There's No Way Anyone Can Pass This Baby Trivia Quiz... Wanna Try?

Is there anything more exciting than the prospect of starting a family? Little ones bring great joy to their parents but as most people will probably agree, they also bring great stress. Taking care of a newborn baby is no joke. Because newborn babies can’t yet speak, it is vital that parents pay close attention to their body language and their facial expressions. And even then, it still might be tough to understand why the small bundle in their arms is crying.

Of course, there is no better way to learn how to take care of a baby than by actually taking care of one. And naturally, it gets easier with time. As the baby grows older, we bond with him and we learn more about his needs and his personality. And if we decide to have another baby or two, we will know exactly what to expect.

Nonetheless, it is still important that expectant parents do as much research into all things babies as possible. We might learn by actually doing things and not by reading about them, but knowing what to expect can give us a peace of mind. Think babies are easy? Then give this quiz a shot!

Question 1

When does a baby’s umbilical cord stump fall off?

When a baby is born he is attached to the mother by an umbilical cord. According to Baby Center, throughout pregnancy this umbilical cord supplies the baby with all the necessary nutrients. Of course, when the baby is born this cord is no longer necessary and as such is cut off. However, when the cord is cut off the baby is left with an umbilical cord stump. Parents need to take care of this stump until it falls off. Who knows how long, on average, does it take for the umbilical cord stump to fall off?

Question 2

True or False – contact the doctor immediately if the baby’s umbilical cord stump gets wet

We’ve already mentioned that when a baby is born he is attached to his mother via an umbilical cord. When the cord is cut off, the baby is left with an umbilical cord stump. It is essential that parents look after this cord stump appropriately. According to Baby Center, the stump needs to be kept clean and dry and at no point should it be pulled off, even if it seems to be hanging by a thread. But who knows whether a doctor should be contacted immediately if the stump gets accidentally wet?

Question 3

What is the substance that covers a newborn baby called?

According to Parents, most babies are born covered in a waxy, cheese-like white substance. This white substance not only protects the baby's skin from acidic amniotic fluid (which would dry out the baby’s skin otherwise) but also from infection. In addition, this waxy substance also keeps the baby warm and comfortable and when the time comes, it helps him glide out of the birth canal easier. Of course, not all babies will be born with this substance covering them. Sometimes this substance gets absorbed in the amniotic fluid beforehand, especially if the baby is overdue.

Question 4

How early can we start tummy time?

If you’ve done your research then you probably know just how important tummy time is. Tummy time is a term that refers to the act of placing a baby on his stomach. Of course, it is important that the baby is supervised during this time. But why is tummy time important? According to The Bump, tummy time prompts the baby to lift his head which in turn strengthens his muscles (namely neck, head and shoulder muscles). It also improves the baby's motor skills.

Question 5

Which of the below positions should a baby never sleep in?

Babies, especially newborn babies, spend a lot of time sleeping. While this is wonderful news for the exhausted parents, it is important to ensure that the baby sleeps in the correct position. There is one sleeping position that should be avoided at all costs. Indeed, it is believed that it actually contributes to SIDS, a serious (and mysterious) disease that causes babies to pass away (Mayo Clinic). So, who knows which one of the below four sleeping positions could very well be fatal?

Question 6

How long should tummy time last when a baby is 3 – 4 months old?

Almost every parent knows – or should know – just how important tummy time is. We’ve mentioned that tummy time strengthens your baby’s muscles and improves his motor skills but it also prevents flat spots from forming on the back of the baby’s head (after all, most babies spend quite a lot of time on their back). In addition, babies who spend a lot of time on their tummy might even learn how to roll over and crawl quicker than those who do not (The Bump).

Question 7

When do most babies start teething?

According to Baby Center, most babies start developing their first teeth – known as milk teeth – while they are still in the womb. More often than not, these teeth emerge through the gums after the baby is born. However, every baby is different and some babies are actually born with one or two teeth already. This should not be a problem unless of course it affects feeding, in which case a doctor should be consulted. Nonetheless, most babies start teething at a very specific age.

Question 8

A baby's first dentist appointment should be booked by what age?

