Take This Quiz And We'll Guess If You're An Only Child

Your place in your family can have a lot of bearing on your personality and even how you view the world and interact with the people in it. Being an only child can also impact both of these things, even more so than birth order. Being the oldest is a lot like being the "experimental child" whereas by the last child most parents are more lenient and let them do things that the older children could only dream of. If you are stuck in the middle than you might feel like you never got enough attention as a kid and as a result you have become independent and introverted. Now if you are an only child you may have felt lonely during your childhood and as a result constantly surround yourself with large groups of people in order to fill a void.

So are you an only child, middle, oldest or youngest? We compiled this quiz to take a guess on one of the biggest things that make up your identity. We included personality questions, situational questions, and any thing else that we thought we might need to make an informed and accurate guess as to what your place in your family is.

Question 1

What did you do for fun when you were a kid?

When you're a kid there are not a lot of things that you can do to entertain your time because you are at the mercy of your parents. As a result you have to find unique and strange ways to keep yourself busy and out of trouble. So what was your favorite thing to play/do when you were a kid and your parents were busy?

Question 2

How did you behave in school?

When you were in school were you an A+ student or did you barely get by? Did you even go to school or did you skip every other day in order to hang out with your friends and get into whatever trouble was waiting for you? Maybe you were a good student but secretly hated school and didn't want to disappoint your parents.

Question 3

How do you feel about your birthday?

Everyone has their own feelings about their birthday and different ways of celebrating the day that they were born. Do you love being the center of attention and having all eyes on you or do you prefer to skate by under the radar and like a low key birthday celebration.

Question 4

What crowd did you hang out with in school?

Pretty much every high school has different cliques or groups. What would you and your friends classify as? Were you a jock that played on multiple sports teams and wore your varsity jacket till it fell apart? Or were you a book worm that always had their head in a book?

Question 5

How strict were your parents growing up?

Parents have a tendency to be more or less strict with different children. For example, they are a lot different with their first child because they are still figuring out what they are doing but by their third child they are pros and know all the games that you are going to pull.

Question 6

Describe your childhood in one word:

If you had to sum up our entire childhood in one of the following words which would it be? Was your childhood filled with fighting with your siblings or peacefully spent alone with your parents. Were you super creative and always working on something new or outside from dusk till dawn whenever possible?

Question 7

How active is your imagination?

As a kid you are left to your own devices a lot? You are forced to use your imagination in order to keep yourself busy and stay out of trouble. So how active would you say your imagination is? Can you have fun with a stick and a cup or need constant entertainment in order to keep your mind busy and occupied.

Question 8

How often did you go on family vacations as a kid?

Family vacations can be a wonderful time to bond with your parents and if you have them, siblings. Some people have a time share in Disney and go as often as possible while other families only go on vacation once every couple of years. So how often did your family go on vacation?

Question 9

How are you with kids?

Kids can be stressful to be around. Most people either love them or hate them. This has some to do with their personality and a lot to do with how much they were exposed to them when they were younger. If you were around kids a lot when you were a kid than you probably feel comfortable around them but if not then they are foreign to you.

Question 10

Which of these things is the most important to you?

Everyone is different, point blank. Everyone rates things on their own level of importance and no ones scale of importance will ever be alike. If you shared a room for your entire childhood than having your own space will always rank high for you but if you were always alone then being surrounded by people will be high on your list.

Question 11

In a large crowd you are:

How do you act and behave when you are surrounded by a large group of people? Some people are super outgoing and come to life around others. Other people find it overwhelming and function best with just a few friends at a time.

Question 12

Who was your go-to person to blame when you did something wrong as a kid?

As a kid, there is nothing scarier than hearing your mom coming down the hallway after you broke her favorite vase or smashed the lamp in the living room. Who was your go to person to blame when things went wrong? Your older brother or your baby sister? Maybe even the dog.

Question 13

What was your favorite class in school?

School can be a drag. Whether you are currently in school or graduated years ago and never looked back you understand the pain of going to the same classes everyday to learn about things that probably won't help you in the real world at all. But what class did you enjoy going to everyday?

Question 14

What does your dream job consist of?

Most people have a dream job, something that they would love to spend everyday doing. For some its being a doctor and others its being a stay at home parent. So when you think about your dream job what does it include? Helping people or teaching kids? Maybe saving animals?

Question 15

How would you describe your relationship with your siblings?

If you have siblings, what is your relationship like with them? Some siblings are super close and hang out whenever they get the chance, whereas others can barely stand the sight of one another and want nothing to do with each other? So which are you? Do you only see your siblings on holidays or all the time?

Question 16

What after school activities did you do in school?

