Play Never Have I Ever To Reveal Your TV Twin

One of the best things about watching TV is getting to live out an adventure that we would otherwise never be a part of. Sure, we can get out there and ride roller coasters and go skydiving. But it’s not nearly as amazing as getting to ride a dragon (like Daenerys in Game of Thrones). Or getting to control objects with our minds (like Eleven from Stranger Things).

Even if the show isn’t all that exciting, it's probably a lot more interesting than most of our daily lives -- at least on a minute-to-minute basis. For example, anyone who’s ever actually worked a nine-to-five job knows that it’s nowhere near as fun as The Office makes it out to be.

So thankfully, we always have the TV to turn to for a little bit of an escape and some entertainment. But that’s certainly no excuse to not try and live life to its fullest.

There's a whole world out there just waiting to be explored, with new adventures to go on with friends and an endless list of activities to cross off the bucket list.

So let's play a good old-fashioned game of "Never Have I Ever" to see how much we've already accomplished and match with a famous TV character.

Question 1

Never have I ever… pulled an all-nighter.

Whether it be to prepare for an upcoming test or simply to spend the night with friends, it can be no small feat to pull an all-nighter. You might feel fine staying up till six in the morning... until you realize that you have an entire day in front of you again.

Question 2

Never have I ever… ridden a motorcycle.

Many people want to stay as far away from a motorcycle as possible. They’re not exactly the safest means of transportation, after all. But some people simply can’t get enough of hitting the road while surrounded by nothing but the open air. So have you ever ridden one, even if it was as a passenger?

Question 3

Never have I ever… pretended to be on a talk show.

If you’ve ever forgotten your phone during a trip to the bathroom, you may have found yourself pretending to be a guest on a talk show while killing time on the toilet. While no one likes to necessarily admit that they talk to themselves in their heads, this is far from an uncommon occurrence.

Question 4

Never have I ever… pretended to have an accent.

Have you ever affected a fake accent when meeting someone new? If you’re someone who doesn’t relish awkward interactions, then the answer is almost certainly “No.” But there are plenty of people out there who actually embrace uncomfortable situations, especially if it’s with a stranger who they may never have to see again.

Question 5

Never have I ever… gotten detention.

People like to think that detention is only for the serious trouble makers at school. But 12 years is a long time to go without disobeying the rules at least a few times. This may have landed you in detention, even if you were far from the worst student in your school.

Question 6

Never have I ever… read an entire fantasy series.

Were you one of those kids who stayed up all night the day after the latest Harry Potter novel hit bookshelves? If so, then there’s a good chance you’ve read an entire fantasy series in your life. This is usually no small feat, as many fantasy stories can be quite lengthy and involved.

Question 7

Never have I ever… watched an entire TV series in one weekend.

Most TV series used to run over 30 episodes per season. But these days, many online shows only have 10 to 13 episodes per year, along with turning out fewer seasons overall. This means it’s not all that hard to binge-watch an entire show in one weekend if you can’t help but get sucked into the story.

Question 8

Never have I ever… sat on a public toilet without a seat cover.

Some people can only ever go the bathroom at their own house, while others don’t have a problem going anywhere so long as the bathroom is clean and they have seat covers available. But are you someone who could go in a public restroom even without a protective barrier between you and the seat?

Question 9

Never have I ever… faked sick to avoid going out with friends.

Most people will gladly fake sick to avoid a day of school or work. But have you ever used the same excuse to avoid hanging out with friends? While this is certainly more fun than a day of work, sometimes you just need a night to yourself. Don’t you agree?

Question 10

Never have I ever… flunked a test.

Even the most scrupulous student may find themselves underperforming at some point in their academic career. So have you ever found yourself failing a test? It’s certainly nothing to be ashamed about, so long as you didn’t make it a weekly habit. Or were you the type of person who never walked into class unprepared?

Question 11

Never have I ever… traveled to another country.

There’s nothing that can expand someone’s mind faster than traveling to a new country and immersing themselves in a different culture. Yet, many people don’t seem to do it as much as they should. So have you ever taken a trip to another country, even if it was one that was right next door to your own?

Question 12

Never have I ever… formulated a plan for the zombie apocalypse.

The chances of a zombie apocalypse are pretty much slim to none. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun planning what you would do should one ever actually come to pass. At the very least, you’ll probably pick up some survival skills that could come in handy the next time you go camping.

Question 13

Never have I ever… spent the night in a car.

If you’ve ever sent yourself on a long road trip or a camping adventure you may have found yourself having to crash in your car for a night. This is far from the most ideal way to sleep, but sometimes it beats trying to set up a tent in the dark, or splurging on a hotel room.

Question 14

Never have I ever… read a book in one sitting.

These days, it seems like younger people’s attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. We’re sure the mobile phone has played a big role in this trait. But maybe you’re still someone who — once they’re locked into a specific thing — needs to see it through to the end no matter what.

Question 15

Never have I ever… done any role-playing.

Sometimes, day to day life can get a little… repetitive. This is where something like role-playing could really help spice things up. So whether it be with a game of Dungeons and Dragons or a LARPing expedition, have you ever pretend to be someone else while you were with a group of friends?

