Take The Harry Potter 'Who Said It' Quiz! Was It Harry, Ron Or Hermione?

It is hard to believe that the very first installment of Harry Potter (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) was published more than twenty years ago (in 1997 to be exact). It was a huge hit both with children and adults alike, something no one could have expected. As such, no one was surprised when six more Harry Potter books were written and published.

As is the case with many bestselling novels, the Harry Potter book series did not take long to be turned into a film series that was just as magical as the written works had been and which brought the wizarding world to life.

Both the Harry Potter book series and the Harry Potter film series focused on some heavy themes but the main underlying message was without doubt that of friendship, and just how important it is. Indeed, most of us envied the friendship that the three main characters - Harry, Ron and Hermione - had. This friendship was put to test countless times and yet every single time the trio came out stronger than before.

Today, there is probably not a single child (or adult) who hasn't heard of the magical trio. But how many such fans can match the below quotes to the correct character?

Question 1

“Working hard is important. But there is something that matters even more, believing in yourself.”

Who knows whether it was Harry, Ron or Hermione who said that while working hard is indeed important, believing in yourself is important too. After all, one can't really be successful if one doesn't believe in himself or herself as well as the work that he or she is doing. As fans will no doubt recall, these words were uttered in an attempt to get other Hogwarts students to believe in themselves and their ability to perform challenging spells and charms.

Question 2

“When in doubt, go to the library.”

We all know that out of the three main Harry Potter characters - Harry, Ron and Hermione - it was Hermione who was the bookworm and who spent most of her time in the library. However, that doesn't mean that the above quote was uttered by Hermione. In fact, while neither Harry nor Ron cared much about reading - or the library - they did nevertheless appreciate Hermione's wisdom and her love for books. So, who can recall which character said the above line?

Question 3

“Why spiders? Why couldn't it be 'follow the butterflies'?”

Most people will agree that spiders are absolutely awful - they look incredibly scary and seemingly appear out of nowhere. And it doesn't even matter that realistically, spiders are more terrified of us than we are of them. Of course, spiders in the wizarding world are even worse for they are ten times - if not a hundred times - bigger than normal spiders, or at least can be. Who recalls which one of the below three characters detested spiders the most?

Question 4

"Just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon..."

Human beings are complex individuals with a wide range of emotions that sometimes seem to contradict one another. Perhaps that's why philosophy is becoming more and more important - it is crucial that we are able to make sense of the world around us and the way it makes us feel. Of course, when it comes to emotions, everyone is different. Some people are more emotional than others. Who can recall the character who apparently had "the emotional range of a teaspoon?"

Question 5

"Is that really what my hair looks like from the back?"

The above quote was uttered by one of the three characters below in the third Harry Potter series - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Since it is obviously not possible to see what we look like from the back (we have to rely on the honesty of our friends, family and mirrors) it becomes clear that the above line was said during one of the few scenes during which two of the three below characters went back in time via a time turner.

Question 6

"Spiders... the spiders... they want me to tap-dance. And I don't want to tap-dance!"

The above quote is rather unusual but it becomes less bizarre when it is put into context. The above quote was uttered by one of the characters when he or she was asleep. As such, he or she was obviously having a nightmare that involved spiders. We have already mentioned previously on this quiz that one of the three characters feared spiders the most although of course this doesn't necessarily mean that it was that particular character that said the above line.

Question 7

"Oh, honestly, don't you two READ?"

While some people absolutely love reading, others can't stand it, or at least think that there are far better things that can be done with one's time. Fans of Harry Potter will of course recall that out of Harry, Ron and Hermione it was the latter who loved books and reading the most. In fact, Ron and Harry were rarely ever caught with a book in their hands but still that doesn't mean that one of them couldn't have uttered the phrase above.

Question 8

"It's Leviosa, not Leviosar."

