This 60-Second Quiz Will Tell You Who Your Grey's Anatomy Soulmate Is!

Ever since Grey's Anatomy's debut in 2005, it's male surgeons have been invading our TV's, our imaginations, and our dreams. There's even a quote that says Grey's has given us unrealistic expectations of men for over a decade, which is totally the case! Especially, since most real men aren't normally equipped with everything we want in a soulmate. You can get rugged and handsome, but those guys are mostly jerks. Then, you have the sweet, caring men, who are usually lacking in the looks department. There might just be some insanely hot, good guys out there, but as the saying goes... "good men are hard to find."

Meanwhile, the men of Grey's Anatomy are all smokin' hot, protective, and loaded with charm. They're the perfect combination of  raw, rugged, and compassionate. They are the reason you can't go to a doctor's visit without having some weird fantasy in your head that makes you blush at the sight of your own hot doctor. They're modern day prince charmings. Even the most egotistical male surgeons of Grey's Anatomy have the tendency of being protective, falling hard, and they all have a sensitive side to their personalities. Just take Alex Karev and Mark Sloan, for example.

So, which of these hot, sensitive surgeons from Grey's Anatomy, is your soulmate? Which hunk fits your personality best and is most likely to fulfill all of your dreams? Take this quiz and you'll know...

Question 1

What would your soulmate look like?

Your soulmate's eyes can cloud your judgement, peer into your soul, and excite you. Their hair can make you imagine ruffling your hands through it, or rubbing the smoothness of a guy's head that's bald. Fortunately, Grey's Anatomy is full of variety when it comes to hot men, with various looks. Everyone has a type, whether it be a guy's looks, or personality that you're drawn to. Chances are that you respond more to a specific look. Which of these looks describes your dream guy?

Question 2

Which surgical field would your guy be in?

The field a guy works in says a lot about them. For instance, one Grey's guy wouldn't appear to be the type to have a big heart, but he works in peds. That tells you that there is a sensitive guy inside his bad misogynistic attitude. Every guy on at Grey's has a different surgical field. Which surgical field would your dream guy be in?

Question 3

How sensitive would your soulmate be?

Not all women want a overly-sensitive man. Yeah, some women prefer a guy who'll talk on the phone for hours, cook them a meal, or watch lifetime. Meanwhile, others want a guy who makes them feel safe, or can match her toe-to-toe in an argument. Still others want a guy whose sensitivity level is somewhere in between. Grey's has a great selection of men with different sensitivity levels. Which would yours be?

Question 4

How old is your dream guy?

Age might just be a number, but most women still prefer men of certain ages. You might be a cougar searching for a young hot guy. You might prefer dating men your own age. Or, you might like your men older and more mature. Which one are you? How old would your dream guy be?

Question 5

How many kids do you want?

Do you want babies? if you do, you probably have a good idea of how many kids you want to have. Hey, you might not even know whether or not you want any. Each guy on Grey's has their own strong opinions on how big of a family they want too. So, how many kids would you want with your soulmate?

Question 6

How fit would your dream guy be?

Dream guys don't necessarily have to be hunks. Sure, those chiseled abs and muscle-bound arms are hot to look at, but you might want your dream guy to be more of a cuddle buddy. Hot, yet with a little cushion, perhaps? Or, maybe you want someone chubby. There's no denying that the guys of Grey's are all hot, but they also come in different sizes. How fit would your dream guy be?

Question 7

How many past lovers would you prefer your soulmate to have had?

We might say that our man's past lovers doesn't bother us. However, this is most likely a lie. How many exes a guy has slept with can tell you a lot about who they are. For instance, Alex Karev was once the ultimate manwhore. He might be more ready to settle down these days, but there's always a chance that he'll cheat when times get tough. On the other hand, some women don't mind if their guy has had lots of experience in the bedroom. How many past lovers would your soulmate have had?

Question 8

How much control do you need in your relationship?

All women are different when it comes to control in a relationship. Some of us want to be the one in charge at all times. These women are hard-headed and driven to succeed beyond the men in their lives. Their men can either be pushovers, or match them toe-to-toe when you both feel you're right. Meanwhile, other women are complete pushovers and need their man to give them a little direction

Question 9

What would you expect from your soulmate after a long day's work?

Your soulmate should be well equipped at handling your mood after a long, stressful day at work. All women are different, our moods switch up often, and how we deal with those moods is also unique. You might want a quiet dinner waiting for you at home. Or, you might prefer to destress by having a drink with your friends. Whatever your unwind method is, your soulmate should be understandable about your needs. What would you expect?

Question 10

What would you and your soulmates' financial situation look like?

How your going to live and how much money you will have is a big deal in a relationship. It'd be nice if we could all build big happy families off of just love, but that's not how life works. The most common arguments in a relationship are over money. What would you need your financial situation to be like in order to be happy with your soulmate?

Question 11

Which is closest to your personality type?

The two women in the image might seem like total opposites, but they actually have a lot in common. They're both smart, a little nerdy, and have panic attacks often. They have also attracted the same guy. You see, men are attracted by our looks, first. However, you'd have to fit personality-wise in order to have a good relationship with your soulmate. Which of these women matches your personality type the closest?

Question 12

Where would you prefer to live with your soulmate?

