Take This 30-Second Parenting Quiz And We'll Name Your Future Baby

Oh, the joys of parenting. Whether a child comes into our life through careful planning or not, taking on the responsibility of helping a child develop into a productive member of society is a task that many will undertake, and even though the road is a bumpy one, it is one that is always worth it. Parents around the world are currently having unique experiences with their children and forging memories that will last a lifetime, but it isn't all fun and games when it comes to spending time with children.

Parenting means that people are going to be forced to make interesting choices when it comes to the way that they decide to raise their child. There is no perfect way to raise a kid, and this is largely because everyone is different and needs different things in order to get the proper stimulation for development. As such, many decision that parents make are often questioned by other people, but that doesn't mean that a parent shouldn't stick to their way of doing things so long as it is healthy for their kid.

Picking a name for a child is a huge responsibility that parents will deal with, but we will do the work for people so long as they take this quiz!

Question 1

Will The Kids Listen To Their Parents' Music?

As kids grow up, they will have the opportunity to be exposed to a number of different types of music thanks to watching television and hanging out with a diverse group of friends. There are still plenty of parents that will gladly dust off their old record collection to show their kids what they grew up listening to as they made their way through life. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 2

Will The Kids Have To Read?

Reading is one of the most important things that a person can ever learn how to do, and the fact that some people have a steady decline in reading as they get older is truly a bummer. There are some parents out there that don't care too much about how often their children read or the reading level that they currently sit at. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 3

Will The Kids Get Library Cards?

Even though it may seem like a very rare things to do, there are still plenty of parents that will gladly get their kids a library card early on so that they can check out as many books as possible to continue to develop their reading abilities as well as stimulate their minds with something other than cartoons on television. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 4

Will The Kids Get Apple Products?

Apple is notorious for making top products for people to purchase and use, but the fact remains that getting an Apple device is also known to set people back quite a bit of money, which means that they may be less likely to buy a device like this for their children. Others will gladly shell out the dough so that their kids can have the best stuff available. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 5

Will The Kids Have To Eat Fruits?

It is common knowledge at this point that it is important to have a steady diet growing up in order to guarantee that kids will hit their peaks in all physical areas, and there are a number of fruits in the world that offer something unique in terms of the vitamins they produce and the taste of that they give. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 6

Will The Kids Play Organized Sports?

Kids are already going to get plenty of exercise as they play outside with their friends and have physical education while at school, but that doesn't stop children all over the world from taking part in organized sports in an effort to build up some character and potentially sharpen skills that will lead them towards becoming a professional athlete in the future. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 7

Will The Kids Have To Eat Breakfast?

Many adults choose to skip breakfast in the morning in favor of sleeping in and eventually just drinking some coffee before heading to work, but a lot of us were raised hearing that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and there are parents that will assure that their kids eat breakfast every single morning before heading off to school. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 8

Will The Kids Learn How To Bake?

There are a number of different things that are important to learn in life before leaving the house and venturing out on one’s own, and cooking happens to be something that is very high on that list. Baking may not be considered as important as cooking in the grand scheme of things, but it can be a useful skill to develop. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 9

Will The Kids Get An Allowance?

Every person that lives under one roof needs to contribute something to the household in order for it to run smoothly and effectively, and there are some parents that are kind enough to give their kids an allowance for the work that they do during the week to help keep the house afloat. Others didn't get a single cent for their work. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 10

Will The Kids Get To Watch TV?

Whether people want to admit it or not, television has become a fixture in the households of people all around the world, despite the effects that it could have down the road. Many families are perfectly okay with their children watching some television, while others completely detest the idea of their kids spending their time watching cartoons and being generally unproductive. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 11

Will The Kids Go To Science Camp?

Science camp can be a great way for kids to go spend time with their friends in the outdoors learning some truly interesting things and getting away from their parents for a while. Some kids get to go to science camp and have a ton of fun, while others are forced to stay at home and patiently wait for their friends to get back. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 12

Will The Kids Come Along On Vacation?

It can be healthy to have some time away from the kids every once in a great while, and some people will choose to go on vacation and drop the kids off at a family member's house for a few days. Others will gladly bring their kids along on a vacation to give them a taste of something different in life and a memory that will last a lifetime. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 13

Will The Kids Be Allowed To Read Comics?

Comics can be a great way for kids to use their imaginations and take on interesting stories at the same time, and there is guaranteed to be a comic book that can please even the most stubborn fans out there. This decision can come down to something as simple as the genre of comic book that a kid is interested in. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 14

Will The Kids Get To Eat Junk Food?

It can be a good thing to lounge around and eat some chips while blowing off steam every once in a great while, but this is not something that should become a habit in the daily lives of people. Some parents can be very strict on what they allow their children to eat, preferring them to eat fruits and vegetables instead of chips. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 15

Will The Kids Get To Read Harry Potter?

The Harry Potter franchise is one of the biggest and most popular in the history of world, but that hasn't stopped people from barring their children from reading the series over the years. The books do get much more mature as the series goes along, and the earlier books are great for kids who want to be transported into a unique world. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 16

Will The Kids Have A Babysitter?

