Survive A Desert Island To Reveal A Famous Wifey

It's definitely possible to survive on a desert island. But do our readers have what it takes? In order to make this happen, they're going to have to do a lot of different things. They're going to have to make shelter, find food and clean water, and defend the camp against the local wildlife. And if that wasn't enough, desert island dwellers will also have to deal with the weather of the island.

This quiz will put everyone's survival skills to the absolute test. It's not enough to just lie on the beach and wait for rescue. Everyone needs to figure out HOW they're going to get rescued. What are they going to eat? Well, there's light at the end of the tunnel. Pass this survival test, and we'll match each reader with a celebrity wifey! After all, it does get very lonely on a desert island without any companionship. But of course, a person can't just have any old wifey. We have to be sure that our matches are compatible otherwise things could go pear shaped pretty quickly! It's never fun to be absolutely stuck with somebody we don't really like very much.

Take the quiz now, and figure out who's got what it takes to survive a desert island!

Question 1

What's The Best Thing To Construct Clothing Out Of?

One of the most important things when it comes to survival is constructing clothing. Normal clothing that we buy in the department store wouldn't last very long in the wild reaches of a desert island. Clothing should be able to stand up to all kinds of stress and tearing. Most of the time, people stuck on a desert island have had to cast aside their regular clothes, and construct their own outfits out of whatever's available. But what's the best choice out there?

Question 2

What's The Best Way To Signal For Rescue?

After being stranded on a desert island, the first thought for most people is how to actually GET OFF the desert island. This can happen in many different ways, and most of it is up to chance. However, there are ways people can speed up the process of being rescued, and improve the chance of it happening in the first place. One of the most obvious methods is to signal for rescue. This can be done in all kinds of different ways, from fire to a message in a bottle, and many more.

Question 3

What's The Best Food To Eat While On A Desert Island?

Another very important thing to consider when stranded on a desert island is food. Simply put, you won't last very long if you can't find a decent meal for yourself. Sometimes, desert islands are filled with all kinds of amazing food sources. Fruit might grow on trees. The waters might be teeming with delicious fish. And of course, the local wildlife might also make for a great meal. But what type of food will you focus on? That's the most important question of all...

Question 4

What's The Best Type Of Shelter To Build On A Desert Island?

Another very important factor when it comes to survival is shelter. Unless you want to sleep out in the open, it's best to construct some kind of shelter. If you're going to be stranded on a desert island for years, this shelter will become your new home. You might as well put a lot of work into making it nice. Shelters offer protection from all kinds of different things. First of all, shelter protects us from the weather. But it might also protect us from predators, and even mosquitoes.

Question 5

What's The One Most Important Thing To Bring To A Desert Island?

This is probably one of the most popular questions when it comes to being stranded on a desert island. Many of our readers have probably heart this question before. But the answer is actually pretty difficult to come to. There are many possibilities, and it's tough to think about what might be the best possible item to bring. Is it better to bring something that will entertain you? Or is it better to bring something that will aid in your survival? What would you bring?

Question 6

What's The Best Thing To Burn To Keep Mosquitoes Away?

Mosquitoes represent a much bigger danger than a lot of people realize. They're more than just an annoyance. Mosquitoes can carry all kinds of diseases. This is especially true when it comes to a desert island. Who knows what kinds of illnesses and diseases are unique to that isolated island. You're probably not going to have any immunities to whatever the mosquitoes are spreading around. So what's the best way to keep mosquitoes away? More specifically, what's the best thing to BURN?

Question 7

What's The Best Way To Deal With A Pack Of Predators?

Let's be honest, a pack of predators is probably the most dangerous thing to run into on a desert island. And this is probably more common than you might think. After all, islands have their own unique forms of wildlife, and some of them might not exactly be friendly towards you. There are all kinds of predators that could be lurking around a desert island. For example, what if you run into a group of Komodo Dragons? What if you run into a pack of wolves, or hyenas? Baboons can also be quite dangerous.

