Can Pennywise Guess Your Greatest Fear? Take The Quiz!

What is your deepest, darkest fear?

What truly lingers in the depths of your mind's eye and makes your blood run cold. What terrifying, twisted thing lurks below and creeps into your nightmares when you least expect it? Fear is a very powerful emotion and one that's shared with everyone on the planet in some form or another, whether it's fear of being confined in a tight space, drowning or even clowns. So what's your worst nightmare? Let's find out! If you have the guts to peer into your psyche to see what truly makes you squirm, read on, but beware- you can never unknow what you discover!

Let Pennywise the Clown, the living, breathing embodiment of what uniquely makes you squirm and cower under the covers, be your guide on this journey into self from which there is no return! What color is your balloon? Is it terror at the thought of the monster under the bed, fear of dizzying heights, or perhaps hysteria at the thought of creepy crawling spiders converging on you in the night. Pennywise will pick your poison when you answer the following thirty-five questions and discover what it is that stops you dead in your tracks...

Question 1

Are You Afraid Of The Dark?

Do you shiver when the lights go dim? Are you far into your adulthood and still need to leave the bathroom light on (no judgment)? On a scale of 1-10 rate how scared you get when it's pitch black.

Question 2

Who Do You Identify With Most In IT?

Bam! You're suddenly lost in the movie "IT" and have replaced your favorite character in the epic battle between a band of rag-tag schoolkids and a murderous monster. Whose shoes have you jumped into? Tell us below!

Question 3

You Get A Cold And Your First Thought Is....

You wake up with a stuffy head and a scratchy throat. What happened? Before you reach for the kleenex and cough drops, a thought runs through your mind. Where did this cold come from? What's the logical conclusion?

Question 4

Rainy Days Are Good For….

It's Saturday and you're stuck in the middle of an epic rainstorm with no signs of stopping, and you had planned to hit the beach for some sun and fun today! Oh well, what else are rainy days good for in your opinion?

Question 5

What’s Worse, Being Stabbed Or Being Shot?

This is one of those scenarios with no good answer, but let's play along, shall we? You're being cornered by a crazed maniac with a gun and a knife and he's going to use one of them! If you absolutely had to choose between being stabbed or being shot, what would you choose?

Question 6

What Is Lurking In The Dark?

There's something there, you can hear it breathing. It's right at the foot of your bed waiting for you to crack open one eye and confront it. You can't hide under the covers forever! What do you see?

Question 7

Clowns Are…

They're the cute little ambassadors of circuses, right? They can make a wonderous animal out of a little balloon right before your very eyes! But, what's really lurking below that makeup? Is the smile for real, or is there murder in those eyes? Fill in the blank. Clowns are....

Question 8

What's Worse?

Here's another tricky one where there's no good answer! You need to choose between two horrible options, the monster under the bed or the monster in the closet. Which one would you rather confront in the dead of night?

Question 9

What Happens If You Get Sucked Into The Sewer?

In this worse case scenario, nobody comes out a winner, so it's up to you to guess what the most logical nightmare outcome would be if you got sucked into the swirling, stinking, dark depths of the sewer.

Question 10

The Scariest Animal Is....

Here's another one that tests your personal preference and peeks into your psyche for a true look at what will scare the bejesus out of you! Which one of these animals makes your blood run cold and makes you want to run for the hills? (hopefully, it's not faster than you!)

Question 11

Let's Play 'Would You Rather'

Here's a fun game! Would you rather have to put your hand in a dark, mysterious hole...or eat a mysterious stew with clumps of stuff you definitely don't recognize? Either way, we're scared of the unknown, but which is worse?

Question 12

What Real Life Serial Killer Gives You The Willies?

History is riddled with horrible and sadistic human beings who wrought panic and terror among their fellow citizens! From the twisted death hotel of H.H. Holmes to Jeffrey Dahmer, the depths of human cruelty are as vast as the ocean.

Question 13

In High School, Were You A Popular Kid Or An Outcast?

Let's kick it back to high-school where we can get a true read on what makes your blood turn cold. This is an easy one, but make sure you answer honestly for a true diagnosis of your deepest fear.

Question 14

The Ocean Is...

You love getting your dose of Vitamin Sea and chilling out on dreamy tropical islands, but there's also that flip side to the ocean; the dark, impenetrable depths where huge creatures of the deep dwell. What is your take on the ocean?

Question 15

Your Favorite Part Of The Circus Is....

Another fill in the blank to get you one step closer to understanding your greatest fear! Pennywise knows you love the circus, with its bright lights, wonderful costumes, and dancing animals, so tell us what your favorite part is!

Question 16

What's Worse?