This is a question that is going to elicit an interesting reaction from people because it has long been a topic of contention for parents everywhere. There are plenty of people that are perfectly okay with using a babysitter for their kids, while others are adamant that they are around for every waking moment of their child's life as they grow older. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 17

Will The Kids Get A Disney Trip?

Getting the chance to go to one of the many Disney parks around the world can be one of the coolest experiences while growing up, and the parents that are able to afford to do this for their children are usually more than happy to drop a bundle of cash on an experience that can have a profound effect on a child's happiness. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 18

Will The Kids Get Dessert?

One of the most satisfying things that people do to cap off an evening that included some tasty food is having a whole mess of tasty desserts right before bed. Dessert can be a good thing when eaten every once in a while, but it is not something that should be included in a person's every day diet, despite it being tasty. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 19

Will The Kids Visit The Aquarium?

Many children love to spend time observing animals in a controlled environment, and for this reason, there are plenty of people that will gladly take their children to the aquarium so that they get to experience a taste of aquatic life. Some of the best aquariums in the world are known to provide hours of entertainment for families on any given day. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 20

Will The Kids Go To Private School?

The bulk of us grew up going to public school as we made our way to adolescence, but there are plenty of people that spent a lot of time going to private school in their life. Private school can cost an arm and a leg, but the people that are able to afford to do this for their children are doing so in the hopes that they get the best education possible. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 21

Will The Kids Be Taught About Heartache?

While it would be nice to shield kids and prepare them for every little thing that they will encounter in life, the fact remains that children will have to go out and have their own unique experiences in order to learn and grow from them. One of the toughest things that people will ever have to deal with as they make their way through life is the feeling of heartache. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 22

Will The Kids Read Dr. Seuss Books?

There are very few children's authors in the history of mankind that have become as popular as Dr. Seuss over the years, and the man was responsible for gifting the world some of the most classic and timeless stories that have ever been penned. Needless to say, his most famous and noteworthy stories are a popular choice for parents everywhere. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 23

Will The Kids Go To The Zoo?

Many people out there have fond memories of growing up and going to the zoo on a Saturday afternoon to see some of the most fantastical creatures in our world all in one convenient place. It can be one of the most exciting ways for kids to spend a day away from school, though some schools do end up taking their children on field trips to the zoo. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 24

Will The Kids Learn A Martial Art?

There are a number of important things to teach a child as they make their way through life, one of which is discipline. A very popular way for this to be instilled in a person is for them to learn a martial art when they are younger, and the lessons they take from their martial arts experience can go a long way in shaping the person that they become. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 25

Will The Kids Learn About Other Cultures?

The world is a big and beautiful place that is filled with wondrous things, and it is never good for people to live a life where they are confined to the things within close proximity of them. Getting the chance to learn and experience other cultures throughout life can be an important thing for people, and many children would love the opportunity to get to do this. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 26

Will The Kids Get Professional Photos Taken?

Professional photos have had a unique way of giving families something to talk about and children embarrassing moments to carry with them as they get older, and there aren't too many people out there that won't go through the pain of dealing with professional photos at least once as they are growing up. They are always funny to look back on. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 27

Will Their Friend's Parents Come Over?

Just because a child makes a friend doesn't mean that their parents need to become friends as well, but there are some examples of parents who wind up becoming friends with people just because their children have gotten close while hanging out at school. Plenty of people prefer to keep things separate so that their kids can do their thing and have some privacy. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 28

Will The Kids Get To Pursue Their Passion?

It is incredibly important to make sure that kids learn to remain grounded and steeped in reality as they get older, but it is also necessary that they understand that they can achieve their dreams should they work hard enough and put in the time for it. Some parents will do anything and everything for their kids to see them realize their dream. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 29

Will The Kids Eat Healthy Snacks?

Even though many people love to eat junk food on a regular basis, most will stick to eating healthier snacks instead of chowing down on a bag of chips. Healthier habits like this can be something that is passed down to children, hopefully shaping them into someone that chooses to eat healthier in the process. Other people will let their kids eat whatever. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 30

Will The Kids Get A Stuffed Animal?

It is very common to see young children grow up with one particular stuffed animal that has been with them from the moment that they come home from the hospital, and this toy will end up going through the wringer as it is dragged around from place to place so that the kid can have a sense of security and familiarity with them. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 31

Will The Kids Come On Shopping Trips?

Shopping is somewhat of a cathartic experience for people that enjoy going out and spending money on a day off, and while there are plenty of people that would prefer to do something like this alone, there are some parents that will gladly bring their children along for the ride with the promise of ice cream keeping them patient throughout the day. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 32

Will The Kids Learn Cursive?

With the shift towards everything being part of digital media in this day and age, cursive seems to be something that will ultimately fall by the wayside and looked back on with confusion by people that never have to learn it. It is possible that some people will keep this tradition alive by making their kids learn cursive, but we imagine this will be rare. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 33

Will The Kids Get A Pet?

Bringing a pet into the house can be a great way for kids to learn a thing or two about taking responsibility and helping them learn compassion in the process as well. Hopefully the kids will want a pet that is cuddly and fluffy as opposed to something that looks odd and can scare the pants off of anyone in the house. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 34

Will The Kids Be Bailed Out?