This one is simple and as such we have no doubt that true fans of Harry Potter will ace this question. Indeed, as far as Harry Potter quotes go, this one is one of the most popular - and memorable - quotes out there. The line above obviously refers to the casting of a spell. The full spell is "Wingardium Leviosa" and its purpose is to make objects levitate or float. However, as is obvious from the quote above, this particular spell is rather difficult to pronounce.

Question 9

"When have any of our plans actually worked? We plan, we get there, all hell breaks loose."

"Man plans, and God laughs" is a good phrase to describe the quote above. After all, both the phrase and the quote above mean the same thing. Indeed, as many of us are undoubtedly aware, sometimes no matter how much we plan, things still don't turn out the way we want them to. That's because no matter how detailed our plan is, we still can't exactly predict the situation that will occur sometime in the future. So, was it Harry, Ron or Hermione who said the above quote?

Question 10

"Is this real, or is it just happening inside my head?"

Most of us know when something is happening in real life and when something is happening inside our head (examples of the latter being dreams and daydreams). However, things are not as clear cut in the wizarding world. So, who can recall whether it was Harry, Ron or Hermione who said the above quote? As many will undoubtedly recall, the above question was directed at another character, and more specifically, at Albus Dumbledore who replied by saying that even if something was happening inside one's head, that didn't mean that it wasn't real.

Question 11

"Even in the wizarding world, hearing voices isn't a good sign."

It is never a good sign when one starts hearing voices inside one's head. This is especially true in the Muggle world but it is also true in the wizarding world. Despite all of their magic and all of their power, most wizards and witches do not hear voices in their heads without a reason (one of the reasons being madness). Of course, Harry often heard Lord Voldemort's voice inside his head but that was only because he was connected to him.

Question 12

"Actually, I'm highly logical, which allows me to look past extraneous detail and perceive clearly that which others overlook."

Some people are extremely creative whereas others are extremely logical. Creative people may not always think reasonably. Indeed, very often they come up with ideas that are out of the box and solutions that may appear totally mad at a first glance. On the other hand, logical people are incredibly reasonable and rational. So, which one of the below three characters brushed aside a compliment by stating that he or she was simply logical (which apparently means the ability to overlook irrelevant details).

Question 13

"The binding is fragile..."

We've already mentioned earlier on in this quiz that the world is divided into two types of people - those who read and those who don't. Those who read love books and libraries and indeed sometimes even treat books as sacred objects that are not to be torn or otherwise damaged. Those who don't read usually don't care about books at all. Of course, out of the three characters below, Hermione was the one who loved books the most. But was it Hermione who said the above quote?

Question 14

"You know, she's got nice skin."

When we like someone there is usually no logic behind it. In fact, more often than not we either like a person or dislike a person for no apparent reason (although sometimes, in very rare instances, we may also be indifferent towards someone). As such, when someone asks us as to why we have developed a crush on someone, we can't really answer their question properly and as such we might reply with something utterly ridiculous such as "you know, she's got nice skin."

Question 15

"Excuse me, I have to go vomit."

Who can recall which one of the below three characters said the quote above? Was it Harry, Ron or Hermione? This one is rather tricky so we'll provide some context - the above phrase was uttered in the sixth Harry Potter movie titled Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The character who said the above line was feeling jealous and upset and some of us may be able to empathize. After all, how many of us would be happy to see our crush in a relationship with someone else?

Question 16

"Sorry, Professor, but I must not tell lies."

We are told from a very young age that we should not lie although sometimes the situation does call for it and sometimes we are branded as liars even when we are telling the truth. As fans will undoubtedly recall, that is exactly what happened to one of the three characters below - he or she was telling the truth but was called a liar by Professor Umbridge nonetheless and received detention. However, in the end, Professor Umbridge got what was coming for her.

Question 17

"Look on the bright side. You can't be any worse than old toad face."

Wondering who the phrase "old toad face" refers to in the question above? Let us refresh your memory: the phrase refers to none other than Professor Umbridge who was a bureaucrat working at the Ministry of Magic and who was sent by the Minister for Magic to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts. As a professor, she was totally useless and replaced all practical learning with theory, much to the dismay of her students who wanted to prepare for the scary world outside of Hogwarts.

