This 'Never Have I Ever' Quiz Will Reveal Everyone's True Sign

Quite a few of us blame our personal qualities - both good and bad - on our sign. For example, we might put down our moodiness to the fact that we were born under the sign of Cancer. Or we might explain our excessive spending by saying that because we were born under the sign of Taurus we love to indulge (and there is nothing that we can do about it!)

Things get tricky when our personal qualities and our habits don't actually align with our sign. In that case, we might bring up the thirteenth sign that has been only recently discovered. The thirteenth sign is that of Ophiuchus and it has shifted all the other signs too. That means that those who have previously thought that they were born under the sign of Aries might have actually been born under the sign of Taurus. It might explain why some Arieses are not as energetic as they should be.

Of course, not all people will find that their sign aligns with their personality, regardless of whether the thirteenth sign is taken into account or not. This is where we can help! Take the "Never have I ever..." quiz below and we will match everyone with their true sign!

Question 1

Never have I ever... fainted.

More often than not we faint due to lack of oxygen in our brains. Dehydration, diabetes, problems with our lungs and even stress can all lead to a fainting spell. Fainting is not at all pleasant and could be a sign of a serious illness.

Question 2

Never have I ever... gone vegan.

Those who practice veganism eliminate all animal products from their diets. This means not only no meat but also no dairy products or eggs. Some vegans are also categorically against wearing clothes made from animals (such as leather or wool) or using products that have been tested by animals. As most are probably well aware, veganism is quite popular now!

Question 3

Never have I ever... had a crush on my best friend.

Most of us spend quite a lot of time with our best friend. In some cases, we might even develop a crush on him or her. This is all perfectly natural. After all, our best friend is the person whom we are closest to. However, we must think long and hard before we decide whether we want to put our friendship at risk in pursuit of a romantic relationship.

Question 4

Never have I ever... written fan fiction.

Sometimes a book, a TV show or a movie is so good that we simply can’t get enough of it. This is where most of us turn to fan fiction. Fan fiction is basically fiction written by fans that features characters from books, TV shows and movies. Sometimes fan fiction is even better than the real thing!

Question 5

Never have I ever... been on TV.

While some people love the idea of being on TV others do not find it appealing at all. Being on TV is certainly more suitable for individuals who are more extroverted and outgoing and those who love attention. It is a great way to become famous, if only for five minutes.

Question 6

Never have I ever... broken a bone.

It is incredibly easy to break a bone. Make one mistake while ice skating and you are bound to be left with a broken leg. Miss a step while walking down the stairs and you are guaranteed a broken wrist.

Question 7

Never have I ever... had my eyebrows waxed.

Those who have bushy eyebrows know that the best way to tame them is to get them waxed. Of course, other (slightly less painful) methods such as plucking or shaving are also good options but they don’t last nearly as long as a good wax job.

Question 8

Never have I ever... had a paranormal experience.

Some people believe in the supernatural (vampires, spirits, ghosts and the like) whereas others do not. Still, most of us have tried to invoke spirits at one point or another in our lives. Some of us were successful and others not so much.

Question 9

Never have I ever... sung karaoke in front of others.

Everyone knows what karaoke is – it is a form of entertainment in which an amateur singer sings along with music that has been recorded by professionals. Those who have a good voice love karaoke nights. Those who have a pretty bad voice (or are very shy) tend to avoid karaoke.

Question 10

Never have I ever... gotten stuck in an elevator.

Elevators are great in that they allow us to get from one floor to another without having to walk numerous flights of stairs. However, some people find the thought of using an elevator uncomfortable. After all, we’ve all heard of stories whereby someone got stuck in an elevator and had to wait for hours, if not days, to be rescued.

Question 11

Never have I ever... cut my own hair.

Going to the hairdresser is not only expensive but it can also be quite disappointing. This is especially true for girls but countless of guys have also left the salon vowing to never return there again. As such, it makes sense that some of us have tried to cut our own hair.

Question 12

Never have I ever... had a treehouse.

Tree houses are pretty amazing so it makes sense that they excite not only kids but also adults. As kids, most of us have dreamed of having a treehouse in our back yard (or some secret location). As adults we bookmark tree house hotels in the hopes of staying in one someday in the future.

Question 13

Never have I ever... traveled outside of my home country.

Traveling is pretty amazing in that it allows us to not only broaden our horizons and experience new cultures but also meet new people. In some cases, traveling might even help us to “find” ourselves. Of course, one doesn’t necessarily need to leave the country to go traveling.

Question 14

Never have I ever... used the bathroom and not washed my hands.

We’ve all seen those people in public restrooms: they use the bathroom and then they leave without washing their hands. We all think it’s kind of gross but some of us have done that too, if not in a public bathroom then at home.

