Take The Quiz To Find Out If You're The Favorite Parent

Secretly, every mom and dad hopes that they're the favorite parent. There are lots of bad parts in parenting: the sleepless nights, truly disgusting diapers, throw-up, public misbehavior, and all of the other unfortunate things that can come along with children, and being the favorite parent makes up for all of it. You want to be the one that your little person gets excited to see, and wants to snuggle with. You want to make your child's face light up when you enter the room! You secretly want to be the one who can always make them stop crying, turn every frown into a smile, and fix every problem for them, don't you? If so, this quiz is for you!

It isn't always as simple as just asking your child which parent is the favorite, and you don't really want to make your fellow co-parent feel badly, right? Asking little children questions isn't as reliable as considering their actions, so it is definitely better to think about how they react to judge if you are the favorite parent or not. This quiz will help you figure out if you are the current favorite parent! If you're ready to know whether or not you're the preferred parent, take this simple quiz and find out now!

Question 1

Does baby crawl or walk to you when you get home?

Obviously this only applies if your baby can walk or crawl, but do they come right to you when you get home? If you're home all day with them, when you leave the room to shower, do they come right over to you when you enter the room?

Question 2

Does baby smile back at you right away?

Do you have to work really hard to get your little one to smile, or are they full of cute grins for you? Parents, think back to when you smile at baby, do they give you a grin back right away?

Question 3

Does baby cry when you pick them up?

Does your baby's mood change when you pick them up? Do they go from happy to sad? If they're sitting on the floor contentedly playing, does they start to cry a little or a lot? Or, maybe they don't start to cry but just look crabby instead of happy when you pick them up?

Question 4

Does your child like to play with you?

When you try to play with your child, do they play back? If you pick a game that you know they enjoy, do they engage? Does your child always seem ready and willing to play games with you, and do they seem to really love it?

Question 5

Does your child make up games play with you?

Does your child create new games to play with you? Kids love to make things, and they have really wonderful imaginations! Does your child love to make up games to play with you? Do create roles for you be in their imaginary world?

Question 6

Does your baby ignore you when try to get their attention?

When you try to get them to play with you, do they ignore you? Do they normally focus on things, but ignore you? Are they more interested in playing with their toys or other people, including their other parent, than they are in playing with you?

Question 7

Does your child make things for you?

Do they draw you pictures, or create things for you? Do they make things out of playdoh for you, or maybe make arts and crafts at school or daycare and bring them home to give to you? When they make a present for someone, who do they give it to?

Question 8

When both parents are playing, who does baby come to?

This one can be tricky! When your child is playing with both parents, who do they usually come to? If you're both sitting on the floor, playing a game with your little one, who will they come over to and sit on their lap? Is it you, or is it the other parent?

Question 9

When baby wakes up at night, who goes to them?

While this one is chosen by the parent, not the baby, it still weighs in. Who goes in when baby wakes up? Sometimes parents share this job! Is there one parent who usually soothes night time fears and needs, and if so, who is it? Is it you?

Question 10

Is there a special activity that your child saves just for you?

This could be a special game, or a special laugh or joke just the two of you share. Is there a special activity that is just for the two of you? Or is there a special pretend world that you play games in, or an art activity that you and your child enjoy working on together? Do you and your child share interests?

Question 11

Will your child try things just for you?

Will they try new foods just for you? Or a new activity if you ask them to? Are you able to coax your child into new, and good, behaviors? Do they want to make you happy and try to impress you? Does your child like to try new things with you cheering them on?

Question 12

When your child gets hurt, are you the one they want to comfort them?

When they get an injury, do they want you to kiss it to fix it? Are they hoping for a hug and kiss from you? Can you fix their boo boos and help them calm down because they know that you'll be there to make everything OK? When your child falls down, who do they want to pick them up?

Question 13

If your child is scared, do they ask for you?

If there is something scary around, are you the parent that your little one reaches for? Lots of things can be scary for little kids, because the whole world is full of new experiences for them, but parents are there to reassure them. Are you the parent that your baby usually picks to make them feel safe again?

Question 14

When your baby is happy, do they share their joy with you first?

Do they go to you first to show off their new achievement? When they're proud over something, do they come tell you all about it? Do they want you to sit and listen while they retell the whole exciting story of how and why the good thing happened, so you can share all of their joy with them?

Question 15

When your child is disappointed, who cheers them up?

When life is tough, who helps them pick up the pieces? Who makes sure that they know things will get better? Life is tough for kids, but they have families there to help them through the difficult moments. Are you the parent that they usually go to first for help with fixing all of life's problems?

Question 16

Does your child try to surprise you?

Do they try to do things to make you happy? Do they try to cheer you up when you are sad? Little kids might have a harder time planning surprises than bigger kids, but they can still do things like hide during peek a boo and pop out smiling to make you smile! Does your child like to brighten your day with a happy surprise?

Question 17

Does your child try to copy your best traits?

Your style of telling jokes, your fashion sense? Do you hear that your child is a mini you all the time? When you meet a new adult, are they quick to tell just just how much your little person resembles you in actions and mannerisms? Do they try to copy your body language and words you say all the time?

Question 18

When you are away from your baby, do you eagerly want to get back to them?

Are you full of excitement thinking about sharing fun times with them? Do you look forward to all of the cute moments that you will share? Do you pick up little gifts for them when you're away from them longer than normal, and look forward to their excitement when you get back to them? Do you spend a lot of your time away from your family thinking about them?

Question 19

Does your baby share their toys with you?

We all know babies and toddlers value their toys. So does baby share their things with you? Do they let you hold the things that are most important to them? Even if they want those things back right away, that's a huge honor from a baby or a toddler!

Question 20

Are you the one your child wants to have put them to bed?

Bed time can be hard for kids. Do they want you to put them to bed? Do they want one extra story, one extra song, one extra hug and kiss, and all from you? Does your child want you to spend a few extra moments with you, and try to bargain for them in a really cute fashion?

Question 21

When your child is sick, which parent do they want?

It's hard for parents to see their kids sick. It can be scary, too! When your child is sick, which parent do they want? Do they want you to hold them and reassure them that everything will be OK, and that they'll feel better soon? Do they ask you to stay with them?

Question 22

When your child meets new people, does your child look to you to see if it's ok?

Does your child check in with you to see if new people are safe? Do they trust your judgment? When you meet new people, does your baby watch you to see how they should react, and then model their reaction off of yours? Is your baby's opinions of new people usually pretty close to yours?

Question 23

Does your child choose you over the other parent?

When you are holding your child, do they try to go to the other parent? Or when the other parent is holding them, do they reach out for you? What happens most of the time? Does your baby try to go to you, or the other parent? Who do they like to have hold them most of the time?

Question 24

Is your baby sad when you leave?

When you need to leave, is your baby sad? Do they cry sometimes, or try to delay you leaving? When you're getting ready to go, do they try to stop you? Does your baby get upset when it's time for you to go to work or out with friends?

Question 25

Has your child ever implied that you're the favorite?

If they're really little, this can be hard! Try to think back, though! Have they ever done anything that would make you think you're the favorite parent? Are there any clues in their behavior? Kids can be subtle, so think hard!

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