Play "Never Have I Ever" Shameless Edition To Get A Gallagher Twin

The Gallagher family from Shameless is certainly quite the family. After 9 seasons, it might be easier to list the things that the Gallagher family hasn’t done. This popular dramedy was based on the UK show of the same name. It follows the Gallagher family as they deal with their chaotic lives in Chicago. The patriarch of the family, Frank, is an absent father despite being physically present throughout the show and the eldest daughter Fiona is left to clean up the family’s messes. Fiona works a number of jobs throughout the series to make sure her siblings have a roof over their heads and food on the table. However, younger siblings Lip, Ian, Carl, Debbie and Liam almost work their hardest to make things difficult for their older sister but love her nonetheless (IMDb).

Over the course of 9 seasons, the Gallagher family hijinks leave viewers with absolutely no dull moments. Some moments are relatable, others are a bit more eccentric and less common for real life. Even if some situations are pretty bizarre, this series tugs at the heartstrings and creates a lot of affection for this family and viewers become very invested in their lives. In this quiz play ‘Never Have I Ever’ to get a Gallagher twin!

Question 1

Never have I ever...driven a car?

While visiting the DMV is never fun, it’s a place where magical things happen! Aside from standing around for what could be hours, one of the great things they do is give out learners permits and driver's licenses! Having a driver's license is such a big sign of independence! No more bussing or asking parents to drive (though buses and parent rides are awesome), it’s just much easier to be able to take the car and hit the open road!

Question 2

Never have I ever...had to talk to people before a morning coffee?

Mostly parents and college students know the struggle of getting up in the morning and having to socialize without their morning coffee. Without that cup of java, it can be difficult to string sentences together, communicate and just appear to be anything other than sleepy. So whether its instant, coffee pods or rolling through the Starbucks drive-thru, coffee is an essential part of most adult’s mornings. So we have to make sure we’re friendly to those who might not have had their morning coffee!

Question 3

Never have I ever...had to make my own doctor's appointment?

If there’s one thing that’s difficult about the transition from childhood to adulthood, it’s the period of time where one realizes that they’re going to have to call and make their own appointments. Whether it be doctors or dentists, picking up that phone and calling the receptionist can be pretty awkward. Usually when calling, one wants to make themselves appear as an adult and usually focusing on one thing too much can make it a tad more difficult. So whether that day has come or not, calling for appointments is anxiety inducing so great job!

Question 4

Never have I ever...struggled to think of a reply to a text?

There's always that one text that leaves its recipient stumped. Whether it be a declaration of love, a text from someone unfamiliar or even the dreaded ‘k’ it can be difficult to reply to some texts. Sometimes a text recipient is left to sit and think about a reply for a few minutes. One might look to friends for advice on how to reply, or even might just not reply but this has happened to everyone one time or another.

Question 5

Never have I ever...gotten 2 sodas for the price of 1?

Vending machines are glorious. They hold great snacks, waiting for hungry people to come along and buy them. They can hold food, drinks and Japanese vending machines even contain things like surgical masks, t-shirts and flowers! (Interesting Engineering) Lots of vending machines even have tricks, if a button is pressed a certain way one might get a random drink, they might get their money back or even two drinks. Getting two drinks is the equivalent to winning the vending machine lottery!

Question 6

Never have I ever...ridden the train?

Something viewers see a lot on Shameless is characters taking the ‘L’ train! The L train is the rapid-transit line that’s located in Chicago, where the show takes place. Trains are a great way to get around, especially in a large city like Chicago. Trains are not only effective for getting to different boroughs, they can go to different towns or countries and not only are they cheap but they’re economically friendly! Moving so many people at once is a great way to reduce carbon footprint!

Question 7

Never have I ever...had a call make my day?

Some days just leave people down in the dumps. They hopefully don’t happen very often, but when these bad days hit one might need a pick me up. Sometimes that pick me up comes in the form of a phone call. Some phone calls can bring good news, or a call from a friend that hasn’t been in contact. No matter what the subject matter is, sometimes calls can just provide an emotional pick me and make the recipient smile.

Question 8

Never have I ever...drank someone else's drink?

There have been one time or another where one is extremely thirsty and reaches into the fridge to get a drink, pulls one out and finishes it only to realize that what was just finished belonged to someone else in the house. Usually this problem can be remedied by just replacing the drink, but there usually can be a bit of a guilty feeling after realizing what has happened. Luckily, friends and family are pretty understanding about this common mistake!

