Take The Spelling Challenge To See Who Needs To Go Back To School

Thanks to computer and smartphone programs that check our spelling and fix any of our errors, remembering how to spell a lot of words isn't as important as it used to be. Who remembers being in school and having to take a spelling test every week? Those tests were never fun, it wasn't easy to sit and memorize how to spell words and then take a test to make sure that we actually knew how to spell them but we all had to do it. Now, we have programs that will check our spelling and tell us if we were wrong, so there's no need to remember how to spell anymore, right?

While that may be true, it's still important to be able to spell without just relying entirely on spellcheck to do everything when it comes to pointing out errors or autocorrect when it comes to replacing those mistakes with correct spellings.

Who thinks they know how to spell without relying on spellcheck and autocorrect? Prove it by taking this quiz that will totally test anyone's spelling knowledge and really show who knows their stuff and who needs to head back to school to study their spelling words more.

Question 1

How is this word spelled?

There are certain times when people just don't want their true identity to be seen. In those times, they'll often hide it in some way, either with a disguise or just by trying to be sneaky and hide from other people. This word refers to the act of trying to hide one's identity in any means, either through a disguise or through other practices that will make them hard to be seen and recognized. Which of these is the right spelling?

Question 2

How is this word spelled?

This is a word that is typically known to refer to the timing of sounds and silences in music. This word is often used to discuss the beat that music follows or the beat of the words that are being performed in music, with the tempo of the words being particularly focused on in rap and hip-hop or in poetry. In other performing arts like dancing, this word can also be used to describe a person's movement. Which of these spellings is correct?

Question 3

How is this word spelled?

This word is taken from the figure in Greek mythology Narcissus. Narcissus was incredibly attractive and was incredibly proud of the fact that people would fall in love with him simply after seeing him. Nemesis, the goddess of retribution, took him to an incredibly clear pool of water and showed him his reflection in it and fell in love with it. Now, this word that was taken from his name is used to describe a person who is incredibly self-centered.

Question 4

How is this word spelled?

This word is one that describes the place that a person stays when they're going to be travelling away from home. Whether it's a hotel or an Airbnb, this word describes all of them. Anyone who has ever traveled away from home for more than a short period of time knows how important it is to have a nice place to stay. It can make being away from home and staying in a hotel room or an Airbnb so much better when it's somewhere nice!

Question 5

How is this word spelled?

This word can have multiple meanings but typically means something like, "incredibly or excessively terrible" or "out of the limits of what is considered reasonable." A lot of things are described with this word but one of them is definitely the way that some singers and performers dress and act on stage, like Lady Gaga and her famously eccentric outfits. Remember the time she wore a dress made of meat? Who could forget! Which of these spellings is the correct one?

Question 6

How is this word spelled?

This is a word that describes oxygen being transferred from outside of something like a person or animal into the cells in their tissues while carbon dioxide is transferred out in the form of breathing for animals that have lungs and in other forms for species that do not. Breathing is a completely involuntary process that humans and other animals have to do in order to survive and we all do it without even thinking about it. How is this word spelled?

Question 7

How is this word spelled?

This is a word that's typically used to describe the way that a person is saying things. It typically involves saying something ironically in order to mock the person that they're speaking to or about. It can also be used in written communication but is most noticeable in verbal conversation because it often has a certain bitter tone to it that's easier for people to recognize when they hear the sentence spoken out loud. Which of these two is the correct spelling?

Question 8

Who can spell this word?

This is another word for a graveyard where people are buried after they pass on. They're large fields that have designated spaces where tombstones are laid down with an engraving that marks who is buried in that spot. Superstition and horror movies like Pet Sematary have made these places that people aren't exactly rushing out to visit, especially not at night, because they can be a little creepy sometimes. This word is a tricky one to spell, who knows which of these is right?

Question 9

Who can spell this word?