Question 18

"When are you going to get it into your head? We're in this together!"

We know that our friends are truly loyal to us when they insist that whatever happens, they will be there for us. Of course, that is not necessarily a good thing. Sometimes when we are in trouble we want to solve the situation ourselves so as to keep our friends and our family from harm's way. That is practically impossible however when one has over-protective and fiercely loyal friends. So, who can recall which one of the below characters said the quote above?

Question 19

"Every great wizard in history started out as nothing more than they are now! If they can do it, why not us?"

When we look at truly successful people all we see is their success and their fame. We don't see the long hours that they had put in to receive the results that so astound the rest of the world and we don't see their determination and their will to succeed that led them to where they are now. But as one of the characters so wisely said, we must remember that everyone started at the beginning at one point or another. And if they can succeed, why can't we?

Question 20

"It's sort of exciting isn't it? Breaking the rules?"

Throughout their six years at Hogwarts, Harry, Ron and Hermione broke countless of rules. For example, they went to the Forbidden Forest when they weren't supposed to and they sneaked around Hogwarts at midnight. Of course, more often than not they broke the rules for a reason - whether to get to the bottom of some big secret (for example, the secret of the Philosopher's stone that was hidden under the three-headed dog on the third corridor) or to save the wizarding world from Lord Voldemort.

Question 21

"I wasn't looking at its feet! I was a bit preoccupied with its heads... or maybe you didn't notice? There were three!"

We've mentioned above that throughout their time at Hogwarts, Harry, Ron and Hermione broke countless of rules. For example, in their first year of Hogwarts the headmaster Albus Dumbledore forbade students from entering the third floor corridor. As fans will recall, Dumbledore did not want anyone entering the third floor corridor because there was a three-headed dog in one of the classrooms who was guarding the Philosopher's Stone. Of course, Harry, Ron and Hermione did not heed the headmaster's warning and later regretted their decision.

Question 22

"Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good, is it?"

Wizards and witches live in a magical world where they can perform charms and spells to make their lives easier. However, while that sounds like a lot of fun, the fact of the matter is that performing charms and spells - and even curses - is not as easy as it sounds. That is why young witches and wizards go to wizarding schools - such as Hogwarts - where they learn how to use their magical abilities. Of course, as is the case in the Muggle world, some witches and wizards are simply better students than others.

Question 23

"Oh well, what's life without a few dragons?"

The above quote was uttered by one of the characters below in their fourth year at Hogwarts, or rather, at the end of the year when they were parting for summer holidays. The quote refers to the dragons that were part of the first task of the Triwizard Tournament which took place in Hogwarts that year and in which Harry participated (albeit by no means voluntarily.) As luck would have it, Harry got the toughest dragon in that first task.

Question 24

"Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?"

Who can recall what the "manky old boot" refers to in the quote above? Those who know Harry Potter inside out will of course recall that it referred to a portkey. In the wizarding world, a portkey is a bewitched object that transports any person who touches it to a pre-determined destination. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the "manky old boot" transported Harry and a few other characters to the Quidditch World Cup. But who was it that initially had no idea what portkeys were?

Question 25

"There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid."

Most lovers of Harry Potter will probably agree with the above quote that states that there is no Hogwarts without Hagrid. Hagrid was the kind-hearted half-giant who worked as a caretaker of Hogwarts and then later as a professor of Magical Creatures. Hagrid loved animals -especially dangerous animals such as dragons and giant spiders - and it was this love that resulted in him being expelled from Hogwarts when he was just a teen. Luckily, he was allowed to stay at Hogwarts as a caretaker.

Question 26

"Not to be rude or anything, but this isn't a great time for me to have a house elf in my bedroom."

In the wizarding world, house elves are magical creatures that can perform wandless magic. Most house elves have a master and serve at the homes of ancient pure-blood families. House elves have to do everything that their master commands them to do but while that may sound awful to us, it is deemed totally normal both by house elves themselves and by most witches and wizards (with the exception of very few, such as Hermione who set up an association whose mission was to free all house elves and make them paid employees).