Tell Pennywise which common fear has you squirming in your seat with just the thought. Don't worry. With either of these, you're in good company, so choose wisely and honestly and let us get a glimpse into the darkest regions of your soul.

Question 17

Haunted Houses Are...

Does the sight of a haunted house on Halloween fill you with delight and excitement, or cold dread? Do you eagerly confront what lurks in those desolate and condemned rooms, or will you stay away- thank you very much?

Question 18

Would You Rather Be Alone Or With People You Didn’t Like?

Some people relish being alone. It's a great chance to recharge and look at things from a new perspective, but too much alone can be not fun at all! If the only alternative was to be with people you didn't like, what would you choose?

Question 19

What Are Your Worst Nightmares About?

We've all had them. You wake up in a cold sweat and panic because of some horrible thing that your mind's eye has conjured up. Once you shake off the terror, you realize that it was only a dream, but it felt so real. What are your worst nightmares about?

Question 20

In A Horror Movie Would You Survive Or Die?

You're trapped in a horror movie and the only two ways out are to survive until the bloody and terrible end or to die. Would you be the last one standing, or would you succumb to the killer long before the credits rolled?

Question 21

Do You Like Popcorn?

We're talking buttery, salty, delicious movie popcorn here- the kind that you eat in big handfuls. Do you find it delicious or not quite to your taste? What's your stance on popcorn? Pennywise wants to know, so tell us below!

Question 22

How Do You Feel About Underground Caves?

Are underground caves your personal playground for fun and exploration, or places to be avoided at all costs? If you would gladly leap into the unknown and explore the underground regions of the world, or not, tell us yes or no below!

Question 23

What Do You Do When You See A Pack Of Wild Dogs?

Oh no! There's a giant pack of wild dogs and they're headed your way. Maybe they see something right behind you that looks like a tasty lunch, or maybe you are the lunch! What do you do? What do you do?!

Question 24

Frankenstein Or Dracula?

There's a big, bad monster in your midst and it's up to you to take them out! This scenario calls for a ton of bravery but there's one option that's better than the other. If you had to fight Frankenstein or Dracula which one would you choose?

Question 25

What Keeps You Up At Night?

This deceptively simple question actually gives us a lot of insight into what the inner workings of your mind are, so let Pennywise peer inside to see what keeps you from getting a solid eight hours of beauty sleep at night!

Question 26

What Would You Do On The Titanic?

The doomed ocean liner is sinking and she's going down fast! People are panicking all around you, trying to get into the lifeboats before they're flung into the chilly ocean. If you were aboard the Titanic would you elbow for a lifeboat or wait your turn?

Question 27

What's Worse?

You need to choose between the ultimate predator of the land and the ultimate predator of the sea for this question. Do you fear the elusive jungle tiger or the deepwater killing machine that is the shark? What's worse? Tell us below.

Question 28

You're Trapped In An Elevator With...

Being trapped in an elevator is never good under any circumstances, but it's even worse when you're with one of the most notorious serial killers ever! There's no good option here, but you have to choose one!

Question 29

What's That Noise?

You've just got all snuggled up in your bed when you hear it; a strange hissing sound that bounces off the walls and jolts you upright. What can it be? Your mind leaps to all sorts of options but there's only one logical conclusion...

Question 30

What's Worse?

Another what's worse to test the depths of your fear, courtesy of Pennywise. This time we're asking you to choose between two nightmare scenarios; being trapped in the middle of the ocean or being kidnapped? Both are bad. Which one is worse?

Question 31

Would You Ever Eat Mystery Meat?

You're so hungry that you could eat... anything? If you happen to come across a sketchy street vendor or something that's been at the 7-11 a bit too long to be totally safe, would you ever consider eating it?

Question 32

Trekking Alone In the Wilderness Is....

This is a fill in the blank that separates the outdoorsy folks from the not-so-outdoorsy folks so choose and choose wisely. Is a wander through the woods a tranquil experience or something that invokes terror in your heart?

Question 33

Do You Like Scary Movies?

What's your favorite scary movie? Just kidding... well, not really. If the star of your must-see flick is none other than the murderous clown who is peering into your soul at this very second, let us know below!

Question 34

What Villian Scared You The Most As A Kid?

Your impressionable little mind quaked at the thought of something, so what was it? Out of all the scary monsters in the world, which one terrified your child self? Childhood is where all of our fears often begin, so choose wisely!

Question 35

What Do You Think About The Sight Of Your Own Blood?

Are you squeamish or stoic when it comes to facing down the sight of your own blood? Does a papercut make you go faint, or would you be able to deal with an arterial burst with calmness and efficiency? Answer below!

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