The Ultimate Buffyverse Quiz

“Seize the moment, cause tomorrow you might be dead.” High school is a battleground. Buffy the Vampire Slayer understood this better than most any other show in television history. The series used literal demons as metaphor for personal ones, taking those feelings of isolation, desperation and alienation, and personifying them.

From its opening scene, Buffy the Vampire Slayer subverted just about every expectation that the viewer had. It pushed boundaries, challenged gender roles and gave us one of the 20th century’s greatest feminist icons, Buffy Summers. By grounding fantastical situations in very real emotions, the series found a way to resonate with fans of all ages. What began as a genre show found a way to transcend genre altogether.

As impressive as it is to create a series that rises from the ashes of a film as widely panned as the 1992 movie, BtVS also managed to spawn a very successful spinoff. Angel featured all of the elements that made Buffy such an amazing show, but was different enough tonally, to establish itself as its own entity. While it never quite soared to the same heights as its parent series, Angel was also undeniably awesome.

How well do you know BtVS and Angel? Have you seen every episode often enough to remember all of the laughter, heartbreak and butt kicking? Take The Ultimate Buffyverse Quiz and find out!

Question 1

Who takes away Buffy’s powers on her 18th birthday?

Fans knew that Buffy Summers was more than brute strength. We'd seen her outsmart her enemies on many occasions by the time season 3 rolled around. Still, it was a jarring experience for Buffy to find herself about as physically strong as any other human girl of her size. Thus, Buffy learned that she was much more than her power set. It's just a shame that her mother almost had to die in the process. Who managed to steal away the slayer's powers on her 18th birthday?

Question 2

Which member of the Scoobies does Angelus kill?

Buffy the Vampire took the idea of "I slept with my boyfriend and now he won't talk to me anymore", and added a healthy dose of Hellmouth, turning Buffy's beau into a literal monster. Fans were certain that the change was temporary, that Angelus wasn't there to stay. However, with one brutal act, the writers proved that Angelus was the new Big Bad in town. He was also the most heartbreaking and personal foe that Buffy ever had to face.

Question 3

What kind of a demon does Giles get turned into?

Fyarl Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Why, oh why, did Giles go out for drinks with Ethan Rayne? Sure, they were old buddies and Giles was kind of depressed, but still, by that point Ethan had proven himself a true villain. This misplaced trust is how the watcher found himself turned into a demon. When Giles needed Buffy the most, she was able to see him when no one else could. It was actually this experience that helped Giles to see the truth when Buffy found herself trapped in someone else's body.

Question 4

Which Sunnydale High graduate does Angel run into in LA?

When Angel left at the end of season 3, most fans were crushed to see him go. Luckily, the Buffyverse wasn't through with the character and he wound up on his own spinoff. He wasn't the only familiar face in LA. Angel ran into a former Sunnydale High student while he was on a case and she actually wound up working for him. Fans were just as excited to see her back onscreen as they were to see Angel himself.

Question 5

How did Buffy die the first time?

Being a slayer tends to give one a rather short shelf life and Buffy Summers has lasted longer than most. She did have some help though. Without the Scoobies, Buffy would be dead twice over. Both times that the slayer lost her life, her friends stepped in to help with everything they had. Although their assistance wasn't always appreciated, there is no denying that these days, Buffy is incredibly grateful to be alive. Do you remember how she died the first time?

Question 6

Who does Willow turn into after sharing her first kiss with Kennedy?

Although there is seemingly unending fan speculation as to whether Buffy wound up with Spike or Angel - in the comics, she is currently shacked up with the former - Willow and Tara were pretty much the best couple in the Buffyverse. Tara's loss was felt acutely not only by the characters on the show, but by fans as well. When Willow finally moved on, viewers were happy for her, but Kennedy could not compare. Who did Willow turn into after their first kiss?

Question 7

What animal’s spirit possesses Xander in “The Pack”?

One of the goofier installments of season 1, "The Pack" still takes on bullying and the general pack mentality in a way that kind of works. The episode is memorable for several reasons, one of them being that we see a very different and rather sinister side of Xander. After a school trip to the zoo, he and some jerks are possessed by the spirits of a certain creature, bringing out their animal instincts. R.I.P. Herbert the pig...and Principal Flutie.