Question 15

Never have I ever... worn pajamas all day.

Let’s be honest: pajamas are pretty awesome. They are comfortable and soft and if most of us could, we would wear them all the time. However, it is not socially acceptable to wear pajamas all day long. Still, most of us have done so at least once in our lives.

Question 16

Never have I ever... gone on a blind date.

Going on a date can be pretty nerve-wrecking but it is even more stressful to go on a blind date. You can get either really lucky (and potentially meet your soul mate) or really unlucky (in which case you basically waste an afternoon or an evening with a person you have nothing in common with).

Question 17

Never have I ever... prank called someone.

Most of us have prank called someone at one point or another in our lives. Prank calling is not a very nice thing to do but it can be incredibly fun. As such, it makes perfect sense that it is the number one activity to engage in during sleepovers.

Question 18

Never have I ever... stood someone up.

Standing someone up is not a very nice thing to do. However, some of us have actually done so in an effort to avoid wasting an evening, especially if it is someone we have met on a dating site or app.

Question 19

Never have I ever... locked myself out.

Locking yourself out (out of your home or out of your car) is one of the most annoying things ever. It is not so bad if we can get a spare key from our friends or our neighbors. However, sometimes we have no other choice but to either break into our own home or to call a locksmith.

Question 20

Never have I ever... stayed in a five star hotel.

Everyone knows that hotels are rated on their quality. For example, one star hotels are usually located in dodgy neighborhoods and do not provide amenities such as en suite bathrooms. Five star hotels on the other hand are very luxurious and provide not only en suite bathrooms but in some cases even swimming pools and complimentary bathrobes.

Question 21

Never have I ever... gone wild camping.

Wild camping refers to camping in wild locations such as in the middle of the woods or at the bottom of a mountain. Before you go wild camping it is essential to ensure that you have all the essentials, such as a tent, a sleeping bag, a stove, a torch and of course, plenty of food.

Question 22

Never have I ever... hitchhiked.

Those who do not have access to a car or public transport often opt to hitchhike. Hitchhiking involves getting free lifts from other people. Some people would sooner walk than hitchhike (for they deem hitchhiking dangerous), others do it only when they absolutely have to and still others do it whenever they can (because they love getting to places for free but also because they love meeting new people).

Question 23

Never have I ever... gone on a road trip.

Road trips are pretty self-explanatory. They are long distance journeys on the road. Most people love the idea of road trips but find them rather boring and annoying in reality. Still, everyone should go on a road trip at least once in their life.

Question 24

Never have I ever... gotten food poisoning.

Most of us know that eating potentially contaminated food is not a good idea, even if it does still look delicious and totally edible. Eating contaminated food often results in food poisoning which is not a very pleasant experience. Luckily, it is rarely serious and can be treated at home.

Question 25

Never have I ever... cooked for my crush.

When most of us want to impress our crush, we try to cook them a romantic dinner (or at the very least, we try to make them a decent breakfast). Depending on our skills and experience in the kitchen, we might succeed or we might not.

Question 26

Never have I ever... walked into a glass door.

Glass doors are obviously transparent but more often than not it is still quite obvious that they are doors and that they need to be pushed (or pulled). However, sometimes glass doors are polished so thoroughly that we end up walking into them, which is pretty embarrassing.

Question 27

Never have I ever... tried to make it on YouTube.

Let’s be honest – most of us have thought about making it on YouTube. After all, our favorite YouTubers make it seem so easy. Of course, we don’t actually see the hours that it takes to prepare for a video and we don’t see the hours that it takes to edit it. Once we realize how much work YouTube actually is, it no longer seems so appealing.

Question 28

Never have I ever... used the incognito tab.

Whenever most of us want to look up something controversial – something that we don’t want others to know about – we use the incognito mode. Incognito mode allows us to browse in private and does not store our browsing history. Instead, the data that we view in incognito mode is immediately forgotten.

Question 29

Never have I ever... ran into a celebrity.

Some people spend hours stalking and waiting for a celebrity simply to get a glimpse of him or her (and if they’re lucky, to get an autograph or a selfie). Others on the other hand end up running into celebrities by accident.

Question 30

Never have I ever... gone outside in my pajamas.

Staying in pajamas all day long might not be socially acceptable but venturing outside in your sleeping attire is actually frowned upon. Nonetheless, some people do it on a pretty regular basis purely because they can’t be bothered to change into their daytime clothes when they run out of cinnamon crunch toast and need to run down to the shop to get more.

Question 31

Never have I ever... pretended I wasn't home when the doorbell rang.

Sometimes when we’re home alone the last thing that we want to do is talk to someone else. As such, when the doorbell rings sometimes we pretend that there is no one at home. We might peep outside the window and see who it is, but there is no guarantee that we will actually bother answering the door.

