Pick Your Favorite Baby Names, And We'll Guess How Old You Are

Out of the many important decisions that you're presented with in life, the name you choose for your child is definitely up there. For one, it's permanent - more permanent than a tattoo. Second, you're making a huge life decision for someone other than yourself. When your kid gets old enough to think about their name, it's likely that a storm will be coming your way if they don't like it.

A name is a funny thing, mainly because it doesn't really mean anything. It's just a noise you make with your primate mouth, or a few swirls that you put down on paper. A person is so vast and incomprehensible at their core, their name can only be a thin veneer applied over the surface of their being. Naming a baby isn't the biggest deal in the world, but it's still an important thing to get right.

The other funny thing about names is how they tend to change from generation to generation. These days, you might be introduced to a little lady named Hollyn by her grandmother named Esther. The sounds and scrawlings might change over time, but the people remain amazing. For now, it'll be fun to guess your age based on which names sound more natural to you.

Question 1

Boy: Monty or Christopher?

Monty is a good, distinguished name, equally fitting of a circus ringleader or bank manager. On the other hand, Christopher is a solid, reliable name that's been in popular use for decades now. Choose between Monty and Christopher, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 2

Girl: Willow or Jennifer?

If you're an avid follower of Will Smith and co., then you'll instantly be familiar with Willow, Will Smith's daughter. It's definitely a great name, but so is Jennifer, no doubt. Choose between Willow and Jennifer, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 3

Boy: Dustin or Magnus?

If your kids name is Dustin, they might be destined to be a home-run hitter on their baseball team. If his name is Magnus, he may very well become an oil tycoon. Choose between Dustin and Magnus, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 4

Girl: Michelle or Kendra?

Michelle is a solid, reliable name - after all, Michelle was the name of the former First Lady of the United States. Kendra has more of a modern spin, and sounds quite fiery. Choose between Michelle and Kendra, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 5

Boy: Alfie or Michael?

Alfie has seen an increase in popularity in recent years, probably because it's a short, head-turning name that simply sounds nice. Michael sounds quite clean as well, and its been used for an untold number of years. Choose between Alfie and Michael, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 6

Girl: Hermione or Mary?

If you're a Harry Potter fan, you might have entertained the thought of naming your daughter Hermione. Or, if you prefer a safer, more conventional name, Mary definitely works, too. Choose between Hermione and Mary, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 7

Boy: Thomas or Gary?

There's a reason why Thomas has been such a popular name for so long; it floats off the tongue nicely, and has a sharp ending. However, the same can be said for a name like Gary. Choose between Thomas and Gary, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 8

Girl: Samantha or Heather?

Despite Samantha sounding like more of a traditional name, you might be surprised at how popular it's become in recent years. On the other hand, heather is a light, fluffy sounding name. Choose between Samantha and Heather, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 9

Boy: Scott or Ashton?

You probably know several Scotts; despite how you may feel about them, it's likely that you respect their short, strong name. If you only know one Ashton, he's probably the guy from That '70s Show. Choose between Alana and Ashton, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 10

Girl: Lisa or Tammy?

When you think of Lisa, the Simpsons character probably comes to mind. Don't worry, your child will not have razor sharp hair. If you're really worried about that, you can just name her Tammy. Choose between Lisa and Tammy, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 11

Boy: Byron or Joshua?

Byron sounds like a real lord's name; call your kid that, and he may become a leader among men. Or, if you're not looking to be that experimental, Joshua has always been a solid choice. Choose between Byron and Joshua, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 12

Girl: Lori or Rayna?

Lori can be anything; hair stylist, Hollywood executive, or philanthropist. Now that we think about it, the same can be said for a name like Rayna. Choose between Lori and Rayna, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 13

Boy: Aubrey or Nathan?

In terms of popularity, Aubrey has been on a steady rise as a name for a baby boy. Nathan also sounds good, though its usage is more on the back-burner for now. Choose between Aubrey and Nathan, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 14

Girl: Tilly or Stella?

Tilly is a mystical, magical sounding name, one that suggests talent and creativity. Stella (meaning "star") accomplishes the same effect, and it's been used for a while now. Choose between Tilly and Stella, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 15

Boy: James or Kenneth?

Everyone knows a guy named James, and these characters can range from role models to average Joes. You might not know a Kenneth, but you've definitely heard of one. Choose between James and Kenneth, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 16

Girl: Sage or Emily?