Question 8

Who does Wolfram and Hart resurrect to torment Angel?

Wolfram and Hart initially played their plans for Angel pretty close to the vest, but as they failed to gain control of the vampire with a soul they grew more and more desperate. In the season 1 finale, Angel's enemies resurrected someone from his past in an effort to drive him over to the dark side. It sort of worked, but not at all how they intended and a lot of lawyers wound up dead. Who did they bring back?

Question 9

What kind of demon was Anya?

Anya Jenkins was not meant to last beyond two episodes, but Joss Whedon was so impressed by Emma Caulfield that she earned a near permanent stay of execution. Anya began her Buffyverse journey as a certain type of demon. She tried life as a human for a while, but heartbreak eventually led her back to her former profession. Anya quickly became a fan favorite, whether she was a demon or not. Do you remember what kind of demon Anya was?

Question 10

Who inadvertently makes it impossible for anyone to leave Buffy’s home during her 21st birthday party?

Speaking of that certain type of demon that Anya became, she wasn't the only one of those in town. Her old friend Halfrek had business in Sunnydale as well. This led to one character making an unfortunate wish that people would simply stop leaving. They had no idea that they were talking to someone who would make that desire a rather terrible reality. Still, this was the last birthday episode for Buffy, so perhaps she realized that bad things always happen that day.

Question 11

Which character cast a glamour that made the world think that he was awesome?

"Superstar" dropped the viewer into a very different show than the one that we were used to. Even the opening credits had been altered to make this character the star of the show. Sure, Buffy was still the slayer, but all of a sudden, this guy was the best at literally everything, from singing to sports. Of course, as the show has taught us time and again, magic always has a price. Which character cast this reality altering glamour?

Question 12

Who is the first guy that Buffy sleeps with after she and Angel break up?

Buffy and Angel were a romance for the ages. Seriously, just ask Sarah Michelle Gellar. The slayer herself is Team Bangel for life. Sadly, like every star-crossed couple, their relationship was not sustainable and eventually Angel left town. This left a vacuum in both our hearts and Buffy's. Unfortunately, many of us have been known to make mistakes while heartbroken. Buffy dipped a toe in the dating pool and it didn't exactly go as planned. Who did Buffy sleep with after Angel?

Question 13

Where do Angel and Co. find Fred?

Winnifred "Fred" Burkle became such a beloved member of Angel Investigations that it's sometimes difficult to remember that she didn't join the team until the end of season 2. The gang discovered her when they traveled to another dimension. This place was like nowhere they had ever encountered and was quite difficult to escape from. It probably would've been easier if they were forced to journey to the dimension with nothing but shrimp. Where did Angel, Gunn, Wesley and Cordy find Fred?

Question 14

Which character does Buffy get engaged to?

Throughout the course of the series, Buffy Summers had very few boyfriends, only two of whom really mattered - sorry Riley, but one of them wasn't you. Buffy was engaged only once during BtVS's 7 seasons on the air and she wasn't exactly in her right mind when it happened. Still, it made for a hilarious episode and a portent of things to come. It didn't last very long, but do you remember what lucky fellow Buffy got engaged to?

Question 15

How many slayers has Spike killed?

When William the Bloody made his grand entrance into Sunnydale, one of the most fearsome things about him was his slayer killing resume. Buffy had never met a vampire who had killed a slayer - that she knew of anyway - and even Angel feared for her safety. Luckily, although Spike became obsessed with killing her, he never wound up succeeding. Can you recall how many slayers Spike did actually kill before he had that chip implanted in his noggin?

Question 16

Whose fault is it that the gang goes amnesiac in “Tabula Rasa”?

"Tabula Rasa" is a rare light spot in a very dark season - although its consequences are dire. The Scooby Gang all lose their memories thanks to a spell that goes awry. The worst part is that this person promised that they wouldn't practice any more magic at all. They not only didn't keep their word, but they put all of their friends in jeopardy. Although the episode is funny, in the end, it led to the dissolution of one of the show's most beloved relationships.

Question 17

What is the name of Angel’s son?