Question 32

Never have I ever... talked to myself out loud in public.

Some of us talk to ourselves or at least express our thoughts out loud. This of course does not mean that we are crazy. Yet when we see other people do it in public we automatically steer away from them.

Question 33

Never have I ever... kissed a stranger.

Kissing our partner or our crush can be quite exciting but nothing beats the thrill of kissing a stranger. Of course, kissing a stranger is only acceptable in certain social circumstances. For example, it might be okay to kiss a stranger in a bar.

Question 34

Never have I ever... been in love.

Being in love is a wonderful feeling. Suddenly all your thoughts revolve around just one person – you want to make them smile and you want to make them happy. If you’re lucky, they will feel the same way about you too.

Question 35

Never have I ever... worn a t-shirt inside out for the whole day.

Sometimes we’re in so much rush that we end up putting on our clothes backwards. It is pretty obvious if we put on our trousers or our jackets backwards but it is less obvious when we put on our t-shirts backwards.

Question 36

Never have I ever... picked my nose in public.

Everyone knows that there are certain things that should not be done in public. These things include passing gas and burping, as well as picking one’s nose. Sometimes however we might forget that we are surrounded by other people and we might just end up picking our nose.

Question 37

Never have I ever... skipped school.

Those who are still in school probably detest it greatly. And those who are no longer in school can probably remember how boring and annoying it was. As such, it comes as no surprise that so many students skip class on a regular basis.

Question 38

Never have I ever... cried myself to sleep.

We all have bad days where it seems like the world is ending and where it seems like the only thing to do is cry yourself to sleep. Of course, no one likes to cry themselves to sleep but most of us have done it at least once in our lives.

Question 39

Never have I ever... accidentally eaten a bug.

There is nothing worse that accidentally eating a bug. Sure, sometimes you can spit it out but other times it gets lodged in your throat and there is nothing that can be done. The only thing left to do is wait (and drink lots of water in the hopes of washing it down!)

Question 40

Never have I ever... walked in on someone in the bathroom.

Most people will probably agree that walking in on someone in the bathroom is one of the most awkward and embarrassing scenarios ever. It is embarrassing for both the person who walked in on someone in the bathroom and the person who got walked in on.

Question 41

Never have I ever... had someone walk in on me in the bathroom.

The only thing that is more awkward than walking in on someone in the bathroom is having someone else walk in on you in the bathroom. It is incredibly embarrassing, not least because you have to go outside and face the person who saw you sitting on the toilet.

Question 42

Never have I ever... accidentally passed gas in front of someone I liked.

Everyone passes gas. Of course, we try not to do that in public – at least not loudly – but sometimes we just can’t help it. However, accidentally passing gas in front of strangers is nothing compared to passing gas in front of someone you have a crush on.

Question 43

Never have I ever... gone into the wrong restroom.

Sometimes we are in such a rush to get to the bathroom that we accidentally end up going into the wrong one. Sometimes we might notice this straight away and make a run for it. Other times we might notice it much too late.

Question 44

Never have I ever... been told I had bad breath.

There is nothing more embarrassing than being told that you have bad breath. It might not be so bad if it is your best friend saying it to you (as opposed to your crush for example) but it still hurts.

Question 45

Never have I ever... willingly eaten expired food.

Some of us buy or cook way too much food and then instead of throwing it out when it goes bad we eat it anyways. Sometimes this is fine but other times we might get food poisoning. As such, it is best not to risk it.

Question 46

Never have I ever... stepped barefoot in dog poop.

Walking in barefoot feels amazing at least until you step in dog poop. And to be honest, the chances of stepping into dog poop (if you are not prancing around barefoot in your own back garden) are pretty high since most dog owners can’t be bothered to pick up after their pet.

Question 47

Never have I ever... peed in the pool or the ocean.

We’ve all been there: we are swimming in the pool or the ocean when suddenly we feel the urge to pee. In this scenario, there are two types of people – those who go in and look for a bathroom and those who pee straight in the pool or the ocean.

Question 48

Never have I ever... gone a week without showering.

Most of us shower on a daily basis because we get pretty sweaty during the day. Indeed, some of us can’t even imagine going a day without showering. However, in some circumstances we might not actually have access to a shower.

Question 49

Never have I ever... worn underwear inside out instead of washing it.

No one likes to do their laundry. It is boring and annoying. Nonetheless, most of us do it on a weekly basis since we don’t want to wear dirty clothes. However, some people get crafty and wear their clothes inside out in the hopes of postponing laundry day.

Question 50

Never have I ever... had a deep fried candy bar.

A deep fried candy bar is pretty self explanatory. It is simply a candy bar that has been battered and deep fried. Deep fried candy bars are obviously quite delicious but very unhealthy. Still, they are worth trying, if only once.

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