Take This Test And We'll Guess If You're A Bad Parent!

No one ever said that being a parent would be an easy task, and many people think of it as a grueling and overwhelming feat. Yet, the rewards of being a parent can be indescribable in the amount of love that a person receives. While the daily routine of being a parent can sometimes turn into a grind, it's interesting to see how people can tackle these small battles in different ways. While some people seem to fall easily into this daily routine, other people can tend to fall apart under the weight of the stress and chaos that can come from raising children.

Almost every parent seems to worry about whether or not they're doing a good job in raising their kids, but there isn't exactly a manual that's handed out in becoming the best parent possible. People have different methods of raising their kids, and not everyone goes about it in the same way. While there isn't always a clear-cut right and wrong way of doing things, there are certain aspects of a person's parenting techniques that are definitely frowned upon. Test yourself in how you react to certain situations and your overall personality, and see if you're a good or a bad parent.

Question 1

Are you the type of parent who undermines what's already been dictated?

One of the most frustrating things for a parent is when someone else undermines what's already been stated. From extending a bedtime to giving an extra treat, these types of things can be infuriating. Are you the type of parent who undermines what's already been dictated?

Question 2

What's the bathroom experience at your house with small kids?

Once a person has children, the bathroom experience in the house is typically forever changed. Gone are the days of doing your business in peace since there will inevitably be a child trying to break in. What's the bathroom experience at your house with small kids?

Question 3

What do you think about having a favorite child?

While it's not exactly acceptable to say that there's a favorite child, it's interesting how many families have individuals who feel like one sibling is favored over everyone else in it. What do you think about having a favorite child?

Question 4

What do you think about parents who choose to have only one child?

Anyone with children can attest to how much more work it can be to have even just one extra child. Dealing with one child can be difficult enough, but throwing in another one can be a huge undertaking. What do you think about parents who choose to have only one child?

Question 5

Do you ever find yourself putting idealistic parenting posts on the Internet?

While social media is supposed to be a great way to communicate with friends and family all over the world, some people choose to use it to depict an idealistic persona of themselves and the way they parent. Do you ever find yourself putting idealistic parenting posts on the Internet?

Question 6

What do you think about withholding visitation rights to an ex?

Divorce can be a devastating time for a child, but it's the treatment between the two parents that can be truly damaging. Some parents decide to hurt their ex-partner by withholding visitation rights. What do you think about withholding visitation rights to an ex?

Question 7

What do you think about parents who drink during the day?

There are often a huge number of jokes surrounding a parent's need to drink in order to get through the trials of a daily routine when surrounded by children. What do you think about parents who drink during the day?

Question 8

How would you describe your physical appearance on a daily basis?

While people try and keep up their appearance after they have children, it can be difficult to maintain the same sort of makeup and hair routine from before having kids. How would you describe your physical appearance on a daily basis?

Question 9

What type of gifts do you usually put under the Christmas tree?

When it comes to holiday gifts, it can be difficult to think of what type of gifts would be best suited for children. It's especially difficult when everything has become increasingly expensive. What type of gifts do you usually put under the Christmas tree?

Question 10

How many Christmas gifts do you tend to give?

The holidays often come under fire because of the way they've become so hyper-focused on materialism in recent years. Some of the posts on the Internet regarding the quantity of Christmas presents have been astounding. How many Christmas gifts do you tend to give?

Question 11

What does Friday mean to you?

Prior to having kids, the start of the weekend can be something that people basically have a countdown for during the week. Yet, that sometimes changes for those with children. The start of the weekend can be just another day. What does Friday mean to you?

Question 12

What are your thoughts when your kids are quiet?

When dealing with small children, it can sometimes be overwhelming to listen to the constant flow of ruckus. From the loud noises coming from the plethora of toys to the squabbling with siblings, there never seems to be a moment's peace. What are your thoughts when your kids are quiet?

Question 13

What are your thoughts on this infamous Internet photo?

There are a number of photos that have gone viral regarding babies and the hijinks that they get into at home. This photo has circled the Internet and shows the sibling relationship at its worst. What are your thoughts on this infamous Internet photo?

Question 14

How clean would you describe your house to be?

Just because a person has kids doesn't mean that the housework completely stops. In fact, housework becomes even more difficult because there's far more to be cleaned with extra hands and feet making the messes. How clean would you describe your house to be?

Question 15

How do you deal with kids waking up earlier than you do?

Parents often marvel at the fact that their children seem to have a boundless amount of energy, which is made evident in the mornings. While parents can barely drag themselves out of bed, their kids are ready to bounce off the walls. How do you deal with kids waking up earlier than you do?

Question 16

What's your reaction to a children's annoying toys?