Question 16

Never have I ever… laughed at a joke without understanding it.

This is something that kids do all the time. But as an adult, you don’t want to find yourself accidentally laughing at an inside joke that you’re not meant to understand. But at the same time, laughing can’t help but be infections, and it’s never a bad idea to make someone else feel like they’re funny.

Question 17

Never have I ever… pretended to text to avoid human interaction.

Your cell phone may have saved you from a number of awkward human interaction. The only problem is, the more you become reliant on using your phone, the more awkward human interactions may end up becoming in general. So do you use your phone to avoid talking to others? Or do you force yourself to go without the crutch?

Question 18

Never have I ever… eaten an entire pizza alone.

We’re not saying that it had to be in a single sitting — though we certainly couldn’t blame you if it was. But for many people, pizza is the greatest meal that was and ever will be. While even a bad pizza is still usually pretty edible, getting one that’s perfectly made may mean you just can’t stop.

Question 19

Never have I ever… climbed a mountain.

Hiking is not only great exercise, it also rewards the participant with some breathtaking views at the summit. Yet, many people don’t want to physically put in the effort, and thus, they will never enjoy the payoff. So have you ever summited a mountain? We're not saying it has to be Mount Everest or anything.

Question 20

Never have I ever… sung karaoke.

Getting up in front of a group of people is no easy feat. But even for those who could manage to get up and deliver a speech or a presentation with ease, singing in front of others would be something else entirely. This is no doubt why most places that offer karaoke also end up serving adult beverages.

Question 21

Never have I ever… pretended to host a cooking show.

Cooking is another one of those things that can’t help but get repetitive. And if you’ve ever gotten tired of making the same thing, you may have turned to YouTube for someone quick and easy ideas. This may have led to you pretending to host your own cooking show while whipping up something in the kitchen.

Question 22

Never have I ever… been on a plane.

While it may be safer than driving in a car, there are still a huge number of people who have a fear of flying. While many of them end up facing it at multiple times in their life anyway, others stay away from air travel altogether. So have you ever been on a plane?

Question 23

Never have I ever… been on a helicopter.

Of course, plenty of people end up riding in a plane at one point or another in their lives. But the same can also be said about a helicopter. This is certainly a step up in the thrill-seeking department, as helicopters can go more places and do a lot of sharper maneuvers that planes can’t.

Question 24

Never have I ever… started a fire without matches or a lighter.

If you ever went to a summer camp or were part of a group like the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, you may have learned how to start a fire without the aid of matches or lighter. While few people will ever have to do this for survival, it can still be a nice skill to have under one’s belt.

Question 25

Never have I ever… made a prank phone call.

Of course, we wouldn’t recommend prank calling a complete stranger, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t play a good-natured prank on one of your close friends at some point. Especially if they’re a good sport who will enjoy the ruse once all is revealed. So have you ever pretended to be someone on the phone that you’re not?

Question 26

Never have I ever… ridden a rollercoaster.

For most people, riding a roller coaster will be the most physically thrilling thing they’ll ever do in their lives. It certainly seems a lot safer than something like skydiving or bungee jumping. But there are still people who find rollercoasters to be a bit unsafe for their taste. After all, they’re not totally immune to malfunctioning.

Question 27

Never have I ever… quit a job without giving two weeks notice.

If professionalism is of the utmost importance to you, then you may have always ended up putting in your two weeks notice — even if it was a job you couldn’t stand. But then there are others who think that if you’re going to be leaving a job anyway, what’s the big deal with just getting it over with ASAP?

Question 28

Never have I ever… gone skiing/ snowboarding.

Skiing and snowboarding can be one of the most enjoyable activities to partake in during the winter. Not only are they a great workout, but they can also be so much fun you don’t even realize you’re exercising. But for many, the idea of flying down an icy hill at top speeds is far too unsafe to ever be considered fun.

Question 29

Never have I ever… gotten a tattoo.

Just a few decades ago, having a tattoo used to be a lot more taboo than it is today. But now, no matter what walk of life you come from or what you do for a living, it’s not uncommon to have a tattoo. However, there are still plenty of jobs that won’t let you have them exposed while working.

Question 30

Never have I ever… been on a cruise.

Even though cruise ships end up docking at a number of ports throughout the trip, there are tons of people who don’t relish the idea of being out in the open seas for any period of time whatsoever. That being said, cruises are still one of the cheapest and most popular vacation destinations around the world.

Question 31

Never have I ever… seen a ghost.

While the existence of ghosts is far from a proven fact, many people still swear by their existence — even claiming that they’ve seen a ghost within their lifetime. So have you ever seen an apparition that couldn’t be explained? This alone may have been enough to convince you of the existence of ghosts.

Question 32

Never have I ever… gone on vacation alone.

Going on vacation alone might sound like a bummer to many, but sometimes it’s nice to take a break from the people you see on a daily or weekly basis. After all, vacations should be about doing what you want. And if you end up going with a group of friends, it might not end up being all that relaxing.

Question 33

Never have I ever… missed a flight.

