This Easy Pregnancy Quiz Will Reveal How Ready Mom Is

One of the most fascinating and awe-inspiring feats of human ability has to be a woman being able to carry a baby inside of her. Pregnancy is simply amazing! Not only can these women's bodies withstand the incredible changes they have to go through in order to successfully carry a baby, but they are also able to then physically deliver the baby at the end of the nine months, too! That being said, pregnancy is definitely not easy and women have to endure a lot in order to bring a happy and healthy baby into the world. Then, once they've successfully delivered a baby, there's the new task of having to raise that baby! A mother's job is truly never done.

Quite unsurprisingly, there is a lot to know about being pregnant. While pregnancy books and parenting books can offer a lot of information, some things simply have to be learned as a woman goes along. It may seem like a pretty daunting task, but motherhood is definitely one of the most rewarding experiences possible. Sure it's hard work, but in the end, it is definitely all worth it.

We encourage anyone wondering if they have what it takes to be a mom to take this pregnancy quiz and find out once and for all if they're ready!

Question 1

How many weeks is each trimester of pregnancy?

Pregnancy is no joke. Our moms deserve all the love possible for having ever carried us around for as long as they did. For nine months they endured uncomfortable symptoms like morning sickness, sore backs, and constant urination, not to mention the experience of having a human being grow inside of them! For all these reasons and more, we can agree our moms are total heroes. When we think about those nine months they spent carrying us, we typically divide that time up into trimesters. But approximately how long was each one of these periods of time that added up to a total of nine long months?

Question 2

When can babies be left alone outside?

Once the baby has been born, moms are now tasked with the job of keeping their baby happy, healthy, and entertained. For some babies, this can be as easy as placing them in a play pen surrounded by toys. For others, a bit more stimulation is needed. It can be a really great idea to take babies from their usual place inside the house and bring them outside to enjoy the fresh air, the sunshine, and the world beyond those four walls. But when a mommy has brought her little one outside, is there any time where she can confidently leave her baby out there alone?

Question 3

What is a baby called when it comes much earlier than expected?

An average pregnancy is made up of three trimesters. At the end of that very last trimester, around 40 weeks or so, a baby is delivered into the world! While this is often how most pregnancies proceed, sometimes there are complications with the pregnancy that leads to the baby being delivered much early than anticipated. It is definitely not an ideal situation for anyone involved, particularly because this can lead to a number of health complications for the newborn. But what exactly is this newborn baby called when they come much sooner than anyone expected?

Question 4

What is the dark line that appears on some pregnant bellies?

Women’s bodies go through a lot of changes during the average pregnancy. Expectant moms can anticipate such changes as swollen limbs, like ankles and feet, a sore back, and of course an increase in belly size. Where there are a number of other changes that women’s bodies go through, one of the most curious ones that some mothers see is a dark line that runs from their belly button down to the top of their pelvic bone. It is definitely a weird sight but it’s totally normal and is absolutely no cause for alarm. It’s just another one of those strange bodily changes that happens during pregnancy!

Question 5

Pick a baby girl name

Perhaps one of the most exciting, if not a little stressful, experiences of being a mom is getting to name the baby. Some expectant parents turn to a number of baby name books to try and find the absolute perfect name that they feel will best suit their little one. Others may simply have to consider their family tree where they’ll pick their most cherished family names to bestow onto their baby. Then there are some who simply know their favourite baby names and don’t need a book or a family tree to decide!

Question 6

Should mothers-to-be even bother reading mommy books?

Bookstores are absolutely stocked to the brim with mommy books. There’s always some new expert writing what they believe women should do during their pregnancy to ensure a happy and healthy baby. In fact, there just might be a book for literally any question any expectant mother has about anything. In fact, there aren’t just books about pregnancy, there are books about how to be a mother after the baby has been born! With so many books floating around out there with so many different opinions, is it really worth sitting down and reading any of them? Or should mothers just go with the flow and learn from their own experiences during their own pregnancy?

Question 7

Who doesn't need to be in the room for the delivery?

