The Quiz Every Young Mother NEEDS To Take!

Becoming a mother is easily one of the defining points in many women’s lives. Motherhood changes a woman. Her body is no longer her own; she shares it with the little person growing inside her. After she gives birth to the baby, she is able to produce milk to sustain the baby outside the womb. Women are amazing.

Once the baby is born, there are so many new things to learn about this new person like their personality, their sleeping habits and their needs. Thankfully, there are plenty of books, magazine articles and internet resources to help new moms transition into the next stage of their life. Even mothers who have children before need a refresher in newborn and baby materials. The time passes so quickly that it is easy to forget what happens when.

After the baby is born, it is hitting milestones at a very high rate. After the first month or so, they are moving on to the next size of clothing. They start by lifting their head, then rolling over, then sitting up, then crawling, and they can’t seem to stop moving after that. Every mom laments over where their baby went when their child has reached the toddler stage. Since everything is moving at an expedited pace, it is important to celebrate the small stepping stones in their life.

Question 1

How much attention can be given to a baby before it is considered to be spoiled with affection?

Science is now reinforcing the importance of skin-to-skin contact between a mother and newborn to help promote bonding between the pair. Babies need to be held in order to be soothed, as a mother’s voice and warmth can be very comforting to a newborn. Also, the longer a baby is held, the more likely they are to feel more secure as they grow older. How much attention can be given to a baby before it is considered to be spoiled with affection?

Question 2

On average, at what age do babies smile and make baby noises?

Immediately after babies are born, mothers and fathers love to dote on their new children. Parents, friends and relatives enjoy making funny faces or funny noises at the baby in the hopes that they can elicit a reaction from the child. When babies smile at their mom or dad for the first time, it can be a very happy moment as parents feel more connected to their child. On average, at what age do babies smile and make baby noises?

Question 3

What adorable facial feature can be a bit smooshed on babies after a vaginal birth?

Newborns, while extremely beautiful to the new parents, aren’t always so cute for everyone else. Newborns can sometimes look very wrinkly. Some babies are covered in fine body hair called lanugo, which was a form of protection when they were in the womb. Other newborn babies can be born with slightly puffy faces and swollen eyes, which may be why their eyes are always closed. What adorable facial feature can be a bit smooshed on babies after a vaginal birth?

Question 4

When is the earliest the baby should be given its first bath?

The means by which a baby enters the world aren’t always the most glamorous. Mothers can’t wait to hold their baby after months and months of waiting, in spite of being covered in various bodily fluids. Nurses might wipe off a baby after delivery, but some mothers ask them to refrain from doing so as there may be research that indicates waiting is beneficial. Whatever a mother chooses to do, the baby will eventually need a bath. When is the earliest the baby should be given its first bath?

Question 5

Up until a baby is seven months old, it can do what two things at the same time?

Babies are born with lots of abilities and senses that they will eventually lose the older they get. One reason being is that the body can fine-tune and process what it needs and what it no longer needs. This isn’t a terrible thing. Babies have three times more taste buds than adults and billions more neurons than we do. This helps us grow and learn about the world around us but can become obsolete. Up until a baby is seven months old, it can do what two things at the same time?

Question 6

How often does a breastfed newborn need to be fed?

Shortly after giving birth, a baby will want to be fed. That is a given. What is interesting is that if a newborn is placed on the mother’s stomach, it will be able to pull itself towards its mother’s breast. That is a remarkable feat and a very strong instinct that a baby has. While every baby is different about how it likes to be fed and when it likes to be fed, every mother feeds their baby at the same frequency. How often does a breastfed newborn need to be fed?

Question 7

At what age can babies sleep 6-8 hours?

Sleeping is a touchy subject for new moms—mostly because they aren’t getting much of it. Newborns are known for frequent but short naps. Many moms and dads celebrate when the child can sleep through the night. Not all parents are that lucky as it is considered normal for a child to wake up once in the night to feed well after they are a year old. However, the older the baby gets, the longer it will be able to sleep. At what age can babies sleep 6-8 hours?

