Tell Us About Your Kids, And We'll Reveal Your Next Baby's Zodiac Sign

Is there a baby on its way, patiently waiting to appear on Earth from worlds unseen? Maybe you already have a bun in the oven, a future sibling for your current kid(s). Or, maybe this kind of quiz doesn't apply to you at all, and you're just looking for something totally random to help you pass some time at work. In either case, we have the feeling that, since you've made it this far, you're itching for us to reveal your next kid's zodiac sign.

Well, thankfully for you, that's a service that we happen to offer. We have a direct link to the star clusters above - we know which gods of the skies your next children will embody, and we've devised a test to help you find out.

How are we going to reveal this great secret? By having you answer some questions about your kids, of course. The astrology of your eventual newcomer will depend as much on the placement of the stars during their siblings' birth as it does the mating success of a family of Komodo dragons in the late summer. The constellations are inextricably tied to everything in the universe.

So, let's get this show on the road. It's time to find out your next baby's zodiac sign.

Question 1

Do you have trouble putting them to bed?

Some kids are a total piece of cake to put to bed - others cause a riot every single night. When it comes time for bed, does your child give you a hard time? Tell us, and we'll assess your next baby's zodiac sign.

Question 2

Do they get fully immersed in movies?

Since all movies are at least sourced from real world content, the type of movies your kids gravitate toward can say a lot about their character. Think about how immersed your kids get into the movies you put in front of them, and answer accordingly.

Question 3

Are they talkative?

Kids come in all shapes and sizes, and their vocal output tends to range just as widely. Depending on how talkative your kids are, we'll be able to hone in on your next kid's zodiac sign. Are your kids chatterboxes?

Question 4

Do they love magical creatures?

Just as their taste in movies has a say in dictating their character, their preference for magical beasts is just as revelatory. These fantastic creatures come in all assortments, just like kids. Think about it - would your kid love to have a magical beast as a pet?

Question 5

Do they enjoy team sports?

A lot of kids love team sports. They might not have at first, but the experience can grow on a kid once they get the hang of it and start having fun. On the other hand, some kids stay far away from team sports, preferring solo endeavors.

Question 6

Do they love animals?

Most kids are at the very least interested by animals, and many have no aversion to petting one when it's nearby. Then there are some kids who aren't interested in animals, or are even frightened by them. Are your kids into animals?

Question 7

Are they quick to cry?

Kids express their emotions in a variety of ways. Of course, crying is an often visited channel of expression. We believe that the amount of time a child spends crying can point back to their zodiac sign, and to your next baby's.

Question 8

How hard is it to get them to do their homework?

If your child gravitates toward doing their homework as if it's a preferred activity of theirs, you probably have an easier time of weekday afternoons. Because, when children don't like doing their homework, you're usually in for a small-scale war every day.

Question 9

Are they easy to cheer up?

Every kid stumbles eventually, and needs help getting back on their feet. Of course, you're there to guide them and cheer them up when they've been down. But some kids are easier to cheer up than others. How easy is it to put a smile on your kids' faces?

Question 10

Are they fine during visits to the doctor?

For many youngsters, there isn't an outing in the world as nightmarish as paying a visit to the doctor - especially if there's a needle involved! Other kids are too embroiled in their own daydreams to even notice the appointment before it's over.

Question 11

Which of these colors is their favorite?

Colors are deep; some believe there are things going on with color that go way beyond our perception. Colors might be part of the same cosmic structure that patterns the constellations above. Take a look at the following colors, and tell us which one your kids like most.

Question 12

Do they like to read?

When a child is a voracious reader, it's a safe bet to assume that they live in a rich, detailed inner world. Certain zodiac signs like to read more than others. When your kid finds a good book, do they ever put it down?

Question 13

Are they rebellious?

Some kids have a burning rebellious spirit, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. After all, rules are partly there to be broken, and only a rebel can break the rules. Depending on how rebellious your kids are, we'll have a better idea of your next baby's zodiac sign.

Question 14

How hazardous are they?

If your children are super young, you probably spend most of your waking life being spooked out by the possibility of them getting into an electrical outlet. As it turns out, some kids are less hazardous than others. How hazardous are yours?

Question 15

Do they often have bad dreams?

Everyone has a nightmare once in a while. Like everyone else, we have no idea what's going on when dreams and nightmares happen, so we won't go there. But, let us know how often your kids have bad dreams, and we'll try to guess your next youngling's sign.

Question 16

Which of these Disney characters is their favorite?

