Quiz: Can You Tell Us If This Character Makes It To The End Of Their Horror Movie?

There's a good argument to be made that no movie fans are as passionate as horror fans. Horror hounds are a special breed, and the fandom that they have for the things the love is often amazing to behold in its intensity and its knowledge.

Of course, even casual horror fans have their own favorite horror movies, and here we're going to showcase a whole bunch of characters from throughout plentiful decades of horror films. Now, while you all likely have your favorite killers (Michael Myers represent, yo!), we're switching the tables a little here.

You see, in this quiz we're going to showcase the victims of the horror world; those poor souls who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, soon finding themselves going up against some unstoppable bogeyman, some undead beast, or some chilling spectre.

What we want you do is pretty simple. All you have to tell us is whether or not the victims featured ahead of you in this quiz managed to successfully navigate the threats that stalked them in their respective movies, in turn making it out of those pictures alive and well.

So, what are you waiting for? Let's see if your horror knowledge is as good as you'd like to think it is.

Question 1

Does Laurie Survive Halloween?

To get this quiz started, we're going to serve up one of the most famous characters in the horror genre: Laurie Strode. As played by Jamie Lee Curtis, Laurie was one of the poor Haddonfield teens stalked by Michael Myers in John Carpenter's iconic Halloween; a movie often revered as the greatest in horror. Thinking back to the 1978 horror favorite though, can you remember whether or not Curtis' Laurie was one of the lucky ones who managed to survive that first entry in the Halloween franchise?

Question 2

Does Lorraine Survive The Conjuring?

In terms of modern horror movies, James Wan's The Conjuring is seen by many to be one of the very best horrors to come around in years. Similarly, the sequel to that picture is also a big favorite of many a horror hound. In that first movie, we saw Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga's Ed and Lorraine Warren called in to help the Perrons with their haunting problem, but did Lorraine end up managing to survive through that first Conjuring film?

Question 3

Does Dick Survive The Shining?

As it happens, right now a sequel to The Shining is in development. It remains unclear whether this picture will actually directly follow any of the movie adaptations of Stephen King's iconic The Shining, but it's in development nonetheless. It will be based on King's own Shining sequel novel, Doctor Sleep, and will largely centre on the adult Danny Torrance and his unique visions. In Stanley Kubrick's The Shining, we saw the young Danny bond with Dick Hallorann - but did Dick survive that film?

Question 4

Does Barry Survive I Know What You Did Last Summer?

As the 1980s drew to a close and the '90s reared its head, the horror genre was in a little bit of a rut. Formulaic, tired efforts were largely the order of the day, and the genre needed a kick in the right direction. Luckily, just such a kick would be around the corner in the mid-'90s, and one such movie that was leading the charge for a new generation was I Know What You Did last Summer. Did Ryan Philippe's Barry survive that film, though?

Question 5

Does Brody Survive Jaws?

Jaws is such an important movie in the history of film. Not only did it launch Steven Spielberg to superstardom, but it's a film that is often cited as being THE movie that launched the very concept of the summer blockbuster. It also happens to be a timeless picture that holds up just as well today as it did upon its initial release over 40 years ago. In that first film, did Roy Scheider's Chief Brody manage to survive his battle with the shark?

Question 6

Does Casey Survive Scream?

While we've already mentioned how the early-'90s was a grim place for the horror genre, we also dropped in how I Know What You Did Last Summer was a key movie in rejuvenating the horror realm for a new generation of fans. But even more important than I Know What You Did Last Summer was Wes Craven's iconic Scream. That film would launch an entire franchise, and one of its big stars was Drew Barrymore. Did Drew's Casey make it out of that first picture alive, though?

Question 7

Does Reggie Survive Phantasm?

We've talked elsewhere in this quiz about modern-day horror icons such as Pinhead, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, and, representing the good guys, Ashley J. Williams. One other nefarious name that you can put in that prestigious group is the infamous Tall Man from the Phantasm series. Sadly, the Tall Man himself, actor Angus Scrimm passed away back in 2016. One of his most famous battles in the first Phantasm movie was against poor Reggie - but did Reggie survive that film?

Question 8

Does Linda Survive Evil Dead?