After 40 long weeks of carrying a baby, mothers get to conclude their experience with a rather uncomfortable and, let’s face it, unpleasant delivery. While experiences differ from woman to woman, it’s safe to say that delivery is universally considered to be a pretty painful ordeal. Some women opt to give birth at home while others choose to be surrounded by doctors in a hospital. For those who decide to bring their baby into the world in a hospital, they’ll likely find that the delivery room can get pretty full pretty quickly. With all those trained experts taking up space, who really doesn’t need to be added to the mix?

Question 8

How long does the average labor last?

Labour is a pretty intense time for pregnant women to go through. This is the period of time when a woman’s body is hastily preparing itself for the delivery of the baby it has been growing inside of itself for the last nine months. In order to do so, a woman must endure something called “contractions”, which aren’t super pleasant, and then they must endure the actual delivery itself! Thankfully, labour doesn’t last forever, and it comes with the fantastic conclusion of a new baby! But just how long exactly does the average labour last?

Question 9

What color eyes are all Caucasian babies born with?

The 40 weeks are up, the delivery is over, and mommy has been handed her beautiful baby that she has spent the last nine months carrying inside of her. While she lays there and counts fingers and toes over and over again, she may notice something a little interesting about her bundle of joy. It may come as a surprise to some, but all Caucasian babies are actually born with the same color of eyes! It isn’t until the babies have grown older and have developed pigment in their eyes that the color actually changes to what will become their permanent hue!

Question 10

Pick a baby boy name

There are lots of names out there for parents to choose from when it comes to picking one for their new baby. They can use baby books or pick from their own family glossary of names, or simply turn to their personal favourites. Some people pick names depending on their literal meaning, while others go for more sentimental value and pick names that have personal meanings to them. Whatever the reason they were picked, a baby’s name is one of the most unique things about them!

Question 11

What is the most common pregnancy craving?

With every pregnancy comes pregnancy cravings. These are the foods that expectant mothers find themselves inexplicably drawn to and overcome with the urge to eat. They’re definitely pretty different from regular cravings. Whereas regular cravings typically consist of foods that people know they love, pregnancy cravings can actually be foods that the mommy-to-be has never ever liked or eaten before, but suddenly it’s all she can think about! Out of all the cravings that women feel, there is one food that rises above the rest and is considered by experts to be the most popular pregnancy craving out there! But what is it?

Question 12

How many extra calories a day should the average pregnant woman eat?

A woman’s body is pretty incredible. After all, it can actually grow another human being inside of it for nine months and then go through the process of birthing that human! Pretty amazing stuff! In order for women to provide nutrients to both herself and the little bundle of joy she is growing inside of her tummy, she must eat more. It makes sense, since she is now not only eating for herself but for another person altogether! So naturally she must eat more calories in order to provide those extra nutrients. But just how many extra calories is the average woman encouraged to eat every day?

Question 13

Who should answer an expectant mother's pregnancy questions/concerns?

Pregnancy can be a pretty confusing time for a lot of people, especially first-time mothers. Their bodies are suddenly going through some rather pretty huge changes, which can be really daunting. Because of this, these women might find themselves with a lot of questions that need answering. Like, for instance, how long does morning sickness really last? Can she go for a sushi date with her best friends while she’s pregnant? What prenatal vitamins should she be taking? With all these questions and more swirling around her head, who is the best person for her to turn to for answers?

Question 14

What are women allowed to eat while they are in labor?

Labor is a pretty intense part of pregnancy. This is the time in which a woman’s body is attempting to prepare itself to push out the baby, and so there’s a lot of uncomfortable contractions happening that the expectant mother has to deal with. During this time, she may find herself feeling a little hungry, which is definitely understandable, especially if she has been in labor for a really long time. But, when those feelings of hunger come over her, what is she told she is allowed to eat?

Question 15

When is it okay for expectant moms to drink alcohol?

For some people, there is nothing like relaxing after a really long day with a glass of wine and settling in to enjoy their evening. This might be especially appealing after a particularly exhausting day. For pregnant women, just about every day is an exhausting day. After all, they’re walking around with a little baby inside of them! They’re understandably going to be pretty exhausted at the end of the day. But, when exactly is it okay for pregnant women to drink a glass of wine?

