This Quick Quiz Will Tell You If You're Left-Wing Or Right-Wing

More and more people are getting interested in politics these days, and in truth it's a pretty exciting time to be alive. The past few years have been had a huge impact on world politics, and things are really starting to change. There seems to be a growing division between people of vastly different political ideologies. Sometimes this can get violent, and it can even result in death. This is happening all over the world, from England and the US all the way to Spain and the Middle East. There is clearly a lot of change going on right now.

For those new to the scene of politics, it can be a little confusing to figure out where you stand on all these hotly debated topics. If you want to pick a side, now's the best time. But in order to figure out which political school of thought you're most closely aligned with, you need to ask yourself how you feel about various issues. Well, now it's never been easier with this simple political quiz that will tell you exactly where you fall on the political spectrum. And for those who think you know where you stand, you might just be surprised at what your true affiliation is...

Question 1

How Big Do You Think Government Should Be?

The size of government is a subject of much debate among the different political ideologies. Many people argue that the government has become too big, and there are so many useless agencies that don't really have much purpose. Others believe that a large government is necessary. But what do you believe?

Question 2

How Strong Do You Think Our Borders Should Be?

Another key debate, especially in recent times, is the one over how strong our borders should be. This is a tricky issue, with many people concerned about the growing amount of illegal immigration. But for others, strong borders are not a priority and they wish to adopt a more relaxed approach. What do you believe?

Question 3

How Should Healthcare Be Handled?

Another important debate when it comes to different political ideologies is the question about healthcare. Many people have very different opinions about this controversial subject, and it's actually a very interesting debate. People's health is of course a very important subject. But what do you believe?

Question 4

What Do You Think About Welfare?

The welfare debate is another touchy subject that has raged on for decades. Unfortunately, there are those in any population that are unable to work for whatever reason. In most countries, a welfare system is in place to ensure that these people survive. But what do you think about this system?

Question 5

Do You Think A Country's Culture Should Be Preserved?

Preservation of a nation's culture and traditional values is another example of a fiercely debated subject in the political arena. Many people are concerned with the fact that their nation is losing their traditional culture, especially with the influx of new people and cultures. But what do you believe?

Question 6

What Is The Biggest Threat To A Nation?

Political ideologies are divided by many topics, but perhaps the one thing that divides these ideologies the most is what each perceives to be the biggest threat to their existence. Fear is a very strong tool in politics, and the right parties know how to use it to their advantage...

Question 7

What Is Your Stance On Gun Control?

Gun control is another fiercely debated topic, and it's something that's been talked about a lot in recent years especially. In certain countries, such as the United States, gun ownership is fairly easy to attain. In other countries, gun ownership is much harder or even forbidden. But what do you believe?

Question 8

What Should Be Done With The Weak And Sickly?

Another key issue is the sickly and weak. Every nation and culture has them. Some are just left to die, whereas in many historic governments they were forcibly euthanized, as they were deemed to be a detriment to the state. In the wild, sick animals die and it makes the species stronger. But are we different?

Question 9

Do You Believe In Assisted Suicide?

Assisted suicide is another hotly debated issue. The various political ideologies all have their own opinions about this subject, and the people themselves are largely divided about this. It's clear that this is one issue which will take years and years to resolve. But what is your take on this issue?

Question 10

How Should The Laws Be Enforced?

Another big issue in police is how laws should be enforced. Or whether they should be enforced at all... Many people are concerned about the rising "police state," and feel that the police officers have become too violent and heavily armed. But others support a police force that uses deadly force. What do you believe?

Question 11

What Would Be Your Ideal Foreign Policy?

Foreign policy is another area where people from varied political ideologies tend to disagree. Many superpowers these days are trying to be the "world police," but people are getting pretty tired of this outlook on foreign policy. Others believe in military might and even expansion. But what do you believe?

Question 12

How Should Prisons Be Run?

Another interesting debate has to do with prisons. There is a growing debate about this subject, because in many countries, most notably the United States, privately-run prisons are becoming more and more common. Others feels that the prison system should be run by the government. But what do you believe?

Question 13

How Should Victimless Crime be Punished?

Victimless crime is an interesting phenomenon. It's exactly what it sounds like - crime where no one is hurt or affected. Examples would be j-walking, littering, or renovating your house without a permit. Many people feel as though this is less of a crime than violent crime, for example. But what do you believe?

Question 14

How Should The Legislation Surrounding Drugs Be Handled?

The War On Drugs is another fiercely debated topic in the political arena. Many people feel that the current policies are failing, and that legalization must be adopted. Countries like Portugal are already showing the potential success of these policies. But what do you think should be done about drugs?

Question 15

How Should The Rich Be Taxed?

Tax is another key topic of debate for the differing political ideologies. This topic is perhaps something that concerns people more than anything, since the taxes end up coming out of their own pockets, and their lives are really affected by them. The topic of how the rich should be taxed is especially important.

Question 16

What Is Your Stance On Abortion?

Abortion is another really touchy subject when it comes to politics. This is definitely not the kind of topic you want to bring up at the dinner table, because everyone seems to have a slightly different opinion about it and people are easily offended by this debate. But what about you? What do you believe?