No one likes going to the dentist. Dentist appointments are a real chore but we all know that they are necessary. Parents who have done their research are probably well aware that babies should be brought to the dentist too. Indeed, you can actually schedule a dentist appointment for your baby even before he or she starts teething. A dentist will be able to give you advice and will let you know exactly how to take care of your baby’s teeth. Of course, some parents might not bother bringing their baby to the dentist before teething occurs, which is totally fine as long as you book an appointment before your baby reaches a certain age (Baby Center).

Question 9

Most 2 year old babies have a vocabulary of at least how many words?

It is incredibly exciting to hear a baby speak his first words. It is a huge milestone and one that makes all new parents feel incredibly proud and grateful. Of course, as the baby grows older he will learn more and more new words (so it’s a good idea to speak to your baby on a regular basis even if it seems like he doesn’t understand you). So, who thinks they know the answer to the question above - most 2 year old babies have a vocabulary of at least how many words?

Question 10

When do most babies take their first steps?

A baby’s first steps is another incredibly exciting milestone. Parents can’t wait to see their baby stand up and take his first step or two. Most babies start walking a few days or a few months after they learn how to stand up all by themselves. If you want to encourage your baby to take his first few steps, it is a good idea to allow him or her to roam around freely (Baby Center). This means plenty of time outside of the stroller (although with plenty of supervision, of course).

Question 11

When can a baby be introduced to solid food?

Pretty much everyone knows that newborn babies can’t eat proper adult meals. Forget roasts and pasta dishes, babies need to be either breastfed or formula fed. However, with time they can be introduced to solid food. Of course, parents need to be careful when they are choosing the type of food that is to be given to their baby during the weaning process. Pureed vegetables and fruits – think sweet potatoes and apples - are a good option, for example (Parents). But who knows when the weaning process can begin?

Question 12

Which of the below should NOT be given to a baby?

We’ve already mentioned that a solid food diet is not an option for a newborn baby. However, when a baby grows older certain foods such as pears, potatoes and parsnip can be slowly introduced into his or her diet. Nonetheless, just because a baby has been weaned, that does not necessarily mean that he or she can eat absolutely anything. Indeed, there is a rather large number of food items that parents should not give their baby at any cost (Parents).

Question 13

How many hours do newborns sleep for?

Newborn babies spend quite a lot of their time sleeping which is good news for new parents (we all know that looking after a baby is exhausting work). However, don’t expect to have hours upon hours to relax. Most babies don’t sleep for more than two to four hours at a time which means that you will need to get used to your baby’s irregular and tiring schedule. This might not seem so bad during daytime but because most newborn babies don’t sleep through the night, expect to be up at least once or twice during the night, changing diapers and rocking the baby to sleep (Baby Center).

Question 14

How often should a newborn be fed?

Most new parents don’t really know what to expect after the birth of their baby, regardless of how much research they have done. Everything comes from experience hence why second time or even third time parents are much more relaxed. Indeed, first time parents often worry about the smallest of things, such as feedings. However, when you think about it, their worry makes perfect sense. Since babies can’t yet speak, parents need to keep a close eye on them to ensure that they know when the baby is hungry. Who knows how often a newborn baby should be fed on average?

Question 15

When do most babies sit up by themselves?

New parents are impressed by every single little thing that their newborn does, including sitting up. Sitting up might not seem like much from the outside. It certainly seems less impressive than talking or walking. However, new parents know that sitting up is a pretty big milestone. It means that your baby’s muscles are getting stronger (Baby Center). Indeed, it is only a matter of time before he or she starts crawling, standing and then eventually walking. So, when can most babies sit up all by themselves?

Question 16

When do most babies start crawling?

If your baby is already capable of sitting up that means that he will probably soon start to crawl. Crawling is quite a big milestone in that it allows your baby to get from point A to point B. By crawling, a baby is strengthening his muscles that will eventually allow him to stand up and take his very first few steps (Baby Center). If you see your baby scooting around on his bottom or rolling across the room, it is a sign that he will soon be crawling.

Question 17

What is this?