We all grew up on Disney movies, and that's a trend that doesn't look like it'll be lost as the generations pass. Considering the assortment of Disney characters that your kids have no doubt become acquainted with, which ones are their favorite?

Question 17

Which of these words best describes them?

Of course, it would be impossible to pin down the entire essence of your children on a single word. That's not what we're asking. We're just putting a few adjectives down right here, and asking which of them pertains most closely to your children.

Question 18

Do they prefer physical or mental challenges?

If a child shows physical aptitude, chances are that they'll gravitate more toward sports or other types of physical challenges. If their more brainy, they'll usually go for intellectual or artistic projects. If they're a lucky combination of both, they still might prefer one over the other.

Question 19

Do they share?

Sharing is caring, which is something we've been told time and time again ever since we were the same age as your kids. And of course, some of us had an easier time of learning that lesson than others did.

Question 20

Do they sing along to songs?

For all we know, your child might be the next Madonna or Michael Jackson, bellowing sweet melodies throughout every car ride, going perfectly in tune with the sounds coming out of the radio. Or, your kid might protest all attempts from the family to burst out in song.

Question 21

Which of these outings would your children be most excited about?

Kids love going out and doing things, and it's a love they keep with them into their adult years. We'll lay out a few go-to family activities below, and you can choose which of them your children would be most excited to participate in.

Question 22

Do they get along with children their age?

It's not the end of the world if a child has trouble fitting in with their peers in class. They say introversion breeds creativity after all. If your kids happen to be socialites, they can still find their way to introversion through their own means.

Question 23

Which of these foods is their favorite?

Just like the fully emancipated human beings they eventually grow up to be, kids love them so good food. The food kids love isn't always healthy, but it's always so extraordinarily good. Out of the foods we've laid out below, which do your kids prefer?

Question 24

Do they like the rain?

Whether we like the rain or not, we can all bet on eventual rain, at all times. If your kids enjoy the rain, they probably bug you to go outside with their rain boots as soon as they see the sky darkening.

Question 25

Do they ever ask if you need anything?

Of course, young children aren't expected to be wholly mindful in regards to the needs of others, including their parents. That said, some kids simply come out wanting to care for others. If that's the case, your kid might ask you if you need anything every so often.

Question 26

Do they enjoy dressing up for Halloween?

The form that a child chooses to take on Halloween is indicative of their inner character, in some small, non-scientific way. Have your children's costume preferences changed over the years? Wait, do they even enjoy dressing up in the first place?

Question 27

Are they good listeners?

Even if a kid isn't a good listener early on in life, they always have the opportunity to develop that skill as they grow older. That said, a kid has an easier time with listening later in life when they start with a good foundation.

Question 28

Are they patient when you take them on errands?

A kid who manages to remain patient during an errand run is an absolute godsend for a parent. After all, there's nothing that can sour up a round of groceries quite like an explosive crying scene on all aisle 5.

Question 29

Are they optimistic or pessimistic?

If they're being raised in a healthy environment, most kids gravitate more toward an optimistic mindset than a pessimistic one. However, it's possible that your kids have a darker outlook, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The only way we can ready ourselves for future obstacles is by preparing for them beforehand.

Question 30

Are they shy when meeting new people?

It's common for some kids to turn white as ghost at the thought of meeting new people. They'll hide behind your leg during the introduction, tilting their head toward the ground. Or, maybe your kid is an early social butterfly.

Question 31

Do you have to tell them to brush their teeth, or do they do it themselves?

Some kids need morning and nightly reminders to brush their teeth, others will walk right into the bathroom and do it themselves every single time. And there are some kids who turn the sink on and pretend to brush when really they’re doing nothing!

Question 32

Are they independent for their age?

There are different levels of independence to go with different ages. If your kid can make herself eggs and bacon at 9 years old, that's pretty impressive. Relative to their age, how independent are your children? Let us know, and we'll see if we can assess your upcoming newborn's sign.

Question 33

Do they enjoy video games/technology?

In this technological era, the bizarre tendency for children is to grasp new technologies with relative ease. Who knows what concepts are behind that. When you introduce your children to technologies such as smartphones or self-conducting vacuum cleaners, how do they react?

Question 34

What’s your oldest child's sign?

In the starry expanse of the universe, all things are connected. That means the constellations that form your children are linked to the one that your next baby will belong to. Let us know what your eldest child's sign is.

Question 35

Do they prefer big or small crowds?

Some children thrive in busy, high traffic environments, while others prefer being around a more intimate group, if not left alone entirely. We've reached the last question of our quiz - answer, and we'll finally reveal your next baby's zodiac sign.

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