There's No Way You'll Get 80% Or Higher On This Cinderella Quiz, But You Can Try!

In 1950, “Cinderella” was introduced to the world, an animated musical fantasy that was based on the fairytale of the same name by Charles Perrault. This film was one of the biggest hits within the realm of animated feature films, the greatest thing since “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” and one of the best animated films ever made. The story is known by one and all, the movie received three Academy Award nominations, and Cinderella has appeared in numerous works since then, such as the 2015 live-action remake.

This animated classic was the original, though, and it really is the best, full of magic and great songs and an even better lesson. It has been watched and rewatched...but how well do you remember the film?

You probably can recall the general idea, about a mistreated girl who is given a magical night, but there are tons of details that made up the animated flick.

Who did she live with? How did her night get magical? What happened after all of that? How did the movie finally end? Answer all of this and more, all within this quiz, to prove that you know everything there is to know about “Cinderella”!

Question 1

What animation film studio gave us "Cinderella"?

When it comes to animated films, there are two powerhouses that come to mind: Disney and Pixar. These companies produce the majority of the animated films the world knows and loves - films that are always full of lovable characters, catchy tunes, moral lessons and a mix of funny and tear-jerking scenes. That all sounds like “Cinderella”, so it really could have come from either of these brands, in truth. But which one actually created “Cinderella”?

Question 2

What was Cinderella feeding the animals at the beginning of the film?

At the beginning of this animated film, Cinderella is seen doing all of her morning chores, such as the cooking and cleaning. Part of her routine includes feeding all of the animals that live at her house, and several species and types are seen, all trying to get the best pieces of food and the biggest portions in their bellies. What food does Cinderella put out for all of the animals to enjoy at the beginning of this animated film?

Question 3

Finish the lyric: “A dream is a wish your heart makes..."?

As mentioned, “Cinderella” was full of songs that the world grew up with and that the world still remembers and even cherishes. It is probably easy for you to imagine the scene in which Cinderella is singing this song about dreams and wishes and her heart...but how does the rest of the song go? There are four continuations of the lyrics listed here as answer choices, so you need to pick the correct one - the one that finishes the line!

Question 4

Who were Cinderella's closest friends?

Even though Cinderella had to put up with her evil stepmother and her two evil stepsisters, she did have a couple of friends; she had friends she could turn to, that she could assist when needed and that she could dream with, as they all pretended and hoped that someday, their wishes would come true and they could start new lives, in a whole new place - a better place! What were the names of Cinderella’s two main friends within this film?

Question 5

What was the name of Cinderella's evil stepmother?

Everyone - even people who sadly have never seen this film - know who Cinderella lived with for the majority of the time: her evil stepmother and her evil stepsisters. However, only true fans know the names of these evil ladies. Her stepmother was very prim and proper. She was always dressed in a regal sort of way. She had those iconic white stripes in her gray hair. And don't let that smile fool you - She could be quite nasty! What was her name?

Question 6

What was the name of the cat?

That mean old cat that the dog pretended to catch in ihs dreams was real, and he was not part of the magical night, since he belonged to Cinderella’s evil stepmother. He was as grouchy and rude as his owner, yet Cinderella still had to look after him and feed him and such. Cinderella cared for numerous animals around the household, but she was not the biggest fan of this cat really. And what was the name of this cat?

Question 7

What were the names of Cinderella's evil stepsisters?

And those stepsisters were pretty awful, too, with their prissy ways and rude behavior. They could be annoying - which could have provided some comic relief during some scenes - but then you thought about poor Cinderella, having to deal with their big personalities day in and day out, throughout her whole life. Super fans can name these brightly dressed sisters, though, and true fans can tell everyone the correct answer here: What were the names of these two evil and annoying stepsisters?

Question 8

Jaq & Gus are...

And these friends were quite special, for numerous reasons. Most importantly, they helped Cinderella keep faith. They gave her a distraction from the constant nagging and demanding that came from the others in the house (her stepmother and stepsisters), and they actually made her smile and feel happiness, as well. Since this was an animated film, though, they were special in a different way, too, so a sort of strange question must be asked now: What species were these friends?

Question 9

How did the animals decide who would distract the cat before eating?

Before going out to enjoy the food, some of the animals had to sneak past that mean old cat, who was enjoying (or playing with) its milk, right in the middle of the doorway, blocking the exit to the outdoors. The animals knew they had to be careful, and one of them came up with a way to distract the cat, so that the others could escape safely outside. How did they decide who would be the distraction for the cat?

Question 10

Who sang "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo"?

Perhaps the most well-known song from “Cinderella” is "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo". It may sound like a bit of nonsense, but no - It was magical! It was all about happy thoughts and good memories and making due with what is around you. That being said, it was the perfect song to play during Cinderella’s most magical moment, when everything around her transformed, in order to make one special night even better. The question is, though, who sang the silly yet lovable song...So who was it?

Question 11

What did the stepsisters accuse Cinderella of doing to their breakfast?

