This 60-Second Zodiac Test Will Guess Which Celebrity Is Your Perfect Match!

Even though there are some people who argue that we have gained true equality and are closer to understanding each other like never before, there are still some examples of conversation topics that will always get people arguing, or at the very least angrily debating. Seriously, no matter how you ask the question, if it's about something incendiary, you can expect the entire room to blow up despite how diplomatic you all try to be. Between you and me, we like to throw one of these into the conversation while we're at a gathering, something that will get people throwing their food at each other from either side of the dinner party table.

Astrology is still a concept that proves tense for a lot of people in this world, with some arguing that it's the perfect way to live your life and others think that it's a dangerous alternative to logic. We're going to stay neutral for now, but we will say that there definitely are things you can tell about someone, connected to how they answer questions regarding zodiac signs. Yes, we reckon that we can tell you which celebrity is your perfect match based on how you answer the zodiac questions contained in this quiz. Don't believe us?

Well, it looks like it's time for us to put our money on the table. We reckon that if you work your way through this quiz, we'll be able to tell you who your celebrity match is once you get to the end.

Question 1

If You Had To Go To Someone For Advice, Which Sign Would They Be?

One of the major reasons we love having friends around us is that they give you a chance to give and take advice. You have a foundation of love to always lean back on, a comforting thought that can save people from some of the worst times in their life. If you think you can tell somebody’s personality based on their birthday, you can pick someone a lot quicker than actually having to properly get to know someone before asking them for advice,

Question 2

Which Is The Best Zodiac Sign To Borrow Money From?

One thing you find out very quickly as an adult is that some people think very differently to you about money. When we were younger, we sort of just assumed that everyone felt the same way as our parents about money, but that just isn't true. In fact, money can be such a major problem in the world that best friends can end up fighting tooth and nail about it. That’s why you need to be careful who you end up borrowing money from.

Question 3

Which Zodiac Sign Would Make The Best Actor?

When you want to be an actor, you have to have an understanding of how to balance both comedy and drama, without ever falling too much into one or the other. There’s nothing worse than somebody who is playing it way too dramatically, meaning that someone of a zodiac sign that allows them the ability to stay somewhere in the middle, or at least be able to learn the skills that all good actors should know quite quickly. Seems smart to us.

Question 4

Pick The Sign That Is Best At Making You Laugh

While we think there's definitely a way of teaching people to be funnier, there's something about some people who just have a natural way of getting people to laugh. We don’t know if it’s because they’re natural storytellers or whether they just get what tickles people’s funny bones, but some people are just walking out of the womb and onto this Earth with the ability to get us all rolling around on the floor in stitches. We all know someone like that.

Question 5

Which Zodiac Sign Is The Most Childish?

If we're being totally honest, we don't want to ever fully grow up because it's so much more fun to at least have a little bit of childlike nature about you. It's important to never take life too seriously, because if you do, you'll very quickly realize it brings you no joy. We're not here for too long, so try and make sure that you're not always upset or stressed because it's just not worth it at the end of the day.

Question 6

Pick The Zodiac Sign That Is Most Likely To Be A Rapper

While we may have overlooked it for so much of our youth, we have come to realize that is quite possibly one of the most brilliant forms of music that exists in the modern world. The lyrical mastery and verbal dexterity of some of these people is insane, not mentioning the fact that some of the beats are also close to perfect. Honestly, if you aren’t into rap, you need to start taking a look at what you’re missing out on.

Question 7

Pick The Zodiac Sign That Is Most Likely To Be A Mother

Look, we're not saying that people who want to have kids shouldn't have them, but we are saying that there's no way we can agree that all people who want children should have them. Having a child is a privilege, not a right, and it's important that people start to realize that. If you want to make sure that society continues to grow great, you have to make sure that it’s not creating people who aren’t loved or don’t want to be here.

Question 8

Which Zodiac Sign Can't Sit Still?

If you ask us, there's definitely something true about the concept that you will not find true comfort and happiness until you're able to find a way to calmly relax. There’s a reason that meditation works for so many people and it’s because it teaches people that they don’t always have to be moving or actively thinking. There is a strength to knowing when it’s time to stop fidgeting, to put down everything you’ve been doing for the day and having a moment to yourself.

Question 9

Which Zodiac Sign Is Most Likely To Become A Director?

Honestly, we have total respect for somebody who decides to spend their life following a creative vision. It takes a serious amount of courage and hardship in a world that doesn't respect art and creativity as much as it should. If you can get past that and make something from your skill and imagination, you deserve more respect than a lot of people do for their day to day lives. Keep up the good work artists and don’t let this world discourage you.

Question 10

Which Zodiac Sign Is Most Likely To Be A Hippy?

As you start to watch the world around you completely destroy itself for no discernible reason, it's hard to argue that the hippies didn't have it right in the first place with their concerns about how megalomaniacs will end up using weapons of mass destruction and money to bring us all down to their level. Take a look and see if you don’t agree with us because we really don’t understand how any of this could be misconstrued as a good thing.

Question 11

Pick The Zodiac Sign Which Is Most Likely To Be Vegan

Why do people hate Veganism so much? We understand why people don't like people who always go on about their dietary choices, but that makes up such a small part of vegan people, just like the people who eat meat constantly going on about bacon aren't an accurate representation either. There is enough hate and division in this world that you think we could let people get on with their life, eating whatever they want to eat. Their body is their own business after all.

