This 60 Second Quiz Will Reveal If You Are More Book Smart Or Street Smart!

Being smart means more than one thing. It can mean that you can sit in a lecture and learn everything that your professor says while working on two other classes at the same time. It could mean studying, learning from manuals, or being able to perfectly follow instructions.  This is a type of intelligence that is called book smart. People who are book smart can learn from reading, might be studious, or may even be straight A students.

On the other hand, there are some people who are intelligent in another way. They may be able to think on their feet, or have the knowledge needed to survive the environment that they live in. Maybe they have exceptional social skills, or they are quick on their feet. They may be more savvy in some sort of way, perhaps at technology or at flirting.

Some people are a blend of the two, some people are neither. This quiz aims to tell you which of these two types of smart you seem to have. Are you someone who learns well or someone who seems to just know things about society? Do you have the common sense that most street smart people seem to have? Take this quiz to find out if you are more street smart or book smart!

Question 1

You just ran out of gas. What do you do?

Running out of gas is a nightmare. You can get stuck anywhere and unable to get to your destination. Imagine you are on your way to a meeting and do not want to be late. Then, you run out of gas in the middle of a busy street. You are stuck until you somehow get some gas back into your car. How do you handle the situation?

Question 2

Define "roasting:"

Roasting can mean several things. You may think about marshmallows first. Think about toasting a delicious marshmallow over a fire. You hold it over the flames until it is perfectly brown and charred on the outside and gooey on the inside. On the other hand, maybe roasting refers to making fun of your friends! What does this word mean to you?

Question 3

Do you know what CO2 is?

Even if you have not been to school in awhile, or you were never that great at sciences, CO2 is something that most people know. It is meant to have a subscript 2, and the letters are symbolic for a type of gas. Those are the only hints you get! You should probably know what this is, whether you are street smart or book smart. What is it?

Question 4

How do you find your car in a big parking lot?

We've all done this: lost our car in a parking lot. We can't be blamed! It is hard to remember where you parked hours ago. Your brain has moved on to retain new information and can not be expected to remember where you parked your car so long ago. When this happens to you, how do you go about finding your car?

Question 5

Would you rather be a doctor or a lawyer?

Being a doctor and being a lawyer both require a large amount of intelligence that many people do not have. There are elements of street smart and of book smart when it comes to both careers, but choosing one will help determine which of those types of smart you are. So, which is it: would you rather be a doctor or a lawyer?

Question 6

Someone whose name you have forgotten makes conversation with you. What do you do?

On How I Met Your Mother, Ted encounters a problem like this while recounting a story to his kids about a girl that he encountered years ago. Since he could not remember her name, he referred to her as "Honey" due to her extreme naivety. He could have used a different strategy, but this one was not too bad, considering it was way after the fact. What would you do?

Question 7

Where is Canada?

Most people know lots about the United States of America and gloss over Canada as a cold country that pronounces certain words strangely, like "about," and says "eh" after every sentence. In reality, Canada is a very normal country that should not always be thought of as extremely polite! Now that you know this, do you even know where Canada is?

Question 8

What do you do if your shoe breaks?

Broken shoes are never fun. If you wear lots of heels, you may have encountered a broken heel once or twice in your life. It is possible that you may have brought a different pair just in case, or maybe you got a piggy back ride from your boyfriend. There are many ways to deal with such a scenario. What do you do?

Question 9

What is your attitude towards instruction manuals?

Instruction manuals are great when it comes to building Ikea furniture. Even though you read those instructions, you probably struggle a bit when building and learn as you go. Some people throw away the instructions from the beginning and always learn through experience. Who reads instructions when getting a new watch, for example? What do you do?

Question 10

You are invited to a Thanksgiving dinner. Do you bring anything?

Thanksgiving dinner is a time of family and food. Most people travel home to be with their families for this holiday and one person cooks dinner for everyone. Since everyone gets together, there is usually lots of food brought be everyone even though it was not a potluck dinner! Were you one of the family members who brought something?

Question 11

Do you appreciate art museums?

There are so many art museums that educate you in culture from so many different eras. History is drawn through the ages and all you have to do is visit museums and appreciate what is there. Some people love doing this while others would prefer to appreciate the world in different ways. These are not people who should travel together! Which are you?

Question 12

What is a rain check?