Question 27

"It's not... happy. Well, it is, it's the happiest I've ever felt. But it's complicated."

This one is rather tricky so we won't judge you too harshly if you get this question wrong. So, who in your opinion uttered the above quote - "It's not... happy. Well, it is, it's the happiest I've ever felt. But it's complicated." This contradictory quote was said in the third Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. It was said in reference to dementors (remember: to defeat a dementor you have to think of your happiest memory.)

Question 28

"Don't expect me to get excited over another damn thing we need to find."

When Albus Dumbledore told Harry that Lord Voldemort created a number of horcruxes so as to split his soul and live forever, the only remaining question was: how many of these horcruxes did he make? Professor Slughorn was able to shed some light on this question and guessed that there were seven horcruxes, seeing how Tom Riddle - the young Lord Voldemort - mentioned the number to him years ago. Of course, with this knowledge came the realization that Harry - as well as Ron and Hermione - had to find all of these horcruxes.

Question 29

"You! You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!”

When we're furious we tend to come up with the best insults. Take the quote above, as an example. Who can recall which one of the three below characters said it? We'll give you a hint: the insult was directed at Harry's nemesis Draco Malfoy. In fact, in this particular scene Malfoy was not only insulted but also received a blow to his head, something he had not been expecting. The quote above comes from the second Harry Potter movie titled Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Question 30

“Everyone, this is Loony... Luna Lovegood.”

Who was it that introduced Luna Lovegood in such a way? Obviously, they noticed their mistake immediately and tried to rectify it but by then it was much too late. Luckily for them, Luna was not at all insulted. Of course, there's no denying that as a character, Luna was a bit bizarre. She believed in the impossible which not only earned her the nickname "Loony" but which also meant that she was the target of many silly pranks and jokes.

Question 31

“You’re gonna suffer but you’re gonna be happy about it.”

In their third year of Hogwarts, Harry, Ron and Hermione chose divination as an elective subject. However, they soon regretted their choice for even though the class was easy it was also a waste of time and at times seemed impossible. Professor Trelawney insisted that her students study tea leaves and crystal balls but more often than not her students saw... nothing! Who can forget that time when one of the characters had to read tea leaves and came up with the above ridiculous prediction?

Question 32

“One person couldn’t feel all that. They’d explode.”

We've already mentioned earlier on in this quiz that some people are more emotional than others. They feel more and they also tend to overthink more. As such, they are described as highly sensitive people. Of course, others are not sensitive at all and feel far less (which is not necessarily a bad thing). In your opinion, which one of the below three characters uttered the quote above? This character is by no means insensitive but it would be fair to say that he or she feels less than some of the more sensitive people out there.

Question 33

“The world’s mental.”

At times, the world may seem crazy but of course it is not as crazy as the wizarding world where things don't always make sense, where anyone can cast a memory charm on you and where Lord Voldemort is trying to take over the world. Indeed, there is no better way to describe such a world than with the word "mental." So, who was it that said the above quote? Was it Harry, was it Ron or was it Hermione?

Question 34

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it? The moon.”

Those who like to take a stroll in the middle of the night now and then often marvel at how beautiful the world is at that hour. More often than not, the stars are shining bright, the moon is looking splendid and the world is completely silent. Yet in the wizarding world practically no one was so romantic as to indulge in midnight walks hence why it was so utterly alarming when one of the below three characters uttered the phrase above.

Question 35

“That’s totally barbaric.”

Who can recall which of the below three characters said the above phrase? Was it Harry, Ron or Hermione? In case some of you may need your memory refreshed, let us give you this hint: the above phrase was uttered in the very first Harry Potter movie (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) and it described wizard's chess. As many will without doubt recall, wizard's chess is an enchanted version of this Muggle game in which the attacking piece will take the losing piece in a very barbaric way.

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