasn't handed to us from birth. They've become such a normal part of our lives that we don't even think about it, and yet they're things that we did actually have to learn as a human being. They are not innate to us as a species.

Question 2

How Long Does It Take A Baby To Recognize Their Father's Voice?

While we would never imply that a child can't have an incredibly close and serious companionship with their father's, it is insane how much of our relationship with our mother's is innate at such a young age. You have a connection with this woman who spent a huge chunk of her life carrying you around, literally becoming the line between you living and dying. Then, once you make it into the real world, you have a connection with her from the get go.

Question 3

What Are The Most Children To Survive A Single Birth?

It's no surprise that women who have managed to push out an insane amount of children at once, while also surviving the ordeal, has become something that people are interested in. We're not saying that these things should become the subjects of a television show, but can you really blame people for thinking that people will tune in to hear about this sort of stuff? Honestly, we're amazed right now at the amount of children that can live in a single human being for nine months!

Question 4

When Does A Baby Develop Fingerprints?

The concept of fingerprints blew our mind when we were younger, that each and every one of us is handed this unique thing that can identify us from anyone else. Obviously, we found out when we were older that it's not that precise, or at least our ability to measure the differences isn't yet precise enough, but the sheer number of difference between each set of fingerprints is still amazing to us. That is the sort of thing that can make you believe in a God.

Question 5

How Many Diapers Does A Child Go Through Before Being Potty Trained On Average?

Okay, so this might seem pretty childish, but if we're being completely honest with you guys, one of the main things that puts us off having a child is knowing that we would have to help them bathe and clothe themselves. That would be all good when they're relatively clean anyway, but washing up poo and vomit is not our idea of a good time. Surely if we're worried about ourselves more than we are a baby, we're definitely not ready!

Question 6

How Many Years Does It Take A Diaper To Decompose?

The concept of the environment is actually something people really take into consideration when they're thinking of having a child, as you are essentially adding yet another carbon footprint onto an already filled world. Do you really want to know that you're helping contribute to this world's demise by having another child, a child that will then have to deal with the consequences of global warming that we are clearly doing nothing about at this point? That sort of thing can really weigh on your mind.

Question 7

How Many Diapers Does A Newborn Go Through Per Day?

See, this is yet more proof to us that we really shouldn't be having a child at this point. These little guys are working their way through diapers at a speed that is not pleasant to think about! Some people love this sort of stuff, have a smile on their face as they change their babies, but we really don't think that could ever be us, no matter how much we loved our little bundle of joy. We're shivering thinking about it.

Question 8

What Can A Baby Do For Seven Months That An Adult Can't?

Maybe your experience has been different, but our lives have essentially been counting down the days until we're older and therefore can do more in this world. So, to find out that there were actually things that we could better when we were younger is somewhat of a blow to us. We were under the impression that we were better than babies in every single way, but apparently this just isn't true. Sometimes, the truth can really end up hurting.

Question 9

How Much Does A Woman's Uterus Stretch During Pregnancy?

We don't care what anybody tells us, we think that the human body is a nightmare in so many ways that whenever we find out a new fact about it, we have to hold back the fear just to try and continue on with our day. Yes, that's right, that's how much we struggle with it. The knowledge that the uterus stretches to any single one of these amounts is enough to have us never looking at a woman in the same way again!

Question 10

A Newborn Should Be Given A Sponge Bath Until...

One brilliant thing about children that even we have to admit that we think we'd enjoy is that they can suddenly inject a lot of fun or joy into what was otherwise a pretty boring thing. Babies remind you that you can smile and giggle at anything, that even the most simple and boring parts of your life are actually pretty amazing if you stop to think about the entire chain of events that lead you to the moment that you're currently in.

Question 11

A Baby Is Born Every...

If you take a look at the statistics on the death rate vs. the birth rate, is pretty crazy to see how quickly things started to change over the past few decades. Not only are people having more children, but the elderly are living much longer as well, a situation that could genuinely spell real trouble for the people of this world. Not only can the government not cope, the world itself cannot cope with this amount of people staying alive.

Question 12

The Average Toddler Takes How Many Steps A Minute?

We may not have our own children, but obviously people in our lives have had their own, and we have to say that watching them fall in love with them growing up is pretty heartwarming. They get to watch this newborn baby slowly grow up into an adult, stopping at every single stage on the way, looking to their parents for guidance. That is the sort of feeling that you will never find anywhere else, that can only come through raising another human being.

Question 13

What Is A Lotus Birth?