This is a word that means something that causes a lot of shock or disgust or is just something that's really bad. Seeing the way that people leave their tables at a restaurant is definitely something that can be described using this word if they tend to leave a huge mess the way some people do. With food spilled everywhere and wrappers and napkins tossed all over the table and floor, it's definitely pretty gross to see how some people will leave a table.

Question 10

Which of these is right?

This is a word that can be pretty tricky for some people to spell. This word is a word that describes people who write plays as a profession or a hobby. Also known as a dramatist, this person puts a lot of effort into writing their stories out in the format of a play so that they can be performed on the stage by other people. Famous people that fit this word are William Shakespeare and Tennessee Williams, among others.

Question 11

Which of these is right?

This word is used to describe the region that is found on northernmost part of the Earth. This region contains the ocean with this name and parts of different countries and one state including Canada, part of Alaska, Finland, Greenland, Russia, and other countries that are super far north. This region is known for the fact that the climate is incredibly cold and a lot of the ground is coated in permafrost and ice along with sea ice floating in the ocean and seas there.

Question 12

Who can spell this word?

This is a word that describes how precise something is. It can be used in several different ways to describe the accuracy of a ton of different things including mathematical applications or even describing how often someone who is playing basketball manages to get the ball into the hoop from different points on the court or how often someone playing a game of darts hits the center point on a dartboard versus how often they miss the board completely. Which of these is the correct spelling?

Question 13

Which of these is the correct spelling?

This phrase comes from two Latin words: "solo" which means "to oneself" and "loquor" which means "I talk." It's a phrase used in theater that describes a speech that one character on the stage gives entirely to themselves. It often takes place when no other characters are on the stage, leaving a single character who is going through a particularly dramatic storyline, alone on the stage to talk to themselves. A famous example is the "to be or not to be" speech in Hamlet.

Question 14

How is this word spelled?

This word describes the point at which something starts. Everything has to start somewhere and this word describes that point. Whether it's a seed that was recently planted and has just begun to sprout up into a plant or the starting line on a marathon race that people are participating in, they all have a start. The double letters in this word can make it pretty tricky to remember how to spell. Who knows which of these spellings of this word is right?

Question 15

Which of these is right?

Time to go back to middle school science class! This word describes a process that plants use in order to transform light from the sun into food and energy for themselves. Different plant species do this process in different ways but it always has the same basic process. Plants absorb light from the sun and then, through a chemical process that happens within their cells, the light is transformed into energy that helps the plants grow and put out oxygen.

Question 16

Which of these is right?

The double letters in this word can be pretty difficult for people to remember how to spell. This word is one that describes a region located in the sea of the same name that is made up of several hundred tropical islands, islets, reefs and cays. This region is a super popular vacation destination for people who enjoy visiting tropical locations and hitting up the beach while they're on vacation because of the beautiful beaches and warm weather. How is it spelled?

Question 17

How is this word spelled?

This word describes a feeling that many of us know all too well. That feeling of being tired can hit at any time, whether it's right after waking up in the morning when it's super difficult to fully wake up or at another point during the day when that feeling of just wanting to crawl back into bed and go to sleep for a while hits. Although this isn't a feeling that many people are unfamiliar with, it's definitely one that can be tricky to spell!

Question 18

How is this word spelled?

Although the way that words are spelled is super important, the way that they're said out loud is almost even more important. Saying a word wrong can be pretty embarrassing but it happens to the best of us, especially if it's a word that you haven't said out loud before! This word describes the way that a word is said out loud and it can be a pretty tricky one to remember how to spell. Which of these is right?

Question 19

How is this word spelled?

This word means the way that things are put away. It can be used to describe a lot of different things but a couple super common applications of this word refer to furniture being placed around a room or flowers being placed together in a vase in a visually appealing way. It can also mean to make plans for something in the future which makes this a super versatile word! It's another one that can be a little tricky to spell correctly, though.

Question 20

Which of these is correct?

