Take The Health Quiz and Find Out How Long You'll Live

Despite how globally connected the world has become, society has yet to find the fated “Fountain of Youth.” A concept dating back to ancient Greek literature, such a place would theoretically allow people to live forever, or at least as long as they so pleased. Of course, the odds are that such a fountain simply never existed, either in a literal or metaphorical sense.

Try as doctors may to prolong human life indefinitely, everyone has an expiration date. The good news is that we as individuals can actually do a whole lot to influence our own longevity. Sure, accidents happen every day, and life is entirely unpredictable, but in most cases, a person can nonetheless extend theirs by eating right, doing the proper exercises, and simply staying healthy in general.

Unfortunately, while just about everyone has this information available to them from a young age, very few people choose to utilize it. Thanks to popular sitcoms and comedians, some people even think it’s funny to live life as unhealthily as possible, presumably forgetting just how dire the consequences to this sort of action can be. We want our readers to live on and continue enjoying our quizzes forever, so we strongly suggest those with this sort of lifestyle start making some changes quick. For everyone else, especially those who don’t yet know how bad they have it, keep reading to take our health quiz and find out how long you’ll live.

Question 1

How old are you?

To start things off, let’s get a basic understanding of your life. People of all ages can go without warning, but it’s a simple fact the older we get, the less time we have left. Is your whole life ahead of you, or are you already in your golden years?

Question 2

How often do you exercise?

No matter how old a person is, the best thing they can do to prolong their life is stay in shape. Regular exercise can strengthen a person’s body and ensure it will survive a long time. Are you taking this step, or do you not even have a gym membership?

Question 3

What sort of diet do you keep?

Aside from regular exercise, the most important thing you can do for your health is eat the right foods. Everyone has to chow down three or more times a day, but snack on the wrong things, and it can be a ticket to the hospital. What are you eating?

Question 4

How happy are you with your life?

Technically speaking, there’s not much of a correlation between happiness and living longer. Unfortunately, people can drop dead in an instant seconds after experiencing extreme joy. That said, happier people might try harder to stay alive than those suffering sadness or depression. Which side are you on?

Question 5

Are you married or in a relationship?

Believe it or not, most studies agree that people in loving relationships actually do live longer than single folk. In fact, it goes deeper than that: marrying young and staying together forever is better than getting hitched later in life. Is your relationship going to keep you alive?

Question 6

What sort of work do you do?

In most cases, the type of work a person does won’t lead them to an early grave. However, a person’s profession can effect just about aspect of their lives in wide ranging ways, some of which can ultimately harm or help your health. So, what do you do?

Question 7

Do you enjoy playing sports?

As long as a person stays in relatively good shape, it doesn’t matter whether or not they ever pass around the pigskin. Of course, playing football or any other sport with friends can be a great way to exercise and be social at the same time. Do you play any?

Question 8

Do you have health insurance?

Hopefully, everyone taking this quiz is in good enough shape that they don’t need to call their health care provider any time soon. Just in case, though, it’s always good to have insurance in place to help pay for unforeseen costs. Do you have any?

Question 9

How often do you drink alcohol?

There’s nothing wrong about having a few drinks after a tough week, but it should go without saying that severe alcoholism is horrid to a person’s health. Spending every night in the bar can be a direct path to the graveyard. Are you going to keep going to them anyway?

Question 10

How much time do you spend watching TV?

Like many mildly negative behaviors, watching your favorite TV show every week isn’t going to kill you. However, people who spend 10 or more hours a day watching Netflix probably aren’t spending the rest of their time exercising. How much of your life is spent in front of the TV?

Question 11

Do you have any pets?

People who don’t have any pets may never understand, but those who do would definitely agree a cat, dog, or even tarantula could easily be a best friend. In fact, animals might manage to often even more care and support than humans. Do you have any?

Question 12

Do you smoke cigarettes?

Even if you aren’t exercising every day or eating the right foods, hopefully you aren’t doing anything to actively hurt your chances of long term survival. Unfortunately, millions of people around the world are just doing that each time they puff on tobacco. Are you one of them?

Question 13

What time of day do you hit your peak?

For the most part, there’s no correlation between the time of day people operate and how long they’ll stay alive. Like with many aspects of life, though, it usually says a lot about someone whether they’re a morning person or night owl. Which are you?

Question 14

How much do you rely on caffeine?

Just about everyone has experienced at least one day where they were exhausted, but had a lot left to get done, so they downed a pot of coffee. While it’s fine to consume caffeine now and again, to require it daily isn’t a great sign. How much do you drink?

Question 15

How many friends do you have?

Depending on whether you’re an introverted or extroverted, having lots of friends might sound fun or downright terrible. Luckily, there’s no direct link between having a wide social circle and living longer. That said, total loners don’t have anyone to help them when they’re hurt, so it does matter.

Question 16

What’s your preferred method of transportation?

Despite how prevalent they are in modern society, cars can be outrageously dangerous in the wrong hands. Even if you’re a great driver yourself, being on the road all the time raises your chances of encountering a bad one. Luckily, the way you travel can reduce this a little bit.

Question 17

Have you ever done illegal drugs?

Okay, so drinking isn’t all that great for you, but just about everybody does it. While few people laying on death beds regret one errant drink they may have drank, those who regularly abused much more harmful drugs have plenty to think twice about. Have you ever done them?

Question 18

How long could you run without getting winded?

Quite frankly, the whole idea of running yourself to fitness fell apart the second the idea’s greatest champion, Jim Fixx, died at a young age, while jogging. Many people still believe in it, though, and it’s not like running is bad. How far would you get on a light jog?

