This 2 Minute Quiz Will Guess Your Birthstone

Do you believe in the power of birthstones?

Birthstones are gems and since the 1st century A.D these stones have been associated with special powers. There is a birthstone for each month of the year, unlike the zodiac signs which run between different months. For example, if you are a February baby your birthstone would be the striking purple amethyst. If you were born in April, you'd be even luckier - your stone is the most brilliant and converted of them all: the diamond!

Over the years the stones which represent each month of the year have been slowly standardized. In the past, your birthstone would have been dependent on where you were born but today the list is pretty much the same all over the world.

Each stone on this very special list has been chosen not only for its beauty but also for the unique properties associated with it. Some people even believe that these gems have metaphysical properties that can be tapped into by wearing them in jewelry, pendants or talismans.

Today we want to see if we can guess your birthstone based on your personality. All you need to do is pick your favorite things and we'll tell you which stone is yours!

Question 1

What was your fav movie of 2017?

Everyone loves movies and by now you should have had the chance to watch quite a few of the 2017 releases. We know there were so many great movies that came out last year but if you had to choose which did you enjoy the most?

Question 2

Who was the best James Bond?

It's easily one of the most successful and longest-running movie series of all time; the exploits of super-spy and ladies man: James Bond. Many men have taken on the role of the smooth martini drinking gentleman spy over the years but who do you think did it best?

Question 3

What's your favorite season?

Each season is beautiful in its own way but everyone has one time of year that they look especially forward to. Which is it for you? Long sunny summer days? The falling leaves of autumn? Or maybe the warmth of a fire on a cold winter night?

Question 4

Your favorite social media platform?

Social media has connected the world in a way it's never been joined together before and of course, it has its pros and cons. Social media is great for sharing but it can also lead to unhappiness when we use it too much.

Question 5

Your favorite soda?

When you're looking for a little pick me, nothing quite compares to an ice-cold soda, right? And when it comes to soda, everyone has their favorite flavor. Which is it for you? The sugar rush of Coke perhaps? Or do you prefer sugar-free?

Question 6

Your favorite form of exercise?

Exercise is essential for a healthy body and mind but for some of us, it takes more motivation to get going than others. You know you have to exercise to keep yourself in peak condition, so how do you like to break a sweat?

Question 7

Your favorite type of pet?

Most people, unless their lifestyles or health strictly prohibit it, like to have a pet in their lives. A pet can be a companion and some studies even suggest that owning a pet can help reduce stress and improve health. Which furry (or feathery, or scaly) friend is your fav?

Question 8

Your favorite movie genre?

Who doesn't like watching movies? That's right - no-one! Everyone enjoys snuggling on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and enjoying a few Hollywood-type thrills every now and again. When it comes to movies, do you have a favorite genre?

Question 9

Your favorite type of music?

Does your life have a soundtrack? Do you have a favorite artist or music genre that you turn to when you need to lift your mood? What type of music would you say best represents your personality and the way you feel about life?

Question 10

Your fav TV show?

After a hard day slaving away behind your desk (or whatever it is that you do) there's nothing quite like coming home, ordering a pizza, and settling down for a few episodes of your favorite series. Which one are you obsessed with right now?

Question 11

Your favorite type of weather?

Hot sunny days are great for fun outdoor activities but every type of weather has something special to offer us. Which kind of conditions do you like the most? Would you take a snowy winter day over a hot one or the other way around?

Question 12

Your favorite mode of transport?

Most of us need to travel every day but that doesn't mean we always use the mode of transport that we most enjoy. If money wasn't a problem, how would you always like to travel? By land? Sea? Or even air?

Question 13

How do you like to de-stress?

Life is stressful, make no mistake. Between family, money, work, friends, and everything else, it can feel like we are moving at a breakneck pace. How do you like to slow things down? What's your fav way to relax?

Question 14

Your fav actor right now is....

Hollywood is a fickle place, and the list of who is hot and who is not is constantly changing. Right now, based on their films, these actors are hot commodities, but which of these leading men would you say is your favorite?

Question 15

Your fav actress right now is...

Hollywood actresses: women want to be them and men just want to be with them. It's not as easy as it seems to get to the top but these talented hotties have managed to do it. Which of them are you crushing on right now?

Question 16

Your favorite take out food?

Not everyone likes to go home after work and still cook a fresh, healthy meal but luckily, you don't have to. You can just as easily get a takeaway although it's not always as healthy. What is your favorite fast food?

Question 17

Your favorite action star is?

Action heroes always capture our imagination with their toned bodies and crazy antics. There's no such thing as an action movie without a ripped hero, right? Who is your fav action star right now? Who's got your attention?

Question 18

What's your fav type of gift to receive?

Everyone likes receiving gifts, as long as it's not something boring! But everyone has their own tastes when it comes to gifts and only those who really know us can pick just the right thing. What's your idea of the perfect gift?

Question 19

Your favorite fantasy creature?

The real world is full of worries so who can blame us for wanting to escape into fantasy realms, filled with mysterious dream-like creatures? In these worlds, the only limit is our own imagination. Which one of these creatures do you like best?

Question 20

Your favorite fabric is?

We encounter fabric all the time in our daily lives - from our bedding and clothing to the chairs we sit in. But as you know there are some textures that feel so much better than others. What is your favorite?

Question 21

Your favorite funny man?

Is there anything more important than having a good belly laugh every now and again? What else can make you feel so good, so quickly? These comedians all have the ability to bring on crazed laughing fits but who is your favorite?

Question 22

Your dream holiday destination?

If there's one thing everyone can agree it's that we all need more holidays right? A few weeks a year is just not enough! If money wasn't a factor, where would you be heading off to next? Which of these dreamy destinations?

Question 23

Your favorite dessert?

Dessert is usually eaten after meals but let's be honest - there's never a bad time for a sweet treat is there? Because we all love that sugar high! Which of these desserts will you pick off the menu time and time again?

Question 24

What's your favorite hot drink?

Hot drinks do so much more than just warm us up. That first warm drink in the morning is sometimes all we need to help us get ready to face the day. Which of these hot drinks could you do with right about now?

Question 25

What's your favorite romantic gesture?

Is there anything headier than falling in love? Of course, there is; having that person feeling the same way about you! When someone wants to show you they feel about you, what's your favorite form of romantic gesture?

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