Sage means "wise" or "wisdom", and that's not a bad quality to possess in this world. We're not sure what Emily means, but it does have a nice sound to it. Choose between Sage and Emily, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 17

Boy: Soren or George?

Soren is the first name of Kierkegaard, an important historical philosopher. George is the name of... well, that cool guy who lives down the street. Choose between Soren and George, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 18

Girl: Lauren or Jasmine?

We knew a Lauren back in the day. She helped us with our homework once. We also knew a Jasmine, and she used to go to school with flowers in her hair. Choose between Lauren and Jasmine, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 19

Boy: Felix or Langdon?

Felix, besides sounding like a good cat name, is fitting of a human being with poise and grace. Langdon suggests stability, great stamina and power. Choose between Felix and Langdon, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 20

Girl: Hollyn or Juno?

You might not have met many women named Hollyn, but that's only because the name is new and currently mostly taken by girls under 10. Juno has more of a foundation, though it's also a nice alternative label. Choose between Hollyn and Juno, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 21

Boy: Ronald or Eugene

Ronald is a name used to refer to many other people besides the McDonald's mascot. Eugene is historically popular, though these days it's more of a hipster alternative. Choose between Ronald and Eugene, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 22

Girl: Amber or Dawn?

Amber is a name as rich as the color it's referring to. At the same time, Dawn is a reference to the rising sun, which is a glorious thing. Choose between Amber and Dawn, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 23

Boy: Daniel or Anthony?

We knew a Daniel once - hell of a swell guy, for sure. We know plenty of Anthonys as well, and you know what? They're all alright. Choose between Daniel and Anthony, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 24

Girl: Teresa or Scarlett?

Teresa is slightly Italian sounding, which means there's a spice to it. Scarlett is a bit more to the West, though it's somehow even spicier. Choose between Teresa and Scarlett, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 25

Boy: Bobby or Cosmo?

Bobby is an all-around reliable name, both casual but professional when it needs to be. Cosmo is on the other side of the coin: a strange name, but hugely appealing. Choose between Bobby and Cosmo, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 26

Girl: Luna or Sara?

Luna, which means "moon", is a gorgeous, enchanting name. Sara also has the same tone, and it's much more widely used than its counterpart here. Choose between Luna and Sara, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 27

Boy: Casper or Stephen?

Casper is the name of a certain friendly ghost, but Casper can also be your good, alive friend. Stephen has the potential to be just as friendly. Choose between Casper and Stephen, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 28

Girl: Abigail or Mirabelle?

Abigail is... well, it's been around for a while, and isn't quite as used now. Mirabelle, though it sounds dated, is actually quite popular these days. Choose between Abigail and Michelle, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 29

Boy: Micah or Cameron?

Micah sounds exotic, but it won't be a few generations from now once all the young Micahs grow up and go into the world. Meanwhile, you probably know a few Camerons. Choose between Micah and Cameron, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 30

Girl: Anais or Ariana?

Anais is a magical name that sounds light and airy. Ariana, on the other hand, is a simply grand thing to call a person. Choose between Anais and Ariana, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 31

Boy: Sid or Caleb?

Sid is quick, to the point, and sleek. Caleb has an extra syllable, but that addition is more than worth it. Which do you prefer? Choose between Sid and Caleb, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 32

Girl: Cressida or Makayla?

Cressida suggests a brilliant, clear night sky; a great name for a girl. So is Makayla, and it's a touch more popular than its competitor. Choose between Cressida and Makayla, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 33

Boy: Samuel or Jacko?

There's a reason why Samuel has been used for so long: it sounds nice, and you can abbreviate it to Sam. Same thing goes for Nathan: you can nickname him Nate. Choose between Samuel and Nathan, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 34

Girl: Marisa or Kiara?

Marisa, although it isn't the most featured name, has a unique, welcome twist to the popular Mary. On the other hand, Kiara is on the rise in terms of usage. Choose between Marisa and Kiara, and we'll try to figure out your age.

Question 35

Boy: Peter or Sawyer?

Peter, AKA Pete, is never a bad thing to name your boy - unless you're not into it. In that case, you might be into Sawyer; a newer thing to call a person. Choose between Peter and Sawyer, and we'll try to figure out your age.

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