Put Chocolate On It And We'll Guess Your Favorite Dessert

Because there are so many choices, knowing what to have for dessert may be one of the harder meal decisions that ever has to be made. This is usually because every option sounds just as enticing as the next. And, of course, what would a dessert be without chocolate?

To some people, chocolate isn’t just one of their favorite foods, it’s something closer to a biological need — which helps explain why so many foods end up getting paired with the sweet stuff. And while someone’s chocolate intake should definitely be monitored, certain types of chocolate are actually lighter on calories than many other sweets. Not to mention that chocolate can also be packed with antioxidants and other health benefits. Anything to give us another excuse to indulge, right?

But just because chocolate tastes good on a ton of food items certainly doesn't mean it will work with everything. So let's take a look at everything from snacks, to breakfast foods, to full-blown dinners and see what would best go with chocolate.

While some of these items are extremely popular, others are a little more out there. So it's time to find out whose love for chocolate knows no bounds and try to pin down an all-time favorite dessert!

Question 1

Does chocolate belong on strawberries?

Let’s start with maybe the most obvious chocolate pairing of all time: strawberries. While there are plenty of fruits that go well with chocolate, none of them can seem to hold a flame to strawberries, which are often given out as a romantic gesture from one significant other to another on anniversaries and Valentine’s Day.

Question 2

How do pretzels dipped in chocolate sound?

Since most chocolates are fairly sweet, it only makes sense that they’d go well with something salty — like pretzels. Chocolate covered pretzels can be bought at most corner stores, but there may be something extra satisfying about dipping them in some liquid chocolate of your own. What do you think?

Question 3

How about chocolate-covered nuts?

Much like chocolate covered pretzels, nuts are another common snack item that often come encased in chocolate. Of course, there are some people who love nuts and others who flat out can’t stand them. As well as those who only eat certain kinds. So where do you land on the spectrum?

Question 4

Does chocolate belong on potato chips?

While they’re certainly less common, chocolate covered potato chips are indeed a thing. But the type of potato chip that is being used will largely be the deciding factor of whether or not this combo works. For instance, a plain chip may work just fine, while chocolate-covered salt and vinegar chips may sound way less appealing.

Question 5

How about on bacon?

A guilty pleasure food if there ever was one, chocolate-covered bacon definitely seems like a fair food. In other words, this is probably a combo that’s best reserved for consuming only a few days a year, as it’s certainly not the healthiest of foods. But there’s no reason that it can’t be enjoyed in moderation, right?

Question 6

Would chocolate drizzled on apple pie work?

Inevitable, chocolate is best served with desserts. But that doesn’t necessarily mean it goes well with all desserts. For instance, chocolate on apple pie may not seem all the appealing to some, as there are far more popular toppings — like vanilla ice cream or whipped cream — that are often served alongside apple pie.

Question 7

How about pizza dipped in chocolate?

To many, a well-made pizza is the most perfect meal that ever was and ever will be. But could it possibly be made better by chocolate? Surely, chocolate would work better with certain types of pizza over others, but that still doesn’t mean it would be a great fit. So is this too much of a good thing?

Question 8

Oatmeal topped with chocolate?

Oatmeal is one of the healthiest and simplest meals a person can make for themselves. But it’s also not very exciting, which is why many people opt to top it with brown sugar, honey, or some kind of fruit. So would a little chocolate also seem like a good fit?

Question 9

Do chocolate-covered blueberries sound appetizing?

Chocolate covered blueberries are fairly common, but most would probably agree that they’re nowhere as good as chocolate covered strawberries. Maybe you tend to disagree. After all, blueberries are a lot smaller than strawberries, meaning that there’s a bigger amount of chocolate per each berry. And that couldn't possibly be a bad thing, could it?

Question 10

How about chocolate drizzled on popcorn?

There’s no shortage of toppings when it comes to popcorn. And chocolate is definitely up there amongst the most popular. Even still, there are plenty of people who would surely stick with the classic topping combo of butter and salt. After all, why mess with something that’s worked for decades?

Question 11

Chocolate added to a peanut butter and banana sandwich?

Here’s a snack that would be hard to get down without a glass of milk nearby. There’s no denying that chocolate, peanut butter, and banana all go well together, but there’s little variety of texture or even flavor for this trio — meaning that it might be too much of the same for some people.

Question 12

How about on top of a baked potato?

Much like oatmeal, a baked potato is another bland food item that really lends itself to a wide variety of toppings. Some of the most popular toppings include cheese, sour cream, and bacon bits. So does chocolate really deserved to be thrown into the mix? Could it maybe be crazy enough to actually work?

Question 13

Could quesadillas ever work with chocolate?

Most people are probably grimacing at the prospect of this combo right now. But don’t forget, quesadillas are a meal that really lends themselves to modification. So just because chocolate might not go great with chicken, onions or melted cheese, doesn’t mean it wouldn’t go well with a quesadilla made specifically for the task.

Question 14

How about chocolate syrup on some cereal?

