Take This Pregnancy Trivia Quiz And We'll Reveal The Baby's Sign

Most people can't wait to start a family. They look forward to the birth of their baby immensely as well as to all the special moments that they know will come after - watching the little one take his or her first steps, teaching him or her how to ride a bike and reading children's books before bedtime as the child drifts off to sleep.

Of course, before any of this can happen the mother first needs to get pregnant. Pregnancy is both amazing and exhausting, and most mothers would gladly skip it if they could. Pregnancy is amazing in that there is no other time in a woman's life when she carries a tiny human being inside her. Pregnancy is exhausting in that a pregnant woman experiences a great number of changes, both physical and mental. Most of these changes - inexplicable mood swings and nausea - are not exactly pleasant, hence the desire to get through one's pregnancy as quickly as possible.

After a baby is born, most new parents are eager to get to know him or her as much as possible. Of course, we can't know what a baby's personality is like until he or she grows older but we can always make guesses based on his or her sign.

Question 1

How much coffee can a pregnant woman drink a day?

Although information regarding coffee consumption during pregnancy is conflicting, it is believed that coffee might be linked to low birth weight. As such, experts recommend that pregnant women cut down on their coffee intake which might be easier said than done, especially when it comes to women who are used to drinking not one or two cups of coffee a day but three or four cups. In addition, it is worth remembering that not all coffee is caffeinated equally – it all depends on the type of coffee used as well as on the way that coffee is prepared.

Question 2

What is the most common sign of pregnancy?

While the only way to really know whether a woman is pregnant or not is to take a pregnancy test or have an ultrasound, early signs often let a woman know that she has fallen pregnant. Some women realize that they are pregnant almost immediately whereas others do not realize that they are carrying a baby until a few weeks – and in some cases even months – into their pregnancy. This is because early signs of pregnancy differ from woman to woman. However, there is one common early sign of pregnancy that most women experience. What is it?

Question 3

True or False – Pregnant women should avoid all forms of exercise?

While some women are really into exercise and do not want to give it up when they fall pregnant, others dislike all forms of physical activity and rejoice at the thought of pregnancy freeing them from this tortuous activity. Experts agree that it is important for a pregnant woman to keep active and to keep moving. But does that also mean that a pregnant woman should exercise regularly? In other words, is the statement above – pregnant women should avoid all forms of exercise – true or false?

Question 4

What does the term “Vernix” refer to?

Pregnancy can be challenging not only in that it totally transforms the expectant mother both physically and mentally but also in that it requires the pregnant woman to perform extensive research on the topic of pregnancy itself. After all, without reading up on the topic the expectant mother will have no idea what is going on and what is about to happen, especially if it is her very first pregnancy. It is important to be aware of the basics of pregnancy, which includes seemingly strange terms such as “vernix”.

Question 5

Which of the below terms describes natural birth?

As the term probably makes it quite clear, natural birth refers to the act of giving birth naturally, without the use of meds and without surgery. Natural birth was popularized by a doctor after whom natural birth is now named. A proper, balanced food intake and a good exercise plan play an important role in natural birth. Breathing exercises, physical comfort, solitude and darkness as well as properly coached partners are also very important. Followers of natural birth believe that pain can be eased with proper relaxation.

Question 6

What is the name of the doctor that cares for a woman during pregnancy and childbirth?

The doctor that cares for most pregnant women has a very specific name. Who knows what it is? This doctor cares for women whilst they are pregnant, during childbirth and for a short while after it. During pregnancy, this doctor monitors the pregnant woman’s health as well as the health of her baby. He also gives the pregnant woman advice about nutrition, medications and exercise and tells her what to expect during labor. During actual labor itself, this doctor monitors the process and delivers the baby.

Question 7

Which of the below terms refers to the initial movements of the fetus?

Most expectant mothers who are pregnant for the very first time will feel their baby moving when they are around 18 or 20 weeks pregnant. Initially most mothers find it hard to distinguish this feeling between gas and a moving baby but with time they start to recognize a pattern. Who knows what the initial baby movements are called? As is to be expected, these initial movements greatly delight the mother-to-be as well as her partner, not to mention other people that might be nearby (all of whom will without doubt want to touch the expectant mother’s tummy).

