If You Get 100% On This Test, It's Time To Have A Baby

Everyone is a little worried when they think about having their first baby. Do you know everything that you need to know to be the best possible parent you can be? Are you completely ready? Parenthood is one of the best things in the world, but it's also a huge responsibility.

There's a lot to plan for and think about when you're thinking about having a baby. Besides the obvious changes to your finances and lifestyle, there's the changes mothers face to their bodies. There's the lack of sleep and planning for daycare. Babies need a lot specialized care and attention, but they're also more than worth it!

Babies are more adorable and fun, and they're undeniably cute. There's something magical about holding your own baby and rocking them to sleep. They have a special smell, and their skin is unbelievably soft. Having a child is a life long commitment, but this commitment is one that is worth making!

If you're thinking that it might be time to consider having a baby, then this is the quiz for you. It will help you know if you're actually ready, and put your mind at rest. Part of parenthood is preparation, and knowing if you're ready is an important step!

Question 1

When Can You Feel Baby Start To Move?

During pregnancy, mothers can typically start feeling their babies moving. This lets them experience parts of their baby's personality, even before baby is born. A baby can be active and energetic, or calm and relaxed. Every baby is different before they are born, just like every baby is different after they are born! While the pattern and types of movements that babies make are all different, there's a normal period of pregnancy where moms start to feel these movements. Do you know when this is?

Question 2

Is Exercising While Pregnant A Good Idea?

Mothers want to do what is best for themselves and their babies. This means keeping themselves as healthy as possible! What does this mean about working out and exercising while pregnant? Is this a good idea or a bad one? Can a normal work out routine be good for a mother to be and her baby, or should she rest and take it easy? It's important to know whether you should plan to take it easy or if you can be active while pregnant!

Question 3

Should You Drink When Pregnant?

A healthy baby starts with a healthy pregnancy, and that means keeping up to date with recommendations about health habits when you're pregnant. Doctors have strong feelings about alcohol and pregnancy! When you're planning to have a baby, this is something important to know. Should you keep drinking alcohol when you're pregnant, or is that a bad idea? What do health organizations for pregnant mothers suggest you do? This is an important question, so think carefully! Should you drink alcohol while pregnant?

Question 4

How Many Weeks Long Is Pregnancy?

While many people measure pregnancy in months, it's most accurately measured in weeks. This is because every month actually has a different amount of days in it, and using months just isn't that accurate! When you're talking about pregnancy, especially at the end, every day counts. With some months only having 28 days, and some having 31, it's easy to see how quickly this can make a difference in calculating a due date! How many weeks are in a typical pregnancy?

Question 5

When Do Moms Start Wearing Maternity Clothes?

Moms don't usually start needing to wear maternity clothes the moment they get a positive pregnancy test, because it takes a little bit of time for their baby belly to start growing. This is nice because it gives mothers time to adjust to the idea of needing a whole new wardrobe, and it gives them time to shop! When do mothers typically need to start wearing maternity clothes? Do you know when normal pants will no longer work and normal shirts will become restrictive?

Question 6

When Do Babies Get Teeth?

Most babies aren't born with teeth, but some are. Instead, most babies start a process called teething after they're born. This process starts at different times for different babies, but there's a time by which most babies are getting their teeth. This is good because it makes it easier for them to start eating food, too! Do you know when most babies start getting their teeth? Some parents are a little nervous about this process, because babies can be crabby!

Question 7

When Can Babies Hold Their Heads Up?

Did you know that most babies can't hold their own heads up when they are born? Human babies have big heads and pretty weak necks. This means that the people carrying them have to be really protective of how they hold and carry their babies so that they don't hurt their little necks! When can babies start supporting their own heads and holding them up? Do you know when they're able to do this so baby can be held differently?

Question 8

When Do Babies Start Cooing?

Cooing is when babies combine vowels into fluid chains of sound. These coos and goos are some of baby's earliest communication, and they can be really fun for parents to coo back and forth with baby! Babies can coo before they're even old enough to babble, and this is an important developmental milestone. Doctors will ask about this at well baby visits, and this might be something that you want to mark down in the child's baby book, even! When do babies start to coo?

Question 9

When Do Babies Sit Up?