This word is one that refers to a really long period of time. To be exact, it refers to a thousand years! Anyone who was around in 1999 will remember that New Year's Eve in that year was celebrated in a pretty huge way because the year 2000 marked a new set of one thousand years, or one of these. Although a variation of this word is used fairly often to describe a generation, it can still be difficult to spell it!

Question 21

Which of these is right?

This word is one that's used to describe something that is able to stick onto another surface or item. Glue, notepads that have a sticky strip on them that helps us to stick them into a box or onto a desk, and tape are all perfect examples of this. Anything that's sticky and helps bind two different things together, either temporarily or more permanently, falls into this category. We're all familiar with this concept, but how many people can spell this word?

Question 22

How is this word spelled?

This word is one that a lot of people are familiar with because it's definitely one that people want to avoid and not have a problem doing! This is a word that refers to copying someone else's idea or work and trying to pass it off as one's own. This means that a person is pretty much stealing someone else's ideas or hard work that they've done and not giving them any credit for it! How rude is that? How is this word spelled?

Question 23

Who knows how to spell this word?

This is a word that refers to the process in which an animal changes from one form to another. It can either be a subtle change or a more drastic one but it's typically a more drastic one, like when a caterpillar goes into a cocoon and comes out looking like a beautiful butterfly. Biology divides animals up into groups depending on whether or not they go completely through this process, go through a form of it although not completely, or don't go through it at all.

Question 24

Which of these is the correct spelling?

This word is one that refers to a process within a person's brain that brings out certain feelings in a person after they do something. The feeling that it brings out depends entirely on whether or not their action was in line with their morals and what they believe is right. If you've ever done something that you knew you probably shouldn't have and felt guilty about it afterward, you can thank this word for that. How is it spelled?

Question 25

How is this word spelled?

Movies from the horror and thriller genre are terrifying partially because of the vibe they give off. They make us, the viewers, constantly wonder what's going to happen next. Where is the bad guy going to pop out of? We just never know. That feeling of suspense can often be described with this word, one that means a feeling that something bad is going to happen. The atmosphere in those movies definitely makes us feel like something bad is coming!

Question 26

Which of these is the right spelling?

This word is one that refers to the observation of a person or place. Cameras that are put up in stores that watch customers to make sure that no one shoplifts or does anything else illegal are often referred to with this word but it can also refer to a person being watched closely or can refer to other systems like home security systems. Although this word is an important one because it can keep people safe, it can also be tough to spell.

Question 27

Who knows how to spell this word?

This word is taking us back to science class again! Anyone who took biology in high school will definitely remember that this word refers to a part of a person's DNA and is made up of nucleic acids and protein and holds an organism's genetic information. Whether it's a human, a dog, or a head of lettuce, these are found in all kinds of different organisms. Humans have 23 separate pairs of these while other organisms have different numbers. How is it spelled?

Question 28

How is this word spelled?

This is a term that dates back to ancient Egypt and refers to the people who ruled ancient Egypt until being taken over by the Roman Empire. Because their religious system was so important to society in ancient Egypt, these leaders were believed to be the connecting point between the gods and goddesses that they worshipped and the common people living under them. Famous rulers who had this title include Tutankhamun, also known as King Tut, and Cleopatra VII. How is this word spelled?

Question 29

Who knows how to spell this word?

This word typically refers to the amount of money that a policy holder pays their insurance company when the policy holder files a claim before their insurance company will pay the rest of the expenses. It can be used to refer to any kind of insurance, including healthcare or car insurance as they work in the same general way when it comes to insurance companies and people filing claims. Although this process can get complicated, the way to spell this word isn't!

Question 30

Is this one word or two?

This is a word that refers to the room in which a judge is present and a court of law takes place. A court of law is an event in which two parties come together to have a legal issue worked out between them with a judge and jury who decide on the final outcome. A building that has many of these in one place is often referred to as a "courthouse" and is the home of other local offices.

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