Question 8

On average, when do stretch marks appear?

According to studies, 90% of all pregnant women get stretch marks. However, it is worth noting that whether an expectant mother gets stretch marks or not depends on her genes. Stretch marks are pink, blue and red streaks that appear on the expectant mom’s stomach. However, these stretch marks can also appear on one’s thighs, breasts, butt and hips. More often than not stretch marks result from one’s skin being pulled tight. In some cases, stretch marks might also appear after excessive weight gain.

Question 9

What is the Apgar Score?

We’ve already mentioned just how important it is for an expectant mother to read up on the topic of pregnancy. Pregnancy lasts quite a while and is divided into a number of stages. A lot can happen during pregnancy so it is best to be prepared and to know exactly what the doctors are talking about. In addition, reading about pregnancy will also help the expectant mother to prepare for labor and childbirth. Those who have done their research should know exactly what the Apgar Score is.

Question 10

True or False – Spicy foods help induce labor?

Some pregnant women give birth before their due date, some give birth exactly when they’re due and still others end up being overdue. As wonderful and magical as pregnancy is, it is also rather uncomfortable and as such no woman wants to be pregnant for more than she absolutely has to. In consequence, it makes sense that most women who are overdue are willing to give anything that might induce labor a try. There are many things out there that can supposedly induce labor. One such thing is eating spicy food. But can spicy food really induce labor or is that a myth?

Question 11

How long does an average pregnancy last?

Being pregnant is wonderful in that a woman gets to grow a tiny human being inside her but it is also a time of great stress. Indeed, pregnancy results in numerous changes including physical changes (such as the appearance of stretch marks for example) and mental changes (such as inexplicable mood swings). Plus, one can never truly know whether a baby that is growing inside the womb is healthy and happy until it is born. As such, most women can’t wait for pregnancy to be over.

Question 12

How many weeks are in the first trimester?

A normal pregnancy is divided into a number of trimesters. For example, during the first trimester a pregnant woman’s body changes an incredible amount so as to accommodate the growing baby. However, this does not necessarily mean that these changes will be visible to the outside world. Indeed, sometimes one can’t even tell that a woman is pregnant when she is in her first trimester. Still, the pregnant woman herself will more likely than not know that she is pregnant for she will probably experience morning sickness and headaches. But how long does the first trimester last?

Question 13

What can folic acid to?

Experts agree that folic acid is one of those vitamins that should be taken by all pregnant women. Indeed, some argue that folic acid should be taken by all women of childbearing age, regardless of whether they are pregnant or not. It is especially important to take folic acid during the first few weeks of falling pregnant but it really should be taken every day during the woman’s pregnancy. Folic acid can be taken in pill form but it can also be found in food products such as fortified cereals and green vegetables.

Question 14

What are false labor contractions known as?

Most women first experience false labor contractions in their fourth month of pregnancy. Initially false labor contractions are rather painless and irregular. However, towards the end quite a few expectant mothers confuse these false labor contractions with the real thing and end up rushing to the hospital only to be told that their time hasn't come yet. False labor contractions are a way for one's body to prepare for actual labor contractions that are yet to come. What is another name for false labor contractions?

Question 15

True or False – It’s perfectly safe to take an aspirin during pregnancy?

Aspirin is probably one of the most popular and most used medications out there. Aspirin can be used to treat a number of conditions, including headaches, toothaches, colds and muscle aches. It often reduces pain and is commonly used among those who have medical conditions such as arthritis. Since pregnant women often have headaches they might want to take an aspirin. In addition, pregnant women who have a cold or a toothache might also want to take this drug. But should they do that?

Question 16

What are the soft spots on a baby’s head called?

When babies are born their skull bones are not yet joined together. This is totally normal. Indeed, there are many reasons why that is the case. For example, one such reason is the fact that the spaces between the bones help a baby to pass through the birth canal more easily. As such, when parents run their hand over their baby’s head they might end up touching soft spots as opposed to bone. With time, these soft spots will harden. In fact, most babies have no more soft spots on their head by the time they are eighteen months old. But what are these soft spots called?

Question 17

Which of the below is considered to be low birth weight?