Question 8

What is the name of the special protein that helps to fuse a baby’s skull together, thereby closing the fontanelles?

When babies are born, their skull is not fully fused together. This allows them to pass through the mother’s birth canal more easily as the skull plates are temporally overlapping to fit through the narrow passageway. Shortly after birth, the baby’s skull plates move back. However, there remains a soft spot on the baby’s skull until the skull is fused together. What is the name of the special protein that helps to fuse a baby’s skull together, thereby closing the fontanelles?

Question 9

What age do tears form?

Watching a newborn cry can be anxiety-inducing, especially for first-time mothers. Not knowing why a baby is crying can be hard for a mom to handle. Plus, babies tend to cry a lot. They need to cry as it is their only way of communicating that something is wrong. As much as moms, dads and strangers don’t like listening to a baby cry, it is important for the baby to do so in order for its needs to be met. What age do tears form?

Question 10

At what age does a baby see the full range of color?

What many parents may not be aware of is that even after a baby develops its sight, it still will not be able to see a full range of colors. In their first week of life, they will only see life in varying stages of gray. Their light detection threshold is 50 times higher than an adult, which makes their eyes not very sensitive to light. The first color they will be able to recognize is red, then orange, yellow and green. At what age does a baby see the full range of color?

Question 11

How far can babies see in front of them for the first three months?

This can be a shocking fact the first time a parent hears it, but newborns are not born with perfect vision. Even after a baby can see like us, it takes time for them to be able to develop depth perception and to train their eyes to follow moving objects. When babies finally look at their parent and recognize their face for the first time, it is a special, joyous moment. How far can babies see in front of them for the first three months?

Question 12

By what percentage does a baby’s brain increase during its first year of life?

Research done by some American psychologists learned that newborn babies have a basic comprehension of physics and math. They are able to differentiate between multiple objects and know if one has been added or taken away. Babies also have a remarkable knack for picking up languages. In fact, babies are open to sounds from all languages until they are about six months old, which at that time they become more tuned in to the language of their parents. By what percentage does a baby’s brain increase during its first year of life?

Question 13

Which teeth are the first to arrive?

Teething is a nightmare. They can give babies diarrhea, sleepless nights, excessive drooling, loss of appetite, fevers and generally rotten behavior. Parents can’t be mad at them as teething is very painful. There are ways a parent can ease a baby’s discomfort. There are teething gels, teething tablets, frozen edibles and many other remedies that can be found on Pinterest. The first teeth are usually the worst as they can take the longest to arrive. Which teeth are the first to arrive?

Question 14

At five months, babies can recognize when their parents say what?

Babies have a remarkable grasp of language. Their brain has billions more neurons than an adult brain. Speaking to a baby from a very young age and reading to them even when they are very small is a fantastic way to promote language skills. Scientists have found that children who are exposed to more words are more likely to have a higher IQ. That, in turn, can lead to higher test scores. At five months, babies can recognize when their parents say what?

Question 15

How many naps does a newborn take in a day?

Newborns nap frequently and wake often because they require feeding frequently. Their stomachs are very small so it doesn’t take much milk to fill their little bellies up. That also means that they become empty much more quickly. It is common for newborns to fall asleep while feeding. It is important to wake the baby up to ensure the baby drinks all the milk in order for the baby to fall asleep full and prevent them from waking up too soon. How many naps does a newborn take in a day?

Question 16

A newborn’s head is what percentage of its body weight?

Newborn babies who are breastfed will lose about seven to 10 percent of their weight after they are born while formula-fed babies will lose about five percent. If a newborn loses more than that, it can be a cause for concern from the pediatrician. One of the reasons that a baby will lose weight after birth is because they will have lost some water weight. This is completely normal, though. A newborn’s head is what percentage of its body weight?