It seems as if we're running through a literal who's who of horror movies so far in this quiz, and that looks like a trend that's set to continue as we progress through the rest of the questions that lie ahead. And what better all-time horror favorite to take a look at than Sam Raimi's original Evil Dead! We know that Bruce Campbell's Ashley J. Williams makes it out of that first film alive, but how about his girlfriend Linda?

Question 9

Does Clarice Survive The Silence Of The Lambs?

The Silence of the Lambs is a movie that rocked many a viewer to their very core. Upon its release back in 1991, this is a picture that changed the game and almost immediately became the topic of many a watercooler conversation due to its sinister, chilling unravelling. For Jodie Foster's poor Clarice Starling, she is the ominous presence of Hannibal Lecter getting a little too close for comfort, while she also has to track down the twisted Buffalo Bull. Does Clarice survive the film, though?

Question 10

Does Mari Survive The Last House On The Left?

Over the decades, there are certain horror movies that are still thought of in infamy to this very day. Whether that's pictures that were dubbed "video nasties" or just certain other films that were refused a rating in certain countries, some pictures just have a notorious reputation. And one such film is Wes Craven's The Last House on the Left, which shocked audiences upon its initial release back in 1972. In that grim tale, did Sandra Peabody's Mari manage to survive?

Question 11

Does Dr. McAlester Survive Deep Blue Sea?

Right now, it's fair to say that the shark subgenre has been given a new lease of life. For years, we've had awful low-budget fodder such as Two-Headed Shark Attack, Sand Sharks, and Jersey Shore Shark Attack, but recent years have seen a huge rise in quality with efforts like The Reef, Bait, The Shallows, and 47 Meters Down. One of the most enjoyable films in shark movie history though, is Deep Blue Sea. In that film, did Saffron Burrows' Dr. McAlester survive?

Question 12

Does Rosemary Survive Rosemary's Baby?

It doesn't get much more messed up than finding out that the baby you've been carrying for nine months is actually the son of Satan, but that was the case for Mia Farrow's Rosemary Woodhouse in Roman Polanski's 1968 psychological horror, Rosemary's Baby. Rosemary wouldn't actually get full confirmation of this news until she finally gave birth to young Adrian, and that was rightfully a huge, huge moment in this sinister film. Does Rosemary manage to make it out of the movie alive, though?

Question 13

Does Dan Survive Re-Animator?

For Bruce Abbott's Dan, meeting Jeffrey Combs' Herbert West was the day that his life took a huge turn for the worst. From that point on, his life soon became embroiled in West's crazed plans to re-animate dead tissue - i.e. bringing dead people back from their apparent demise. Realising that West is completely unstable, it's down to him and his girlfriend Megan to put a stop to his bonkers schemes. By the time all came to a close, did Dan survive that movie?

Question 14

Does Howie Survive The Wicker Man?

No, no, no, no, NO! We're definitely, definitely, definitely NOT talking about that truly awful Nicolas Cage-starring remake. We mean, bees? Really?!?! Really?!?!?! Just no. Instead, we're talking about Robin Hardy's original The Wicker Man; a timeless classic of the horror genre and filmmaking, period. Taking the lead in that movie was Edward Woodward as the stoic, straight-faced, religious lawman Howie. By the time The Wicker Man comes to its conclusion though, does Howie manage to make it out the film alive?

Question 15

Does Cole Survive The Sixth Sense?

One of the most creepy and unsettling parts of any horror movie is when a child is brought in to the mix. And how can you make that even creepier? Well, how about if that kid kept harping on about how he sees dead people?! That was the case in The Sixth Sense, with Haley Joel Osment starring as the youngster in question, Cole. Now, while Cole saw plenty of dead people during the film, did he manage to make it out of the picture alive?

Question 16

Does Katherine Survive The Omen?

Richard Donner is one of the greatest directors of his generation, and some would even class him as one of the very best directors of all-time. In 1976, he again won plaudits and praise for The Omen. Starring Gregory Peck and Lee Remick as a couple who's son is actually the Antichrist, it was a ground-breaking movie that still holds up as a classic, shocking tale to this very day. By the time all was said and done in the film, though, did Remick's Katherine survive?

Question 17

Does Hicks Survive Aliens?