Nowadays schools offer so many different after school activities that there is literally something for every kid. From yoga to art clubs its impossible not to find something that you like and are interested in. Back when you were a kid what clubs/activities did you join in school to keep yourself involved and busy?

Question 17

What is your favorite holiday?

Most kids answer this question with "CHRISTMAS" immediately because of the gifts. But if you really had to pick just one holiday to celebrate every year which would it be? Do you like big holidays or the smaller, low key ones like St. Patricks Day and 4th of July?

Question 18

What does your ideal vacation sound like?

If you were given an infinite amount of money to spend on your dream vacation where would you go, what would you do and who would you bring along? Would you bring along your entire family or just a few close friends? Maybe you would like to go away alone and enjoy the peace.

Question 19

Do you enjoy being the center of attention?

How do you feel when all of the attention is on you? Do you blossom around other people, especially when all eyes are on you? Or do you hate being the center of attention and prefer to stay under the radar and avoid any, if all, attention?

Question 20

Do you get easily offended when someone criticizes you?

When someone offers you a bit of criticism, for example a teacher or friend, do you try to see where they are coming from and work towards being better? Or do you get offended and storm off? Maybe you, instead, get upset and cry over every little criticism you receive.

Question 21

Did you have an imaginary friend as a kid?

Many kids have imaginary friends. People or animals that they have dreamed up in their head, someone who is exactly who you want them to be. So did you have an imaginary friend or two when you were growing up that helped you get through the rough days?

Question 22

Have you ever been called spoiled?

Has anyone, maybe a friend or family member every called you the s word. Being called spoiled can happen when you throw a fit for not getting your way or show off your flashy and expensive birthday gifts. But maybe you aren't spoiled and instead your parents splurged for one year.

Question 23

Are you always right?

Everyone who has siblings knows how annoying it is when your sibling is convinced that they are right when you know that you are indeed right. There is no better feeling that proving your older brother or sister wrong about a random fact that they swear they were right about.

Question 24

When you have nothing to wear what do you do?

We have always had those mini panic attacks right before we are suppose to leave for a night out with friends or a big date when we suddenly realize that we have absolutely nothing to wear! So what do you do when you are faced with this major dilemma?

Question 25

How would you describe your Christmases as a kid?

Christmas is a huge deal when you are a kid. You make a list filled with everything that you want and cross your fingers that Santa Claus will bring it all. Think back to your childhood how would you describe your holidays? Were they chaotic and loud or quiet and relaxed?

Question 26

How would you describe your family vacations?

Now think back to the vacations that you took with your family when you were a kid. How would you describe those times and memories? Were they some of the greatest memories you have as a kid or the loudest, most boring childhood memories that you have.

Question 27

How organized are you?

If you had to rate how organized you were on a scale of one to ten what would it be? Are you super organized and have everything where it is suppose to be or a hot mess express that can barely find your shoes when you are running out the door?

Question 28

What childhood game did you play the most?

When you were a kid what was your go to board game to play with your friends or even yourself? Did you like games that made you think and work your mind or prefer easy going, quick games that were all about having fun? This question will tell a lot about whether or not you are an only child.

Question 29

What do you miss most about being a kid?

Once you grow up you realize that one of the biggest mistakes you made as a kid was wishing that you were a "grown up". Little did kid you know that being a grown up was not all it's cracked up to be. So what do you miss most about being a carefree kid?

Question 30

What do you think is our best personality trait?

Think about all of the different personality traits that you have. Everyone has traits that they are proud of and other traits traits that they are not so proud of. As long as they balance out one another than you should be good! If you had to name the best personality trait that you have what would it be?

Question 31

How often do you watch TV?

TV is a great way to relax and unwind from busy and stressful days. You are able to lose yourself in other peoples drama or a funny sitcom. But how much time do you spend sitting in front of a television set ignoring all of life's problems?

Question 32

What do you think is your worst personality trait?

Now that you thought about your best personality trait take a minute to think about your not so good personality traits. Are you super selfish and put yourself before everyone else? Or do you judge people as soon as you see them without giving them time to get to know you?

Question 33

You notice someone bullying your sibling, what do you do?

On the bus one day you notice that an older kid is picking on one of your siblings and won't let up. What is your immediate reaction in this situation? Do you immediately jump to their aide and defend them or let them learn on their own and fight their own battles?

Question 34

Do you have a lot of photos from your childhood?

Did you parents snap pictures of every single thing that you and your siblings did? Or did they just take pictures during holidays and birthdays? When you look back at photos from your childhood can you remember everything because of the amount of photos there are?

Question 35

Are you a perfectionist?

Do you HAVE to have everything absolutely perfect at all times? Or can you let loose every once in a while and let things fall where they may? If you were perfectionist as a child than that more than likely carried over into your adult life. So are you a perfectionist or a go with the flow type of person?

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