Question 17

What body part will babies develop after their first year of life?

Babies’ bodies are amazing. They grow at amazing speeds. In fact, if their bodies were to continue at that rate, they would grow to be 170 feet tall. Thankfully, their rate of growth slows down, but that doesn’t make it any less remarkable. When they are born, they have 50 trillion synapses. By their first birthday, they have one thousand trillion synapses. They will continue to make new synapses and neurons until the age of three, then the brain will begin pruning. What body part will babies develop after their first year of life?

Question 18

How many bones is a baby born with?

When a baby is born, their skull is made up of five bones–two frontal bones at the front of the skull, two parietal bones at the base of the skull and one occipital bone at the base of the skull. These five bones are connected by a fibrous material called sutures. The skull will eventually fuse together to create one skull bone. This also happens elsewhere in the body. Multiple bones connected by tissue fuse together to create one bone. How many bones is a baby born with?

Question 19

What is the average rate of a baby’s heartbeat?

While pregnant, one of the most comforting things while visiting the doctor was being able to hear the baby's heartbeat and know that the baby was healthy. Immediately after giving birth, the doctor will perform a test to make sure the baby does not require immediate medical care. He will perform the same test 10 minutes later. One of the things a doctor will look for is a strong, steady heartbeat. What is the average rate of a baby’s heartbeat?

Question 20

Besides the mother’s voice, what else is a baby able to recognize about their mother at birth?

Newborns are born with so many reflexes. They know who their mother is from the sound of her voice. They know where they need to be in order to receive milk. They know how to signal others that they are unhappy, uncomfortable or hungry. To their credit, it is arduous work growing and developing. The rate that they grow and learn is astounding. Besides the mother’s voice, what else is a baby able to recognize about their mother at birth?

Question 21

At what age is a baby's hearing fully developed?

One of the first tests performed on a newborn shortly after it is born is a hearing test. Doctors want to ensure that the baby’s hearing is functioning normally. Sometimes a baby might not pass it the first time as the ear canal is still developing. That is perfectly normal. Newborn babies might not react to some sounds as their hearing is still developing. It is important to keep an eye on a child’s reaction to sounds. At what age is their hearing fully developed?

Question 22

At what age will the baby recognize familiar faces?

A mother’s voice is one of the first thing some newborns notice; after all, they have been listening to her for the last several months. However, since the baby has poor eyesight when it is born, it takes some time for the baby to recognize faces. This is why babies will recognize a mother’s voice before they recognize her face. Babies will start to recognize familiar faces after that. At what age will the baby recognize faces that are familiar to them?

Question 23

At what age does a baby learn to sit up without assistance?

Babies like to sit up and look around. When they are developing the skills to hold their bodies upright without assistance, it is a smart idea to surround them with pillows or something soft to cushion their fall. Even after they learn how to sit up without assistance, it is still a clever idea to pad the surrounding areas as they may not be able to hold themselves up for extended periods of time. At what age does a baby learn to sit up without assistance?

Question 24

At what age is the baby likely to roll over?

Tummy time is very important for babies as it helps them strengthen their back muscles. When they strengthen their back, they can have more muscle control and better movement over their tiny bodies. Not all babies like to be put on their stomachs and there are certain techniques to help make tummy time more successful, like propping their body up with a pillow. Soon after they hold their body up, they can roll onto their back. At what age is the baby likely to roll over?

Question 25

At what age will a baby begin to track moving objects?

It is a heartwarming experience for the mother when a child recognizes her for the first time. As their eyesight and body control improves, mothers will notice a change in their child. Soon, the baby will be able to track their parents when they walk past them. The first time it happens, it can always take a parent by surprise. Soon after, the baby will notice when the mother walks away and may begin to cry. At what age will a baby begin to track moving objects?

Question 26

At what age does the baby learn to roll in both directions?