The object that can be seen in the image to the right is obviously a baby toy but unlike most baby toys it has a very specific purpose. These toys come in all shapes (for example, some are shaped like animals and others like carrots), sizes and colors. They are inexpensive and rather useful, especially during a specific period of a baby’s life. So, who thinks that they can pick the correct answer from the four options that are listed below?

Question 18

When can a breastfed baby be introduced to a pacifier?

Some parents think that baby pacifiers are great, others greatly dislike them. However, there is no denying that a pacifier satisfies a baby’s inborn desire to suck on something thus soothing him in the process. According to Mayo Clinic, pacifiers also distract babies and so they might come in handy when a baby needs to get an injection (or undergo a similar medical procedure). In addition, it is generally believed that pacifiers help babies fall asleep (and they might even reduce the risk of SIDS).

Question 19

When should a pacifier be eliminated?

We’ve already mentioned that parents are divided when it comes to pacifiers. Some love them, others think them dangerous. Pacifiers can soothe and distract babies. However, on the flip side they increase the risk of a baby developing middle ear infection and might even lead to dental problems (Mayo Clinic). Furthermore, a baby can get addicted to sucking on a pacifier which means that he will have an incredibly difficult time giving it up when the time comes to do so.

Question 20

Which of the below is the first sense that a baby develops?

Who knows which of the below is the first sense that a baby develops? We’ll give you a few hints. According to Kids Health, babies develop this particular sense when they are still in the womb (usually between 23 and 27 weeks of pregnancy). This sense is incredibly important to babies. Indeed, this sense allows them to gather a lot of information about the outside world and thus gives them an opportunity to learn about their environment. Think you know the correct answer? Then go ahead and choose one of the options below.

Question 21

How often should a baby’s diaper be changed?

No one likes changing diapers and yet new parents need to get used to the fact that they'll be performing this task on a regular basis. It is incredibly important that new parents know not to rely solely on smell. Indeed, sometimes you won’t be able to detect when your baby soils the diaper simply by sniffing around it. While sometimes it is obvious that a baby’s diaper needs to be changed (whether because it is smelly or because it is heavier than usual) other times it is not. As such, it is a good idea to check the diaper on a regular basis by pulling out the waistband (Baby Center).

Question 22

When do most babies smile for the very first time?

There is nothing more rewarding than a baby’s first, genuine smile. It makes every new parent almost giddy with happiness and excitement. Curiously enough, according to Parents, most babies actually start smiling when they are still in the womb. However, this early smile – and the smile that comes after the baby is just born – is not exactly genuine in that it is simply a reflex. But what is the difference between a reflex smile and a genuine smile? A reflex smile tends to be shorter. In addition, it occurs at the most random of times. A real smile on the other hand results in response to something specific.

Question 23

When do most babies sleep through the night?

We’ve already mentioned that while most newborn babies sleep quite a lot, that doesn’t mean that new parents will have time to nap or relax themselves purely because babies sleep sporadically. This means that new parents will have to get up numerous times during the night so as to feed and soothe the baby. This is obviously quite annoying and frustrating since no one wants to be woken up in the middle of the night. However, with time your baby will sleep through the night (Baby Center), meaning that you too will finally get enough rest.

Question 24

How often should babies be burped?

Those who have done plenty of research into all things babies are without doubt aware that babies need to be burped. But why is burping so important? According to Baby Center, when a baby is burped, the air that is trapped inside his stomach is released which makes him much more comfortable and much less fussy. In addition, when a baby is burped there is suddenly more space inside his tummy which means that he can feed for longer. Interestingly enough, breastfed babies need to be burped less than bottle fed babies (Kids Health).

Question 25

How often should a newborn be bathed?

Until the baby’s umbilical cord stump falls off, it is recommended that parents skip giving their baby baths in a bathtub and focus on sponge baths instead. After the umbilical cord stump falls off, parents can give their babies as many proper baths as they want. However, according to Baby Center, there is a recommended number of baths that babies should be given every week. Those who have done their research should have no trouble answering this particular question.

Question 26

What is the hair that covers newborn babies called?