According to statistics, the number of newborn babies that have a low birth weight is on the increase in the U.S. Babies that fall in this category are usually much smaller and have heads that appear to be too big for their bodies. There are quite a few reasons as to why a baby might be in this class. These reasons include premature birth as well as various health issues. But what number is considered to be low for newborn babies?

Question 18

What percentage of pregnancies result in twins?

No one is a hundred percent sure as to why some pregnancies result in twins and others do not. Some people think that factors such as genetics, ethnicity, age, IVF and previous children might influence whether a pregnant woman will have a single baby or twins. However, most experts do agree that twin births are one the rise, or at least appear to be so. Twin pregnancies are a bit more complicated than single pregnancies. This means that a mother who expects twins will probably need to spend more time at her doctor.

Question 19

What is an epidural?

Expectant mothers who have done their research will without doubt have no trouble answering the above question – what is an epidural? Indeed, it is quite important to know what an epidural is hence why all mothers should do plenty of research on all things pregnancy, labor and childbirth. While pregnancy is uncomfortable it is not exactly nerve-racking (although it can be of course). The same can’t be said for labor and childbirth however so it is important that the pregnant woman knows exactly what to expect so as to avoid complicating labor and childbirth with unnecessary stress.

Question 20

What is the purpose of the mucus plug?

There are certain aspects of pregnancy and labor that no one wants to talk about purely because they sound kind of gross. For example, no one really wants to discuss the mucus plug at length. The mucus plug is a plug made of mucus that is around five centimeters long. It is usually white but it can also be green or yellow. The mucus plug is lodged in the woman’s cervix. Most women lose it towards the very end of their pregnancy.

Question 21

True or False – A woman’s feet grow during pregnancy?

During a pregnancy the expectant mother experiences quite a few changes. Some of these changes are mental (such as mood swings) whereas others are physical (such as the inability to keep down certain foods or the growing belly that accommodates the baby). The most obvious changes are physical changes such as the growing belly, the growing breasts and even the growing fingers (and, believe it or not, even a growing heart!) But who knows whether pregnancy also results in growing feet?

Question 22

On average, when can the baby’s gender be determined via ultrasound?

While some parents do not want to know the gender of their baby until he or she is born, most parents can’t wait to find out the gender of their baby. After all, knowing the baby’s gender can seriously help parents to plan for the baby’s arrival (for example, they can pick out a name and they can decorate the nursery appropriately). Historically a baby’s gender was determined by things such as whether a woman craved sweet or sour things (since girls are sweet craving sweet things meant that one would have a girl) but today we are lucky in that a baby’s gender can be determined via an ultrasound.

Question 23

At what point during the pregnancy does morning sickness usually begin?

Most pregnant women experience morning sickness. However, the term “morning sickness” is a little misleading since it seems to suggest that pregnant women only feel sick in the morning. In reality, morning sickness refers to nausea that can be felt all day long. While the intensity of morning sickness varies from woman to woman, most admit that it leaves them completely exhausted. Furthermore, morning sickness can’t be avoided since no one knows for sure what causes it. However, it is likely the result of the numerous changes that are occurring in an expectant mother’s body.

Question 24

At what point during the pregnancy does morning sickness usually subside?

Pregnancy is not exactly comfortable but what makes it so much worse is morning sickness which is basically nausea that lasts all day long. However, more often than not morning sickness eventually subsides, and most expectant mothers can’t wait for that to happen! In very rare cases morning sickness might last all throughout one’s pregnancy but that is very unusual. In such cases, a woman should reach out to her doctor for prolonged nausea could lead to serious health issues.

Question 25

Is it OK to freeze breast milk?

Most women choose to either breastfeed or formula feed their babies. Out of the two options, breastfeeding is obviously better although those who choose to formula feed their babies should by no means be judged. Sometimes women who choose to breastfeed their baby also pump and store their breast milk. Of course, breastfeeding is still the better option because breast milk is warm but pumped breast milk is a good alternative. Breast milk can be stored in the fridge, but who knows whether it can also be frozen?