Although he never considered it a gift, being a vampire enabled Angel to do things that us mere mortals only dream of. The one thing he could not do, however, was have a child. That all changed when he fought for Darla's life. He won her a second chance, but she could not take it on account of already having been resurrected. Angel still earned that life though, even if Darla couldn't use it herself. Instead, it allowed her to get pregnant with Angel's child.

Question 18

Who killed Spike’s mother?

We only learn about Spike's backstory in a couple of episodes, but all of them are great. In Season 7 installment, "Lies My Parents Told Me", we discover that after Drusilla sired Spike that he turned his own mother into a vampire. She was sick and he was trying to save her life. It didn't exactly turn out as planned and she doesn't survive very long after. Do you recall who it was that put a makeshift stake through her heart?

Question 19

What does Cordelia give birth to in “Inside Out”?

Season 4 is widely regarded as Angel's worst. This isn't exactly the writers' fault, considering they had to write around Charisma Carpenter's last minute pregnancy. It did lead to some pretty shoddy storytelling, but they did the best they could with what they had. Rather than hide Carpenter's condition, they wrote it into Cordelia's storyline, which definitely got increasingly icky. It wasn't even her first mystical pregnancy! Can you remember what it was exactly that Cordelia gave birth to in "Inside Out"?

Question 20

Who sired Drusilla?

Drusilla was sadistic, childlike and as Spike put it, "completely sack of hammers". She was also one of the greatest BtVS characters ever. Dru and Spike were kind of the Sid and Nancy of Sunnydale, and they were so revered as a couple that many fans objected to Spike's initial attraction to Buffy. Dru wasn't just turned into a vampire. She was tormented first. Her sire killed everyone she ever loved and when she went to take her vows at a convent, only then did he turn her into a demon.

Question 21

Which tome revealed that Buffy would face the Master and die?

Slaying is a rough gig and everyone knows that it comes with an expiration date. Buffy faced this harsh reality many times throughout her time as the slayer, but it was season 1 episode "Prophecy Girl" that really drove the point home. Giles discovered a prophecy which claimed that Buffy would face the Master and not survive to tell the tale. This led her to almost walk away from her calling altogether, but of course, Buffy could never truly do that.

Question 22

What business does Angel take over in the spinoff’s 5th season?

Season 4 is considered the worst season of the series by most fans. Fortunately, the writers really took the opportunity to shake things up moving into the 5th season. They basically shifted the show's entire paradigm and the results were pretty awesome. Much of that year hinged on Angel and Co. taking over a particular business. It seemed an unlikely move, especially this late in the game, but it paid off big time. What enterprise does Angel decide to take over?

Question 23

Which of Buffy’s former friends sold her out to Spike and Dru?

When someone from Buffy's past showed up at Sunnydale High, the slayer was overjoyed. However, the vampire with a soul was unconvinced and had Willow do some digging. Although she thought that Angel was just jealous, she checked into this person. It's a good thing too, considering they totally sold Buffy out to her enemies. They traded her to Spike and Dru for a chance at immortality. Sure, they were dying and it was their last ditch attempt at survival, but still, not cool.

Question 24

What is the name of the robot that Joyce dates?

We can't totally blame Joyce for not realizing that this dude was a psychotic robot. Hey, dating only gets more difficult the older you get! Still, she probably should've believed Buffy when she warned her about the guy. To be fair, he was drugging Joyce, as well as the slayer's friends. Luckily, Buffy was too wary of him to eat one of those cookies. The robot was played by the late, great John Ritter. Do you remember what his name was?

Question 25

Who switches bodies with Buffy in season 4?

"This Year's Girl" and "Who Are You?" are two awesome episodes, mostly dealing with a body switch between Buffy and someone else. The trade was no accident and it wasn't easy to find a way to undo it. No one even noticed that Buffy wasn't herself, except for Tara, who at that point barely knew the slayer. Even Buffy's boyfriend didn't realize that something was amiss - as if we didn't already hate Riley Finn enough. Who switched bodies with Buffy?

Question 26

What does the band candy do to all of the adults that eat it?