When a baby learns how to roll from their backs to their stomachs, moms and dads are into the initial stages of mobility. A baby could be placed on the floor near its toys and can wind up at the other end of the room because of some clever rolling on their part. After that, it is important to leave a clean floor because now the baby has access to everything on the ground. At what age does the baby learn to roll in both directions?

Question 27

At what age do babies learn how to reach and grasp things with their tiny hands and fingers?

Once babies can get a firm grasp on something, other than their mother’s hair, it seems like it will all go into their mouths. It is very important that if a mother has a child who likes to put things into their mouths that they make sure tiny objects are kept out of their reach as this can be a choking hazard. At what age do babies learn how to reach and grasp things with their tiny hands and fingers?

Question 28

At what age does a baby remember its favorite toy?

A considerable number of children grow attached to something when they are babies. It is considered perfectly healthy. It may be to many parents chagrin because if their prized position is misplaced, a meltdown will ensue. Before a child learns about object permanence, babies will be reluctant to miss their favorite toys as they forget it even exists. This can easily be said for a parent; if the child doesn’t see a parent, then they aren’t sure they exist. At what age does a baby remember its favorite toy?

Question 29

How old are most babies when they begin learning how to crawl?

Mobility is a complicated love-hate relationship for parents. Independence is something to be celebrated as they can move on their own and require to be carried less. It can also be a pain because the moment the baby is on the floor, they are off and into something that they shouldn’t be into. This generally creates havoc for those who inhabit that home as now everything must either be child-proofed or moved up to a higher location. At what age does a baby begin to crawl?

Question 30

How old is the average baby when they learn object permanence?

Object permanence is quite an interesting concept. It is the idea that an object continues to exist even though it can’t be seen or sensed in any way. That is why peekaboo is such an interesting game for small babies. When a parent covers their face, the baby believes that the parent has disappeared and are surprised when they magically reemerge. When a baby understands object permanence, they are more likely to cry if a parent were to leave the house. At what age does a baby learn object permanence?

Question 31

At what age can a baby self-feed with a spoon or utensil?

Sitting the child in the high chair and trying to feed them can go two ways: the food will either enter their mouths or it will end up everywhere else. There are two speeds with which a baby eats: never fast enough or complete refusal. A baby can begin to feed himself early on with their fingers. They develop the skill to feed themselves with a spoon and fork much later. At what age can a baby self-feed with a spoon or utensil?

Question 32

At what age is it recommended to introduce solid foods?

Waiting until the baby is old enough to start solid food is very important. Feeding a baby solid food too soon can have an adverse effect on the baby’s gut lining. Waiting until it has closed can help prevent gas, allergies and other medical issues. Waiting until a baby is old enough will help decrease the chance of diabetes, obesity and gastroenteritis later in life. At what age is it recommended to introduce solid foods?

Question 33

At what age does a child learn how to stand?

The balancing act of standing for the first time fills a parent with joy and angst. They will try pulling themselves onto anything and everything such as coffee tables and beds. Naturally, they will fall several times, which will lead to bruises and loads of crying. It is all part of the journey. Parents can make their babies stronger by having themcrawl up stairs. This will help build leg muscles that will allow standing to be easier. At what age does a child learn how to stand?

Question 34

By the time a baby is this old, they can usually say "mama" and "dada".

It is important not to expose babies to television, even educational television, until after the age of two. Scientists observed children who were exposed to television to children who were not. The results were that children exposed to television at a younger age had a smaller vocabulary than a child who was not. Speaking with the baby and using a bigger vocabulary will help them immensely as their language skills develop. At what age does a child begin to say "mama" and "dada"?

Question 35

At this age, most babies will turn their head toward voices and sounds when they hear them.

Tummy time and talking with your baby are very important in developing gross motor skills and language skills. When the baby can control their muscle movements, they are able to use their sense of sight and sound much more effectively. When a newborn hears a loud sound, it doesn’t know where the sound is coming from, but only that it is loud and scary. At what age does a baby turn its head to sounds and voices?

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