There's No Way You Can Pass This Quiz On The Dark Knight Trilogy!

The DCEU is desperately playing catch up with the MCU, and thanks to Wonder Woman, there is still a ray of hope for it yet. The DCEU as a whole has felt rushed so far, and hopefully DC is gearing up to slow things down a bit and work on developing their characters without trying to get to their next team-up film. For a while now, their character Batman has been rumored to be getting his own film in the DCEU, but things appear up in the air at the moment. While we don't doubt that this film will get made, we simply aren't sure if it won't come after the DCEU receives a reboot.

Before the DCEU got underway, The Dark Knight Rises had already reached audiences and dominated the box office. This was the third and final of the trilogy, and it could have served as the lead-in to the DCEU with Man of Steel following. Instead, DC went a different direction, and they have been paying the price ever since. This trilogy remains perhaps the greatest superhero film trilogy made, and its legacy in the industry cannot be overstated.

Do you have what it takes to pass this quiz?

Question 1

Can You Name This Character?

This man right here is perhaps the greatest comic book hero that has ever been created, and he has been the focal point of some of the greatest comic book films ever made. He is a complex character that has been part of some truly incredible stories over the years. Not only is he a great character by himself, but he also has the best villains of any other hero in print. These villains never fail to bring out the best of this guy here.

Question 2

Can You Name This Character?

When it comes to the villains that have all tried to take over Gotham, few have ever come as close as this man here. Instead of ruling Gotham, he is particularly keen on destroying it from the inside, and he is also the person responsible for training Bruce Wayne when he was a much younger man. Thanks to the Lazarus Pit, this villain has become essentially immortal over the years, though his returns never fail to surprise fans of the comics.

Question 3

Can You Name This Character?

There is no doubt that this character is the greatest comic villain ever created. In fact, he is often considered one of the greatest characters ever made in general. He has seen a number of iterations over the years, and the people who are able to create a version of this character that resonates with fans often go down as legends. His portrayal in The Dark Knight remains one of the greatest performances ever given in a film, and it made the actor behind the portrayal an icon.

Question 4

Can You Name This Character?

The first time that we saw this character on this big screen, he was done a complete and utter disservice that left fans of the character completely disappointed. When it was revealed that he would be in The Dark Knight Rises, people were incredibly skeptical about the way the character would turn out. Thankfully, he was in good hands, and Tom Hardy made the character terrifying by giving an incredible performance in the film. His introduction scene in the film is incredible.

Question 5

Can You Name This Character?

Not all heroes wear capes, and even though this man here is usually kept within the confines of Wayne Manor, there is no denying the impact that he continues to have on Bruce Wayne and the events of each story he is in. There have been plenty of actors who have played this character over the years, and Michael Caine was fantastic in this trilogy. Without him being around, we can guarantee that Bruce’s life would fly off the rails.

Question 6

Which Character Said: "Why so serious"

Of all the lines that were spoken throughout the trilogy, there are none that are as memorable as this one here. The marketing campaign for The Dark Knight completely took the world by storm, and it turned the film into a cultural event. This line is spoken several times throughout the film, and it never fails to sound incredibly menacing. Though we never got a definitive story on how he got those scars, the Joker was always able to let people know that he had a tortured past.

Question 7

Which Group Trains Bruce Wayne?

Bruce Wayne wasn’t born an expert in martial arts, and he spent a huge chunk of his adult life searching for the most elite group of warriors to mold him into the hero he needed to be. This group of individuals lived in one of the most remote locations in the entire world, and the fact that Bruce was able to find them was impressive enough. After receiving his training, he showed his appreciation to them by burning their base down.

Question 8

Where Are Bruce Wayne’s Parents Murdered?

This story is one of the most famous in the history of comics, and this film franchise just wouldn’t have been complete without touching on this aspect of Bruce’s life. After all, it is from the emotional trauma of this even that the seeds of Batman were planted, and it shaped the man that he would become. Though just about everyone knows how they were murdered, most people may not be able to remember where the infamous murder took place.

Question 9

Which Character Raises Bruce Wayne?

Bruce Wayne’s life took an unexpected turn when his parents were gunned down right in front of him. From that moment on, Bruce became an entirely different person, and he would dedicate his life to becoming a master detective and martial artist while returning to defend Gotham. As a boy, he was raised by one of the few people in the world that the Wayne family had any semblance of trust in, and he is a beloved character from the franchise.

Question 10

How Was Batman Able To Locate The Joker?

Tracking down the Joker was something that was proving to be impossible during the events of The Dark Knight, but luckily, some new technological developments were able to help Batman achieve his goal. This articular technology is nothing new, but the way that they adopted it to fit into modern technology was both brilliant and alarming. Sure, they were able to track down the villain and save the day, but this also meant that everyone would lose their privacy for good.

Question 11

What Is Catwoman’s Real Name?

Catwoman and Batman have long had a dynamic relationship and, while Bruce has had a child with Talia in the past, newer stories see these two characters walking down the aisle together. The Dark Knight Rises introduces Catwoman early on in the film, and by the time the film ends, we see that she and Bruce have decided to leave Gotham and begin a life with each other free from the craziness that was slowly taking over their lives. Can you remember her actual name?

