Take This Quiz And We'll Tell You Which Sex And The City Hunk You'd Marry

Sex and the City was an awesome TV show that swiftly grew a following of fans worldwide. Who didn’t love tuning into it and seeing what Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, and Charlotte got up to? Who doesn't love tuning into reruns? Of course, while we loved seeing the interesting situations that the four characters got into in each episode, we also loved the show for the seriously cute guys that constantly appeared in it.

Since the show focused on four single women (or at least, it did at the start of the show), we got to see each one of them go on numerous dates. Most of the guys the four characters dated were very cute and we were heartbroken every time Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte or Miranda broke up with a serious hunk.

We all had our favorite guy on the show – we rooted for him and his lady and we were heartbroken if he was written off the show. We fervently hoped he’d be brought back. Alas, that almost never happened.

So, take this quiz and find out which Sex and the City hunk you'd get matched with. Will it be the guy you fancied and were rooting for? Or will it be someone else?

Question 1

How/where do you meet a new guy?

In our day and age there are numerous ways to meet guys. If dating a colleague doesn't appeal to you, you could always meet guys on Tinder. You could also meet guys the old fashioned way – at bars and nightclubs. Of course, romantics only believe in meeting through fate, whether it’s bumping into him on the street or meeting him in a bookshop.

Question 2

What are you most obsessed with?

We’re all obsessed with something. Life without any goals or challenges would simply not be fun or interesting. So whether your obsession is furthering your career or finding true love, we all have aspirations for the foreseeable future. What is your biggest aspiration?

Question 3

How would you describe your style?

We all dress in a specific way. Some of us prefer to always look put-together, while some of us hate the idea of “trying too hard”. Still others don racy dresses and low-cut (but tasteful) tops that reveal our best assets. How would you describe your style? Are you looking to impress others or is your comfort more important to you?

Question 4

What are you most likely to be doing in the evening?

For most of us, evenings are for relaxing and taking it easy after a long day of working or studying. Some prefer to take advantage of the long hours in the evenings to catch up with work or study. Still others might spend their evenings working out. And then there are those who’ll dedicate evenings to guys and having fun.

Question 5

Do you ever want to get married?

For some people, marriage is the ultimate goal in life. These people spend their life looking for the perfect partner and they are certain that they will spend an eternity together. However, while some love the idea of marriage, others hate it. For them, it is an unnecessary commitment. So what do you think of marriage?

Question 6

Your friend just announced that she is engaged. You:

Engagements lead to marriage. While some people may be genuinely happy for those who recently got engaged, others may feel sorry for them. A person's outlook on engagements depends on their thoughts on marriage. If your friend announced that she just got engaged, how would you feel?

Question 7

Choose a career that most appeals to you:

Choosing a career is no easy feat. It is an inevitable part of growing up and we usually make the choice while we’re still at school. In addition, in a lot of cases our first job will determine the career path that we will ultimately take. Of course, that is not to say that we can’t change our career whenever we want to, even if it is difficult to do so.

Question 8

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Love at first sight – most people either hate or love the idea of falling in love at first sight. Some believe in the idea wholeheartedly. Others think that love at first sight is nonsense. Where do you stand on love at first sight? Are you a believer? Or do you think it is a myth? Or, perhaps you believe in attraction at first sight which can then develop into love?

Question 9

Your ideal partner is:

Whether we confess to it or not, we all have an image of our ideal partner in our heads. This image is made up of physical attributes and their personality type, and other qualities we deem important, such as kindness and wittiness. Out of the four descriptions below, which one most resembles your idea of an ideal partner?

Question 10

Your partner won’t give you enough personal space. You:

Personal space is very important in a relationship. However, it is also a tricky topic. While some of us may find the thought of spending every hour of every day alongside our partner, our partner may find the thought revolting, and not because he doesn’t care about us but purely because he needs more "alone" time than you do.

Question 11

Your friend is having a baby/ just had a baby. You:

Some people want to have kids and others don’t. While you may love your own children, you may not necessarily care about the children of your friends. The opposite is also true, you may really love and care for your friend’s children, taking her children to the zoo on a regular basis while you have no desire at all to have your own children.