Question 12

Which Zodiac Sign Is The Most Crazy?

It's weird to think that we live in the sort of celebrity culture that leads to some people becoming more famous for their insane behavior than they are for the work that they've tried to put out in the world. Sometimes we feel bad for these people, but other times, it sort of seems like they're bringing it upon themselves. Does that make us bad people? We’re not so sure, but you have to admit, crazy is the first thing you think when you hear about some people!

Question 13

Which Of These Zodiac Signs Is The Best Cook?

Cooking is one of those things that we can all get away with being okay at, but it's amazing when somebody manages to become so good at cooking that their ability is actually a reason that you want to be around them. There are people out there who will never be able to make a bad meal. Why wouldn't you want to eat with those people every single day? That’s the sort of thing we need to start teaching kids.

Question 14

Which Zodiac Sign Is The Most Stupid?

We'll be honest right now and say that we think the word stupid is pretty regressive. It assumes that there is a specific standard and type of intelligence, which is a concept that we really don't agree with if we're being honest. Some people are better at certain things and that's just how it is. That's the sort of reality that we have to accept, but it doesn't mean that you're better than somebody because you can do something they can't.

Question 15

Which Of These Zodiac Signs Is The Most Spontaneous?

Being able to live a life that isn't completely planned is important if you want to have any sort of surprise in your life, otherwise you'll never get to a point where you can actually enjoy anything that comes at you with no warning, which can provide you with some pretty great life changes! We understand people who don’t enjoy surprises, but you have to accept that sometimes, they can be a really great thing in your life. Trust us!

Question 16

Which Zodiac Sign Is The Best Public Speaker?

Public speaking is one of those things as a child that you reckon you can probably avoid for the rest of your life, before growing up and realizing that spending time to perfect that sort of thing can actually help you so much. Sure, you might not be up on a stage regularly or anything, but the confidence that public speaking can give you will help you in any walk of life no matter what you choose to do for a job.

Question 17

Pick The Zodiac Sign That Is Obsessed With Gadgets

It's crazy to think that we now live in a world that makes it impossible to exist without technology that has only existed over the past decade or so. That's the sort of thing that really freaks out a lot of old people, especially if they find it difficult to use the technology that the rest of us use so easily. Seriously, think about how alienating that would be to somebody when they look around and don’t understand the world that they live in.

Question 18

Pick The Most Athletic Zodiac Sign

Honestly, if there are any young people reading this, make sure that you’re spending a lot of your time looking after yourself, because you will regret it when you get older, looking at your body in the mirror and realizing that you’re nowhere near as healthy as you could be. Not only will it keep your weight down, it will do wonders for your mental and physical health. That’s just a sad fact of being a human being to be honest.

Question 19

Which Zodiac Sign Is Best With The Opposite Sex?

When you’re younger, you will likely have an obsession with being perfect at attracting the opposite sex, but this will likely change as you get older, as long as you start to realize the things that are more important in life. Sure, you need to have a certain level of confidence and make sure you are walking around with an understanding of what other people like, but you should never compromise who you are in an attempt to get somebody interested.

Question 20

Pick The Zodiac Sign That Makes The Best Father

Despite what various people and books will try to tell you there is absolutely no formula for the perfect father, so don’t worry if you can’t figure out what it is that you should be doing when you eventually decide that you’re ready for children. Seriously, as long as you’re doing all of the important stuff, you can try a little bit of improvisation when it comes to bringing your child up. Keep them safe and make them feel loved for starters.

Question 21

Which Zodiac Sign Is The Best With Money?

If you’re anything like us, you had parents that didn’t teach you how to properly look after your money. While this is a positive in some ways, as you don’t have an obsession with the evil that is money, it can also become quite the problem once you start to figure out what you’re doing in your life. It really is important to look after your money because you need it to get anywhere in this world, no matter how much we may disagree with that fact.

Question 22

Pick The Zodiac Sign Most Likely To Play Video Games

If you’re looking for a hobby and something to do with your time, but aren’t looking to improve your life with a new talent or craft, we would recommend that you start to play video games because they are pretty great. It may take a while for you to get any good if you haven’t played them before in the past, but once you start to get even slightly competent, you will be amazed by how entertaining they really can be.

Question 23

Which Zodiac Sign Is Most Likely To Be A Nerd?

When we were younger, we thought that the concept of being a nerd was something we would never be okay with, but as we got older, we realized that a nerd is essentially someone who just loves something so much that they’re willing to be passionate about it in front of other people. That sort of thing is important if you’re going to get through life without going insane because you’ve had to hide everything you love from the rest of the world.

Question 24

Pick The Zodiac Sign Most Likely To Dye Their Hair

Changing the color of your hair is a bit of a weird thing when you think about it, not that we don’t think that some people can look amazing once they change their hair. Sure, we love the fact that some people go absolutely insane with it because sometimes it can look great, but some people don’t even bother with that sort of thing, they just decide to go for a slightly different form of their own actual hair color instead.

Question 25

Which Zodiac Sign Is An Animal Lover?

We will never understand the people in this world who don’t love animals. How can you look at that sort of innocence and not love them or want to protect them? Sure, you might not want to have them all around the house or anything, but you do want to make sure that human beings leave them alone and allow them the right to a full life. Seriously, we need to stop messing with animals because they have just as much right to be here.

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