It's so exciting when a baby can start sitting up! It makes it easier for them to watch the world around them, and they can do fun things like eat solid food! Sitting up is a really big milestone in a baby's life. Do you know when a baby can sit up normally? When does this typically happen? It's a tough skill to master, because there's a lot of little muscles that a baby has to coordinate to stay upright!

Question 10

When Do Babies Crawl?

Crawling is when the real movement begins! No longer is baby mostly where you've left them, because crawling babies move fast! This might be a good time to make sure that all of your baby-proofing is done, because otherwise a baby will find all sorts of dangerous things to get into and that could be disastrous. When do babies start to crawl, normally, and when should you be prepared for them to be mobile? When can an average baby move around?

Question 11

When Do Babies Laugh?

If you're thinking about having a baby, you are probably very excited about having your baby giggle and laugh at you when you are funny! Laughing babies are the cutest. Babies aren't born giggling, though! This is a skill that takes them a little bit of time to develop. Once they can laugh, though, you will want to spend a lot of time playing with them and tickling them to get them to laugh more! When can babies usually start to laugh?

Question 12

When Do Babies Learn To Walk?

As fast as a crawling baby can be, nothing is quite as much of a game changer for parents as when baby starts walking. Those steps are pretty magical, but they also open up a whole new world of mischief for baby! Fortunately, babies don't start walking right away, so when you're thinking about babies you have time to prepare for this. When does the typical baby start to walk? Do you know when this milestone happens for most babies?

Question 13

When Can You Start Feeding Baby Solid Food?

It's wonderful to nurse a baby or bottle feed them, but it's also really exciting to be able to feed them solid food. This opens up a whole new world of food experiences for babies to have with their families! You shouldn't feed solid food to a newborn, though. When you're thinking about feeding food to a baby it's important to make sure that you do it when they're old enough and ready. When should you start feeding a baby solid food?

Question 14

How Long Should Baby Be Rear Facing?

Babies need to ride in car seats so they're safe, and when you're thinking about having a baby it's important to plan for this. You want to make sure that you can keep your baby safe in a car! Initially, babies need to be rear facing in the car to make sure that they're as safe as they can be. Do you know how long the AAP suggests that you keep your baby rear facing to make sure that they're safe?

Question 15

When Do Babies Play With Toys?

When you're thinking about having a baby, you probably are planning to buy them lots and lots of cute toys! Your friends and family are probably really excited about this, too. Baby toys are known for being really brightly colored and engaging to help a baby's brain grow and experience the world. Did you know that newborns don't play with toys, though? It takes a little bit of time for babies to play! When do babies start playing with toys?

Question 16

When Can Babies Drink Milk?

Babies shouldn't drink cow's milk right away. It's too hard for them to digest, and it can even make them sick. Instead, babies need baby formula or breastmilk. Once babies are older they can drink cow's milk, though! If you're planning to have a baby, you should think about important things like when you can switch your baby to cow's milk since this is a major transition. Doctors will tell you all about this, so if you're unsure you can ask your pediatrician! When can babies have cow's milk?

Question 17

When Can Babies Roll?

At first, a baby stays put mostly where you lay them down. You can watch them wiggle and work their muscles, but they aren't very coordinated! Babies usually roll over before they master other physical skills like crawling and sitting up. A baby learns to roll over so they can play with toys or reach for their mom and dad! Do you know when babies usually learn how to roll over? This is a big milestone in a baby's life!

Question 18

Should A Baby Watch TV?

It seems like screens are everywhere in our modern lives! You probably have a smartphone, and a TV, and enjoy a lot of shows. But should a baby watch TV? Is it good for them, or is it bad for their little brains? What do doctors say about this important issue? Should you plan to let babies and toddlers under 2 years old watch TV, or should you plan to have them play with toys and other things to keep them busy?

Question 19

When Do Babies Sleep Through The Night?

It's pretty normal to think about sleep before having a baby. If you've never had one, you're used to sleeping when you want to and not waking up. A baby will change all that, though! Babies wake up to eat and get their diaper changed, and sometimes just to cry and be comforted. It's something to think about when planning a baby, when can you expect to get some better sleep again? How long does it take most babies to start sleeping through the night?

Question 20

When Can Moms Go Back To Work?

