Tell Us What You're Afraid Of And We'll Guess Your Age

Fear is a tricky thing. We are all afraid of something different, and we aren’t really sure of the trigger behind it. Whether you are afraid of spiders, the dark, or even your boss, we have different things that set us off for different reasons. Sometimes it depends on our age group too. If you are younger, you might be afraid of things like your friends talking behind your back, but if you are a little older you might be afraid of things that affect your family rather than things that only affect yourself. It could depend on what stage of life you are in.

Fear is very unpredictable. One thing that sets someone else off might not affect someone else whatsoever. Say the unknown really makes you weary, someone else might see it as an adventure or a new chapter in life. Snakes might be terrifying to someone, but might be awesome to look at to someone else. Fire might really scare the pants off of one person, but might be something someone else studies—it all depends. Based off your fears, I bet we can tell you how old you are. Take our quiz to figure out what your fears reveal about your age.

Question 1


Spiders are known for be terrifying because...look at them...they have eight eyes and eight legs for crying out loud! That just isn't natural! It should not happen! Sure, a lot of them are in all reality harmless, but they still look like they could totally destroy you without a problem. No thanks.

Question 2


Okay, let's point out that some bats carry rabies, which is arguably scarier that the bat itself. No one wants anyone in their family or themselves to get sick with that. In all reality though, bats aren't always so bad, they are just living their lives and some are actually cute.

Question 3

Poor performance in your job

Poor performance in your job is not a good thing, especially when your boss points it out. No one wants to hear their boss telling them that they really need to do better. You want to be praised for a job well done. Everyone that has a job fears having their boss yell at them.

Question 4

Friends talking behind your back

Friends talking behind your back isn't so fun. You don't like that they are saying mean things about you, and that is understandable. Who wants people to be talking poorly about them? No one. it also makes you wonder if you are about to lose your friends, which isn't a good feeling.

Question 5

Your parents

Of course you love your parents, but are you sometimes freaked out by them. You are always looking to impress them, and when you drop the ball, you don't want to hear what they have to say that is for sure. Some times their yelling really freaks you out.

Question 6


Knives are one of those kitchen essentials that really could take a turn for the worst. One second you could be chopping ingredients for dinner, and the next you could be missing a finger. Not to mention that kids could really could get themselves into some trouble with them.

Question 7


Guns can be particularly scary for a family with young kids. You do not want you kids stumbling on that because that can result in devastation. Guns are really dangerous no matter what age group you are in, so you really have to be careful to store them properly.

Question 8

Your boss

Your boss can be kind of scary especially if they are prone to yelling around all of the time. No one wants to deal with that, but if you are going to present in front of them and are just waiting to be yelled at that is not a good feeling to walk into. A boss can be really scary.

Question 9


Death can be scary because it is the unknown. We don't know what is going to happen after this life, and that could be enough to really freak people out. It isn't a good feeling to not know the answers, so it could be hard. Plus, it is going to happen to all of us eventually.

Question 10

The dark

The dark is scary because you can't see what is going on around around you. you are vulnerable to your surroundings and that is not a good feeling. What if someone is lurking in the shadows waiting for you? You just never know, but you aren't taking any chances.

Question 11


Grasshoppers can be kind of creepy because they are such big bugs...and they jump! NO! On the other hand, some people actually eat grasshoppers, which is absolutely crazy to many people especially in the United States and Canada. They aren't the most fun bugs to fun into, but they are pretty harmless.

Question 12


Snakes aren't everyone's favorite for a number of reasons. For one, they slither. Second of all, they bite. Not cool. Snakes are a curious creature because some have venom where others smother their victims. On the other hand, many are pretty harmless. It's hard to tell which are which though.

Question 13


Failure is hard because it could happen to anyone. You want to do your best, but sometimes you just aren't going to win at some things and that is just the way it is. As hard as you try, it just isn't going to work out for you. It can be hard to accept, and it can be scary, but you have to roll with the punches and learn from it.

Question 14


Shots can be scary because they are just intimidating. One second you are sitting and talking to the doctor, and the next they are jamming this needle into your arm, not fun. Not to mention, you could hurt for a few days afterward, who wants to deal with that? No one as far as I'm concerned.

Question 15

The doctor

The doctor could be pretty scary because you can never tell what they are going to say to you. One second you could feel fine, but the next they could be telling you that you have a serious medical condition. Sure, they are there to help you, but they don't always have the best news to give you.

Question 16

Getting old

Getting old can be scary because health problems become a real issue. All of a sudden taking care of yourself isn't so easy. In fact, all of the things you took for granted in your younger years become harder. it's not an easy thing to go through. Plus death creeps closer.