Question 9

Never have I ever...had a heart to heart with a good friend?

Sometimes these conversations start late at night, or just while out with a friend but these conversations usually go pretty in depth. A good heart-to-heart with a close friend is really good for strengthening a bond or friendship. This conversation can be one sided or have both friends talking about the deep things that really matter to them. These conversations can be seen quite a bit throughout Shameless! Especially by characters such as Ian and Mandy, or Fiona and Lip!

Question 10

Never have I ever...put furniture together?

One of life’s greatest challenges is following the directions to put furniture together. Even with the instructions being in English, furniture can come out looking like one of Dr. Frankenstein’s creations. In Shameless, Jody and Sheila can be seen putting a crib together for baby Hymie, ultimately it gets done but in the end but the road to finishing it was a tough one. Putting furniture together is one of those tasks that bring out the true personality in some people! It can be funny to see how frustrated people get.

Question 11

Never have I ever...forgotten to plug the air freshener in?

Entering a room to find it smells like old food or pets is not ideal! It’s not until then that it hits people that they might have forgotten to plug in their air freshener or spray it in the room. It causes a moment where one has to cover their nose and scramble to find the air freshener to rid the room of the unpleasant smell. However, once its been sprayed, the room turns floral or whichever smell someone picks, and peace is restored!

Question 12

Never have I ever...been locked out of the house?

There’s always a slight wave of worry that washes over when checking pockets and bags to find the house keys only to realize that they’ve been left somewhere else. It always seems to happen when the weather is less than ideal or when someone isn’t going to be home for a bit. These moments don’t have to be a bad thing though! This time can be used to visit neighbors ,catch up on some reading or time to connect to the house’s Wifi and watch videos.

Question 13

Never have I ever...made an unexpected friend?

Friends show up in the strangest places sometimes when someones not looking for them. It could be someone encountered in the store or someone encountered frequently on walks, they have this way of sneaking into someone’s life and improving it! Sometimes one of these sneaky friendships can even end up becoming a friend one has for life! These friendships come from someone pushing themselves to be a little more social, or visit a new social group and getting to meet new people. Even if one isn't looking, sometimes these friendships find them!

Question 14

Never have I ever...changed my outfit last minute?

Most would be lying if they said they didn’t change their outfit multiple times before either going out on the town or our to a formal event. Everything in the closet must be tried on so that one can see their options! People want to look their best, so they try on as many outfits as they can so they can decide if the pieces go together or if it’s the best outfit they own for whatever situation they’re going into.

Question 15

Never have I ever...gotten a haircut I didn't like?

Whether it be a haircut from childhood or a trend that passed very quickly, most people have left the salon feeling a bit apprehensive about the haircut they’ve received. Hopefully it's something that doesn’t happen very often but it can really cause a blow to one’s self-esteem. One of the lucky things is that hair is hair and it can be styled many ways, colored many colors and best of all, it grows back! So have no worry about bad hairstyles, they can always be fixed.

Question 16

Never have I ever...tutored someone?

When someone has trouble with a certain subject, or with school in general they may hire a tutor for themselves. A tutor is usually a peer who is in the same class or older than them that is knowledgeable on the subject they’re struggling with. The tutor then teaches the person about it, giving them additional time outside of school or work to focus on the subject matter individually. This one-on-one time with the subject one is struggling with, can be super beneficial!

Question 17

Never have I ever...lost my headphones around my neck?

This one is similar to someone who loses their glasses on their head. They put their headphones around their neck out of habit in preparation to listen to music, but the motion is so automatic for their body that they don’t realize what they’ve done. So when it comes to plug them in and listen to some tunes, there's a moment of worry when the headphones can’t be found until one either touches their neck or looks in the mirror, then comes a slight wave of embarrassment but also relief that the headphones aren’t lost!

Question 18

Never have I ever...had to ask for a favour?

Normally most people can be pretty independent, but sometimes one lacks the ability or skill set to accomplish something important to them. When this case arises, one has to reach out to family or friends who might know how to do it better than them or is specialized in what they wish to do, this is called a favor! There's nothing to worry about when asking someone for a favor, however it usually is common courtesy to either return the favor by doing something for the person or giving them a small gift as a way of saying thanks!

Question 19

Never have I ever...babysat?

The babysitting business can be a pretty lucrative one. Lots of parents everywhere want to have a special night out with each other and look to people they trust to watch over their child. It’s a popular job amongst young people looking to start saving money. People often take a course so they’re certified to watch children and know what to do in the case of emergencies. Babysitting can also progress into becoming a professional nanny which many families will pay good money for!