Every kid is going to come to a point in their life where they get in trouble for something that they have done or were part of, and every parent is going to have a unique reaction to the news of their child getting in trouble. Some parents will gladly let their kids deal with the brunt of everything so that they can learn a lesson and not repeat this mistake. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 35

Will The Kids Make Snacks At Home?

Many of the snacks that are eaten by people everywhere are ones that are bought at the store or come right from a vending machine. More creative and independent people will gladly make their own snacks at home to bring to work, and this is something that can be passed down to children as they get older and want to lean something practical. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 36

How Many Kids Will There Be?

It is always important to remember that things happen that are out of our control, but for the most part, many people know exactly how many children they want to bring into this world. This number is in indication of people and how many years they want to spend shaping and molding the future of the world, which is quite the responsibility. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 37

Will The Kids Get Caught Throwing A Party?

This is something that all parents dread, but many will have to deal with one day. Parents that are incredibly close and attentive to their children are able to spot any irregularities in their behavior, and their arousal of suspicion can lead to them catching the children doing something that they shouldn't be doing, which is always the lowest feeling in the world for the kids. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 38

Will The Kids Get Nice Shoes?

Kids go through shoes like it's nobody's business simply because they are constantly thrashing around and playing, and many parents will simply choose to buy their kids cheaper shoes so that they can stomp around and tear them up without having to think about the financial repercussions of each pair that gets torn. Others will simply spend the cash for shoes without even thinking about it. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 39

Will The Kids Get Candy Bars?

Eating a candy bar every once in a great while can be a great way to get a sugar fix as we make our way throughout the day, and many people will end up getting their children into eating the same types of candy bars that they enjoy. Some will tell their children that candy bars aren't good for them and choose to get them another type of snack instead. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 40

Will The Kids Fly Alone?

This is an interesting question that could divide a number of people. It is always important to make sure that children are safe and sound, but sending a child on a flight by themselves to go and visit a family member will leave the parent at home wondering what exactly is going on the entire time. Others are completely fine with this taking place. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 41

Will The Kids Spend Time Outdoors?

Spending time in the outdoors is a healthy way to live life, but not every person enjoys the great outdoors as much as others. It goes without saying that there are plenty of parents that will gladly allow their children to hang out indoors instead of making them play outside. This is something that will more than likely be decided by the way that the parents were raised. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 42

Will The Kids Learn About The Past?

They say that those that don't learn from the past are going to repeat it, and plenty of time in school will be spent learning about history. Parents will also take time out of their day to teach kids a thing or two about the way that things used to be and the way that we can shape how things end up becoming. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 43

Will The Kids Learn About The Simple Life?

Having children learn a little bit of everything is a great way for them to have an understanding about the way that other people live life. Some areas of the country have their children learn a thing or two about agriculture thanks to the fact that agriculture is responsible for giving us the food that we eat each and every day. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 44

Will The Kids Go Camping?

Camping can be a fun activity for those that like to eat s'mores and hang out in the wilderness, and there are plenty of kids that will practically beg their parents to allow them to head out for a weekend to see what all the fuss is about. Some parents will gladly stay at home in air conditioning while their kids go have fun. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 45

Will The Kids Get Positive Reinforcement?

Positive reinforcement can be a great way for kids to learn and develop as they make their way into adolescence, and this is largely why it has become a popular thing for people to do. The feeling of being rewarded in some type of way for accomplishing something is a great way for kids to want to do it again. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 46

Will The Kids Eat Fast Food Regularly?

Fast food can be a simple and cheap way of taking care of a meal without having to use any dishes or worry about pleasing the people at home. Unfortunately, the relative ease that fast food provides can turn into a reason why it turned into such a habit for so many people out there, and this is something that can be found in places all over. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 47

Will The Kids Get Video Game Consoles?

Let's not even pretend like video games aren't a fantastic way to spend some downtime after a long day at work. Many people grew up spending hours of their childhood playing the latest and greatest video games, and this is something that can trickle down to the kids as they get older and want to keep up with what's popular. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 48

Will The Kids Have Plenty Of Movies At Home?

Keeping a number of different entertainment options in the house is something that isn't just for the adults that pay the bills and keep everything running. Children need to find sources of entertainment when they are not at school and have some free time, and one of the most popular ways of entertaining children at the home is popping on a movie while the adults get to kick up their feet for a little while. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 49

Will The Kids Learn To Write Letters?

There is only so much that teachers can do while the children are at school, and it is important that parents reinforce what is being taught at school and expand upon that knowledge so that the kids can stay afloat while in class. There are some parents that will gladly take the time to help their children do even the simplest tasks so that they can progress at a uniform rate with their classmates. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

Question 50

Will The Kids Get To Watch Star Wars?

Star Wars is one of the most beloved film franchises in the history of cinema, and it has done wonders in reshaping the film industry as a whole. While it may seem like a right of passage for people to watch the different sequels of the Star Wars franchise, there are examples of people that grow up without watching a single Star Wars movie at any point. Participants are one step closer to seeing the name of their baby, and the anticipation is at an all-time high!

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