Missing a flight isn’t just inconvenient, it can also mean losing hundreds of dollars in travel expenses. This is why many people avoid traveling by plane altogether, as the airport can be an extremely stressful environment. And with many flights departing at the crack of dawn, many people would rather just drive someone close.

Question 34

Never have I ever… gone tent camping.

As much as people love going out in the RV’s or renting a cabin on the lake for a weekend, these activities aren’t exactly camping. While tent camping might not be the most relaxing way to get away, it’s definitely a better way to enjoy the great outdoors and take a break from modern conveniences for a while.

Question 35

Never have I ever… ridden a horse.

If you’ve ever ridden a horse, you may found that getting on top of one puts you a lot higher up than you had previously anticipated. And it can always be scary to realize just how much control of the situation the horse ultimately has. While this is too scary for some, it can certainly make for a thrilling experience.

Question 36

Never have I ever… walked out in the middle of a movie because it was terrible.

The older you get, the more you may realize that time is of the essence. So even if you end up spending a small fortune on a night at the movies, sticking around for the second half of a movie that is undeniable terrible might just not be worth your time. Sometimes you just need to cut your losses.

Question 37

Never have I ever… gone surfing.

The ocean can be a pretty scary place as is. Now just add waves and a humungous polyurethane board into the mix and things are bound to get even more frightening. But for those who have actually managed to stand up on a wave for the first time, they claim there is no other feeling like it.

Question 38

Never have I ever… pretended my life was like The Truman Show.

For those who may not have seen the movie, The Truman Show is about one man who doesn’t realize that his whole life is being recorded and that he’s actually the star of his own TV show where everything else is fake. Have you ever ended up feeling like this?

Question 39

Never have I ever… got pulled over for speeding.

Do you have what they sometimes refer as a lead foot? Of course, there are some people who love to speed purposefully, but there are others who don’t even realize that they’re going fast. This is when cruise control can help you play it safe and avoid a ticket in the process.

Question 40

Never have I ever… gotten a body piercing.

Plenty of people have their ears pierced. In fact, many parents even opt to have their child’s ears pierced when their still extremely young since they end up healing faster. But body piercings are still a lot less common. So do you have something pierced aside from just your ears?

Question 41

Never have I ever… shown up to a party I wasn’t invited to.

It takes a lot of guts to show up to a party you weren’t invited to, especially if it’s a relatively small or selective get-together. But then, there are people who like to throw huge blowouts where they don’t seem to mind if half the town shows up, making it no big deal if you weren’t personally asked to attend.

Question 42

Never have I ever… ridden in a limo.

There’s nothing to up your confidence quicker than hitching the ride in the back of a limo. This is why many people opt to rent them for prom or their wedding day, as it not just gives everyone a chance to ride together, but it lets you know it’s a special occasion before you even arrive.

Question 43

Never have I ever… given myself a haircut.

Most kids will pick up a pair of scissors and go to town on their own hair at one point or another. This will more than often end in a second haircut not too long after. But have you continued this trend into adult life? It can be an easy way to save money… if you know what you’re doing.

Question 44

Never have I ever… asked someone out in person.

Asking someone out in person is becoming a lot less common than it used to be. After all, why face rejection in person when you can lessen the blow through a few text messages? But at the same time, people may think you’re a lot less committed if you always end up taking the easy way out.

Question 45

Never have I ever… had my fortune read.

Even if you don’t believe in psychics, there can still be something fun about having your fortune read. In fact, it may actually be a more enjoyable experience specifically if you don’t believe in everything the psychic has to tell you. Because would it really be a good thing to know what’s going to happen to you anyway?

Question 46

Never have I ever… waved at someone who wasn’t waving at me.

Most people go through their day to day lives worried that everyone is always paying attention to them, when in reality, most people are only thinking about themselves. This may have caused you to wave back at the wrong person at one point and have to slink away embarrassed. But don’t worry, we’ve pretty much all done it before.

Question 47

Never have I ever… given a Maid of Honor/ Best Man speech.

It can be a great honor to be a part of a wedding party. But if you’ve specifically been chosen to serve as the Maid of Honor or a Best Man, you now have a number of duties to attend to. While most people don’t mind throwing a party, it’s the wedding speech that often looms over many people’s heads.

Question 48

Never have I ever… spent the day in my PJs.

If you’re someone who works hard Monday through Friday, then you may want to do nothing more on the weekends than just lounge around the house. So has this ever led to you spending an entire day in your PJs? Or would you feel like a total slob if you at least didn't put on some jeans?

Question 49

Never have I ever… recorded myself dancing.

Dancing in public is not something that many people look forward to, especially guys. So if you were ever faced with attending a high school dance or a wedding, you may have felt the need to do a little practicing in front of the mirror. Or maybe even in front of a camera.

Question 50

Never have I ever… walked through a graveyard at night.

Even if you don’t necessarily believe in ghosts, you may have steered clear of cutting through a graveyard at night. After all, they’re rarely well lit after hours, and you never know who — or what — else maybe be passing through one of them. So have you ever been brave enough to do it?

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