After the animals were all fed, Cinderella also had to balance trays on her hands and head and deliver breakfast in bed to her stepsisters and stepmother. After delivering the trays, though, there was a loud scream that echoed through the house. The sisters ran to the mother, upset and accusing Cinderella of doing something bad to their breakfast (Anything to get her in more trouble, right?). What did they say she did to them after they looked at their breakfast?

Question 12

Why was a ball held?

Alright, this quiz has covered music and family members, and it will now move on to the plot of the film. Of course, a big and beautiful ball was held within this story, at the royal palace. The King and the Grand Duke put it all together (since the Prince, being young and bored, could not have cared less), inviting just the right people into their large and impressive castle. Why was this ball put together in the first place, though?

Question 13

What were the conditions for Cinderella to attend the ball?

Once Cinderella heard about the ball, she was dying to go - Who would not want to attend such a lavish event? She knew it may take her convincing her evil stepmother to let her go, and there were conditions; her stepmother agreed to let her go IF she did two certain things - things she never thought Cinderella would ever be able to accomplish (since she did not want her there). How could Cinderella have attended the ball, according to her stepmother?

Question 14

What dress was Cinderella going to wear to the ball?

Regardless of her stepmother’s conditions, Cinderella had to wear something to the ball. She was not given much within her evil household, but she knew how to work with what she had - one of the beautiful and wonderful lessons from this animated classic! Therefore, she found something and made it perfect for the evening. So what dress did Cinderella think would be suitable to wear to the ball (before it was utterly and completely destroyed by her apparently heartless stepsisters)?

Question 15

What color was that dress?

And that dress was of course destroyed by her evil stepsisters, since they were rude and since they did not want her tagging along to this royal ball. If they weren’t mean to her, then they wouldn’t be evil stepsisters now would they. It was a heartbreaking scene, but don’t worry, the sisters don’t have much of a happy ending. We’re curious about this dress that she had refashioned though, what was its color?

Question 16

Who appeared after Cinderella’s dress was destroyed?

Okay, as you surely remember, Cinderella came downstairs in that dress, ready to go to the ball. However, her stepsisters tore it apart, leaving her standing there in rags. And those three evil ladies exited so that they could go enjoy the ball without her. Cinderella was feeling lots of negative emotions during this sad part of the film, but someone showed up just in the nick of time, as a saving grace. Who appeared after her dress was destroyed?

Question 17

What color robes was she wearing?

The person that appeared - which was either the Prince, Cinderella’s fairy godmother, her father or a royal mailman with some news - was also wearing another iconic outfit. And since you are a true fan of this film - someone that has seen it numerous times - you know exactly who showed up after Cinderella’s dress was destroyed, and you know exactly what that person was wearing. So what color was this iconic outfit? Pick one out of the four answer choices listed here!

Question 18

What color dress was Cinderella given?

And then this is when the magic started happening...This is when Cinderella’s night - and really her entire life! - started turning around and becoming as wonderful as she deserved. One of the biggest, most magical parts of the evening was that Cinderella was given a new dress. Her first one was, as mentioned, not in the best condition, and she was definitely going to the ball, so she was given a new one - a really perfect one. What color was that dress?

Question 19

What type of shoe was she given?

And perhaps the most important bit of magic - and definitely the most important part of any outfit, especially Cinderella’s - was Cinderella’s shoes. She could have worn any type of shoe under such a large and loud dress, but she was, of course, given just the right thing. These shoes were quite special and have now been seen recreated in other works - but her version, the original pair...Those are still the best and always will be. So what type of shoe was Cinderella given to wear to the ball?

Question 20

Which of these was turned into a carriage?

Okay, now it is time to move on to the rest of the magic of the night. Cinderella needed a way to get to the ball, since her evil stepmother and stepsisters left her behind, and a carriage was the perfect mode of transportation - a way to arrive to the castle that was as classy and gorgeous as the rest of her! What was turned into a carriage, as Cinderella continued to work with what she had and transform her life?

Question 21

Which of these were turned into horses?

And that carriage could not move by itself. It needed to be pulled by horse or four, because what is more magical and romantic than a horse-drawn carriage? In order to bring this vision to life, something else turned that night - into horses, to pull Cinderella to the ball and back again, guiding her safely and gently towards her Prince. What was turned, though, to do all of this? Take your pick out of the answer choices that are listed here!

Question 22

What did Cinderella's horse, Major, become?

Cinderella actually already had a horse, a nice guy she fed and talked to and cuddled. There was only one of him, though, so he was given a different job that night, in order to make him feel even more loved and more valuable. Yes, ole Major was given a special role amidst all the magic, so that he, too, could help Cinderella out. What was he turned into that night? Select the correct option from the answer choices that are listed here!

Question 23

What was the name of Cinderella’s dog?

Since Cinderella was surrounding by animals she could love and befriend, she also had a dog - You know, the one that slept downstairs and would run in his dreams, pretending to catch a mean old cat? Well, of course, he was a part of this magical night, too. He was given a role and served as a helping hand - but you need to think back and remember his name, for that is this question: What was the name of Cinderella's dog?