Question 8

The North Star Is Also Known As...

Let's face it - there are going to be a lot of lonely nights when you're stuck on a desert island. So how do you pass the time on those nights? Well, you're probably going to be looking up at the stars. And luckily, the stars are probably going to look better than ever before. This is because there are no city lights spoiling the brilliance of the night sky, and every little detail will be visible. Over time, you'll probably become familiar with various stars. But what about the North Star?

Question 9

There's Are Some Sedimentary Rocks, A Cheese Knife, And A Plastic Straw. Use Them To Purify Some Salt Water

Water purification is one of the most important things when it comes to survival. In fact, if someone can't purify their water, they are at a massive risk for all kinds of issues. Drinking unclean water is a great way to get sick... Sometimes VERY sick. So how does one get around this problem? Believe it or not, there are pretty simple ways to actually purify water with rather common items. These items might surprise you. But how would you go about purifying water with just these common items at your disposal?

Question 10

What's The Most Dangerous Thing Lurking In The Waters By A Desert Island?

Some might think that getting off a desert island is easy. After all, one only needs to construct a raft or boat of some kind, set sail, and try to make it to some kind of mainland... Right? Well, it's not that simple. In fact, a desert island might be surrounded on all sides by waters that represent a huge threat. Why? Because these waters often have very dangerous things lurking beneath the surface. Sure, there might be sharks. Those are pretty dangerous... But are they really the MOST dangerous things?

Question 11

What Should Be Poured On A Jellyfish Wound?

Sometimes, the most innocent looking things are often the most dangerous. Take jellyfish for example. We all know that these are pretty normal creatures. Some might even think that they're cute, thanks to shows like SpongeBob SquarePants. But real survival experts know that jellyfish can actually be quite dangerous. A sting from a jellyfish can be quite an emergency, that's for sure. So how do you deal with such a sting? More specifically, what should you actually POUR on a jellyfish sting?

Question 12

What's The Best Way To Get Out Of Quicksand?

Another potential threat on a desert island is quicksand. We've all seen the movies and the cartoons depicting quicksand, and it can seem like a pretty dangerous thing. And make no mistake, it IS pretty dangerous. The one defining thing about quicksand is that it's actually pretty hard to get out of it. In fact, one could find themselves sinking deeper and deeper into the quicksand without even realizing it. It's a tough situation, that's for sure. But what's the best way to actually get out of quicksand?

Question 13

Where's One Source Of Clean Water?

Water purification is important, but there might actually be clean sources of water located throughout the desert island. These sources might require a lot less purification, or they might not even require purification at all! Survival experts know all about locating clean sources of water. After all, water is one of the most important things when it comes to survival. Without water, most people don't make it after just 24 hours. Yes, it's really that important. So with that in mind, what's one source of clean water that you might be able to find?

Question 14

What's The Best Tool To Create From Basic Materials On A Desert Island?

A desert island can be a very dangerous place. One can never be sure of what sort of threats might be facing you on a desert island. That means it's essential to defend yourself in the best way possible. But how is this possible with just basic materials scattered around the island? A true survivalist knows that there's always a way to build things out of rocks, wood, and other materials. And yes, it's possible to actually build defensive tools from these basic materials. But what type of defensive tool is the best option in this situation?

Question 15

What's The Best Type Of Animal To Tame On A Desert Island?

Not all animals will be threatening. Some animals might even be friendly towards you. The best survivalists out there know that animals can be some of the best allies out there. They can help defend you from other animals. They can help search for valuable things on the island. Or they might even just be some welcome company. After all, a desert island is a lonely place to be. It would probably be very comforting to be with a few animals, in order to pass the time.

Question 16

As Time Goes By, Is It Better To Keep Well Shaven, Or Let Hair Grow Out?

