Take The Parenting Quiz That Even The Best Mothers Struggled With

Becoming a parent is one of the scariest things that you will ever experience. It is like jumping out of a plane for example. When you are getting ready to make that jump you are scared but you honestly have no idea what to expect once you make that jump. Once you are in the air you are hit with a mix of emotions such as excitement, fear, happiness and disbelief. Then when you hit the ground you are hit with such a feeling of relief that you made it through that life changing experience in one piece, you feel on top of the world. Right before you jump out of the plane is like when you are pregnant, when you jump its the years that your child is growing up and learning how to navigate life and when you hit the ground its like when your children are able to stand on their own two feet and you can finally take a break.

We compiled a list of some facts and situations that some parents may know and others may not. Let's face it being a parent is a learn as you go process that in thousands of years no one has been able to master.

Question 1

What is the name of a children's doctor?

There are literally hundreds of different kinds of doctors in the world. Some doctors specialize in orthopedics, others are surgeons and then there are some very special doctors who dedicate their lives to making sick little kids feel better. During the first few years of your child's life you will probably be visiting the doctor more often then you, or they, would like but it comes with the territory. They are just building up their immune system and susceptible to everything.

Question 2

Are birthing classes mandatory for parents?

There are so many different things that you will have to do once you get pregnant with your first child that you will not be able to keep up with them all. For years you have probably heard of new mothers taking birthing classes, usually with their significant other. During these classes you learn the ins and outs of labor, what breathing techniques will help you ease the pain, how to properly change and handle a baby, etc. But are they mandatory?

Question 3

What must you do in order to leave the hospital with your baby?

During your hospital stay you will be bombarded with emotions, visitors and advice from doctors and nurses. If your birth goes smoothly then you and your baby will probably on be in the hospital for a couple of days so this time will fly by and be over before you know it. In the blink of an eye you will be home, completely in charge of keeping this little human alive and providing them with everything that they need to be happy.

Question 4

How often should your baby eat?

Your baby will depend on you to understand when they are hungry and supply them with formula or breast milk. Making sure that your baby has the right amount of formula or breast milk is important because it is their only source of nutrients and food. It is what they survive solely on for their first couple of months of life so its important that they get just the right amount so that they can grow and develop on schedule.

Question 5

How soon does your newborn need to see their doctor?

There will be so many things that will be spout out to you when you are in the hospital that it can all get very confusing. Everyone will think that they know whats best and try to give you a advice. One important thing that you should listen for or talk to your doctor before about it how soon should you make your baby their first doctor appointment for an initial checkup. This is important to make sure that they are developing properly.

Question 6

Which country has the worst maternity leave?

Maternity leave is important for a few different reasons. It is a time for a mother to heal from all of the trauma and stress that her body endured before, during and after childbirth. She did create a life for a few months shy of a year! It is also the time that you and your baby grow accustomed to one another and really get to grow that bond between mother and child. What country has the worst maternity leave?

Question 7

Which country has the best maternity leave?

Just like some countries have terrible maternity leave that you cannot even believe exists there are other countries that have amazing maternity leave. They make sure that the mother is fully healed and supported while she adjusts to her new role. They also offer paternity leave for fathers so that they are able to get one on one time with their new little bundle of joy before returning to the hustle and bustle of work. Which country has the best maternity leave?

Question 8

What percentage of American moms and dads both work full time?

America is not a cheap place to live, especially in certain areas like New York and California. This does not pair well with children who are probably one of the biggest expenses that you will ever have in their life. They depend on you for everything for a long time so you must be able to provide them with a roof over their head, a bed to sleep in and food in their belly. And thats just the bare minimum.

Question 9

What is the most popular birth month in the United States?

Babies are born literally every single second around the world. However there are certain times of the year and months where more babies are born then other months or times of year. It may have more to do with when the babies were conceived as opposed to the actual month that they were born, maybe its a time of year where love is in the air. Can you take a guess on what the most popular birth month is in the United States?

Question 10

How many diapers does a baby go through a day on average?

Diapers will be one of your biggest expenses as a parent to an infant if you decide to go with the throwaways. Throwaways are the most popular choice among parents because they are easy and convenient. There is no washing and drying of the diapers involved at all. Babies go to the bathroom a lot so its no surprise that you will have to buy them pretty often. But do you know who many diapers a baby goes through a day on average?

Question 11

How many hours does an average child spend watching tv a week?

TV is one of the greatest and worst inventions ever created. TV has the ability to take you away from all of life's problems for a little while and provide a welcome distraction when you need it most. Kids love tv because their senses are being loaded and their mind is kept busy. It can be tempting to just throw on a show your kids like and enjoy the peace and quiet. How much tv does an average child watch a week?

Question 12

How important is it that your child is around kids their age?