Question 19

Do you consider yourself a risk taker?

When it comes to deaths caused by things other than long term illness, the most likely cause is risky behavior. The whole point of the word “risk” implies there could be bad results in the near future, and no result is worse than dying. Do you take that risk anyway?

Question 20

Have you ever been arrested?

Depending on what lands a person behind bars, getting stuck in the slammer doesn’t necessarily mean a person is on death’s door. That said, people who commit violent and deadly crimes might be in for a rude awakening themselves. Have you ever spent time in the joint?

Question 21

How often do you get sick?

Not every illness is life threatening, and most of them can be cured with a few days in bed and plenty of fluids. However, even the common cold can be a bad sign if it never seems to go away. Are you sick all the time, or almost never?

Question 22

What is your typical stress level?

While most people tend to think about external factors when it comes to their health, what’s going on in a person’s brain can also prove extremely important. High levels of stress can lead to high blood pressure and other issues we’d be better to avoid. How bad is your stress?

Question 23

What would you prefer for dessert?

Technically, the best dessert a person can eat for their health is probably no dessert at all. Then again, what’s the point of living forever if you cut out all the fun parts of life? It won’t kill you to eat one treat now and then, so what’ll you have?

Question 24

What’s your body type?

Right away, let’s make it clear the intention here isn’t to body shame in any way. All people are beautiful no matter what they look like, but it’s a fact that a person’s weight and size can adversely affect their health. Is your look slowly killing you?

Question 25

How often do you eat fast food?

The whole point of fast food is that hungry people don’t care what they’re eating so long as they get to eat it immediately. If you went to Taco Bell when you were starving one night, you’re probably fine, but if you’re there every day, it could be a problem.

Question 26

How many cups of water do you drink per day?

According to popular belief, people should follow the 8 x 8 rule when it comes to water—that’s drinking at least eight 8 oz. cups every day. Of course, very few people actually follow this instruction, simply quenching their thirst with whatever they feel like. Do you drink enough water?

Question 27

How many hours of sleep do you get on average?

Based on the number of commercials on the subject, people these days have a serious problem getting to sleep and staying asleep. This is a true shame, as the proper amount of rest is absolutely integral to a person’s health. Are you catching enough z’s?

Question 28

Do you have a regular doctor?

In today’s wintry economic climate, it can be difficult to have a personal, regular doctor, let alone afford to visit one on rare occasions when something feels wrong. Of course, the reason this is expensive is that having a personal doctor can extend your life significantly. Do you have one?

Question 29

What do you do to relax?

Eating right, exercising well, and being happy in your work are three great ways to live a long life. On the other hand, that healthy a life can also be pretty boring, and it wouldn’t be worth it without occasional periods of play. What do you do to unwind?

Question 30

Do the ingredients in your food matter to you?

Especially in the modern era of GMOs and chemically enhanced food, there’s more to what we eat than just meets the eye. You may think the meals your eating look healthy, but unless you actually look into the ingredients and what’s inside it, you really don’t know what you’re eating.

Question 31

What type of exercise would you rather do?

This quiz already covered exercising in general, and whether or not you do any. However, we need to return to the subject for a second, as some exercises are simply more effective than others. Assuming you actually hit the gym, what do you do when you get there?

Question 32

Do you consider yourself outdoorsy?

Thanks to popular survival shows, and the primal desire to explore nature, hitting the woods for a weekend of camping is more popular today than ever. Of course, it’s not for everybody, as many folks would rather stay inside, where it’s warm and safe. Could you survive in the wild?

Question 33

Are you on any medications?

The good news for people regularly taking medication is that they’ve taken the necessary steps to curb whatever ailment is affecting their lives. The bad news is that they had to take that medication in the first place. Are you in this unfortunate predicament?

Question 34

How often do you laugh?

It’s already been acknowledged that happier people tend to live longer than the downtrodden, and there’s no better way to gauge joy than how often a person laughs. Maybe you fill your life with silly movies and friends, or maybe you just laugh at yourself. Either way, are you smiling?

Question 35

Do you scare easily?

By and large, heart attacks are caused by decades of eating fatty foods and refusing to exercise. Every once in a while, though, they genuinely can be caused by moments of fright. Hopefully, a bad scare won’t stop your heartbeat, but it might take a few years off your life.

Question 36

Which of the following foods do you prefer?

Although this quiz has already asked about your general diet, we’re well aware most people can stray from their plans every now and then when they smell something delicious. Imagine you’re in a room where all these foods were free, and consequences didn’t matter. What would you eat?

Question 37

How often do you drink wine?

While the subject of alcohol already came up, believe it or not, there’s a difference between drinking wine and most other types of booze. Unlike beer or whiskey, a little bit of wine can help your body out thanks to the antioxidants it contains. Are you drinking any?

Question 38

Do any major diseases run in your family?

For the most part, whatever it was that killed your ancestors probably isn’t going to come back and haunt you, as well. Of course, there are a few genetic disorders and conditions that do tend to run in families, and if that’s the case with you, there may be trouble.

Question 39

How long do you want to live?

At this point, it may be a valid question to ask how long you want to live in the first place. Though most people hope for the average 75-85 years, others feel that’s not enough. However, there’s got to be a limit to these things, because immortality has its downsides.

Question 40

What do you do when you get sick?

The quiz is almost over, and that means we’re about to give our read on the state of your health. Unfortunately, not everyone is going to love the results, and in that case, the question is how you’ll respond. Will it affect you, or do you ignore bad health news?

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