It's easy to stop caring about personal hygiene when you're stuck on a desert island. Soon enough, we stop trying to make ourselves look presentable, and we start to look a little ragged. Men might grow beards, and everyone tends to get a lot more body hair. Does it really matter? After all, no one is going to see you, right? On the other hand, keeping clean shaven might be that one shred of dignity that you hold onto - the thing that keeps you sane through it all. It's an interesting choice, that's for sure.

Question 17

What's A Better Accessory On A Desert Island - Sunglasses Or A Hat?

Even when we're stuck on a desert island, it's important to accessorize. But let's say that we only had one moment to grab an accessory, before our ship sunk or our plane crashed. What would we pick? Would we choose a hat, something that can protect us from sun burn, and help us keep the sun out of our eyes? Or would we rather choose a pair of sunglasses? Sunglasses might not protect our face, but they do a better job of letting us see in the bright sun. They also look very cool!

Question 18

What's The Best Way To Escape A Desert Island?

Let's be honest - no one wants to spend the rest of their life on a desert island. Most people would want to return to civilization, where there's internet, luxury goods, and actual houses. But getting off a desert island isn't as easy as you might think. Escaping requires a lot of thought, planning, and imagination. Sometimes it's as easy as building a boat and setting sail. But in other situations, it might be better to simply stay put and wait for rescue to arrive. Everyone has their own opinion.

Question 19

What Would Be The Most Awesome Thing To Find On A Desert Island?

You never know what secrets might be lurking in a desert island. Who knows, that desert island that we find ourselves stranded on might be one of the most wonderful places on the Earth. In a few years time, we might actually be thankful we had the fortune to land on such an island? But what kind of things would we even find on a desert island? How about a chest full of forgotten pirate's treasure? What about a mine full of gold? The list goes on... And there are plenty of possibilities.

Question 20

What's The Best Musical Instrument To Construct Out Of Basic Materials On A Desert Island?

Being on a desert island might get pretty boring. That's why it's important to keep ourselves occupied somehow. And what better way to pass the time than to engage in music? But it's not that easy. In order to create music, we need some kind of musical instrument. And like everything else we want to create on a desert island, this musical instrument needs to be constructed out of whatever's available. This means wood, rocks, and perhaps animal skins and organs. What type of musical instrument would be the best?

Question 21

What's The Best Way To Maintain Fitness On A Desert Island?

A desert island can seem like a total paradise. After all, some island have everything we could ever want. For one, there's sometimes an endless amount of food in the form of fruit hanging from nearby trees. Secondly, the weather is usually amazing. There's no real need to build weather proof houses and shelters, aside from a very simple roof perhaps. It might get tempting to simply sleep all day by the beach, while eating coconuts, pineapples and bananas. But what would be the best way to maintain fitness?

Question 22

What Would Be The Worst Thing To Find On A Desert Island?

We all know that desert island might be filled with plenty of nice things. This might be food, treasure, nice weather, and plenty of other things. But a desert island might also be filled with plenty of not so nice things. These things might represent threats to your safety, and it would be best to steer clear of them. Let's say there's an extremely unfriendly animal on the island. Or perhaps a volcano that's going to go off at any minute. But out of these options, what's something you really wouldn't want to run into?

Question 23

What Type Of Land Animal Is The Most Dangerous To Meet On A Desert Island?

Speaking of things we don't want to run into while on the island, what about animals? Sure, there might be certain animals out there which are pretty friendly. Some might even help you out in your quest for survival. But what about predatory animals? There are plenty of dangerous animals out there, but what are some of the most threatening ones you could find on a desert island? What about a hungry tiger? Or even a Komodo Dragon? There are plenty of dangerous animals out there...

Question 24

Pick A Sidekick

When we talk about being stranded on a desert island, we usually assume that we're going to be there alone. But what if you could bring one other person? What kind of sidekick would you want. There are so many options here. First of all, you could have someone who would actually help you in your quest to survive. Someone with actual talents would definitely be good. But what about someone who you just liked spending time with? That would be pretty amazing as well...