Question 20

Never have I ever...second guessed a purchase?

An unfamiliar term most might not be aware of, is buyer’s remorse. It means that after buying something, usually something expensive, the person regrets buying it and is stuck on if they should return it or not. It can happen on any kind of item from jewelry to a gaming system. It can usually be remedied with a return or just general acceptance of the purchase! Sometimes buyer’s remorse happens because one feels they don’t deserve the purchase but as long as it’s viable, go ahead and treat yo-self!

Question 21

Never have I ever...had a lunch date with a crush?

Getting a boyfriend is a pretty exciting time in someone’s life! So when someone’s crush invites them out on a lunch date, one tends to spend a lot of time getting ready or practicing what they’re going to talk about. Who doesn’t want to impress their crush? People go on dates in hopes of developing a relationship with someone and lunch dates are perfect for this!

Question 22

Never have I ever...had to change plans last minute?

Things can happen at the last second causing plans to change. Maybe a friend is running late or suddenly the person who was supposed to drive can no longer drive and everyone ends up having to change their plans to make sure whatever they had intended to do could still happen. Having to change plans at the last minute can really put a damper on whatever was supposed to happen, however it can also keep people on their feet and add an element of fun to things!

Question 23

Never have I ever...worked in a restaurant?

A lot of people talk about working retail, but working in a restaurant is where it’s at! Jobs in food are where someone can meet some of the coolest coworkers ever! Servers get to bring people food, or cooks prepare food and it gets brought to the customer and the customers are usually pretty happy because food has that effect! On Shameless, quite a few members of the Gallagher family work at the diner in town in jobs from dishwashing to serving to management!

Question 24

Never have I ever...been unable to sleep at a sleepover?

Whoever this applies to know how much it sucks to be the last one awake at a sleepover and not able to sleep. It isn’t as bad now that cell phones exist but when people are younger and don’t have cell phones, they just have to lay in the dark and wait for sleep. But thankfully most have cellphones now so when they can’t sleep, they have all of the Internet at their fingertips! Can’t sleep? Maybe it's time to watch some episodes of Shameless!

Question 25

Never have I ever...had to wait awhile to be picked up?

Whether its parents or friends picking someone up, sometimes they show up later than expected. It can be pretty awkward to watch others leave while still waiting for a ride. Again this is another problem that can be remedied by cellphones because this time waiting can be used to check social media but having to wait without, especially in the cold is tough. However, when that ride does pull up there’s a big feeling of happiness because finally it’s time to either go out or go home!

Question 26

Never have I ever...asked to speak to the manager?

There's a running joke online about how its funny to ask for the manager or only women ask for managers (which is not true!). Except when service is less than great, it only makes sense to tell the manager. Asking for the manager is always awkward, because it usually takes a minute for them to come out and it's hard to not feel bad about critiquing service, especially when its in a situation where the workers are young people doing their best.

Question 27

Never have I ever...been called on when my hand wasn't raised?

The awkwardness is evident when a teacher asked a question and the students either don’t know the answer or don’t want to say it and there’s just an awkward silence. Then the moment comes where the teacher calls on a random student and the student has a brief moment of panic where they can’t think about what the answer could be. If they don’t respond fast enough, luckily the teacher moves on but no one wants to be that person!

Question 28

Never have I ever...helped a partner through a tough spot?

Relationships can be wonderful things. One of the biggest benefits of a relationship is having emotional support from someone close. With a partner, there’s no need to hold back any feelings and can just be honest. Another great thing about relationships is that the emotional support goes both ways. After being supported, it's also possible to be there when their partner needs support. It’s a great support system to have and it really strengthens and builds healthy relationships that last!

Question 29

Never have I ever...used a laundromat?

This question is probably relatable for college students. Whether a rented house didn’t have laundry machines or the dorm ones were too busy, almost every college student has had to go to a Laundromat at one time or another. Laundromats are great places. It gives people the opportunity to use multiple large machines so they can get all their laundry done fairly quickly. In Shameless, we see Fiona owning a Laundromat, doing renovations on it and even hiring her family members to help work alongside her.

Question 30

Never have I ever...visited a friend at work?

One of the best things about having friends who have jobs, is getting to visit them at said jobs. Depending on the atmosphere they may be able to come over and have a nice conversation about how their day is going or one might get to see them dressed up and serious! Throughout the seasons of Shameless, the Gallaghers are always visiting V and Kev at the Alibi and in the later seasons, they’re always visiting their siblings at the diner and goofing around with them!