If your baby is born with hair all over his body, you might be tempted to worry. However, there is absolutely nothing wrong with babies that are born with a lot of hair. In fact, doctors see these babies on a regular basis. According to We Have Kids, all babies are covered in hair when they are in the womb. Most babies shed this hair before they are born. As such, it is most common to see this hair on babies that are born prematurely (Today's Parent). Who knows what this hair is called?

Question 27

When is the 1st dose of Hepatitis B given?

Babies are incredibly delicate and can easily fall prey to various illnesses and diseases. As such, it is incredibly important that parents vaccinate their babies. If you don’t know when a baby needs to get a specific shot, don’t worry. There are plenty of vaccination timetables available online. These timetables will let you know when exactly a baby should be brought in for various injections, such as influenza and Hepatitis B (Baby Center). Who knows when the first shot for the latter is given?

Question 28

When should a baby be potty trained?

When a baby is ready to be potty trained it basically means that he is ready to be introduced to the toilet or to the potty. Most parents can’t wait to potty train their baby because it means that they will no longer have to change diapers. However, some parents are reluctant to start potty training their child because they like the convenience of diapers (for example, with diapers you don’t have to worry about finding a bathroom if your child suddenly needs to go to the toilet at a grocery store).

Question 29

True or False – Baby boys are generally potty trained earlier than baby girls

Every child develops at his or her own individual pace. As such, while there is a recommended age for potty training your child, it is important to keep an eye on each individual child to see if he is showcasing signs that he is ready to ditch the diapers. According to Every Mum, these signs include things such as a child asking about the “big toilet” and the child being able to put on – and remove – clothing. But who knows whether the above statement is true? Are boys really ready to be potty trained earlier than girls?

Question 30

When should you give a baby a spoon?

You don’t have to be an expectant or a new parent to know that when a baby is introduced to a solid food diet that does not mean that he is automatically ready to start using utensils. However, with time it is totally okay to give your baby a spoon. According to The Bump, the first spoon that is given to a baby should be short and wide. In addition, it should preferably have a rubber handle. But when is a baby ready to start using a spoon?

Question 31

Most 3 year olds have a vocabulary of how many words?

We all know that when a baby is first born he can’t yet speak. As such, parents need to pay close attention to their baby so as to be attuned to their every need. With time however babies learn how to say simple words and eventually they can even string together a sentence or two, even if they are very short and almost incomprehensible. Hearing your baby speak is a wonderful feeling and before you know it, you’ll be able to have a proper conversation!

Question 32

How old are babies when they can understand the most basic of words?

We’ve already mentioned that when a baby is first born he can’t yet speak. But does that also mean that he can’t understand what those around him are saying? Those who have done plenty of research into all things babies should know the answer to this question. So, at what age can babies understand the most basic of words such as no and yes? Think you know the right answer? Then go ahead and select one of the four options below.

Question 33

Baby feeding equipment should be sterilized until the baby is how old?

Babies are incredibly delicate and can quickly fall prey to various illnesses and diseases. This is because their immune system is not yet properly developed. As such, it is incredibly important that their feeding equipment is kept clean and sterile at all times. The last thing that you want is bacteria getting into your little one’s system. According to Pregnancy Birth Baby, there are a number of different ways that bottles can be sterilized. The most popular method involves the use of boiling water.

Question 34

Babies that are formula fed usually pass how many stools a day?

We’ve mentioned previously that it might be difficult to discern when a baby’s diaper needs to be changed. For example, you can’t always tell simply by the smell which is why it is necessary to check your baby’s diaper once in a while. It is important to keep your baby dry and clean (Parents). Of course, it might be helpful to know how many stools exactly a baby might pass a day. The number of stools that a baby passes depends on whether he is formula fed or breastfed.

Question 35

A newborn baby can only focus on objects that are…?

Newborn babies don’t see the world in the same way that adults do. After all, their senses are not yet properly developed. Most new parents are probably well aware that babies learn how to see properly in much the same way that they learn how to talk or walk. Indeed, the eyesight of newborn babies is not that great. Even though a baby might look like he is focusing on something intently, that does not necessarily mean that he can see the object in front of him clearly (Baby Center).

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