Question 25

What Would Be The Best Superpower To Have When On A Desert Island?

Let's say that you could bring one superpower with you to a desert island. That would definitely make life much easier on such an isolated part of the world. But what would you actually choose? There are certain powers that would make survival much easier. Some might even help you escape the desert island. But whenever we get the choice of a superpower, it's tempting to simply pick the superpower that seems the coolest! Which superpower is actually best for a desert island?

Question 26

What Kind Of Person Would Be Tribal Leader?

Let's say that you were stranded on a desert island with an entire group of people. We all know that sooner or later, a certain leadership structure emerges. Certain people will step up and start giving other people orders, while others will fall in line. Some groups of people might even elect a "tribal leader," much in the same way as "Tribal Council" was handled in the hit show Survivor. This would definitely be the best way to establish a leader. But what type of person would you elect as your tribal leader?

Question 27

Where's The Best Place To Set Up Camp?

Setting up camp is probably one of the most important decisions one can make when stranded on a desert island. There are plenty of potential locations out there. So where do you pick? A cave offers obvious protection against the elements, but it might be pretty dark and cold. A clifftop gives you a great view, but you might also be at the mercy of the wind. The beach might be an obvious place to chill, but is it really the best spot to hitch a tent? There are tons of options here... But which is the best one?

Question 28

What's The Best Way To Pass The Time On A Desert Island?

Passing the time might seem like a minor little detail, but it's probably more important than you think. Boredom and potential insanity are pretty big problems when it comes to being stranded on a desert island. How could anyone maintain their sanity after being stranded for years and years? Well, the answer is to invent various things to do which help you pass the time. There are plenty of options out there. You could create an imaginary friend, for example. Or you might even decide to write a book about your experiences! The possibilities are endless.

Question 29

Where Would The Desert Island Be?

We all know that it's impossible to actually choose WHICH desert island we get stranded on. It's the luck of the draw. That's the whole point of being stranded on a desert island, it's a situation which is completely out of our control. But what if we COULD choose which island to be stranded on? Where would you want your island to be located? Perhaps in the famous Caribbean area? How about off the coast of Africa? Wherever you choose, there will be slightly different plants and animals, as well as weather.

Question 30

There's A Radio On A Desert Island, But It's Stuck On One Station. What Station Would Be Best?

Finding a working radio would be an awesome discovery on a desert island. Suddenly, we wouldn't feel so cut off from society. Even hearing a human voice in the total loneliness would be amazing, and it would definitely keep us focused and in high morale. But what if it was stuck on only one station? Or maybe all of the other stations are just static, whereas one station comes through loud and clear? If so, what type of station would you like the radio to be stuck on?

Question 31

Pick Some Decorations To Spook Potential Intruders

Setting up camp is actually pretty important. Most of the time, camp functions as a means of protection. And who knows what kinds of things you would need to protect yourself from. Maybe there are predators. Maybe there are monsters. Maybe there are other humans who don't take kindly to newcomers. Either way, your camp needs to scare off intruders, if at all possible. But how can you make this happen? Well, one way is to actually decorate your camp in such a way that it scares others away.

Question 32

What's The Best Survival Movie?

Sometimes, in order to get inspired about potential survival stories, we need to sit down and watch some amazing survival movies. There are tons of them out there. These survival movies are all about one thing: Man against nature. It's usually just one person thrown into the most inhospitable forms of nature, and it's up to them to survive. We watch as the main character is tested and truly finds out their own limits as a person. But which survival movie is the best one out there?

Question 33

What Would Be The First Thing To Do When Finally Back To Civilization?

Getting back to civilization after being stranded on a desert island for so long is probably one of the best feelings ever. Imagine finally getting to eat your favorite meals, sleep in a real bed, and reconnect with all of your friends. There are so many things about the civilized world that we take for granted. These things might seem like small details to us now, but they're some of the best parts of life. What if you were finally able to return to civilization after so long? What would be the first thing that you do?