Question 31

Never have I ever...had a moment of awkward silence?

Whether it be from some kind of news or even something that hasn’t been said yet, sometimes the awkward tension just has to be cut and broken into some conversation. Awkward moments can really cause an abrupt end to a conversation and leave both parties feeling uncomfortable. It usually is best to just push through the weird feelings and talk about how each other is feeling. It releases the tension and people usually feel much better about the topic afterwards!

Question 32

Never have I ever...had a concert be sold out?

Using websites to buy tickets to a favorite band or show can be a stressful thing! Everyone wants to see their favorite group perform or favorite Broadway show, they just have to make sure that they can secure tickets. It’s especially tough when the favored group is popular and fans have to wait for the moment they go on sale to get tickets, because it is the most disappointing feeling to wake up early to get ready for tickets to be released and be left without one!

Question 33

Never I have ever...laughed at a joke no one found funny?

Some jokes are meant to be laughed at, others are not but still leave at least one person chuckling while others stare with judgment. Usually a crude joke can draw a laugh from at least one friend who has a darker sense of humor, causing the others to be confused or grossed out! Almost everyone has fallen victim to that one unsuspecting joke that catches one off guard but is hilarious! Aside from the slight judgment from peers, the jokes can usually be explained so others can laugh too!

Question 34

Never have I ever...had to wait in a long line?

Whether the line be at the DMV or to get food at a fast food joint, waiting in line is no fun. The anticipation of achieving what they've set out to do is what keeps one motivated though! Waiting in line does give one a good opportunity to think about what to do once they leave, or ample time to catch up on that phone game they’ve been wanting to play. Sooner than later, they’re hopefully finished what they needed to get done and are on their way to their next adventure!

Question 35

Never have I ever...been to a wedding?

There isn’t much more exciting than getting to see someone close get married! Marriage is such a beautiful thing, bringing two people together to commit to being together forever. Another bonus to weddings is that there’s usually an awesome party or a nice meal together afterwards to celebrate the couple coming together and their love for each other. It’s a great way to catch up with friends and family! In Shameless, we see the Gallagher family come together with close friends for Fiona’s wedding.

Question 36

Never have I ever...stayed out late with friends?

Curfews are usually put in place for a reason, but some rules were meant to be broken (as long as safety is a priority)! The night can be spent hitting the town, checking in with family of course or going to a late movie, the possibilities are endless! In Shameless we see the Gallagher family staying out late with friends many nights or leaving the house late at night to go spend time with Kev and V or visit Svetlana at The Alibi.

Question 37

Never have I ever...done house repairs?

House repairs are unfortunately something that usually can’t be avoided, especially when someone owns not rents. The inevitable comes when pipes burst, basements flood or walls crack and need to be fixed. Usually the biggest concern about repairs is the cost of how much it’ll take to fix said issue. In the Gallagher house, shoddy repair jobs are seen all around the house. Especially with the infamous washing machine, which luckily ends up getting replaced just after the Gallaghers leave and Frank purchases the home.

Question 38

Never have I ever...had someone eat food I was saving?

One of the biggest sinking feelings someone can have is when they’ve been excitedly waiting to eat something, only to come home and see that someone else got to it first. There’s a mixture of confusion and sadness over who ate the item and why they ate it. It's possible someone forgot to write their name on it, or the person didn’t see it. Regardless, usually they can find the person who ate it and get them to replace it. It’s just a bit of food after all.

Question 39

Never have I ever...had someone pay for coffee?

A big moment of worry is when it comes time to pay for a coffee order and after a quick pocket pat, it hits someone that their wallet is still at home. But just as they decide to give up and decline ordering, a hero comes from behind them and offers to cover their coffee price for them. This plot decide is often used in movies to bring romantic interests together and can even work as a plot device for real life! Next time someone cute covers coffee costs, chat them up!

Question 40

Never have I ever...slept in day clothes?

Sometimes someone is just way too tired to change into pyjamas and that’s okay! Clothes are clothes and if someone ends up sleeping in their clothes then good for them! Everyone has their own preferences and sometimes casual clothing can be even more comfortable than clothing made to be pyjamas! Sleeping in a hoodie is a wonderful thing. Of course there are times one falls asleep in jeans, which isn’t the most comfortable but usually by that point someone is so tired that they don’t even feel it.

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