Especially before your child enters school it can be tough to have them around children their own age if you are a stay at home parent or they are being watched by a relative or nanny. Once they enter school they will be surrounded by other kids so you don't want this to be their first time in a group with other children. There are other ways for younger kids to meet kids their age like library groups and playgrounds.

Question 13

Are iPads good for kids to use?

In this day and age kids are constantly surrounded by technology and electronics. Even in schools classroom's are equipped with smart boards, television sets, iPads, etc. But is it ok for children to use iPads? Does it depend on the amount of time they are using it for? Or maybe what they are doing on the iPad when they are using it? What do the studies say regrind children using iPads? If you are not sure use your parental instincts and take a guess.

Question 14

When does your child's brain develop the fastest?

Your baby will literally amaze you every single day and if they don't then you need to slow down and pay a little bit more attention to the little stuff. They will learn new things almost every single day, even something as simple as a smile will grasp your attention for hours. As they get older they will only amaze you more with their ability to leaner language and communicate to you in a way that you can actually understand.

Question 15

When a baby cries when leaving a parent what does it signalize?

Babies will pretty much anytime that they need or want something from you. For the first couple of weeks it can be hard to tell if your baby even realizes who you are and why you are constantly with them. The first time that your baby cries after handing them off to someone else will be a bittersweet moment. In one breathe you will be a bit happy that they know who your are and in the other you will be sad to see them upset.

Question 16

When can your child come out of a car seat?

Car seat's are very important because they will protect your child if you ever get into any sort of accident involving a car. They offer support to your baby's neck and back so that they are not thrown around if someone hits you or vice versa. Car seat's are the reason that many, many babies are still alive today after being involved in serious accidents. Failure to use them are also the reason that many kids are not alive today.

Question 17

What positive is there to babies using a pacifier?

If you have been around kids a lot then you have probably heard them scream at the top of their lungs when they cannot find their beloved pacifier. If you have been around parents then you have probably heard the horror stories about trying to wean their child off of these things. They have a couple of negative effects for example on your baby's teeth but there is one positive to having your baby use a pacifier, especially when they are sleeping.

Question 18

When should you start "tummy time" with your baby?

Tummy time is an important time because it will do a lot of good for your baby. It will strength their neck and arms so that they are eventually able to hold themselves up and crawl around. It will also give them an opportunity to see different sites and be exposed to different things. It is an important thing that you do with your baby that your doctor will emphasize and go over with you multiple times when your baby is born.

Question 19

What age do children start to talk?

Hearing your child say their first words will be a day that you will never forget. You will feel sad that they are growing up but also so incredibly proud at the little person that you are raising. Their first word will probably be something simple and easy like "mama" or "dada" but it won't matter to you at all, trust us! But do you know when kids generally start to talk and form real words that actually make sense?

Question 20

How often should you bathe your baby?

Every first that you have with your baby will be exciting and scary all in the same time. Bathing your baby is no different. You will probably be terrified that you will hurt your baby, the water is too hot or cold or you are somehow doing it completely wrong. Either way you will want your baby to be fresh and clean at all times. So how often should you bathe your baby? Does it matter or is it up to you?

Question 21

If your child is being bullied at school what should you do?

There will come a time in your child's life where you will no longer be able to protect them from the outside world, they will be on their own and have to learn to stand on their own two feet. The first time that this happens is probably when they start going to school and may encounter a bully or two who fails to see just how special your little one is. If your child comes home upset what should you do?

Question 22

What is the best way to take your baby's temperature?

When your baby is first born you will probably be neurotic about germs and force everyone to wash their hands four times over before coming within a few feet of your little one. Once time goes on you won't be able to protect your little one from germs as easily and your baby will inevitably end up catching something. Knowing the best way to take your baby's temperature is important so that you can know exactly what is going on.

Question 23

At what age does your child not need you anymore?

When you have kids there will be tons of people who say that your life is now over for the next eighteen years. From now until then everything that you do and everything that you are will revolve around them and their needs so say good bye to your life! However as your kids get older they will not be as dependent and may even learn how to do some things on their own so there is not too much truth in this statement.

Question 24

If your child is struggling in school, what is the best solution?

We have all been through school and struggled in certain areas, school is not easy and it is actually getting harder as new curriculum and methods of teaching are introduced. Even if you have a super smart child who whizzed through a couple of grades there will come a time when your child comes home from school completely lost about what is going on in one or more classes. What should you do if your child is struggling in school?

Question 25

How do you know what to dress your child in?

Dressing your child for the weather may seem like an easy task that doesn't take too much thought. However when you get into those strange parts of the year where its freezing in the morning but humid in the afternoon it can be a bit tricky as to what to put your little ones in. You don't want them to be freezing at the bus stop but you also don't want them to be dying of heat exhaustion in school.

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