If someone is into chocolate, you might be wondering why they wouldn’t just stick with a chocolate flavored cereal. But putting some chocolate syrup over a bowl of cereal would turn the plain old milk into chocolate milk by the time the cereal is gone, and that certainly couldn’t be a bad thing, could it?

Question 15

Would chocolate and peaches make a good combo?

Peaches are more often paired with vanilla flavors. But why not chocolate? The concoction would be pretty sweet to be sure, but that’s exactly why some people love chocolate in the first place. Not to mention that some dark chocolate could always be used to kick the sugary taste down a few notches.

Question 16

How about fried chicken with a chocolate dipping sauce?

Chocolate on top of a grilled chicken probably doesn’t sound good to many people. But a piece of fried chicken certainly changed things a bit, doesn’t it? Something about the crispy breading dipped in a sweet chocolate fondue might not sound that bad after all. Or maybe you think that chocolate needs to steer clear of the main course altogether.

Question 17

Does chocolate and baked beans sound good?

For many young adults, baked beans heated up straight out of the can is one of the easiest meals there is. But there’s only so many times a person can eat a can of plain old baked beans for dinner. Maybe the easiest way to shake things up would be to simply add some toppings.

Question 18

How about chocolate on corn on the cob?

Corn on the cob is another side dish that lends itself well to toppings. And much like its relative popcorn, corn on the cob best lends itself to a mix of butter and salt. But would it work well with chocolate? It has a pretty mild taste after all. And corn can also be fairly sweet for a vegetable.

Question 19

Chocolate on nachos anyone?

It’s pretty hard to screw up a plate of nachos. All one needs is some good quality chips and a wide range of toppings that go well together. Some melted cheese and a side of sour cream is certainly a must for many. But can you imagine any variation of nachos that would work well with chocolate?

Question 20

How about on a stack of pancakes?

Let’s take a step back to familiar ground for a moment. While pancakes might not be exactly considered a dessert food, they’re about as sweet as any non-dessert meal can get, which is largely thanks to the common topping of maple syrup. But maybe chocolate sauce is more your style.

Question 21

Could chocolate and steak ever work?

Steak dipped in chocolate might sound like a terrible idea to many. But consider for a moment all of the salty foods that often get paired with chocolate, including bacon, pretzels, and potato chips. So might the saltiness of most steaks pair well with chocolate? Or is it missing that crunchy texture that’s present in the other pairings?

Question 22

What about dipping carrots in chocolate?

Many of the snack foods that pair well with chocolate have a nice snap to them. But is there any food that has a better snap than biting into a carrot? While carrots lend themselves well to something like many cheese fondues, is it really so ludicrous to think it might go well with chocolate fondue as well.

Question 23

How does chocolate-infused cheese sound?

Cheese is another one of those foods that people can simply not get enough of. But like chocolate, it’s also not something that a person would probably want to include in every meal of the day due to its high-calorie content. But if you’re a fan of both cheese and chocolate, why not binge on both at once?

Question 24

What about dipping a blooming onion in chocolate sauce?

Most would probably agree that blooming onions are best when split amongst a few friends, as the flavor simply becomes very repetitive after a few dozen bites. A simple remedy to this might just involve incorporating some different kinds of dipping sauces. But does chocolate really belong anywhere near this dish?

Question 25

Do chocolate shavings on top of a salad sound appealing?

Of course, something like a fruit salad would lend itself well to a chocolate topping. But chocolate and lettuce is probably a pretty unsettling combo to many. Meaning that if you’re game for this combo, you either really love chocolate or you simply like to live life on the edge.

Question 26

What about on a burger?

Crazy burger toppings have been getting pretty mainstream in the last few decades, and it’s not uncommon to see everything from a fried egg to peanut butter on top of a restaurant burger. We’re sure that a burger with some kind of chocolate topping is already out there. But should it be?

Question 27

Chocolate-covered edamame anyone?

For those who may not know, edamame is simply a type of soybean, which is often used in many types of Asian dishes. But you can still find edamame as a dried snack food at many health-conscious food stores. Meaning that chocolate covered edamame is indeed already a thing. But does it defeat the whole healthy purpose?

Question 28

What about chocolate in quinoa?

The only grain that’s a complete protein, quinoa has enjoyed a lot of mainstream love in the last decade. It can be incorporated into both breakfast and dinner-type dishes, meaning that — much like oatmeal — it really lends itself to various toppings. Though quinoa also has a more distinct flavor than oatmeal, which might make it harder to pair.

Question 29

Should chocolate-covered Doritos be a thing?

Even if you were on board with the chocolate-covered potato chips, Doritos might be taking things a step too far. After all, there’s no such thing as plain Doritos. And whether it be the nacho cheese flavor or the cool ranch, you’re going to have to pair a pretty intense flavor with the chocolate.

Question 30

And finally, what about chocolate-covered insects?

Most people would probably agree that insects are not the most appealing of snacks. But if you’re an adventurous eater, the best way to try something like this might be to pair it with something you already love. Surely, chocolate would help mask some of the flavor — though the texture might still be a problem to many.

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