Question 34

Which Villain Would Be The Best To Run Into On A Desert Island?

We've seen it so many times before. Desert islands are the most PERFECT spots to put a villain's secret hideout. These bases are often placed in the middle of a volcano, or deep underground. In various movies, we watch as the hero has to sneak into the island undetected, before having a final showdown with the villain in their base. Imagine if you found out there was a secret base on the desert island you ran into! Which villain would you actually prefer to run into?

Question 35

Who Would Be The Most Annoying Person To Be Stuck With On A Desert Island?

Getting stranded on a desert island is bad enough. But what if you were stranded on a desert island with someone who was seriously annoying? Yep, that's right - that situation just went from bad to pretty much intolerable. There are people out there who nobody wants to spend even five minutes alone with. But imagine spending years and years with someone who gradually gets on your nerves more and more. Wouldn't that drive you nuts? But who would be the most annoying person to be stranded with?

Question 36

Who Would Be The Most Entertaining Person To Be Stuck With On A Desert Island?

On the other hand, there are certain people who would make getting stranded on a desert island a lot easier to handle. In fact, getting stranded on a desert island might even be fun with certain people by your side! Someone else might offer entertainment, love, expert advice, and many other benefits. Most people have an idea in their mind of someone they would like to be stranded with... But who would be the most entertaining person to be on a desert island with?

Question 37

What's The First Priority - Finding A Way Off The Island, Or Learning How To Survive On The Island?

As soon as we arrive on a desert island, we're presented with an interesting choice. On the one hand, it might be immediately tempting to simply swim back out into the ocean, and try to escape. Most people would want to try to get off the island as soon as possible, even with very little planning. Others would accept the reality of the situation they've found themselves in, and focus instead on actually setting up camp, finding food, and learning how to survive on this desert island. It's an interesting choice...

Question 38

What's Better - A Dry Desert Island Or A Humid Island?

Climate is everything when it comes to surviving on a desert island. Sometimes, it's not the predators or the lack of food that makes us lose our minds. It's the actual climate, the temperature, and the weather. These are things we absolutely cannot control, and we're completely at the mercy of mother nature. But what if we COULD choose the climate of the desert island we find ourselves stranded on? Would it be better to live on a very dry island, or a humid one?

Question 39

Is It Better To Be Bored On A Desert Island, Or Constantly Fighting For Survival?

Boredom is one of the biggest issues when we find ourselves stranded on a desert island. But is it really the biggest issue of all? Is it better than constantly being forced to fight for our survival? At the end of the day, it's all down to personal preference. Some people might actually appreciate the challenge of constantly being busy with survival related things. Others might actually be fine with just lying around on the beach for months on end. So which option is actually better?

Question 40

Is It Better To Be Stranded Alone On A Desert Island, Or With Way Too Many People For Comfort?

Believe it or not, some people might actually enjoy being stranded alone on a desert island. These are people who are generally referred to as "introverts." Some people might enjoy being alone, whereas other will prefer to be stranded with a large crowd of people. But what if that large crowd of people is actually way too large for comfort? Imagine being stranded with such a large crowd that no one has any space on a desert island! That wouldn't be so good!

Question 41

Rather Get Stranded With A Huge Suitcase Of Random Things, Or A Tiny Bag Of Useful Items?

Sometimes, survival depends on what we manage to bring with us on our adventure. People who are survivalists usually bring with them an entire backpack full of dedicated survival tools. But for people who are stranded on a desert island, they don't have time to pack with them all the essentials for survival. Instead, they are stuck with whatever's in their suitcase at the time. What's better, to have a suitcase full of random items? Or a small bag of items that are actually useful?

Question 42

Rather Climb A Mountain To Wave To A Passing Plane, Or Swim Out To Sea In Order To Get A Ship's Attention?