Question 16

What are some babies placed into after birth?

After 40 weeks of pregnancy and then hours of labour and delivery, a brand new baby is eventually brought into the world. After all that time, a mother will understandably want to spend as much time as possible with her little one, holding them and loving them and letting them know who their mother is. But, sometimes once a baby has been born, they are placed somewhere special so that they can acclimate better to their new environment with a little medical assistance.

Question 17

What does NOT need to be packed into a hospital bag?

One of the parts of preparing to have a baby involves having to think ahead and pack a hospital bag. This is the bag that new parents bring with them to the hospital once the mother has gone into labour. It’s typically supposed to be packed ahead of time, ideally long before the expected due date, so parents can simply grab it as they’re running out the door without having to stop and try to think about what needs to be packed.

Question 18

What should a mother do when her baby cries in public?

Babies cry. It’s a simple fact that all parents (and even non-parents) totally understand. For whatever reason that they might cry, there is no stopping a baby once it feels the urge to let those tears and wails flow freely. They don’t care where their mothers are when it happens, either. They could cry in their own nursery, or while they are out on a special shopping trip with mommy to the grocery store. Whenever the mood strikes, that baby will cry. But what should the mother do when it suddenly happens in public?

Question 19

When should parents stop giving their babies a pacifier?

One of the ways parents have found to help soothe their baby and allow them to stop crying is to place a pacifier in their mouth. This gives the babies something to suck on, thus calming them down and giving their parents a little break from all that crying! While it is definitely a staple in any mom’s diaper bag, experts do say there is an age when babies should be weaned off their pacifier and taught to self soothe!

Question 20

How should pregnant women take their coffee?

One of the best ways people have found to start their mornings is to relax with a cup of coffee. Whether made at home, picked up via drive-through window, or prepared in the breakroom at work, coffee truly helps so many people feel ready to start their day. Pregnant mothers often find themselves feeling super tired, especially after a long night of tossing and turning and being unable to find a comfortable position to sleep in. So, when they go for that cup of coffee in the morning, how should it be prepared?

Question 21

What is it called when a baby has to be delivered surgically?

Most expectant mothers envision their deliveries going off without a hitch. That would be the ideal scenario. Unfortunately for some, unforeseen complications might force them into a surgical delivery in which they are not able to physically deliver their baby themselves. This process can ultimately leave women with more for them to recover from. Ultimately though, it’ll all be worth it in the end when they are handed their beautiful little baby! In this case, the end certainly justifies the means.

Question 22

Is it okay for babies to sleep on their back?

While a baby sleeping through the night is pretty rare, there are those few glorious hours when the baby sleeps soundly in their crib, letting their parents get some shut-eye too! Although it doesn’t typically last very long, these are the moments that parents really appreciate! While the length of time a baby sleeps differs from baby to baby, there tends to be a fairly unanimous agreement on the baby’s position inside of the crib. Is it okay for babies to sleep on their backs while in a crib?

Question 23

When can babies begin to eat solid food?

For the first part of their life, babies receive all the nutrients they need either from their mother’s milk or from formula. They simply don’t need any other form of food because they get everything from one or both of these sources. At some point, however, babies begin to eat more solid food than what they're used to, which usually comes in the form of mushy baby food. But when are parents able to start feeding their babies carrot and squash puree and blueberry applesauce?

Question 24

Why is the baby crying?

As we have talked about before, babies cry. It’s a simple fact that is true with every baby out there. The only thing that differs from baby to baby is just what exactly is making them cry! This can be for a number of different reasons, but it is up to the baby’s parents to stop and figure out just what needs to be done to help soothe their little one. It’s all about reading those signals and trying everything before finding the right answer!

Question 25

When can pregnant women expect to be hit with morning sickness?

Unfortunately for expectant mothers, morning sickness is just one of those symptoms that comes with pregnancy. These bouts of nausea thankfully don’t last the entire 40 weeks that a woman is carrying her baby, but for the first trimester or so, she does have to deal with it pretty much every day. While we know that it does happen daily, when exactly during the day can a pregnant woman expect to be hit with a sudden bout of morning sickness?