Question 17


Heights are scary because obviously you can fall. That wouldn't be a great way to go. you actually would have time to think about your death as you are plummeting. Not a super great thing. Plus looking down while you are way up high doesn't sit well with a whole lot of people either.

Question 18

Public Speaking

Public speaking is hard because everyone is staring at you. You are the center of attention, and it could be a lot of people you are speaking in front of. What if they all start laughing at you, or don't like what you are saying? That would be horrible. You have to practice hard to make sure you really nail it.

Question 19


Divorce can be hard because it leaves you all alone after trusting someone with all of your heart. You could be with someone for a really long time and all of a sudden they just take off on you. Not good. It can be hard to open your heart to someone to begin with, but with this fear looming in the background it's even harder.

Question 20


Blood can be freaky because it is coming out of your body. No one wants to see themselves injured, it can be really scary. Especially if it is a lot of blood. if you cut an artery, it could really be a ton of blood coming out. You could suffer a lot of blood loss and get really sick. No one wants that.

Question 21


Some people are really bothered by silence because they feel it is overly awkward in a conversation. What if the other person is mad at them? God forbid if your friends are mad at you. Chances are you are over exaggerating the entire situation, but you just never know. You can never be too careful.

Question 22


Fire can be scary because it could burn down your house and really hurt you and your family. You don't want that to happen. Fire is pretty unforgiving if it just happens randomly. It does a lot of damage if it tears through wildlife. It is not a good thing if it isn't contained. You really have to be careful.

Question 23

The ocean

The ocean is very unknown. One second you can be swimming and having a good time, and the next you could be caught in an undertow. It is very easy to drown in the ocean if you aren't careful. Plus there are some pretty dangerous creatures swimming around in there that can catch you off guard.

Question 24


Sharks can really do some major damage if you aren't careful when swimming around in the ocean. One second you could be having a good time, and the next you could have a big bite taken out of you. The good thing is that it doesn't happen too often. Still though, it's not a good situation to get into.

Question 25


Disease is tough because many people get sick, but you just can't control it. You can't spend your whole life hiding from disease, or you will be miserable forever. There are too many awful diseases out there to be running away from them. The best thing you can do is take every day one day at a time.

Question 26


Tornados can be really scary because they do so much damage so quickly. They have so much power behind them, and they could easily destroy your entire house and devastate your well being in a matter of minutes. It is really sad, especially in some of the middle states.

Question 27


Hurricanes, like tornados, are also really scary because one second you are doing fine and the next your house could be completely devastated. many people have been displaced from their homes because of the workings of hurricanes. it is pretty sad. It takes a long time to get back on your feet too.

Question 28


Homelessness can be scary because you are out on the streets fending for yourself. It is truly scary. No one is helping you. You have to fight for your food, water, showers, and even a place to lay your head down. It is really sad. Every night is spent wandering around trying to find a place to go. Not good.

Question 29


Burglars are scary because you truly don't know if they are armed or not. What if they have a weapon and they want to hurt you. You just don't know. If they come in your house while you are home, you could get really hurt. If you come home afterward, it still could be scary too.

Question 30


Freezing is a slow death, that is why it is so scary. People don't want to be stuck in the cold. It is not a great way to go. Sure it could be better than burning to death, but not a whole lot. getting lost in the cold could be something that really freaks people out, and with good reason too.

Question 31


What is scary about bees is their stinger. No one likes getting hurt by something and bees have the capability of doing it. What's worse is that yellow jackets and wasps have the ability to sting multiple times without dying unlike a simple honey bee. In all reality, they don't do much damage, but it's scary anyway.

Question 32


What scary about witchcraft is the unknown, you don't know if you are awakening something that shouldn't be touched or not. Do the spells work or not? You just never can tell. Heck, it's known that they worship the devil, which isn't a good thing. You really have to be careful when it comes to witchcraft.

Question 33

Large purchases

Large purchases can be scary because of the buyer's remorse. You think you are getting something you want, but you really could be getting something that causes more problems and costs you a lot of money. What if you don't even like the thing you purchased to begin with?

Question 34

Gaining weight

Gaining weight is hard because you don't feel like the best you when you aren't fitting in your clothes anymore. Plus, there are a lot of health issues when it comes to gaining weight. it's not a good thing when you get too heavy. It's always a good thing to keep yourself in shape and not get out of control.

Question 35


Flying is scary because you can be sitting back and enjoying your flight one second, but the next you could be soaring towards the ground. There is no way you are surviving that one. It is very unlikely that anything is going to happen, but if it would the likelihood of survival is very low.

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