There are a lot of birthing methods out there that definitely deserve a little bit of ridicule, born out of some sort of new age obsession with things being better outside of the Western world by white women who don't have a clue what they're actually talking about. Some methods shouldn't though, as they come from a long line of tradition, passed down from generation to generation to people who consider it important to keep these things alive and well.

Question 14

What Do Babies Develop At Six Months Old?

Really, there's probably a lot about our bodies that we don't truly understand and that if we're being honest with ourselves, we're better off not understanding. When you actually start to delve into the gross insides that we all have lurking within us, it very quickly becomes a gore fest, one that it's impossible to ever forget once that knowledge has made its way into your brain. Sure, some people need to know about it for us all, but we don't all need to know about it.

Question 15

True Or False: Yoga Can Cause The Umbilical Cord To Wrap Around Your Babies Neck

It's borderline impossible these days to know what is and is not a good thing to be doing while you're pregnant. There's so much misinformation floating around that it often gets grouped in with the things that we actually know to be true. Really, all you can do is try and research the topic as much as possible and never push yourself into doing something that doesn't feel right for you and your unborn baby, otherwise there could be consequences.

Question 16

True Or False: Crying Helps Your Baby's Lungs Develop

There is a lot that we see as unpleasant or negative that can actually be a positive in this life, all depending on how much you truly understand about how our bodies work. Without going into too much detail here, if you take a look online or read up on physiology, you would be surprised by what you find. Sure, nobody wants to feel pain for instance, but it serves an important purpose in the grand scheme of things and keep us informed.

Question 17

True Or False: Bathing Your Child Every Day Gets Rid Of Dry And Flaky Skin

The fear of not doing enough can often push mothers into doing too much, which as we all know, can be just as dangerous a proposition when it comes to certain things in a child's life. You never want to find yourself being told that you're going overboard, that caring for your child too much can actually become somewhat of a burden and start to negatively impact your little bundle of joy before they've even had a chance to grow up.

Question 18

True Or False: 80% Of Babies Are Born With A Birthmark

Birthmarks are seen as being relatively rare, but that's usually because they're not on a part of the body that you can see when looking at someone who is fully clothed. We've all seen people with birthmarks on their face but it's incredibly rare, so is it possible that this many people are actually born with a birthmark somewhere else on their body? Crazy to think there's so much you'll never know about so many people that are around you.

Question 19

True Or False: Cats Can Steal A Baby's Breath

We don't like the fact that people essentially see cats as being these horrible things, that they're pets who spend their entire life conning human beings into feeding them and then never really show love. Anybody who has ever owned a cat will be able to tell you that they're wonderful things that can bring so much happiness to your life. Not only that, but even a basic amount of research will show you that dogs aren't as lovely as they seem.

Question 20

True Or False: Babies Can Hear In The Womb

So, if you're planning on playing classical music into your womb during your pregnancy, do you really think that it's going to make a difference, or is there a chance that you're wasting your time? The concept of a baby being able to listen in the womb actually freaks us out a little bit, because we know for a fact that there is a lot about this world that we don't want our children discovering until they get much older!

Question 21

True Or False: A Baby's Stomach Is As Large As A Watermelon

Sometimes the annoying things about these quizzes is that we'll catch you out by throwing in a question that seems obvious but actually goes against your expectations. We often forget that the world is filled with insane things that would likely surprise us, even if it's facts about everyday items that we use all the time. Our knowledge can only stretch so far, and most of us don't have enough time to get make sure that we know about everything!

Question 22

True Or False: A Baby Is Born With A Full Sized Brain

To look at a baby and to understand that they're picking up everything with their little eyes, sending messages made out of electricity through their brain, always learning and picking up on things around them, that's to be truly in awe of childbirth. That is to see what can be created by two human beings, to look upon consciousness and to see it slowly develop before your very eyes. Honestly, in this sense, childbirth is a truly magical human experience.

Question 23

True Or False: The Average Weight Of A Newborn Is 7-8 lbs.

It's sad to think that the first time we weigh a baby it's to make sure that it's healthy, but every other time they choose to weigh themselves, it's likely because they don't like what they see whenever they look in a mirror. We take this baby, this little infant with no understanding of what shame or vanity is, and we heap it onto them by the shovel. Hopefully, there are some parents out there who are doing a better job of it.

Question 24

True Or False: A Baby Is Born With 20/20 Vision

When you think about it, a lot of what we choose to do to ourselves as we grow up, along with some things that are done to us, is essentially taking all of the good foundation that was in place during our infancy and undoing it all. In a way, we're set up with this perfect being in most circumstances, as we decide that the best thing to do with it is to mess with it and make it ill in the pursuit of fun and happiness.