Everyone has a future home in the back of their mind. Your soulmate's compatibility would also depend on where you would want to live. For instance, you might prefer to have your own space. Or, you might want to live as close to your soulmate as humanly possible in a small, shabby apartment with very close quarters. Where do you see yourself living?

Question 13

How tall would your dream guy be?

Height matters a lot when it comes to your soulmate. While some women might be okay with being taller than their love interest, most aren't. And most guys would prefer to be either equal height, or taller than their soulmate, as well. For those of you who do prefer short men that's okay, too. Grey's has a great selection. How tall would your soulmate be?

Question 14

How soon would you expect your soulmate to settle down and have kids?

Not all men are ready to settle down and have kids, despite being more than old enough. Hell, there are plenty of career-oriented women that find it hard to make the choice of settling down and having kids, too. Some of us might never want to marry, or have kids. What about you? How soon would you expect your soulmate to settle down?

Question 15

What shoe size would your mate have?

You know what they say about a man's feet don't you? Obviously, this is one area where size definitely matters. You might not necessarily want your guy to have big feet. In fact, you might prefer your guy's shoes to be small. However, there are plenty of women who'd want their guy to have medium to large shoe sizes. What shoe size would your dream guy have?

Question 16

Are you okay with being a stepmom? If so, how many kids would you be okay with?

These days divorces are more common than ever before. Blended families are everywhere. Although, there are some people who still hold off on having kids, haven't met the right one, or just don't want kids at all. Meanwhile, a quite a few of the guys you'll meet do have a kid/kids from a prior relationship. Would you be okay with that? If so, how many would you be okay with?

Question 17

Which last name sounds best following your first name?

How your soulmate's last name sounds following your first is important. Just think back on that movie, Meet the Parents, when Pamela was about to become Pamela Martha Focker. Fortunately, the guys from Grey's don't have last names that bad, but you still want your first name to sound great along with your soulmates. Which of these last names would go best with your first name?

Question 18

Which of these hot ladies do you resemble the most?

This answer doesn't have to be exact. People wouldn't have to be always telling you that you're the spitting image of Miranda Bailey, or anything like that. For instance, if you're short, stocky, with brown hair and brown eyes, you'd resemble Miranda Bailey the most. If your brown haired, petite, and tall with brown eyes, you'd resemble Cristina Yang the most. This will say how close you are to your soulmates type for appearance. Which of these women do you resemble the most?

Question 19

Which of these zodiac signs are you most compatible with?

Your zodiac sign says a lot about who you are and who you'll get along with best, whether you believe in it, or not. You might be one of those women who claim they don't believe, but when you read your zodiac sign description, it will describe you to a T. You might be all caught up in signs already and believe that you have to meet someone whose sign is compatible to yours. Either way, it's just fun. Which of the zodiac signs below is most compatible with your own?

Question 20

What would be your ideal vacation?

We all have something in mind when we hear the words vacation, or getaway. The only problem is our significant others usually envision the opposite. Take Cristina Yang, for instance. She went camping with Derek because she was in a very dark place. That was something that Burke, or Hunt would've enjoyed doing with her, but she would've never done it, under ordinary circumstances. It's much easier to be on the same page when it comes to where to get away to. Where would you want to go to get away?

Question 21

What kind of underwear would your dream guy be most likely to wear?

Boxers, or briefs? That's one of the million dollar question that we ask ourselves before we get into bed with our dream guy, or while window shopping. Either way it goes most women prefer one, or the other. I can't speak for everyone, though. So, I assume that there's some ladies out there that enjoy a combination of the two. That would give us variety at least. Then, there's always the teeny tiny bikini-style briefs. Which of the following would your dream guy wear?

Question 22

What kind of car would your Grey's Anatomy soulmate drive?

A guys car can say a lot about them. If they have money? They could be middle-aged and driving a hot fast car, which screams mid-life crisis. If they have a family car it could mean that they're ready to settle down. Are they looking for a family? Or more importantly, do they already have one that they're planning on hiding from you to get into your pants. See? A guys car can tell you a lot. What kind of car would your soulmate drive?

Question 23

What kind of engagement ring do you want?

THe kind of engagement ring you want can say a lot about both you, and who you'd want for your soulmate. If you're looking for a big, flashy ring, then chances are you're going to have to find a soulmate who can afford it. On the other hand, you might be happy with a ring that's unique. Or, passed down from the family. The kind of ring you want will help to identify the soulmate who can put it on your finger. What kind of engagement ring do you want?

Question 24

How fast would you move with your soulmate?

How many dates would it take for you to jump into bed with your soulmate? How long before you would decide that he was "the one"? These question also says a lot about who your dream guy is. Some of the guys on Grey's Anatomy are gentleman and you might scare them off if you rush things too much. Besides, everyone falls differently, and in their own time. Chances are, the faster you sleep with him, the faster you'll fall for him. So, how long before you would sleep with your soulmate?

Question 25

What would you and your Grey's Anatomy soulmates' wedding be like?

One of the biggest problems that comes between an engaged couple is what their wedding will be like. Not many people think to discuss what they would want it to be like, until after they've already agreed to get married. Then comes all of the drama. How big will it be? How expensive? Fortunately for you, we already know what kind of weddings the guys on Grey's Anatomy will go for. What would yours be like?

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