Children's toys are often built to have loud noises and bright lights that are meant to stimulate kids. Yet, parents don't exactly feel overjoyed when a new toy makes it through the doors and it starts creating a ruckus in every room. What's your reaction to children's annoying toys?

Question 17

How closely do you watch your kids when they’re playing with crayons and markers?

Anyone who's ever been around a kid with crayons and markers understands that the color doesn't always stay where it's supposed to. Yet, not every parent wants to sit and watch a child doodle. How closely do you watch your kids when they’re playing with crayons and markers?

Question 18

What are your thoughts on yelling at your kids?

While all parents envision themselves handling their children with nothing but gentleness, there will inevitably be instances when an elevated voice will come about. Yet, not all parents have the ability to control their tone at all times. What are your thoughts on yelling at your kids?

Question 19

What do you think about letting your kids try alcohol?

Children are often really curious about what adults are eating and drinking, and alcoholic drinks can be a huge source of curiosity. Some parents believe that it's alright to give them a taste. What do you think about letting your kids try alcohol?

Question 20

Do you curse in front of your children?

While most parents would be completely horrified if they heard their children using expletives on the playground, almost all parents have inevitably had one or two slips where they accidentally used a curse word in front of their children. Do you curse in front of your children?

Question 21

Do you smoke in front of your kids?

There was a time when smoking cigarettes was ultra common, and little kids were even sent to the corner store to pick up their parents' pack of smokes. Yet, things have changed in recent years. Do you smoke in front of your kids?

Question 22

How long can you play Peek-A-Boo?

Anyone who's been around a small child knows that the game of Peek-A-Boo can be a slippery slope. While it may be cute to see children's facial expressions the first go around, it gets pretty old after a while. How long can you play Peek-A-Boo?

Question 23

How often do you complain about your kids?

All parents have had those moments where they need to vent a little about how difficult their day has been or how grueling it can be to deal with a child's never-ending temper tantrums. How often do you complain about your kids?

Question 24

How do you deal with your kids’ Lego sets?

Every parent knows the struggle of dealing with complicated Lego sets that their children are trying to construct. While the age guidelines on the box may state that your children can do it on their own, that isn't always the case. How do you deal with your kids’ Lego sets?

Question 25

How do you deal with squabbling kids?

Parents with children who are close in age fully understand the struggles that can come with constant squabbling. From fighting over toys to just invading one another's personal space, it can be difficult to deal with the endless fights. How do you deal with squabbling kids?

Question 26

How often do you take your kids to the zoo?

Taking kids to the zoo is a great way to get them some fresh air and exercise, as well as give them a front-row seat to see wildlife. Yet, the zoo can be quite expensive and time consuming. How often do you take your kids to the zoo?

Question 27

How often do you take your kids to the playground?

Taking the kids to the park is a great way to let them get out all of their energy, as well as meet some other kids outside of a school setting. How often do you take your kids to the playground?

Question 28

What's your approach to play dates?

There was a time when play dates weren't exactly very structured, and kids were just thrown outside and asked to return once the street lamps turned on. Yet, things have become far more intricate nowadays. What's your approach to play dates?

Question 29

How do you approach vacations?

Prior to having kids, traveling can seem like the very best way to spend time. Yet, traveling can become exponentially more difficult once kids enter the picture. From the hassle of flying with so much extra baggage to the limited travel destinations, not everyone enjoys these family trips. How do you approach vacations?

Question 30

How do you deal with children refusing to eat?

One of the biggest struggles in parenting is having to deal with a picky eater. There have been a number of parents who've had to deal with children refusing to eat anything that isn't shaped like a dinosaur or a nugget. How do you deal with children refusing to eat?

Question 31

How do you feel about kids playing video games?

There have been a number of criticisms regarding children not getting outside enough and their increasing fixation on video games. Yet, many parents think of video games as a great way to keep kids entertained. How do you feel about kids playing video games?

Question 32

What are your thoughts on hand sanitizers?

People have become increasingly paranoid in recent years about germs. While some people are fine with just washing their hands, other people carry around a small bottle of hand sanitizer on them at all times. What are your thoughts on hand sanitizers?

Question 33

How often do you get to watch your own television programs?

Parents are often forced to watch children's programming, and not all of it can be described as entertaining. From Caillou to the Mickey Mouse Playhouse, parents often have to suffer through these types of programs. How often do you get to watch your own television programs?

Question 34

How often do you put sunscreen on your kids?

People have started to understand the dangers of the sun in recent years, and there have been a number of studies regarding the effects of sun damage on children's skin. This has made many parents become paranoid about using sunscreen. How often do you put sunscreen on your kids?

Question 35

How much importance do you place on feeding your children organic food?

There have been numerous studies in recent years regarding the dangers of GMOs, and more and more people are starting to change their buying habits when it comes to their groceries. How much importance do you place on feeding your children organic food?

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