Question 25

True Or False: A Baby's Head Is Equal To Approximately 10% Of Their Body Weight

Can anybody out there tell us why it is that babies seem to have such bulbous heads? Is it purely because of how it looks when placed next to the tiny body that it's sat upon? We're obviously fine with this being the correct answer, but we would much rather that someone smarter than us got in touch to explain that it's actually for some amazing scientific reason that never even occurred to us. There are people out there that definitely know.

Question 26

True Or False: Newborns Can See Up To Three Feet Away

If you've got a child, then you'll know how weird it is to be able to look at a human, straight in the eyes, and not really be sure what it is they want. Not only is it frustrating for us though, can you imagine how frustrating it must be for the human sat in front of you who hasn't even figured out how to speak yet? They must be sat there, gurgling, annoyed at us for not immediately understanding what they want.

Question 27

True Or False: Red Is The First Color Babies Are Able To Recognise

How do we determine this as a fact? As people who have spent very little time in the science world, it seems crazy to us what we can and cannot discern from experimentation and testing. Honestly, while we may not understand it as much as someone who has made it their life's work to understand it, we would be lying if we said we didn't still find it fascinating to read about, regardless of how limited our understanding may be.

Question 28

True Or False: Baby Boys Tend To Weigh More Than Baby Girls

We imagine that the amount of research that has been done into the differences between male and female babies has given us a real look into how the two genders can end up differing once they get older. Believe it or not but a lot about us as adults can be traced back to our youth, some of it even going as far as infancy, especially when you take certain things like biological differences into consideration. Crazy how far these things go back.

Question 29

True Or False: Babies Are Born With More Bones Than Adults

By design, babies are pretty fragile creatures. When you think about how small the passage is that they've got to worm their way through, it only make sense that they have to be pretty malleable. Sadly, this isn't as good when they make it out into the real world where they can get hurt. They need to have some sort of defence once they're out here with us because sadly, it's in no way as protective as the womb they've just been ejected from.

Question 30

True Or False: Babies Are Born With The Same Amount Of Tastebuds As An Adult

Do you ever wonder why our taste for certain food seems to change as we get older? Honestly, there's not much we wouldn't eat as we just love food in general, but some people out there are so picky in a way that we can't believe they were when they were younger. When you're a baby, you will eat whatever is placed in front of you, throwing down whatever it is. As we get older, we start to say there are things we don't like.

Question 31

True Or False: A Newborn Sleeps For 16-17 Hours A Day

We're not sure what it can tell you about someone, but we're often shocked to find out how much or how little some of the people in our life sleep. It makes sense that a newborn would have to sleep this much as they're young and are embarking on the first few days of their entire lives. Not only that, but it's not as if there's anything they can do with their day but sleep. They're still pretty immobile at this point.

Question 32

True Or False: More Babies Are Born On A Tuesday Than Any Other Day

We used to have friends in our lives who believed you could tell certain things about a baby based on what day they were born and other facts that obviously have nothing to do with the baby's future. Look, we're not saying that people can't believe whatever they want to believe, but for us, there's no such thing as fate. You control your own destiny, and if anything, this makes us want to grab life every single day and show it what we're made of.

Question 33

True Or False: Winter Is The Most Popular Season For Birth

We're not in the business of math and statistics so we can't tell you what these sorts of facts mean, but we have to say that we find it fascinating when people much smarter than us are able to find a weird or odd correlation between two seemingly unconnected things. We know that correlation doesn't equal causation, but that doesn't mean hearing someone in the know what these statistics could mean is something that we will never get bored of.

Question 34

True Or False: A Baby's Heartbeat Is Slower Than Adult's

One of the main changes that the body goes through is puberty, and this is something we all know too well because we're taught about it extensively and we're conscious of the changes as we go through them. However, it would seem that as human beings, we go through a crazy amount of changes throughout our lives, not just during the stereotypical periods of human existence. Honestly, it's like our bodies can't make up their minds on what they want to be.

Question 35

True Or False: Babies Remain At Their Birth Weight For Five Weeks

People will often worry way too much about their baby's weight when they're newborn. While we understand the need to make sure that the child is well, you can be fairly sure that things will be okay if you do what is needed of you and look after the child how you're told to. Sure, things can go wrong, and it's always good to be on the lookout, but nine times out of ten any worry you have will be unfounded.

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