It's fair to say that the Alien franchise is one of the greatest in horror. Or is that sci-fi? Or is that sci-fi horror? We guess it depends which entry in the series you're watching, although each and every film encompasses plentiful elements of both horror and sci-fi - and many would say that Aliens is the best movie out of the entire bunch. By the time that sequel came to a close though, did Michael Biehn's Hicks manage to survive?

Question 18

Does Tommy Jarvis Survive Friday The 13th: Part VI?

Tommy Jarvis is one of the most popular characters in the entire Friday the 13th franchise. Having debuted as a young boy in Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter, the slightly unhinged Tommy would even go on to try and take on the Jason Voorhees mantle as his own in Friday the 13th: A New Beginning. By the time Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives rolled around, Tommy was a lot more calm and collected - but did he survive that film?

Question 19

Does Wendy Survive The Shining?

There have been plentiful debates over the years on just how close to the source material Stanley Kubrick's adaptation of Stephen King's The Shining is. To be blunt, it's not exactly a precise adaptation, shall we say. So much say, not only would King and Kubrick publicly disagree, King would go on to oversee his own movie adaptation of his novel - even if, truth be told, it wasn't as great of a film as Kubrick's. In Kubrick's The Shining, does Shelley Duvall's Wendy survive?

Question 20

Does Kirsty Survive Hellraiser II?

Much like the classic Universal monster movies of the 1930s made cinematic icons of the likes of Dracula, the Mummy, Frankenstein's Monster, and the rest of the gang, the '70s and '80s spawned a whole host of new horror characters for fans to get behind; names such as Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, and Pinhead. Pinhead, of course, headed up the Hellraiser franchise, but getting to Hellboud: Hellraiser II, did Ashley Laurence's Kirsty manage to make it out of the sequel alive?

Question 21

Does Sheriff Wydell Survive The Devil's Rejects?

Right now, Rob Zombie is in post-production on his third outing for the infamous Firefly family. Following House of 1,000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects, Zombie is now getting ready to serve up 3 from Hell at some point in early 2019. Going back to 2005's The Devil's Rejects though, and we saw genre favorite William Forsythe playing the vengeance-seeking, Elvis Presley-loving Sheriff John Quincey Wydell. Now, Wydell would go up against the Firefly clan, but would he make it out of the film alive?

Question 22

Does Ellison Survive Sinister?

In the past decade, we've had some modern horror franchises that have certainly caught the imagination - and more importantly for the people behind them, have been relatively cheap to put together, meaning it's been easy to achieve a strong profit margin and thus meaning a sequel makes insta-sense. That can be applied for the Saw, Insidious, Conjuring, and Sinister franchises. In that original Sinister, we were introduced to Ethan Hawke's Ellison Oswalt. Did that character make it out alive, though?

Question 23

Does Steve Survive Eden Lake?

Over the past few years, Michael Fassbender has gone on to mark himself out as one of the very best in the game. Whether it's huge Hollywood blockbusters or more intimate, smaller scale pictures, Fassbender has amassed quite the fan base amongst moviegoers. And one such smaller film is 2008's Eden Lake. A British-made horror, the action centres on a group of teenagers tormenting a couple who were trying to have a romantic break in the woods. Did Fassbender's Steve manage to survive that film, though?

Question 24

Does Glen Survive A Nightmare On Elm Street?

Hey kids, you know who that is, right? Right?! If you answered Matt Dillon, you'd be wrong. If you answered John Cusack, you'd be wrong. If you answered Will Ferrell, you'd be wrong. If you answered... oh, you get the point. It's Johnny Depp! A very, very fresh faced Johnny Depp. To be precise, it's Johnny Depp as he appeared in the very first A Nightmare on Elm Street film. Did Depp's Glen make it out of that movie alive, though?

Question 25

Does Sheriff Brackett Survive Zombie's Halloween II?

We started this quiz off with John Carpenter's iconic 1978 picture, Halloween. And now, we're going to bring things full circle by ending this quiz with a teaser based on Rob Zombie's version of the Halloween series. While Zombie remade Carpenter's classic movie, he then followed it up by doing his own, err, "unique" sequel to that film. In that sequel, genre veteran Brad Douriff returns to play Sheriff Brackett, but is Brackett one of the characters lucky enough to survive the wrath of Michael Myers?

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