Question 12

Which Character Becomes Two Face?

Comic book fans will know this answer off the top of their head, but more casual fans of the film may not remember this guy’s name immediately. Two Face is one Batman’s most popular and most notorious villains, and his origin story in Batman: The Animated Series largely remains the greatest iteration of the character that has ever been penned. Fortunately, his appearance in The Dark Knight did not disappoint, and actor Aaron Eckhart played this amazing character to perfection.

Question 13

What Is Ra’s al Ghul Trying To Do In Batman Begins?

First and foremost, we truly had no idea who this guy actually was for the bulk of the film, and when he finally revealed his true identity, many people thought for sure that Gotham was doomed. Ra’s was able to pull so many different strings while trying to achieve his goal, and he was incredibly close to actually pulling it off. Batman, of course, was able to thwart these grand plans and keep Gotham safe until the next villain was ready to rise.

Question 14

Which Of These Villains Did NOT Appear In The Dark Knight Trilogy?

This trilogy was one that utilized a number of incredible villains from Batman’s storied rogues gallery, and even though some of the most iconic characters got their moments to shine in the trilogy, there were some that were excluded from having any fun. When you have so many great villains to work with, you simply need to choose the one that is going to be the perfect fit for the story, but this doesn’t change the fact that seeing this villain would have been amazing.

Question 15

Which Character Is Secretly Talia al Ghul?

Admittedly, most people in the audience did not see this swerve coming, and when it was revealed, it brought the entire trilogy full circle. After all, her father was the main antagonist of Batman Begins and she was seeing his vision through until the bitter end. Of course, Batman was able to thwart her grand plan and save the city of Gotham for the final time. Fun fact: Bruce Wayne and Talia wind up having a son named Damian in the comics.

Question 16

Which Character Escaped The Prison As A Child?

The Dark Knight Rises tells the story of a young child who was able to escape from a seemingly bottomless pit and see the light of day for the very first time. This kid would grow up to do things that would leave the world speechless, and this child would serve as inspiration to Bruce Wayne when he is trying his best to leave the very pit that the child had managed to escape from. But, can you remember which character pulled this off?

Question 17

Which Character Said: “Some men just want to watch the world burn.”

While the first line we had you identify is easily the most quoted line from the trilogy, this one here is a close second. Understanding the reasons behind a criminal’s actions isn’t always easy, and sometimes, it is the people we least expect that will knock some sense into us by keeping things simple. After this line was spoken in the film, both Bruce Wayne and the people in the audience got a deeper understanding of the villain in the film.

Question 18

What Becomes Of Wayne Manor At The End Of The Trilogy?

When the Dark Knight Rises comes to an end, we learn that Bruce Wayne has finally decided to leave Batman in the past and live his days in peace with a woman who he has fallen in love with. Needless to say, Alfred is incredibly happy that Bruce has fled Gotham and is living a life of solitude. Now that he is out of the fold, Bruce decided to put Wayne Manor to good use, and though it carries plenty of terrible memories for Bruce, it can do wonders for others.

Question 19

Which Character Does Rachel Plan On Marrying In The Dark Knight?

Rachel Dawes has been a longtime friend of Bruce Wayne, and while the two have feelings for each other, they simply have not been able to make things work. In The Dark Knight, Rachel is in a relationship with Harvey Dent, and from the moment that they are introduced, Harvey and Bruce do not like each whatsoever. Ultimately, Rachel is forced to make a decision about her future when she picks the man she wants to spend her life with.

Question 20

How Does Harvey Dent Create His Own Luck?

A stroke of luck can change anyone’s life, but what happens to those who decide to make their own luck? We got to see Harvey Dent tease this throughout the film, and the way Christopher Nolan brought it all home was sublime. The transformation of Harvey Dent changed a lot of things about the man himself, but there were a few elements of the former District Attorney that seeped into the villain that he was destined to become. So, how did he create his own luck?

Question 21

How Does Bane Injure Batman In The Dark Knight Rises?

We have seen Batman take on the most notorious criminals in the world, but when Bane made his way into town, many of us knew that Batman was in for a rough night when he decided to face him. Those of us who read the comics were wondering if the trilogy was going to delve into the events of Batman: Knightfall, and sure enough, Batman taking on Bane on the big screen contained one of the most infamous moments from the comics.

Question 22

Which Character Said: “You think darkness is your ally. You've merely adapted the dark”

Can’t you here this character’s voice in your head as you read the quote? This was one of the most interesting parts of The Dark Knight Rises, and unlike other instances in Batman films, there was a high amount of uncertainty while this scene was playing out. Bruce knew that he was in for a wild ride even before he arrived, and this is perhaps the most memorable scene that occurred during the entire film. Can you remember who said this line?

Question 23

Which Character Robs Wayne Manor In The Dark Knight Rises?

The Dark Knight Rises shows us a Bruce Wayne that has decided to hang up the cowl and stay tucked away inside Wayne Manor. During an elegant dinner party, one of the workers decided to venture into an area of the house that was off limits to look for some trinkets to get her hands on. She was inevitably caught, but Bruce Wayne didn’t realize that she was going to put up a fight. She eventually got away with the goods and left one heck of an impression on Bruce.