If you have a pretty normal job, you might have to go back to work after having a baby. You will need to think about things like daycare and how old your baby will be when you go back to work. This is a big thing to plan for! Fortunately, most workplaces give moms time off after birth to bond with their babies and to recover. Do you know how long maternity leave usually is, and how long to expect to stay home?

Question 21

Do Babies Dream?

Have you ever wondered if babies dream when they're asleep? We all know that adults dream, but do babies? If you're thinking about having a baby, you might be thinking about what they'll do when they sleep. Mothers who have watched babies sleep know the answer to this, so you might have some guesses if you're thinking about having a baby. When you're thinking about having a baby, what is the answer to this question about baby sleep, do babies dream?

Question 22

How Long Should You Swaddle Babies For?

Swaddling babies can help them sleep more soundly, and this can help mom and dad sleep more soundly, too. When a baby is swaddled they're warm and don't startle, and this means that they won't wake up as easily throughout the night. Babies shouldn't be swaddled indefinitely, though, and you should know ahead of time when to stop swaddling them. It's important for hip and other muscle development to stop swaddling, but do you know at what point you need to stop?

Question 23

Should Babies Sleep With Pillows?

No one wants to put babies to sleep in an unsafe way. Parents especially want their babies to be safe when they're sleeping. It's important as a prospective parent to stay up to date on safe sleep recommendations, and this means listening to pediatricians when they talk about what items babies should and shouldn't sleep with. When you're thinking about having a baby, you're probably planning a pretty crib, and thinking about what to put in it! Should a pillow go in a crib?

Question 24

How Should Babies Sleep?

Baby sleep is a complicated thing. For tiny people who spend much of their time sleeping, there's a lot of thinking to do about it! It's really important to have a plan before you have a baby on how they will sleep. There's a very popular and widely publicized campaign that addresses the safest way for babies to sleep. Have you heard of it? It addresses whether babies should sleep on their stomachs or on their backs. Do you know the answer to this very important question?

Question 25

True Or False- Babies Don't See In Full Color At Birth?

When you think about having a baby, you're probably really looking forward to looking at them for the first time. You're probably also looking forward to them looking right back at you, and seeing you for the first time. When babies are born, do they see the world around them in full color like adults do, or do they see mostly in shades of black and white and grey, with some other colors mixed in? Do you know how babies see the world?

Question 26

When Do Babies Wave Hello And Goodbye?

What's more fun than thinking about a baby playing games with you? One of the first ways a baby can show that they recognize you coming and going is by waving hello and goodbye back and forth with their parents. Do you know when to expect a baby to be able to do this important back and forth with their parents? It's a fun milestone and an important step into their life as social parts of a family. When do babies start to wave?

Question 27

How Many Naps Does A 1 Year Old Take?

Newborns nap off and on all day. It's easier to ask when they're not sleeping than when they are! By mid way through their first year, children are much more predictable in how and when they sleep. When you're planning for a baby, you should think about how they'll be after those first few months are over. Babyhood goes so fast! How often does a one year old nap? It's much different than a newborn, so what will it be like?

Question 28

Should You Brush A Toddler's Teeth?

It's exciting to see a tiny bunch of teeth come into a toddler's or baby's mouth! All of those tiny teeth mean thinking about the important question of how to keep those teeth clean, though. It's charming seeing your little person smile, and you want to keep those tiny teeth as clean as possible. Is brushing all of those teeth the best way to do that? Should you brush a toddler's teeth? Is that the best way to care for them?

Question 29

Are There Foods Baby Shouldn't Eat?

No one wants to think about giving a baby foods that would be bad for them! When you're planning having a baby, it's important to think about what a baby should and shouldn't eat. Are there some foods that are bad for babies, or even dangerous for them? If so, it would be important to make sure that you don't give these foods to your baby and a pediatrician would be a good person to ask. Are there foods that baby shouldn't eat?

Question 30

Do Babies Like Music?

There's lots and lots of traditional songs that people sing with babies, and that might make you think about an important question: do babies like music? Do they like to listen to people singing, and instruments? Babies have sensitive little ears, so this is something to think about! Do babies like to listen to music like adults do, and should they listen to it? What do you think, is music good for babies, and should they enjoy it with their family?

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