Take This Test And We'll Guess If You're Pregnant!

Pregancy can be a wonderful and rewarding experience. If you're someone who plans on having children, or haven't been actively planning but would like to eventually, this could be a pivotal moment in your life. Congratulations on figuring that out!

Pregnancy can also be a terrifying ordeal for any woman who doesn't feel that she is ready to have a child. It's important to find good social support if you're in that situation yourself; either from family or friends or a local pro-choice organization. Don't worry if you fall into the latter category, pregnancy scares happen to almost all sexually active women.

Are you currently trying to get pregnant, or are you worried that you might be pregnant after a mishap? There are a few key indicators that we will run through in this quiz, as well as give some basic information!

You might just be here to have fun and look at some pretty photos of pregnant ladies. Is that weird? I don't know; I'm not here to judge. I'm just a humble quiz master with a few good facts about pregnancy to share. If you're genuinely worried that you might be pregnant, you should probably go buy a pregnancy test right after you finish answering these questions (or beforehand, if you're super antsy).

Question 1

Do you have shortness of breath?

Do you get winded going up the stairs all of a sudden? It might be because you’re pregnant. The growing fetus needs oxygen, leaving you a little short. Sorry to say, this one may continue throughout your pregnancy, especially as your growing baby starts to put pressure on your lungs and diaphragm.

Question 2

Are you fatigued?

Did you get enough sleep last night and still feel drained? You didn't even make it through one page of your book last night before falling asleep. If you're suddenly exhausted, it might be a response to the increasing hormones in your body. For many women, tiredness continues through the first trimester, but then ebbs in the second.

Question 3

Are you feeling nauseous?

This is a classic sign. Most pregnant women start to get the queasies when they're about 6 weeks along, but some can experience morning sickness (which unfortunately can occur morning, noon and night) earlier. It will most likely subside as you enter the second trimester. In the mean time, try to eat foods that will settle your stomach, like crackers or ginger ale.

Question 4

Are you urinating more than normal?

If you suddenly find yourself unable to sleep through the night without a trip to the bathroom, it might be a sign. During pregnancy your body produces extra fluids, which has your bladder working overtime—and you taking a lot of pee breaks. If you are in fact pregnant, this is one side-effect you'll have to get used to!

Question 5

Are you getting headaches?

This one really, truly sucks. Whether or not your pregnant, we're sorry that your head hurts enough for you to think it's caused by something else. Early signs of pregnancy include an aching head, a result of changes in hormones. Just in case you are indeed pregnant, take pg-safe acetaminophen instead of ibuprofen to deal with the pain.

Question 6

Does your lower back ache?

Maybe it's that extra yoga stretch, or the bad bed, or you walk funny... or you're pregnant. There are other reasons that you should probably look into if you don't end up being pregnant. Don't mess with your back! If you don't normally have back pain, it could mean your ligaments are loosening. Sorry, this one might continue through your pregnancy as your weight gain and shifting center of gravity throw your posture out of whack.

Question 7

Do you have bad cramping?

Demons begone! I wish there was a way to exorcise craming period pains. Alas, there is only the heating pad and the pills. But is it PMS or pregnancy? It's hard to tell, but if you're feeling crampy, it might be your uterus stretching to get ready for a baby. If you have an IUD and the pain is intense, please call a doctor!

Question 8

Do you have sudden food cravings or aversions?

This one shouldn't kick in for a little while, so if you're just a couple of days late and panicking, don't worry about this one so much. Otherwise, if you suddenly cannot get enough citrus. Or perhaps fish now turns your stomach... If you notice food issues that weren't there before, it could be your body telling you you're pregnant.

Question 9

Have you been "intimate" since your last period?

Let's start with the easy and obvious question: When was the last time you were intimate with a man; was it before or after your last period? This should be a no-brainer. If you've had a period since the last time you had intercourse, then chances are you definitely aren't pregnant! If the answer is yes, you've had intercourse since, then your chances just got much higher...

Question 10

Do you always use protection?

This one is a bit of a no-brainer, but it's surprisingly easy to get caught up in the moment and forget (or ignore!) the all important protection. Do you keep protection in your purse, or do you rely on your date to supply it? Don't get caught with your pants down!

Question 11

Are your breasts sore?

You might get this every month regardless thanks to your period, but it's also a sign of pregnancy. Putting on your bra this morning felt like mild torture. And are you imagining it, or are the girls a little bigger? Tender and heavy-feeling breasts, darkening of the areolas and even more pronounced veins on your chest can be a first sign that you're pregnant. Wear your most supportive bra—to bed if you need it—to help ease discomfort.