Most people know what a rain check is but maybe there are a few out there that are wrong. In that case, this is the chance to discover if you are smart at all! A rain check sounds like it may be about precipitation, or maybe about moving money around. Is it either of these things? Tell us here what you think a rain check is!

Question 13

How do you react when you can't find your wallet when you are out for dinner?

Not being able to find your wallet is always scary. Your entire life is in your wallet. Your credit cards, debit cards, cash, maybe some pictures... all of your daily necessities. It is especially scary when you can't find it at a time when you need to pay for something. You can retrace your steps, but the likelihood of finding it is slim. What do you do?

Question 14

Who was the first president of the United States of America?

History is so important when you are obtaining an education. If you did not learn American history, many people have been taught who the first president of the United States had been. It is a piece of common knowledge as well as something that only history majors know. Do you know who the vert first American president was?

Question 15

Do you have a good poker face?

Having a poker face is an important life skill whether you play poker or not. Keeping a straight face will keep in handy in so many situations that you will encounter throughout life. However, if you spend your life in a library, you may not have learned how to hold off a smile or a nervous tick. Do you have a good poker face?

Question 16

Have you ever smoked?

In Friends, a big controversy is the fact that Chandler Bing likes to smoke. Although he does give it up, there are periods throughout the show when he goes back to it and he always greets it with delight. The other characters do not view it the same way as he does, and make him stop every time. Chandler knows it is bad for him, but enjoys the feeling. It even gives him some street credit! Have you smoked?

Question 17

Which game would you rather play?

Are you a sporty person or would you prefer to play a game where you are all seated? This depends on your type of smart. Neither are wrong, right? Plying basketball is very fun. Or maybe you prefer soccer, baseball, or something else that keeps you on your feet. Playing scrabble is fun too! Which do you prefer?

Question 18

Who is Vladimir Putin?

Vladimir Putin is not known for being a good guy. This is the second time that he is the President of a certain country. He first held the position from 2000-2008, not serving again since 2012. The president of the United States of America, Donald Trump, has been repeatedly accused of colluding with Putin, which is not a good thing. Who is he?

Question 19

Do you watch reality TV?

Reality TV is a funny concept because some people love it and other people judge it horribly. Reality TV can be a great guilty pleasure. It requires very little thinking power, it is hilarious, and it cannot judge you back. Whether you openly or secretly watch reality TV, you have to tell us here. It can be anything from Big Brother to America's Top Model. Do you watch reality TV?

Question 20

Have you ever had a fake ID?

Think about that classic line from the Breakfast Club, when the nerd admits that he has a fake ID so that he can vote. Anyone can have a fake ID, even if it is not for drinking. Having a fake ID is one of the rights of passage while growing up, although not everyone has had one and yet everyone has grown up. Are you someone who has had a fake ID?

Question 21

What was your first job?

Some people get their first job at a very young age delivering newspaper or babysitting. The older you get, the more legitimate your job is. It may be a counsellor at camp, a fast food employee, a tutor, or a salesperson. Then, once people get even older, they start applying for internships or jobs that will advance their careers. What was your first job?

Question 22

Did/do/will you attend college?

Attending college is nearly crucial in this day and age. With so many people applying for jobs and having the credentials, young people are having to go to school for even more time to receive more degrees in order to stand out. However, it is possible to succeed without attending college. It is rare, but possible. Is college right for you?

Question 23

What does the word "subsequent" mean?

Having a strong vocabulary is a skill that will always be useful, no matter what direction your life goes in. Whether you end up being an air traffic controller, a drug dealer, or an English professor, having a vast vocabulary will benefit you every day. However, not everyone has a great vocabulary and will thus not know what "subsequent" means. Do you?

Question 24

What would you prefer to read?

There are so many types of reading material that anyone can be pleased. Even a person who is completely street smart could find something to their satisfaction. Whether it be a biography, a tabloid magazine, the nutrition facts of a food wrapper, or a novel, there is something for everyone. What would you prefer to read?

Question 25

What do you do when your phone battery dies while you are out?

Nowadays, everyone is always using their phone. It is inevitable for it to die every once in awhile, especially if you forgot to charge it before you left the house. Luckily, there is such thing as a portable charger. You can even bring a cable and plug your phone in somewhere while in public. This is never fun but is something that will happen to you at some point. What do you do in this scenario?

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