When stranded on a desert island, one of the best ways to get rescued is to get the attention of a plane or a boat that's passing by. But this is much easier said than done. Most boats and planes pass by desert islands without giving it too much of a second thought. Think about it. Anyone waving their arms around on a desert island would be very hard to spot. It would take someone who is purposely looking down there to see anything. That being said, is it better to swim out to sea to get a boat's attention, or stand on a mountain to flag down a plane?

Question 43

Is It Better To Explore The Entire Island, Or Stick To One Small Area?

Exploring the island might seem like a pretty awesome idea. However, exploring comes with its fair share of dangers and downsides. Yes, you might be able to find food, resources, and even a way off the island. But is it really worth the risk? What if you wander into a snake pit? What if a group of baboons decide that you would make a tasty snack? What if you fall into a volcano? Exploring definitely comes with its fair share of dangers. But some people might think those dangers are worth the risk.

Question 44

What's The Most Useful Gadget To Have While Stranded On A Desert Island?

Certain gadgets are obviously very useful when it comes to survival. In fact, it makes us wonder how on Earth people managed to survive in the wild WITHOUT these gadgets back in the day. Everyone has a different opinion about what the most valuable gadget is to bring to a desert island. It really depends on what you view as the main priority. Is the main priority navigation? Or is it more to do with cooking and food? It's an interesting question, so what if you could only bring one thing?

Question 45

What Are The Most Important Features To Mark When Creating A Map Of The Island?

After a few months of living on a desert island, you might feel like you need to actually map out the terrain, and figure out where the various features are. This is a pretty valuable thing to do, especially if you want to navigate around the island quickly. It's also just another great way to pass the time. Boredom is of course a major issue with being stranded on a desert island, and this actually gives us something to do and put our focus towards.

Question 46

What Would Convince Someone To STAY On An Island, And Never Want To Be Rescued?

Is it even possible? Is there a reality out there where you might NOT want to be rescued? Desert island might seem like paradises to certain people. After all, many of us pay large sums of money to go on vacations to places just like this! Sure, we might not have all the luxuries of an expensive resort. But there are plenty of things that might tempt us to stay. After all, getting back in touch with nature can be a wonderful thing. But what would tempt YOU to stay on a desert island?

Question 47

Pick An Attention Grabbing Color For A Rescue Flag

How does one get the attention of a plane? It's definitely hard to do. Some people might write giant signs in the sand. Others might simply jump up and down while waving their arms around. But perhaps one of the best methods is actually a good old-fashioned flag. Flags can be a great way to get attention of flying planes, and they're easy to construct from rags and other fabrics. But does color play an important role? Probably. So what color is best to make a flag?

Question 48

What Kind Of Vehicle Would Be The Ideal Rescuer?

After we've been stranded for months or even years on a desert island, it doesn't really matter what kind of vehicle finally rescues you. As long as you're getting back to civilization, it might as well be an old fishing boat for all we care. But let's say we DID have the ability to choose how we were rescued. What vehicle would be the best option? How cool would it be to be rescued by a cruise ship? Or what about a private jet? There are tons of options out there, but which one is the best?

Question 49

Rather Be Stranded On A Big Island Or A Small One?

There are tons of different types of islands out there. Some are cold and icy. Others are humid and baking hot. Some have tons of animals. Others have hardly any animals at all. Some islands are big, and some islands are actually very small. But which type of island would you rather be stranded on? A small one, or a big one? A big island might have more resources... But it might also have more potential threats. A smaller island might be "cozier" and easier to live on... But it might have less resources...

Question 50

What Kind Of Shoes Are Best For Surviving A Desert Island?

Footwear is very important when it comes to surviving a desert island. Think about how much your feet are going to be subjected to rough terrain and all kinds of weather! There's not going to be any soft carpets or even concrete flooring... That's why it's so important to pick the right shoes. But what ARE the best shoes to use when exploring and surviving on a desert island? It's a question that many of our readers might never have asked themselves...

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