Question 24

How long would the magic last?

Once all the magic was complete - and Cinderella had her new dress, her carriage and the necessary animals, items and people to get her to the ball - there was one more thing to cover. This magic was temporary, and it would not last forever. It existed so that Cinderella could actually have an enjoyable night out and so that she could get in front of the Prince - her Prince! Therefore, how long would the magic actually last for the lovely and lovable Cinderella?

Question 25

Where did Cinderella lose her shoe?

After enjoying the ball and meeting the Prince, Cinderella had to get back home to her normal life, and as she was leaving, she lost a shoe. This is an important part of the story, one that everyone knows - especially a super fan like you! The real question regarding the shoe, though, is where it was lost. Because during one moment, Cinderella was cozying up to the Prince, but then she was forced to hurry home, so she could have lost it anywhere - but where?

Question 26

What song was Cinderella caught humming/singing, after she had fallen in love?

There is one other special song that needs to be mentioned right now. It was a slower and softer and more romantic song, which is why Cinderella was caught humming/singing it; she had fallen in love with the Prince at the ball, and her evil stepmother was not okay with that. She heard the song come from Cinderella and realized what had happened on that magical night - and she was mad. What song showed that Cinderella was in love?

Question 27

How did the Prince try to find Cinderella?

And since Cinderella left the ball in such a hurry, that left the Prince feel lost and confused. He had just met the most amazing woman, the one whom he was pretty sure he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, as they fell in love instantly, and then she was gone. He was a royal and influential prince, though, so there was lots he could do to find her again. How did he actually go about doing so?

Question 28

What happened to Cinderella when her stepmother and stepsisters found out the shoe was hers?

The news that the Prince was looking for a special lady spread throughout the kingdom, and, as mentioned, Cinderella’s evil stepmother was already aware that Cinderella was in love, meaning she was the special lady. The evil stepmother did not want Cinderella at the ball in the first place, and she certainly did not want her seeing the Prince again and then running off to marry him and to start a new and wondrous and royal life. So what happened to Cinderella?

Question 29

What happened just as Cinderella was about to try on the shoe?

Cinderella lost her shoe at the ball, but the Prince wanted her back, so he went to great lengths to find her again. And Cinderella’s evil stepmother went to great lengths to keep Cinderella out of the picture. However, Cinderella showed up at the last minute, just as the Grand Duke was about to exit the room. There was one final moment to try and keep Cinderella from being found as the woman from the ball, what happened?

Question 30

When did fans see Cinderella and the Prince kiss?

You are almost to the end of this quiz, but there are a few questions left to answer, in order to prove that you know everything about “Cinderella”. As mentioned, Cinderella and the Prince only knew each other for one evening, but magic and love brought them together, as they knew they belonged to each other, and they did live happily ever after, but when did fans see their first kiss? Pick the correct time from the answer choices that are listed here!

Question 31

What did the King dream of?

Within the film “Cinderella”, a couple of scenes, besides just the ball, showed the inside of the palace, where the Prince, his father/the King and the Grand Duke were. During one particular scene, the King was dreaming peacefully before being woken up by the Grand Duke, who had some news for him. When the King was asleep, what was in his dream, and what was he thinking about happily? Make the best choice here, out of the answers that are listed!

Question 32

When did Cinderella sing "Sing Sweet Nightingale"?

Another great song from the animated film was "Sing Sweet Nightingale". It was first sung by Cinderella’s evil stepmother and stepsisters, but then Cinderella was heard singing along in another room - and sounding much better than they did (which is not saying much...Yikes)! It repeated the same words over and over, and it was an easy tune that helped make the household, which could get a bit stressful, a little bit better. When did Cinderella sing this nightingale song?

Question 33

How many times did Cinderella lose her shoe?

A big part of this movie was, of course, Cinderella losing her shoe. It seemed like a real tragedy at the time, but it helped her and the Prince reunite and, ultimately, live happily ever after. A previous question asked about where Cinderella lost her shoe, but now, you need to decide how many times this actually happened. So how many times did she lose her shoe within this animated film? Think then answer carefully, because you are almost done!

Question 34

What was the first scene of this film?

“Cinderella” actually had some pretty long opening credits, with magical music playing, as names of the great minds who brought this story to life scrolled across the screen. Eventually, though, the music stopped, as did the credits, and the actual film began. If you are a true fan of the actual film, then you know what that first scene showed - a castle, a girl, a book or a family. Think back then choose an answer that tells what the first scene was.

Question 35

What was the last scene of this film?

At the very end of the film, a screen is shown that says “The End”, but before that, one final image is shown, one that wraps up this film. Again, a shoe could have been shown, since that was important. A castle could have, too, since that is where Cinderella would live now. A book could have been the last thing seen, as well. Or maybe Cinderella’s friends and family members were shown. What was the last scene of this film?

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