Question 12

Are you constipated and/or bloated?

You swear you fit in your skinny jeans just last week. If you're feeling a little puffy or backed up, it might be extra progesterone due to pregnancy, which slows down your digestive system. Sorry to say that this weight gain is (obviously) going to continue throughout your pregnancy. You'll be a beautiful, bigger lady!

Question 13

Is your next period running late?

Hmm that wording makes it sound like your period is trying to catch a bus! Nevermind... we all know what this question means. Usually a pregnancy scare kicks in when you notice you're off schedule. It's a scary moment, even if you're trying to have a baby! So, is your period late?

Question 14

Are you experiencing mood swings?

I mean... outside the regular monthly swings men like to poke fun at. WWIII erupted over your husband's failure to put his socks in the hamper and suddenly it's all PMS this! PMS that! If you're feeling a little hormonal, it might be because your body is adjusting to well, new hormones. If it's because of a pregnancy, you're welcome to continue acting crazy (sort of).

Question 15

Is your body temperature higher than normal?

I sure hope you own a thermometer (and a stocked first aid kit, jeez!). If you've actively been trying to get pregnant, you may have been charting your basal body temp to pinpoint ovulation. Generally, your BBT is elevated from ovulation until you get your period 2 weeks later. If it stays elevated beyond two weeks, it might be because you're pregnant.

Question 16

Do you suddenly have a super sense of smell?

Maybe you're Superwoman, or maybe you're pregnant. Your garbage can now makes you gag—guess you're off trash duty! If you're repulsed by certain smells, or have an increased sensitivity to odors, it may mean you've got a bun in the oven. Yes, this does make pregnant ladies a bit like Superheroes.

Question 17

Are you dizzy or feeling faint?

This is the go-to symptom they use to signify pregnancy in movies, but it's based in reality. Low blood sugar or blood pressure can cause a woozy episode. Make sure you eat enough and stay well-hydrated. If you're lucky enough to have a support system, you're looking at spending 9-months with your feet up!

Question 18

Are you spotting?

Darn! You got your period. Or did you? If it was much lighter than normal, and a few days earlier than expected, you may actually be experiencing implantation bleeding, where the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall and causes a little bloodshed. If you have an IUD and this is the first time spotting has occured, please call your doctor!

Question 19

Are you craving cold things in particular?

Is your nausea relieved temporarily by eating? You are more thirsty than normal for cold drinks, even craving ice. Ice cream and cold foods have particular appeal and might make you feel better. Is that just a regular lady-craving or are you pregnant? This might be an indicator.

Question 20

Are you on birth control?

This might seem obvious, but when you think you might be pregnant, even being on strong birth control pills won't illeviate your worries! Do you take pills, have an IUD, a patch, or some other form of horomone/copper therapy? You can still get pregnant on these, but the chances are much lower!

Question 21

Did you use lube the last time you were intimate?

Some products make it harder to get pregnant; either they contain things specifically designed to make it difficult, or they just make it physically harder. Did you use Astroglide, K-Y jelly, saliva, or olive oil when you were last intimate with a man? Any of these make pregnancy less likely.

Question 22

Have you been eating foods with a lot of antioxidants?

Antioxidants like folate and zinc may improve fertility for both men and women. Antioxidants deactivate the free radicals in your body, which can damage both sperm and egg cells. Foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains are packed full of beneficial antioxidants like vitamins C and E, folate, beta-carotene and lutein.

Question 23

Do you drink a lot of caffeine?

Do you grab a coffee every morning, afternoon and evening? Caffeine can negatively affect your fertility. One study suggests that women who consume over 500 mg of caffeine daily take up to 9.5 months longer to get pregnant! However, other studies did not find a strong link between caffeine intake and an increased risk of infertility. Hmm.

Question 24

Have you been drinking a lot lately?

Did you binge-drink a couple of nights ago, or do you drink regularly? Alcohol consumption can negatively affect fertility. However, it's unclear how much alcohol is needed to cause this effect. A large observational study found that drinking more than 8 drinks per week was associated with a longer time to get pregnant. Interesting!

Question 25

Did you score a positive on a pregnancy test?

Well... yeesh, why are you even here if so? You won't know for sure whether you're a mama-to-be until you do the pee-stick test. If you get a negative result and you still don't get your period, it just might just be too early for the test to detect. In the meantime, look a few of these weird pregnancy symptoms that can appear upon conception. Wait a few days and try the test again.

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