Question 24

Which Character Fakes Their Death In The Dark Knight?

In order to make the impossible happen, some drastic measure need to be taken, and one character decided to fake their death to utilize the element of surprise. What he failed to do, however, was notify his family that he was doing this. What ensued was a family learning that their loved one had passed only for him to randomly appear again after completing his mission. The moment they were reunited had an impact on viewers. Can you remember which character did this?

Question 25

What Is Scarecrow’s Real Name?

While many characters are simply known by their villainous name that they use to leave their mark on society, they do have names that were given to them at birth. We may not call these characters by their birth names, but knowing these names gives these characters some depth to the viewers, and they show that even normal people can spiral out of control should the right circumstances unfold. This theme in particular is used often in Batman stories. Can you remember what Scarecrow’s real name is?

Question 26

Which Character Loses His Gang To The Joker in The Dark Knight?

The Jokers strolling into a room full of men who had essentially been robbed gave us some memorable moments and helped set the tone of the film. One of the men in that room was the leader of a faction in Gotham, and he didn’t seem to take the Joker seriously. Unfortunately for him, the Joker was able to infiltrate his yacht and make the man pay the ultimate price. He even told the man how he got those scars on his face.

Question 27

Bane Releases Prisoners From Which Place In The Dark Knight Rises?

Bane was ready to cause chaos in Gotham, and when he was given the opportunity to, he quickly took over the city and ruled it with an iron fist. There were few people that were willing to stand up to this hulking villain, and with Bruce Wayne mending a broken back, Gotham was looking as though it would never recover. As one of his most sinister acts, Bane decided to free a number of prisoners while the citizens of the city cowered with fear.

Question 28

Which Villain Appeared In The First Two Films?

Batman’s rogues gallery is hands down the best that you will find in all of comics, and the inclusion of this villain throughout the trilogy was a stroke of genius by director Christopher Nolan. Sure, they could have used a number of other villains, but this guy was a perfect fit for the first two installments of the franchise. Of course, he is simply being used by another villain, but others would have wised up to the game long before this man did.

Question 29

Who Kills Bruce Wayne’s Parents?

The story of Batman cannot be told without mentioning that his parents were gunned down during a night out, and this particularly traumatizing event is what inspired Bruce Wayne to take an unusual path in life. The method of how his parents were killed is one of the best-known events in comic’s history, but remembering the name of the man who was responsible for gunning them down is something that most people may not know. Do you know the name of the man responsible?

Question 30

Which Character Said: “It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.”

There are plenty of compelling characters that appear throughout this storied trilogy, and during their appearances in these films, we get to learn a lot about them. Christopher Nolan did an exceptional job in fleshing out these characters so that we could get a better understanding of who they are as people and why they do the things they do in life. For this character here, this line is an incredibly accurate representation about who they are as a person.

Question 31

Which Villain Is Teased At The End Of Batman Begins?

Batman Begins was a fantastic way to kick off a new series of Batman flicks, and for longtime fans of the character, the film was a much-needed refresher after the laughably bad Batman flicks in the 1990s. We saw Gotham nearly succumb to the wills of other men, but Batman and Gordon were able to work together to stop evil from winning. The film ended with Gordon revealing to Batman that another lunatic was beginning to wreak havoc in Gotham.

Question 32

Which Character Inherits The Batcave In The Dark Knight Rises?

Bruce Wayne had sacrificed practically everything during his time as Batman, and he finally realized that it was time to retire from fighting crime and live the rest of his days in peace. He decided to leave Gotham behind, and with this exit, he also left a number of other things behind, including the Batcave. This was the very place where he did most of his plotting and thinking, and the film’s conclusion shows a certain character being given this lair.

Question 33

Which Wayne Enterprises Employee Figures Out Batman’s Identity?

One of the elements that makes Batman unique is that no one knows who is behind the mask. This means that to the citizens of Gotham, any one of them could be Batman. It is not the man behind the mask that is important; it is the symbol that means something. However, one savvy employee at Wayne Enterprises was able to go through some old records and figure out Batman’s identity. He then decides to try and blackmail the company.

Question 34

Which Character Falsely Reveals That He Is Batman In The Dark Knight?

Batman was a character that was incredibly polarizing in Gotham, and while some people loved having a masked vigilante taking the trash of the street, others were afraid that this man would go too far and cause massive amounts of destruction throughout the city. So, Bruce finally decided to reveal himself to the public as the man behind the mask, but before he could go through with it, someone else decided to take the bullet. Can you remember which character claimed to be Batman?

Question 35

Which Character Does Bruce Select To Run Wayne Enterprises?

Wayne Enterprises is one of the most successful businesses on the planet, and the holdings he has with the company are the reason why Bruce Wayne is filthy rich. But, given his nighttime career, running a company like Wayne Enterprises is practically impossible. As such, he needed to find someone that he trusted to run the company while he focused his attention on defending Gotham from the things that go bump in the night. This man is always ready to give Bruce new toys to fight crime with.

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