Question 26

Premature babies are babies born before…

Premature babies are babies that are born much earlier than their due date. Sometimes these babies are also known as preemies or premies. No one knows for certain as to why some babies are born before their due date. However, it is known that pregnant women who have health problems or who smoke or drink alcohol during their pregnancy are more likely to give birth to a premature baby. Premature babies require extra medical care and unfortunately some of them do not survive. They are usually much smaller than babies born on their due date and they are often covered in fine hair known as lanugo.

Question 27

When a baby is born bottom first instead of head first it is called...?

Most babies are born head first. However, a small percentage of babies are born either feet first or bottom first instead of head first. Towards the end of a woman’s pregnancy most babies settle into a head-down position. However, others do not do so and while in some cases doctors are successful in moving the baby into the correct position that does not always work. As such, women who are carrying babies who are in a bottom first position often have to have a caesarean section.

Question 28

True or False – Expectant mothers in their second or third pregnancy might feel the fetus moving earlier?

We’ve already mentioned that most women who are on their first pregnancy will feel their baby moving for the very first time when they are between 18 or 20 weeks pregnant. But is that when women who are on their second or third pregnancy will also feel the initial movements of the baby? Or will their past experience allow them to feel these initial movements earlier? In other words, is the statement above - expectant mothers in their second or third pregnancy might feel the fetus moving earlier – true or false?

Question 29

How much tuna can a pregnant woman eat a week?

In addition to all the physical and mental changes that pregnant women experience, they also have to make serious alterations to their lifestyle. For example, pregnant women can no longer drink alcohol or indulge in as many cups of coffee as they want. They must also be more careful with what they eat. After all, there are certain foods that experts recommend that pregnant women either cut down on or avoid completely. Who knows what doctors recommend in regards to tuna?

Question 30

True or False – It is unsafe to follow a vegan diet during pregnancy?

Veganism is becoming more and more popular with each passing day as a growing number of people – known as vegans - are choosing to eliminate all animal products from their menu. These animal products include obvious foods such as meat as well as dairy products and eggs. Indeed, most vegans can’t even indulge in chocolate. As such, most people think that veganism is a step too far and that it robs our bodies of necessary vitamins and nutrients. So, who knows whether women who are vegans can continue with this regimen when they fall pregnant?

Question 31

Which of the below might help with morning sickness?

Most women experience morning sickness which is basically nausea that can occur at any time of the day and which can last all day long. Of course, there are is a small percentage of women who do not experience morning sickness, but they are the lucky ones. Morning sickness can be very severe but according to some, there are certain things that can be done to ease it and make it more bearable. Who knows whether any of the below can actually help with morning sickness?

Question 32

Is it safe to drink herbal tea during pregnancy?

While some people are true coffee addicts and can’t get through their day without at least a few cups of coffee, others have managed to curb this addiction. Most of those who are no longer tempted by coffee have switched to herbal tea instead. Indeed, according to some, herbal tea is a good substitute for coffee and ideal for pregnant women. But is herbal tea really that ideal for expecting mothers? In other words, is it safe to drink herbal tea during pregnancy?

Question 33

How much calcium does a pregnant woman need a day?

When a woman is pregnant her body will do all that it takes to ensure that the tiny human being growing inside her is getting enough vitamins and nutrients. As such, it is important that a woman gets plenty of vitamins, including calcium, which can only be acquired from food and supplements. Lack of calcium in an expectant mother’s body might result in the body taking calcium from the expectant mom’s teeth or even bones. How much calcium does a pregnant woman need a day?

Question 34

Can pregnant women go to spas and saunas?

Most women will probably agree that there is nothing better than treating oneself to a treatment at a spa or a sauna. Spas and saunas can seriously help one relax and forget one’s worries. Since pregnancy is rather stressful and exhausting, it would make sense that expectant mothers should be encouraged to go to a spa or a sauna. But does that really make sense? In other words, is it actually safe for pregnant women to go to spas and saunas?

Question 35

How many extra calories should an average pregnant woman eat a day?

Pregnant women are growing a tiny human being inside them and as such they need to eat a little bit more than they would if they were not pregnant. The number of extra calories that a pregnant woman should eat depends on her pre-pregnancy weight. For example, women who are below the recommended number will need to eat more during pregnancy than those who are over. But how many extra calories should average women eat on a daily basis?

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