Question 26

Why do babies need tummy time?

After a baby has been delivered and has gone home with their parents, they are encouraged to enjoy something called tummy time. These sessions see the baby placed on their tummy on the floor and left without any physical intervention from their parents. Typically, parents are encouraged to let their babies do this between two and three times a day for three to five minutes at a time. But just what exactly is the point of this tummy time exercise?

Question 27

Epidural or no epidural?

Like we have discussed before, labour and delivery is no easy task. Mothers must endure some serious pain with their contractions before they become dilated enough to begin deliver the baby, and even that is painful. However, there is an option some mothers take in order to help make the process much easier for them. An epidural injection relieves the expectant mother’s pain during labour and effectively numbs the lower half of her body to what she is currently experiencing, making the entire process much less painful.

Question 28

What kind of diaper is best?

One thing can be said for all babies: they use a lot of diapers. While this is a universal fact, there remains a debate among mothers about which direction they should go in when it comes to the diapers they use on their baby: cloth or disposable. There are definitely pros and cons for both, but what it really comes down to is the mother’s preference. She is the one who decides what to use on her baby and it is up to her to figure out which is the better choice.

Question 29

What is the best craving food?

Ah, pregnancy cravings. Those silly little food urges that make pregnant women eat some pretty unusual or even questionable foods. We already know that the most common pregnancy craving out there is pickles. But that doesn’t necessarily mean every expectant mother is reaching for the pickle jar. There are other cravings that women feel, too, and some of them might be a bit better than simply eating pickles. But which pregnancy craving comes out on top and reigns superior above all the rest?

Question 30

At what time during the pregnancy should women tell people they are pregnant?

Expectant mothers and couples come up with some pretty creative ways of revealing their pregnancy to the world. Just go to YouTube and search up “pregnancy reveal” videos – there are thousands and thousands of them! There is just something so wonderful about sharing such joyous news that it can be one of the most exciting moments for anyone involved! That being said, there is usually a time when most expectant mothers agree is best to tell the world they are pregnant!

Question 31

What is the best baby shower game?

Pregnant women are thrown baby showers to help celebrate the upcoming birth of their little one and also give them some pretty fantastic baby gifts from their closest friends and families. These celebrations often include party games to help everyone in attendance get into the “baby” mood! The games are not especially stimulating but they are fun when played with friends and family! With all the games available for baby showers out there, which is the best one for everyone to enjoy together?

Question 32

How often does the average baby wake up at night?

Like we have discussed, babies cry a lot and sometimes for no apparent reason at all. They may be hungry, they may be colicky, they may simply want their mother’s touch. Whatever the reason, these babies know how to just let loose and wail, but it doesn’t just happen during the day. Babies usually wake up during the night and cry to let their parents know they need something. But just how many times a night does the average baby wake itself up and cry?

Question 33

Should babies watch television?

Our televisions act as one of our main sources of entertainment, and the same can definitely be said for children. While it has long been debated how much television (if at all) children should be allowed to watch, there remains the question of whether or not babies should be allowed to watch television. After all, they are drawn to bright colors and noises, so television seems like the perfect way to keep them entertained. But is it the right way?

Question 34

Are gender reveal parties necessary?

A gender reveal party is actually quite different from a baby shower. Whereas a baby shower celebrates the impending birth of the baby and gifts the mother with presents for her baby, a gender reveal party is exactly what it sounds like: it is a party for the purpose of revealing to the parents’ friends and family what the gender of their unborn baby is. It’s a fairly new concept with parents, and some older generations don’t particularly see the point in throwing an entire party just to reveal a baby’s gender. Plus, some argue it's better to keep the gender a surprise. So, are these gender reveal parties really necessary?

Question 35

When can an ultrasound technician determine the gender of the baby?

In order for parents to throw a gender reveal party, they need to know the gender of their baby first. Technology is quite amazing, because an ultrasound technician can not only give accurate readings of a baby’s health from inside the womb, but they can also let parents know what the gender of their baby is! However, this cannot be determined right away. At what point can an ultrasound tech accurately determine the gender of a baby inside the womb?

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