Question 12

A guy you’re seriously dating suggests you go to his log cabin for a break away. You:

Do you like spending time outside? If so, you’d probably be ecstatic if a guy you were seriously dating was similarly outdoorsy and offered to take you to his log cabin for a weekend away. Together you could go on hikes and cut logs. But if you’re not into outdoors then the idea of going away to the countryside for a whole weekend will probably upset and repulse you.

Question 13

What do you spend most of your money on?

We all have things we have a weakness for. Whether it is shoes, food or racy lingerie, it is easy to blow money on things that seemingly don’t matter but that we simply can’t resist. What is your biggest weakness, at least when it comes to material goods? Is it shoes? Art? Sexy lingerie? Or maybe food? We promise we won’t judge!

Question 14

Choose a hobby that most appeals to you from the below options:

We all have hobbies – activities that brighten our everyday lives and which basically make our lives more bearable. Hobbies allow us to meet new people, expand our skills and learn something new. So what is your hobby? What do you do for fun? Do you go shopping? Do you meet new people (and new guys)? Do you daydream?

Question 15

Which stereotype do you find yourself falling for over and over again?

Stereotypes are just that, stereotypes – very often, they’re not exactly true. However, every stereotype has a little bit of truth in it. And we all tend to fall for the same stereotype over and over again in our romantic lives. So, which stereotype do you find yourself most attracted to? The charmer? Or maybe the good guy?

Question 16

A guy can’t afford a nice suit to go to an important function with you. What do you do?

Imagine this: you have been invited to an important function. You are seeing a great guy whom you really like. The only thing is: the function you’re going to is quite formal, requiring expensive clothes. Your guy is not exactly rich and he can’t afford a nice suit. The suit he has is absolutely awful. What do you do?

Question 17

A guy you really like keeps leading you on. You:

We have all been in that situation: a guy you really like seems to like you too but he is unwilling to commit. But he doesn’t want to lose you so he keeps leading you on, calling you whenever it suits him and ignoring you when he doesn’t feel like talking to you or seeing you. You’re growing pretty tired of the seemingly hopeless situation. What do you do?

Question 18

Your perfect first date would be:

We all have an idea of what that “perfect first date” would be. Of course, our expectations are rarely met – after all, no guy can read our mind and he may very well have a different opinion of what a perfect date should be like. Still, we go on hoping that someday we will be brought on a perfect first date. And when that’ll happen, we’ll know we have met the One.

Question 19

How much time would have to pass before you would know you’ve met Mr. Right and that you should marry him?

Some people meet the right person straight away – they go on their very first date and they get lucky – they meet their soul mate and they get married. However, most of us are never that sure – after all, it is hard to know whether the person we are seeing is the One. Time can usually tell, but how much time should you give?

Question 20

Finish the sentence. Life is...

Some people love life. Some people hate life. The former are usually optimists. The latter are usually pessimists. Life can mean different things to different people and the way we view life depends not only on our mood but also on our circumstances. So, what is life to you?

Question 21

Showing affection in public is:

We have all seen people who love PDA. Some find this public display of affections disturbing and gross. Others think it is sweet and can’t wait to do the same. What about you? Do you think that showing affection in public is okay? Or do you hate those who exhibit personal affection in public and wish they’d get a room?

Question 22

Do you prefer younger or older guys?

Many factors come into play when we choose our romantic partners. We want our potential lovers to exhibit certain qualities, and in most cases, we want them to be of a certain age – whether older or younger, depending on our preference. Do you prefer guys that are younger or older than you? Or perhaps your ideal lover is the same age as you?

Question 23

What would be a deal breaker for you?

There are certain things that are considered “deal breakers” in a relationship – those annoying little habits that our partners have that we know we’ll never be able to change. It could be clinginess, age, inaptitude in bed or any other factor. What would be a deal breaker for you?

Question 24

Would you ever go to a psychic?

Fortune telling is a lucrative business – who doesn’t want to glimpse into their future? However, while some wholeheartedly believe, others are totally against the idea of paying someone to predict their future. These people would not even go to a psychic even if it were free. Would you ever visit a psychic?

Question 25

A guy you really like doesn’t seem to notice you. What do you do?

Sometimes the people we really like don’t seem to notice that we exist. Suppose you really like a guy who doesn’t notice. You know you must do something. But what? Would you try to accidentally run into him? Would you show up at his place of work? Would you simply try to forget him? Or would you decide that if it’s meant to be, it’ll be?

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