Ethan Rayne has many an evil scheme in the works at any given point. This time, he was helping an even bigger bad out. Mayor Wilkins needed to pay tribute to a demon named Lurconis. Unfortunately, that demon's favorite snack happened to be babies. So, candy bars were given to the band - and the Scoobies - to sell. The bars had an effect on the adults in town that made it pretty easy for vamps to walk into the hospital and steal babies.

Question 27

Where does Buffy meet Riley?

Riley Finn was pretty much everyone's least favorite of Buffy's beaus. He was bland, whiney and brought with him one of the show's most maligned storylines. To be fair, Angel was a tough a act to follow. Once you've got Romeo and Juliet, no one wants Juliet to wind up with some other guy. Buffy met Riley at UC-Sunnydale, but do you recall where on campus? She and Willow met him at the same time, but Willow was actually the one that he later remembered.

Question 28

What bad habit does Dawn take up during season 6?

Oh Dawn, the only character who was more widely despised then Riley. At least Dawn's initial storyline was cool. After all of that business with her being the key was wrapped up, she struggled with just being a "normal" teenager. In season 6, feeling particularly alone, Dawn engaged in some bad behavior. She wound up letting everyone down by doing so, but hey, they were all making poor choices in season 6. Perhaps we'll give her a pass on this one.

Question 29

How does Connor try to kill Angel?

Some people hate Connor, while others love him. There's no denying that his story took a turn in the 4th season but he found redemption in season 5. At the end of the show's 3rd year, Connor tried to murder his father. As terrible as that is, the kid was raised in a Hell dimension by Angel's mortal enemy, so it kind of makes sense. Obviously, Angel lived to fight another day, but can you recall how Connor tried to kill him?

Question 30

What kind of demon did Drusilla cheat on Spike with?

Poor Spike. He thought that their "love was eternal, literally", at least until he caught Drusilla making out with another demon. It broke his heart and sent him on a bit of a downward spiral that took him a long time to recover from. The worst part wasn't Dru's infidelity, so much as the type of creature that Spike caught her with. According to Spike, these demons are "all slime and antlers". Do you remember what kind of demon it was?

Question 31

Why does Angelus kidnap Giles?

Angelus did a lot of unforgivable things. One of them was torturing Rupert Giles "for hours for pleasure". He kept Buffy distracted while Dru and some henchmen stole Giles. Although she did her best to protect everyone, Kendra the Vampire Slayer wound up dead, killed by Spike's paramour. Angelus took Giles for a very specific reason and though the watcher was brave, Angelus got what he wanted in the end. What exactly was evil Angel's reason for taking Rupert Giles?

Question 32

What power does Doyle pass to Cordelia before he dies?

Doyle only made it through the first nine episodes of Angel, but fans were crushed when he was killed. It seemed as though Doyle was going to be a main character for quite some time, so his death was pretty shocking. Sadly, the actor who portrayed him, Glenn Quinn, died only a few years later. Before Doyle heroically sacrificed himself, he passed something to Cordelia with a kiss, forever changing her destiny. What kind of power did he give her?

Question 33

Who accidentally kills the Deputy Mayor?

You would imagine that in the battlefield, accidents happen. The slayer and the Scoobies are, after all, fighting a war. The casualty in question is that of the Deputy Mayor, Allan Finch. He was ostensibly loyal to Mayor Wilkins, but before his death he appeared to have a change of heart. He was killed accidentally by someone who thought that he was a vampire. Allan wound up with a stake through the heart and this person wound up taking a turn for the worst.

Question 34

What lie had Tara’s father convinced her of?

Tara's family was kind of awful. They showed up in town with bad news about her future, intent on dragging her back home with them. By that point, she and Willow had been together long enough that there was no way the gang was going to let that happen. The best aspect of "Family" is seeing the Scoobies treat Tara as one of their own, defending her when she needed it the most. What lie had Tara's father convinced her of?

Question 35

How did Oz become a werewolf?

Oz may not have wanted to become a werewolf, but he did his best to make sure that no one got hurt after he was bitten - at least until he met Veruca, but let's not think about that. Luckily, Willow is kind of the most understanding person ever and took the news in stride. "Three days out of the month, I'm not much fun to be around either." You gotta love her. How did Oz wind up a werewolf in the first place?

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