Question 17

What Should Be The Purpose Of Our Army?

The military is another area in which people disagree in the political arena. Many people have very different ideas about what the purpose of a nation's military should actually be. Some see it as a peace-keeping force, others see it as a way to forcibly free people from the grasp of dictatorships. But what do you believe?

Question 18

How Much Should We Spend On The Military?

Military spending is another common debate topic you hear a lot about in the months leading up to political elections. This is one of the most important world issues, because many people don't agree with their tax dollars potentially being used to kill people. This is indeed a touchy issue. But what do you believe?

Question 19

How Should We Make Sure That Immigrants Don't Mean Our Country Harm?

A key issue with so much immigration going on recently is the possibility of people wanting to come into the country in order to do harm to the people and their nation. We've seen this happen before, and it's happening now to this day. So how do we make sure that people will not do our country harm?

Question 20

How Do You Feel About Large Multinational States Like The European Union?

The European Union is another topic that has sparked much debate among the various political ideologies. The most vocal of these ideologies, however, is the right and the left. Each has very strong opinions about this trade union, and this was widely publicized with Brexit. But what do you think?

Question 21

What Is Your Stance On The Death Penalty?

The Death Penalty is another very serious topic that has made an appearance in countless political debates. Many people believe in the death penalty for crimes such as murder and treason, while others believe it constitutes cruel and unusual punishment, and should never be used. What do you think?

Question 22

What Is Your Ideal System Of Education?

Education is another area which divides the many political ideologies. The debate between public and private schools is something that has gone on for many years, and there is no real end in sight. Some feel that public schools are the best option, while others firmly believe in the value of private schools.

Question 23

In What "Extreme" Society Would You Like To Live In?

Let's take a break from all the political issues for a second and take a look at some pretty extreme societies in history and the present. Many of these have been used as examples of why certain systems of government ultimately fail. But it's a hard choice between all of these. Which will you choose?

Question 24

How Should A Country Obtain Its Energy Sources?

Energy is another very controversial topic in the political world. Many say that oil is fast depleting, and we need to explore alternative, sustainable options. Others say that oil and even coal are acceptable and reliable sources of energy, and there's no need to change. But what do you believe?

Question 25

How Do You Feel About Affirmative Action?

Affirmative action is another major talking point in the political world. For those who don't know, affirmative action is the policy whereby races of minority status are giving preferential treatment over other majority races, especially when it comes to hiring and promotions. But how do you feel about this?

Question 26

What Is Your View On Global Warming/Climate Change?

Global warming is another huge issue that is facing the governments of today. America caused a huge controversy by dropping out of the Paris Accord. Many people feel like Global Warming is one of the biggest issues facing the world today. But others feel as though it's a waste of time. What do you think?

Question 27

How Should We Handle Airport Security?

Airport security is another key concern when it comes to global and national politics, especially given the atmosphere of today's terrorism-plagued world. Extra screening for airport passengers is a touchy subject, because of concerns of racial profiling. But how do you think airport security should be handled?

Question 28

What Rights Should Undocumented Immigrants Have?

The controversial issue of undocumented immigrants is also an issue that has received a lot of media attention lately. This issue was talked about at length during the latest American political election. There are many undocumented immigrants throughout the world however, and people are divided as to what rights they should receive...

Question 29

When Is It Okay For The Government To Seize Private Property?

Sometimes the government seizes private property and reimburses the owner with the value of the land/property. This is called eminent domain. But this is yet another issue that has been quite controversial, splitting people of different political ideologies. When do you think it's okay for the government to seize people's property?

Question 30

The Separation Of Church And State Is Important

Another very interesting source of debate among political ideologies is the separation of church and state. Almost every single nation has a strong religious background, and it's hard to get rid of these influences overnight. Some believe that we should stop mentioning religion in schools, for example.

Question 31

How Do You Feel About Same-Sex Marriage

Same-Sex marriage is another very important issue with various political ideologies. This is a tricky subject because it's rooted in religion, freedom, and gay rights, all very important and potentially controversial subjects. People generally have very strong opinions about this subject. But what do you think?

Question 32

How Do You Feel About The United Nations?

The United Nations is yet another touchy subject in the world of politics. Since world war 2, the United Nations has been the leading international system for resolving conflicts and promoting peace. But many accuse The United Nations of being a pretty useless organization. But what do you think about them?

Question 33

How Do You Feel About The Following Statement: It Makes No Sense To Be Proud Of A Country You Didn't Even Choose To Be Born In

A big issue these days is whether we should truly be proud of the nation we live in. You see a lot of people taking knees during the national anthem, or even burning flags in protest. But others are incredibly proud of their nation, and see this as a major insult. What do you think about pride in your nation?

Question 34

What Is The Role Of The Media?

The role of the media is another big topic in the world of politics. There are many people these days who say that the media is "fake news." There are others who are concerned about the connection between media and corporate interests. And there are those who would use the media as a propaganda tool...

Question 35

What Do You Think About The Minimum Wage?

The concept of a minimum wage is another hotly debated topic, and people can get quite vocal about it. It's no secret that wages haven't really increased much despite growing inflation, and this is a source of concern for many. However, there are others who would rather dispose of the minimum wage altogether...

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